Katalon - export recorded test script to java/junit - selenium

Is there an option to export recorded test script to Java/JUuit(similar to slenium IDE) in Katalon studio? Because the application I'm working on is compatible only with IE; so I couldn't use selenuim IDE. so I'm forced to find someother tools to play/record sessions.
Appreciate your help in advance! Thanks!

As of version 4.8 Katalon Studio does not support export test cases to other frameworks. But if you want more control on your project, you can modify test cases directy in the Script Mode using Groovy/Java. It is also possible to import 3rd party Java libraries to your project if need be.

After creating the test case with some steps, we could view the script and adjusting it, for examples: https://docs.katalon.com/display/KD/Test+Case+Script+View
From here, we could add more codes to handle our testing flows.
However, since the code uses some Katalon libraries, so it might not posible to copy the script and run somewhere else.

you can export code into java/ python using Katalon browser plugin. Just import existing test case recording into the plugin and click on "export" option.

Yes you can export it Java (Junit, TestNg), python, C#, Ruby.
Download the chrome pluging
Follow the guide screen
Create a Maven Java project, create a new Test class file and copy paste the code and run the project to test the browser test.
Done !

You can record your test and export in the following language and framework:
Robot Framework
It is an extension for chrome like Selenium IDE
you can find it here


selenium IDE without Export Test Case As

I want to test a web project. install the chrome extension
but I want to export test case as python code but it seems the extension does not have this option.
Is there any good way to test web project?
You may use Katalon Recorder extension to export code instead of using selenium IDE. Advantage of this extension is allowed user to export code in the different unit test [eg. Nunit,Junit] and also language syntax to export such as Java, C# and so on.
See Details and Download at

Selenium IDE - exporting test scripts

I'm trying to export my test automation created in Selenium IDE, but I can't find the option to export. I have a few test scenarios where the tests are the same but I need to make a copy of an existing test and swap some IDs for it to work.
I can only save it as a .side file and not as individual Python scripts for Selenium. I'd like to export an existing script and re import it into Selenium IDE as a copy (where I can make some changes, while keeping the majority of the commands the same).
My Selenium IDE looks like this:
How can I export my test scripts (to Python) or how can I make a copy of an existing test script inside Selenium IDE (ex. make a copy of UAT FCC-A Application, such that it makes another Test with all the same commands)?
I'm on Chrome.
You have Export option on Selenium IDE
But only Java JUnit at the moment.
I hope that helps.
The newest Katalon Recorder (Selenium IDE for Chrome) has covered the feature of exporting test script to Javaļ¼ŒC#,Python 2,Ruby and so on.
Followed is the link to view these features.
Katalon Automation Recorder Quickstart

Automation tests using Cucumber, SoapUI and Selenium

I'd like to use Cucumber linked with SoapUI and Selenium in order to create an automation functional test.
I only found one website about it, describing that first I have to create a SoapUI project and save it as a .xml file. Then I should include this file into the test project using Cucumber and Selenium.
My first question is what configuration do I have to do for that ? (in the pom.xml file when using Maven for example or in any configuration file for Jenkins)
My second and last question is : if I launch every night with Jenkins (let's say that as an example) my tests, do I have to launch first the SoapUI project and import it again in the test project to run my tests in a good way ?
Thanks for your answers
I think you can use REST Assured for you API testing.
Use cucumber for your BDD statement, use java for there step definition and REST Assured for all the API request stuff.
Wrap all your automation with well written Gherkin and you'll need no other documentation. Think about that. BDD (specification by example) is a requirements approach, not a testing approach.

Unable to use few Selenium commands while writing scripts

There are some Selenium commands that I am unable to use in a script that I'm writing and I do not have any idea as to whether I am missing an import of required library files or packages.
For example - selenium.browserbot, selenium.waitForElementPresent.
I am using Selenium IDE to record the script and working in Eclispe Junit platform.
Use isElementPresent instead of waitForElementPresent.

Help with Selenium Webdriver download?

I have Selenium IDE and i want to install Selenium Webdriver.
1) Can anyone tell me where can i download selenium webdriver. i don't see any link available in the documentation.
2)Can i use selenium webdriver with PHPUnit? I see some materials saying php is not supported in selenium 2 however there are some download links available for phpbindings for webdriver what is this exactly?
3)If i have Selenium webdriver do i still need selenium server to run test cases in different browsers?
I would appreciate your answers...
I completely agree with you. They have a ton of documentation, but they do a horrible job of explaining what you actually need. It took me about 2 days to put all the pieces together. You will need a few things...
If you are running tests with C#, download NUnit, C# client drivers. Create a class library project in Visual Studio and reference the dlls (assemblies) for NUnit (for appropriate dotnet version) and the C# client drivers. Compile your class library. It should create a dll inside of the bin\Debug directory. Then go into NUnit, create a project, and then open your assembly in that bin\Debug directory. That should get you started.
If you're developing using Java, download JUnit (not NUnit) and then download the Java Client Drivers, and use Eclipse instead of Visual Studio. You can launch JUnit right from Eclipse.
I've only tried NUnit and JUnit before. But I'm sure PHPUnit can also be launched from Eclipse (educated guess). There seems to be the most documentation for Java and Python.. from experience, but I've been doing everything in .NET and I haven't had anything I couldn't solve.
The Unit Testing software isn't required, but the code the format add-ins for Firefox Selenium IDE will build the code for NUnit (C#) or JUnit (Java), etc... so most use those tools.
If you want to get some boilerplate code, go into Selenium IDE and turn on experimental features under options. Then export your C# code (or Java code) from the format menu after you've recorded your commands. It won't all convert 100%, so be aware of that. Just google from there to get questions answered.
One thing to watch out for... clickAndWait commands won't convert to click and wait in the code. You will either need to do an implicit wait or a thread.sleep wait after certain commands before you'll be able to access the next element if you're waiting for an action to occur. You will also want to turn on native events so you can fire certain JavaScript events. Your fire events won't work if the driver doesn't have this turned on. The WebDriver driver.
If you have any other questions, let me know.
You can download Selenium server as well as client driver from the following:
You can download "php-webdriver-bindings-0.9.0.zip" from the following source:
In C# context:
Now the better way of including packages in C# project is using nuGet. nuGet is packaging utility which when executed from its powershell command window, quickly downloads the dll files and links them to project. Below link details on how to use nUGet to install packages of selenium webdriver, selenium support and nUnit.
How to invoke/run different type of web driver browser using remote webdriver in C#