Making a UTF-8 call from VBA - vba

I'm trying to make calls to openstreetmap (specifically to,12529+Schönefeld
) and from any webbrowser it works fine. When calling via Excel VBA is complains that the string is not UTF-8. I haven't used fiddler yet but to me it is clear that srequest should be in UTF-8 format. I found another solution to convert the url to ascii but I'd prefer to have it in utf-8 here's some sample code which creates the error:
Dim httpObject As Object
Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
srequest = ",12529+Schönefeld"
httpObject.Open "GET", srequest, False
httpObject.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
sgetResult = httpObject.responsetext
Debug.Print sgetResult
If anybody can help how to force MSXML2 to make an utf-8 call, i'd be happy. at the moment my solution is to replace German Umlauts (ä,ü,ö) with (ae,ue,oe) which works but is not what I want. Other solutions like URLEncode() have created more chaos by also converting + and , to values starting with %.

I could solve my problem by replacing this line:
Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
with this one:
Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

Forcing MSXML2 to utf-8 is not the right way to go. All browsers convert to ASCII before sending the request. Easiest way to see this is in the Network tab in your browser Dev tools. Chrome translates your URL to,12529+Sch%C3%B6nefeld
So the easy way is to encode ö to %C3%B6 (as described here: and the other characters in a similar way. There are a lot of encoding methods available out there. Have a look


sending € character to web server via VBA

I am using MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 to send text messages via VBA using a web server. I cannot understand why the € symbol is not displayed when receiving a text message. Other special characters, such as ò,à,è etc are displayed after a conversion function I wrote (for example à is encoded as "%E0"). I suppose that web server is expecting charset iso 8859-1 which doe not support € symbol. Therefore how can I solve this problem?
If your request is a POST request then you can specify header for Content-Type with encoding e.g. like this:
objHTTP.Open "POST", ...
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"
But for GET request the URL with possible query string parameters will be encoded as ASCII. Read e.g. this post.
Using UTF-8 as your character encoding should solve such problems. It may also remove the need for your conversion function. I'm not sure how to set the encoding in your web server, but that's usually well documented.

VBA http get request response is gibberish

I tried to search for a quick answer to this but I did not see a I apologize if this is redundant.
I am pretty new to VBA and only use it to pull data from APIs to make my life easier.
My question is about the response im getting from a particular API. HEre is the code im using:
Dim URL As String: URL = "API URL HERE in json format"
Dim Http As New WinHttpRequest
Dim Resp As String
Http.Open "GET", URL, False
Resp = Http.ResponseText
Debug.Print Resp
So the Resp text is complete this a security thing? I pass a security key successfully when I use it in the browser so I assumed it was not that.... I have used this exact method on numerous APIs but this is the first time I have seen this garbled response. FYI the url I am using works just fine in a browser.
The Resp looks like this for example:
Thanks for any help!

Get the Content-Type of an Outlook MailItem

I'm working on an Outlook VSTO in C#, targeting Outlook 2010. I need to get the MIME Content-Type of a message (think text/plain or its more exotic alternatives). The only place I can find this is in the message headers, which is a long string that I'd prefer not to need to read and parse manually.
MSDN documents the PidNameContentType property (alternate link), but I can't get it to work. Anything like that always fails (not found).
String ct = mail.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(
"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type"); // Not found
String ct2 = mail.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(
"{00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/content-type"); // Not found
Weirdly, this even fails for a documented example that is similar:
String ct2 = mail.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(
"{00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/content-class"); // Not found
On the other hand, some of the "more common" headers, like urn:schemas:mailheader:subject, work fine.
Am I just using the PropertyAccessor wrong? Does Outlook not actually parse out the Content-Type header and I simply need to do it manually? Is there some other way to get this header's contents?
How about getting the entire header first and then searching through that string to get what you need?
Outlook.PropertyAccessor olPA = olkMsg.PropertyAccessor;
String Header = olPA.GetProperty(PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS);
Source: Code Project

VBA HTTP GET request - cookies with colons

I am trying to send an HTTP GET request in VBA which includes a cookie containing a colon character, like so:
objReq.Open "GET", "", False
objReq.setRequestHeader "Cookie", "abcd=cookie:containing:colons"
Depending on what object type I use for objReq, however the request gets treated differently.
The following object type works:
Dim objReq As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
Set objReq = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
Unfortunately, I need to use a different object type (as MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP can't capture sufficient detail about HTTP redirects). From what I've read, I need to use Winhttp.WinHttpRequest, MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP40, or MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60, but using any of those objects results in the following error when including colons in the cookie value.
I have tried replacing the colons with Chr(58), %3A, and double-quoting within the string to no avail. I have also tried adding a 'Content-Type' header with various character encodings, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Anyone know how I can send a cookie value containing colons using the Winhttp.WinHttpRequest, MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP40, or MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60 objects?
PS: Alternatively, if anyone knows how I can get the ending URL of a redirect sequence when using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP, that would work as well! Winhttp.WinHttpRequest would allow me to capture a 302 status code, and MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP40 or MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60 would allow me to use GetOption(-1), but MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP doesn't support either of these methods (from what I can tell).
I did a bit of testing with WinHttpRequest and I came up with the following code:
Dim objReq As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Set objReq = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
objReq.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects) = True
objReq.Open "GET", "", False
objReq.setRequestHeader "Cookie", "abcd=cookie:containing:colons"
I did notice i got the same error that you posted when I forgot to include the "http://" in the url.
I hope this helps!

MediaWiki API and encoding

I'm using the MediaWiki API to update some pages with an experimental robot.
This robot uses the Java Apache HTTP-client library to update the pages.
PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod("http://mymediawikiinstallation/w/api.php");
postMethod.addParameter("title",page.replace(' ', '_'));
postMethod.addParameter("summary","trying to fix this accent problem");
int status = httpClient.executeMethod(postMethod);
However the 'content' string contains some accents. System.out.prinln(content) looks OK, but the accentuated characters in the wiki look bad. E.g. 'Val�rie' instead of 'Valérie'.
How can I fix this?
OK, changing the request header fixed the problem.
postMethod.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8");
In my PHP code to talk to the Mediawiki API I used urlencode to encode the title parameter, and this seems to work fine.