screens from react-navigation are pushed below React Native's Modal - react-native

i want to psuh new screen on top off a model in react-navigation
Current Behavior
The react-native Modal is the highest zIndex. All the screens pushed onto the StackNavigator by react-navigation are below it.
Expected Behavior
The new screen should be pushed on top of the react-native Modal
How to reproduce
render a react-native Modal with some boilerplate code, and then on tap button in your custom modal, just run

React Navigation Implements the modal on root level. So there is no way to push anything on the top of modal.
If you want to achieve this behavior you might create a stack navigator with mode modal
Here is a link of an expo snack


swipe to go main screen react native

I want to be able to swipe left from my 'profile' screen to go to my 'dms' screen. How would I do this on react native?
I've got a stack navigator for my screens so far.
I was thinking I need to use the 'swipeable' component but not sure how to use it to navigate

how to show a modal and be able to navigate between screens

I am using react navigation and would like to show the modal that will be visible above the screen and be able to navigate to the next screens in StackNavigator. The illustration below shows what I want to achieve
The solution that is in the documentation ( solves only part of the problem, because I can't open a modal and navigate another part of the stack while keeping the modal on top
you can use react native modal . it is not part of react navigation and it will show above all screens

Preventing re-rendering on tab changes with React Navigation

I made a screen component in my project with react native. And I'm using react navigation's material top tab navigator as a swiper. It's a questionable decision but whatever :)
Just imagine you making a screen and, at top you have a image and at bottom you have the top tab navigator as a swiper. It's actually working fine but, everytime when i switch the tabs in the component it's re-rendering the entire component.
And of course this is fires the componentDidMounts for the child components, which causes to make requests over and over.
Is there a way to avoid this?

Navigation using react native

I'm new in react native and I'm looking for an example of react navigation. I'm looking to create a home page similar to the picture below.
Use React Navigation
Stack Navigator - It let's you switch between screens. It creates a stack. It let's to navigate from one screen to another. When you press back button it navigates you back to the first screen. It
Tab navigator- It will create tabs as your picture.
In your case I think you will need a tab navigator which will be inside stack navigator.

How to push a modal screen using ReactNavigation?

I'm using ReactNavigation with a StackNavigator for my screens. From time to time, I need to push a modal screen which the user cannot hit "Back" for. It should also transition from bottom to top (similar to native modal controllers in iOS). I'm not sure how to use the navigate method to do so.
I am not familiar with ReactNavigation (although it looks nice, I'll take a look), but ReactNative already has a Modal component that does what you want (bottom top is the slide animation that has by default: Modal