Symfony4 MakerBundle Own Crud Maker - crud

I want to customize the boilerplate code of the new makerbundle crud maker. There is no simple overwriting the templates as it was in SensioGeneratorBundle. I tried to generate a custom MyMakeCrud based on the original code - but i struggle about the injected DoctrineEntityHelper $entityHelper.
Cannot autowire service "App\Maker\MakeMyCrud": argument "$entityHelper" of
method "__construct()" references class "Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Doctri
ne\DoctrineEntityHelper" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias
this class to the existing "maker.doctrine_entity_helper" service.
The existing maker.doctrine_entity_helper is defined private in the maker bundle. How can i get the injection to run?
Could you help me? Has anyone an example for customizing the crud generation? New in sf4.

You have to define a service for it like below:
class: App\Maker\MakeCrud
arguments: ['#maker.doctrine_helper']
- [configureCommand, ['#security.command.user_password_encoder', '#?']]
- [interact, ['#?', '#?', '#security.command.user_password_encoder']]
- { name: maker.command }
I placed this in config/services.yaml.
App\Maker\MakeCrud is your crud maker class.
Should really place this in a services_dev.yaml file.
Hope this helps.

Many thanks to both of you for this post. I had to customize the MakeCrud command too.
This is the configuration which worked for me for version 5.
class: App\Maker\MakeCrudCommand
arguments: ['#maker.doctrine_helper', '#maker.renderer.form_type_renderer']
- [configureCommand, ['#security.command.user_password_encoder', '#?']]
- [interact, ['#?', '#?', '#security.command.user_password_encoder']]
- { name: maker.command }


how can I acces a service that is synthetic?

I'm new to symfony, how can I acces a service that is synthetic? I've tried with code below apprently service doesn't exist:
factory: factory_path
synthetic : true
public: true
sorry for bad english.
If you are using synthetic service, you should first set the service instance into the container as it is stated in docs.
To make things more flexible, you may first check if instance already exists and set if not. So something like this may help you:
if ($container->hasDefinition('app_coder.my_provider')) {
$container->set('app_coder.my_provider', new MyProviderService());
And after it was setted, you may get it:

Activiti BPMN - How to pass username in variables/expression who have completed task?

I am very new to Activiti BPMN. I am creating a flow diagram in activiti. I m looking for how username (who has completed the task) can be pass into shell task arguments. so that I can fetch and save in db that user who has completed that task.
Any Help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...
Here's something I prepared for Java developers based on I think a blog post I saw
Option (1) – use expression language (EL) in the XML
<serviceTask id="serviceTask"
activiti:resultVariable="myVar" />
public class MyService {
public String toUpperCase(String val) {
return val.toUpperCase();
The returned String is assigned to activiti:resultVariable
Option (2) – use the execution environment
public class MyService implements JavaDelegate {
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
String myVar = (String) execution.getVariable("myVar");
execution.setVariable("myVar", myVar.toUpperCase());
By contrast here we are being passed an ‘execution’, and we are pulling values out of it and twiddling them and putting them back.
This is somewhat analogous to a Servlet taking values we are passed in the HTMLRequest and then based on them doing different things in the response. (A stronger analogy would be a servlet Filter)
So in your particular instance (depnding on how you are invoking the shell script) using the Expression Language (EL) might be simplest and easiest.
Of course the value you want to pass has to be one that the process knows about (otherwise how can it pass a value it doesn't have a variable for?)
Hope that helps. :D
Usually in BPM engines you have a way to hook out listener to these kind of events. In Activiti if you are embedding it inside your service you can add an extra EventListener and then record the taskCompleted events which will contain the current logged in user.
Hope this helps.
I have used activiti:taskListener from activiti app you need to configure below properties
1. I changed properties in task listener.
2. I used java script variable for holding task.assignee value.
Code Snip:-

Sylius - How to implement a custom EntityRepository

I'm getting a bit frustrated trying to override the repository of my own Entity.
I need to create a custom repository method to get a list of my entities with special way. One queryBuilder with Having and OrderBy.
Te question is how can I setup my config to say Sylius, take my custom repositor, not the default.
I try this:
model: App\Bundle\SyliusBlogBundle\Entity\PostCategory
repository: App\Bundle\SyliusBlogBundle\Repository\PostCategoryRepository
This is my Repository:
namespace App\Bundle\SyliusBlogBundle\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class PostCategoryRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findCategoriesMenu()
$queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
return $queryBuilder
->addSelect('COUNT( as totalPosts')
->leftJoin('c.posts', 'p')
->andWhere('p.published = true')
->having('totalPosts > 0')
When I try to use this method, Symfony throws me this error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Undefined method 'findCategoriesMenu'. The method name must start with either findBy or findOneBy!")
Well you aren't subclassing the correct repository. The ResourceController expects a repository based on the Sylius\Component\Resource\Repository\RepositoryInterface. Since you are subclassing from Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository that won't be the case.
Your repository should inherit from Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository (or implement the interface yourself).
I answer to the post to paste correctly the response of app/console debug:container dinamic.repository.category
Information for Service "dinamic.repository.category"
------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Value
------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
Service ID dinamic.repository.category
Class Dinamic\Bundle\SyliusBlogBundle\Repository\PostCategoryRepository
Tags -
Scope container
Public yes
Synthetic no
Lazy no
Synchronized no
Abstract no
Autowired no
Autowiring Types -
------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
Since here all it's ok.
When i try to access to Posts list this error appears:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 4 passed to Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Controller\ResourceController::__construct() must implement interface Sylius\Component\Resource\Repository\RepositoryInterface, instance of Dinamic\Bundle\SyliusBlogBundle\Repository\PostCategoryRepository given, called in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/rosasinbox-sylius/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 2767 and defined")
The error of main post appears when the repository config wasn't set. Then my first post was wrong, on config.yml repository value wasn't set.
Now i set it another time and i got this error.
Sorry for the confusion.

wsdl2java code generation for lists of custom objects

I would like to know if the tool "wsdl2java" (Axis2) is able to generate stubs that support getting list of custom ojects.
For instance, if I have a WS that have the following method:
public List<Device> getDevices(){
Where Device is a custom class...
This tool can do that?
I changed the return data type of my Web Service to an array because of that:
And I had to do some changes (some namespaces) to the generated stub (I used ADB)...
I changed that because it was giving me an ADBException: Unexpected subelement ...

Magento - Trouble with setting up Model Read Adapter

I was following through on Alan Storm's tutorial on Magento's Model and ORM basics and I've run into a bit of a problem. When I get to the portion where I load from the Model for the first time I get this error "Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object...". I've reset everything already and tried again from scratch but I still get the same problem. My code looks like this:
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$blogpost = Mage::getModel('weblog/blogpost');
echo("Loading the blogpost with an ID of ".$params['id']);
As you can see I dumped the contents of $blogpost and it shows that it is just a boolean false. My guess is that there's either a problem with the connection to the database or, for some reason, the code for Mage::getModel() didn't get installed correctly.
EDIT - Adding Code
There's so many that I just decided to pastebin them lol
Your Model/Blogpost.php file should actually be Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php, and you are missing the real Model/Blogpost.php.
My guess is that Mage cannot find your model class. Double check the module/model name and also verify if the model is in a correct place in the filesystem (it should be in app/code/local/Weblog/Model/Blogpost.php).
You also need to check if your config.xml correctly defines your model classes. It would be best if you could past your config.xml and your model class...
A quick glance reveals you're missing the model resource. Go back to the section around the following code example
File: app/code/local/Alanstormdotcom/Weblog/Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php
class Alanstormdotcom_Weblog_Model_Mysql4_Blogpost extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract{
protected function _construct()
$this->_init('weblog/blogpost', 'blogpost_id');