Durandal: Get Current Page URL using route - durandal

In my current case, I need to fetch the current URL params for logic. I am using the following code to get the current URL in JavaScript.
I was suggested by my senior developer asked me to check for the getting the current URL using Durandal route element. I have searched few SO questions, But could not get the correct solution.
Sample URL:
I can able to read the module name using,
Can anyone suggest me how to read that token value Eg: 0df16b9b-73c8-45cb-83e8-7adf66ab9570 ?
Any help would be useful!

The activeInstruction() object contains a queryString and queryParams which may have the information you are looking for.


VueJS : Dynamically change the URL depending on filters

I have a project for which I use VueJS (2.x) for the frontend part.
I've made a component to do some filtering :
And I'd like to be able to change the URL according to the filters, so that I can share the URL and another user would land on the same search. At the stage of my screenshot, the URL should look like : my/long/url?username=test&email=#test. But I don't know how to achieve it.
Currently, when I add/remove a filter, I create a new URLSearchParams object that I commit to the vuex store and with a watch statement I query my backend again with the updated filters.
The thing is that my URL doesn't change, of course, because I do not pass by a this.$router.push(...) or whatever.
Maybe I started it wrong.
What is the good way of achieving this ? Knowing that routing to the same view with a new query part does trigger the error DuplicateNavigation...
Thanks in advance for your help :)
I had achieved something similar to this by using the history.pushState
This basically allows you to modify your URL even if you are not using $router.push
You can follow the URL for more details

Get wikitext from wikipedia API?

I'm looking at the API documentation here,
Getting the wikitext for a page is mentioned in the beginning of the documentation,
The action=query module allows you to get information about a wiki and the data stored in it, such as the wikitext of a particular page, the links and categories of a set of pages, or the token you need to change wiki content.
but I cant seem to figure out what parameters to pass in the API request to return the wikitext for a given page. Anyone know how to do this?
I've tried parameters like,
{'action':'query', 'titles':'Anarchism', 'prop':'wikitext', 'format':'json'}
You must use this query .

Web Scraping through Excel VBA

I need to fetch company addresses(cim) from site http://www.ceginfo.hu/
Example Company Name: AB-KONTÍR Szolgáltató Bt.
I know how to do it using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest object and FireBug.
But I am not able to decide to which URL I should send this request.
When I analyse the request/responses using FireBug, I get the following URL:
4221638 is CompanyID here I think. But in my case I will have company name only and that's what my problem is.
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
Thanks in advance!
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any
other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as
parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
No. Unless there is a publicly available database (I would suggest calling them, if you can) or an API that allows for programmatic access, the only way to arrive at this link slug is by executing the search.
Further, the post slog is not as relevant as you think. If you search for simply "Kontir", this is the resulting page -- with many results:
You're going to have to automate the "search" -- passing the criteria to the Web Page and executing the button-click and/or HTTPPost, and then parse the result(s). In the example company name, there is only one result. But it is possible as in my example above, that there may be multiple matches for some queries, and then you will need to have a method of dealing with these, or ignoring them.

Passing the arguments to a website

Well the title is tricky. I was not sure if this has been already there and how to put it.
Lets suppose my site is accessible:
if mysite does additions: with 2 inputs
Now If the end user need to pass an argument to site like this (so i load the page like this):
so it should be able to thus go to the result directly: arg1+arg2
This brings to the question:when user types this, how can i retreive argument1 and argument2 and load my site according to that? Is it possible? If yes, Any client site programming solutions?
Thanks in advance.
Found the solution after searching a lot. The correct term for this process is URL-routing. We can overcome this by using #.
Then in the document.ready() we can read the url in the following manner:
var url = window.location;
More sophisticated way is to use the "backbone.js" for the routing. The documentation on the link explains everything
Backbone.js routing

How to get wiki template's content?

Does anybody know how to get access to the template's body inside the page?
I'm familiar with the API that returns the list of ALL templates that exist on the page, but how I can get access to the template's body? Is there any API for this? For now I see only one possible way... parse it manually. Am I wrong?
You can use the expandtemplates API call, or the rvexpandtemplates parameter for the revisions API call.
This is an old question, but it helped me figure out how to fetch a mediawiki page with template macros expanded. Very useful if you are doing a conversion.
I am parsing the xml returned from this query to get the expanded page.