Compilation error while implementing extensible record - idris

I'm playing around with idris and was trying to implement extensible records.
The main goal is to guarantee that the record's keys are unique.
For example
("Year" := 1998) +: rnil
is legal
("Title" := "test") +: ("Year" := 1998) +: rnil
also works, but
("Year" := "test") +: ("Year" := 1998) +: rnil
Should fail to compile.
I came up with the following implementation which compiles fine:
module Record
import Data.List
%default total
data HList : List Type -> Type where
Nil : HList []
(::) : a -> HList xs -> HList (a :: xs)
infix 5 :=
data Field : lbl -> Type -> Type where
(:=) : (label : lbl) ->
(value : b) -> Field label b
labelsOf : List (lbl, Type) -> List lbl
labelsOf [] = []
labelsOf ((label, _) :: xs) = label :: labelsOf xs
toFields : List (lbl, Type) -> List Type
toFields [] = []
toFields ((l, t) :: xs) = (Field l t) :: toFields xs
data IsSet : List t -> Type where
IsSetNil : IsSet []
IsSetCons : Not (Elem x xs) -> IsSet xs -> IsSet (x :: xs)
data Record : List (lty, Type) -> Type where
MkRecord : IsSet (labelsOf ts) -> HList (toFields ts) ->
Record ts
infixr 6 +:
rnil : Record []
rnil = MkRecord IsSetNil []
prepend : { label : lbl,
xs : List (lbl, Type),
prf : Not (Elem label (labelsOf xs))
} ->
Field label t ->
Record xs ->
Record ((label, t) :: xs)
prepend {prf} f (MkRecord isSet fs) = MkRecord (IsSetCons prf isSet) (f :: fs)
data IsNo : Dec prop -> Type where
ItIsNo : IsNo (No y)
(+:) : DecEq lbl =>
{ label : lbl, xs : List (lbl, Type) } ->
Field label t ->
Record xs ->
{ auto isno : IsNo (isElem label $ labelsOf xs) } ->
Record ((label, t) :: xs)
(+:) {label} {xs} f r with (isElem label $ labelsOf xs)
(+:) { isno = ItIsNo } _ _ | (Yes _) impossible
(+:) f r | (No no) = prepend {prf = no} f r
The interesting bit is
{ auto isno : IsNo (isElem label $ labelsOf xs) } ->
The idea is that if the keys are unique, the compiler will trivialy find an instance of IsNo while it won't if keys are not unique and therefore fail to compile.
This works well with for those example
("Year" := 1998) +: rnil -- Compiles fine
("Year" := "test") +: ("Year" := 1998) +: rnil -- fails to compile as expected
("Title" := "test") +: ("Year" := 1998) +: rnil
fails to compile with the following error:
(input):Type mismatch between
("Title" = "Year") -> "Title" = "Year"
("Title" = "Year") -> Void
I must admit that this error baffles me. Can anyone explain what's happening here ?

It seems that you're the first to use the DecEq instance for String in anger and as a result, you're the first to find that the way we build proof terms for primitives here is wrong. Sorry about that. The good news is that it's easy to fix (I've just tried it on your example and it's fine), the bad news is that you'll need the git head once I've pushed the fix.
We're overdue a new release anyway. I'll try to do that this weekend. Your code certainly looks fine to me!


Does the position of implicits matter?

Is there a difference between
foo: {len : _} -> Int -> Vect len Int
foo: Int -> {len : _} -> Vect len Int
and similar for data constructors, type constructors etc? Sometimes I find my code compiles with implicits in one position but not in another, and I'm not quite clear on why.
It would matter if you use the value of one implicit in the type of another like:
x : {n : Nat} -> {ts : Vect n Type} -> HVect ts
In this case n must be before ts.
One minor difference: it appears implicits are only in scope if preceding arguments are also in scope. For example, in
foo : {len : _} -> Int -> Vect len Int
foo = ?rhs -- len IS in scope here
foo : Int -> {len : _} -> Vect len Int
foo = ?rhs -- len is NOT in scope here
foo : Int -> {len : _} -> Vect len Int
foo x = ?rhs -- len IS in scope here

Is there a notion of "heterogenous collection of a given shape"?

A common pattern in functional programming languages with a sufficiently advanced type system to to have a type of "heterogeneous lists". For instance, given a list defined as:
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
(Note: For concreteness, I will use Idris in this question, but this could also be answered in Haskell (with the right extensions), Agda, etc...)
We can define HList:
data HList : List a -> Type where
Nil : HList []
(::) : a -> HList as -> HList (a :: as)
This is a list which holds a different type (specified by the type-level List a) at each "position" of the List data type. This made me wonder: Can we generalize this construction? For instance, given a simple tree-like structure:
data Tree a = Branch a [Tree a]
Does it make sense to define a heterogenous tree?
where HTree : Tree a -> Type where
More generally in a dependently-typed language, is it possible to define a general construction:
data Hetero : (f : Type -> Type) -> f a -> Type where
that takes a data type of kind Type -> Type and returns the "heterogeneous container" of shape f? Has anyone made use of this construction before if possible?
We can talk about the shape of any functor using map and propositional equality. In Idris 2:
Hetero : (f : Type -> Type) -> Functor f => f Type -> Type
Hetero f tys = (x : f (A : Type ** A) ** map fst x = tys)
The type (A : Type ** A) is the type of non-empty types, in other words, values of arbitrary type. We get heterogeneous collections by putting arbitrarily typed values into functors, then constraining the types elementwise to particular types.
Some examples:
ex1 : Hetero List [Bool, Nat, Bool]
ex1 = ([(_ ** True), (_ ** 10), (_ ** False)] ** Refl)
data Tree : Type -> Type where
Leaf : a -> Tree a
Node : Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
Functor Tree where
map f (Leaf a) = Leaf (f a)
map f (Node l r) = Node (map f l) (map f r)
ex2 : Hetero Tree (Node (Leaf Bool) (Leaf Nat))
ex2 = (Node (Leaf (_ ** False)) (Leaf (_ ** 10)) ** Refl)

Strange error message with Idris interfaces

I'm trying to implement a simple algebraic structures hierarchy using Idris interfaces. The code is as follows:
module AlgebraicStructures
-- definition of some algebraic structures in terms of type classes
%access public export
Associative : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> Type
Associative {a} op = (x : a) ->
(y : a) ->
(z : a) ->
(op x (op y z)) = (op (op x y) z)
Identity : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Type
Identity op v = ((x : a) -> (op x v) = x,
(x : a) -> (op v x) = x)
Commutative : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> Type
Commutative {a} op = (x : a) ->
(y : a) ->
(op x y) = (op y x)
infixl 4 <**>
interface IsMonoid a where
empty : a
(<**>) : a -> a -> a
assoc : Associative (<**>)
ident : Identity (<**>) empty
interface IsMonoid a => IsCommutativeMonoid a where
comm : Commutative (<**>)
But, Idris is giving this strange error message:
When checking type of constructor of AlgebraicStructures.IsCommutativeMonoid:
Can't find implementation for IsMonoid a
I believe that Idris interfaces works like Haskell's type classes. In Haskell, it should work. Am I doing something silly?
I believe it may be complaining because I don't know that there's anything that constrains the a in the expression Commutative (<**>) - so it doesn't know that you can invoke <**> on that type.
Explicitly specifying the a seems to work for me - Commutative {a} (<**>) - I hope that that means that the a from the interface signature is in scope and available for explicitly passing to other types.

Doing rank-n quantification in Idris

I can only do rank-n types in Idris 0.9.12 in a rather clumsy way:
tupleId : ((a : Type) -> a -> a) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
tupleId f (a, b) = (f _ a, f _ b)
I need the underscores wherever there's a type application, because Idris throws parse errors when I try to make the (nested) type arguments implicit:
tupleId : ({a : Type} -> a -> a) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) -- doesn't compile
A probably bigger issue is that I can't do class constraints in higher-rank types at all. I can't translate the following Haskell function to Idris:
appShow :: Show a => (forall a. Show a => a -> String) -> a -> String
appShow show x = show x
This also prevents me from using Idris functions as type synonyms for types such as Lens, which is Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t in Haskell.
Any way to remedy or circumvent the above issues?
I've just implemented this in master, allowing implicits in arbitrary scopes, and it'll be in the next hackage release. It's not well tested yet though! I have at least tried the following simple examples, and a few others:
appShow : Show a => ({b : _} -> Show b => b -> String) -> a -> String
appShow s x = s x
AppendType : Type
AppendType = {a, n, m : _} -> Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append : AppendType
append [] ys = ys
append (x :: xs) ys = x :: append xs ys
tupleId : ({a : _} -> a -> a) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
tupleId f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
Proxy : Type -> Type -> Type -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Producer' : Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Producer' a m t = {x', x : _} -> Proxy x' x () a m t
yield : Monad m => a -> Producer' a m ()
The main constraint at the minute is that you can't give values for implicit arguments directly, except at the top level. I'll do something about that eventually...

Coq - fold and maps on record types

I had previously posted problems like the following, but have not yet found a solution. I am having a store (mapping) from a record type (with five members) to a string value. A fold with a function guarding on the three elements of the record and returns a mapping (string to string). I need to solve some lemmas like gsc_MapsTo_iff_right below.
The code may contain some awkward syntax (for example fold) as I am not expert of Coq. Sorry for that.
Thank you for your help.
Require String.
Record c_id : Type := build_c_id {
c_id_d : String.string;
c_id_p : String.string;
c_id_s : bool;
c_id_h : bool;
c_id_k : String.string
Definition skey := String.string.
Definition st (elt:Type) := list (String.string * elt).
Variable elt : Type.
Parameter Sadd : skey -> String.string -> st String.string -> st String.string.
Parameter SMapsTo : skey -> String.string -> st String.string -> Prop.
Definition ckey := c_id.
Definition ct (e:Type) := list (ckey * elt).
Implicit Type cm: ct elt.
Parameter Cadd : ckey -> String.string -> ct String.string -> st String.string.
Parameter CMapsTo : ckey -> String.string -> ct String.string -> Prop.
Parameter elements : ct String.string -> list (ckey*String.string).
Fixpoint rec_fold {A : Type} (f: ckey -> String.string -> A -> A) (l : list (ckey * String.string)) (b: A) : A :=
match l with
| nil => b
| cons (k, v) t => f k v (rec_fold f t b)
Fixpoint fold {A: Type} (f: ckey -> String.string -> A -> A)
(cm: ct String.string) (b:A) : A :=
rec_fold f (elements cm) b.
Parameter empty : st String.string.
Axiom str_dec : forall a b : String.string, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
Definition str_eqdec (a b: String.string):bool :=
if str_dec a b then true else false.
Notation "x =?= y" := (str_eqdec x y) (at level 30).
Definition andb (b1 b2:bool) : bool := if b1 then b2 else false.
Notation "x & y" := (andb x y) (at level 40).
Definition get_sc (d p: String.string) (ckm: ct String.string)
: st String.string :=
(fun cki v zm => if d =?= cki.(c_id_d) &
p =?= cki.(c_id_p) &
(negb (cki.(c_id_s)))
then Sadd cki.(c_id_k) v zm
else zm )
Lemma gsc_MapsTo_iff_right:
forall p d zk zv zh cm,
CMapsTo (build_c_id d p false zh zk) zv cm ->
SMapsTo zk zv (get_sc d p cm).