How to find the Webtable header values using UFT - header

How to find the web table header values using UFT. When row value is zero. I need to compare the header_names like so expected table name in dynamic


SQL - Extracting specific element name, attribute name and values

I have a table that holds an xml document that looks like the following. I want to extract the highlighted values as column values. I've looked at so many threds but I'm having a nightmare!
I'm OK getting the values i.e. 15 James' drive, but it's the rest i'm struggling with
Ideally I'd have a table like this

Insert Date and Time columns in SSRB

I am attempting to generate a report that will have data automatically inserted into it from a server. Normally, I insert a variable from fields in the data set and run the report. However, the task I have been given is to insert date/time columns with every value column and report builder doesn't seem to like that. It inserts a single date/time column on the far left and then all the values. If I try to put a date/time column in between values, it pushes that column to the far right/last column.
It should go
and so on.
At present it goes like
Is this achievable?
And if so, how can I do this?

Pentaho compare values from table to a number from REST api

I need to make a dimension for a datawarehouse using pentaho.
I need to compare a number in a table with the number I get from a REST call.
If the number is not in the table, I need to set it to a default (999). I was thinking to use table input step with a select statement, and a javascript step that if the result is null to set it to 999. The problem is if there is no result, there is nothing passed through. How can this be done? Another idea was to get all values from that table and somehow convert it to something so I can read id as an array in javascript. I'm very new to pentaho DI but I've did some research but couldn't find what I was looking for. Anyone know how to solve this? If you need information, or want to see my transformation let me know!
Steps something like this:
Load number from api
Get Numbers from table
A) If number not in table -> set number to value 999
B) If number is in table -> do nothing
Continue with transformation with that number
I have this atm:
But the problem is if the number is not in the table, it returns nothing. I was trying to check in javascript if number = null or 0 then set it to 999.
Thanks in advance!
Replace the Input rain-type table by a lookup stream.
You read the main input with a rest, and the dimension table with an Input table, then make a Stream Lookup in which you specify that the lookup step is the dimension input table. In this step you can also specify a default value of 999.
The lookup stream works like this: for each row coming in from the main stream, the steps looks if it exists in the reference step and adds the reference fields to the row. So there is always one and exactly one passing by.

OpenRefine columnwise scripting

I spent some time Googling, but couldn't find anything useful.
How to select all the values of a single column in OpenRefine in a script?
It seems that all the operations are row-wise
In particular, I want to find highest and lowest values in a column
By default, OpenRefine functionality are limited for computation. The Stats Extension make basic stats per column (min, max, average, medium ...).
Facets will give you a list of all the values in a column - so the simplest way of getting the lowest/highest values in the column is to make a facet on the column and see the resulting highest/lowest in the facet to get the answer.
However I'm not sure if this meets your criteria for selecting the values 'in a script'. By this I assume you mean you want to be able to access the lowest/highest values in a GREL expression?
You can do this, but you have to force OpenRefine to treat all the rows in project as part of a single record. The easiest way to do this is usually to add a column at the start of the project which is empty except for the first cell which contains a value.
Once you've done this you can access all the values in a column by using syntax like:
row.record.cells["Column name"].value
See also my answer to OpenRefine - Fill between cells but not at the end of the list which uses the same technique
Further explanation:
Create a new column at the start of your project and put a single value in the very first cell in that column
Switch to Record mode
At this point you should have a single 'Record' in your project - e.g.
At this point using the syntax like row.record.cells["Column 1"].value gives you an array of all the values in "Column 1". You can then use GREL expressions to manipulate this - including sorting or comparing values.
A Text Facet has an nice undocumented option to gives you aggregated results in a column that you can just copy and paste.
Click on the "X choices" in the upper left corner of the Text Facet box.
This will bring up a separate dialog that contains the values along with the count of each value in that column.
(If your looking to just get ALL the values of a single column, then use Export -> Custom Tabular Exporter and then Select and Order Columns to Export by clicking on checkboxes, then click on Download tab to choose your export format and then click Download button.)

WebDriver - locate dynamic column

I am using webdriver to test our application that contain table where the user can change the order of columns in a table,and also can remove/add columns (This is beside new column added by developers).
What is the right way to find the column I need?
One way is to go over the table header to find the column I am looking for so I have the column index and than I can access the right cell.
Is there other way ?
What about put unique id/class name for every element in table ?
You can do two things for this situation:
Get handle to table element, and then navigate accordingly to get the columns or rows. Once you have this, then you can do all operations on them like click() etc.
Other way is, see the pattern of their ids/css because, most of the table that I have deal with will be having ids like this:
Then you can have do this way:
String baseLocator = "grid_name_" + clickedRowIndex;
driver.findElement(; //for click operation
Lets say user wants to click on the 3rd row, then clickedRowIndex will be 3 which selects the 3rd table row.