Complex matrix multiplication with tensorflow-backend of Keras - tensorflow

Let matrix F1 has a shape of (a * h * w * m), matrix F2 has a shape of (a * h * w * n), and matrix G has a shape of (a * m * n).
I want to implement the following formula which calculates each factor of G from factors of F1 and F2, using tensorflow backend of Keras. However I am confused by various backend functions, especially and K.batch_dot().
$$ G_{k, i, j} = \sum^h_{s=1} \sum^w_{t=1} \dfrac{F^1_{k, s, t, i} * F^2_{k, s, t, j}}{h * w} $$ i.e.:
(Image obtained by copying the above equation within $$ and pasting it to this site)
Is there any way to implement the above formula? Thank you in advance.

Using Tensorflow tf.einsum() (which you could wrap in a Lambda layer for Keras):
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
a, h, w, m, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
F1 = tf.random_uniform(shape=(a, h, w, m))
F2 = tf.random_uniform(shape=(a, h, w, n))
G = tf.einsum('ahwm,ahwn->amn', F1, F2) / (h * w)
with tf.Session() as sess:
f1, f2, g =[F1, F2, G])
# Manually computing G to check our operation, reproducing naively your equation:
g_check = np.zeros(shape=(a, m, n))
for k in range(a):
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
for s in range(h):
for t in range(w):
g_check[k, i, j] += f1[k,s,t,i] * f2[k,s,t,j] / (h * w)
# Checking for equality:
print(np.allclose(g, g_check))
# > True


TVM: How to represent int8 gemm with int32 output

def matmul(M, K, N, dtype):
A = te.placeholder((M, K), name="A", dtype=dtype)
B = te.placeholder((K, N), name="B", dtype=dtype)
k = te.reduce_axis((0, K), name="k")
matmul = te.compute(
(M, N),
lambda i, j: te.sum(A[i, k] * B[k, j], axis=k),
attrs ={"layout_free_placeholders": [B]}, # enable automatic layout transform for tensor B
out = te.compute((M, N), lambda i, j: matmul[i, j] , name="out")
return [A, B, out]
The output type is also int8, result larger than int8 will be cut off during computation.
How to make out tensor become int32?

divide by zero encountered in true_divide error without having zeros in my data

this is my code and this is my data, and this is the output of the code. I've tried adding one the values on the x axes, thinking maybe values so little can be interpreted as zeros. I've no idea what true_divide could be, and I cannot explain this divide by zero error since there is not a single zero in my data, checked all of my 2500 data points. Hoping that some of you could provide some clarification. Thanks in advance.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iminuit import cost, Minuit
import numpy as np
frame = pd.read_excel('/Users/lorenzotecchia/Desktop/Analisi Laboratorio/Analisi dati/Quinta Esperienza/500Hz/F0000CH2.xlsx', 'F0000CH2')
data = pd.read_excel('/Users/lorenzotecchia/Desktop/Analisi Laboratorio/Analisi dati/Quinta Esperienza/500Hz/F0000CH1.xlsx', 'F0000CH1')
# tempi_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['x'])
# Vout_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['y'])
tempi_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['x1'])
Vout_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['y1'])
# Vin_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['y'])
def fit_esponenziale(x, α, β):
return α * (1 - np.exp(-x / β))
plt.title('Fit Parabolico')
plt.scatter(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz)
least_squares = cost.LeastSquares(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz, np.sqrt(Vout_500Hz), fit_esponenziale)
m = Minuit(least_squares, α=0, β=0)
plt.errorbar(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz, fmt="o", label="data")
plt.plot(tempi_500Hz, fit_esponenziale(tempi_500Hz, *m.values), label="fit")
fit_info = [
f"$\\chi^2$ / $n_\\mathrm{{dof}}$ = {m.fval:.1f} / {len(tempi_500Hz) - m.nfit}",]
for p, v, e in zip(m.parameters, m.values, m.errors):
fit_info.append(f"{p} = ${v:.3f} \\pm {e:.3f}$")
output and example of data
There is actually a way to fit this completely linear.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
def fit_exp(x, a, b, c):
return a * (1 - np.exp( -b * x) ) + c
nn = 170
xl = np.linspace( 0, 0.001, nn )
yl = fit_exp( xl, 15, 5300, -8.1 ) + np.random.normal( size=nn, scale=0.05 )
with y = a( 1- exp(-bx) ) + c
we have Y = int y = -1/b y + d x + h ....try it out or see below
so we get a linear equation for b (actually 1/b ) to optimize
this goes as:
Yl = cumtrapz( yl, xl, initial=0 )
ST = [xl, yl, np.ones( nn ) ]
S = np.transpose( ST )
eta = ST, Yl )
A = ST, S )
sol = np.linalg.solve( A, eta )
bFit = -1/sol[1]
print( bFit )
now we can do a normal linear fit
ST = [ fit_exp(xl, 1, bFit, 0), np.ones( nn ) ]
S = np.transpose( ST )
A = ST, S )
eta = ST, yl )
aFit, cFit = np.linalg.solve( A, eta )
print( aFit, cFit )
print(aFit + cFit, sol[0] ) ### consistency check
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot(xl, yl, marker ='+', ls='' )
## at best a sufficient fit, at worst a good start for a non-linear fit
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp( xl, aFit, bFit, cFit ) )
a ( 1 - exp(-b x)) + c = a + c - a exp(-b x) = d - a exp( -b x )
int y = d x + a/b exp( -b x ) + g
= d x +a/b exp( -b x ) + a/b - a/b + c/b - c/b + g
= d x - 1/b ( a - a exp( -b x ) + c ) + c/b + a/b + g
= d x + k y + h
with k = -1/b and h = g + c/b + a/b.
d and h are fitted but not used, but as a+c = d we can check
for consistency
Here is a working Minuit vs curve_fit example. I scaled the function such that the decay in the exponential is in the order of 1 (generally a good idea for non linear fits ). Eventually, both methods give very similar results.
Note:I leave it open whether the error makes sense like this or not. The starting values equal to zero was definitively a bad idea.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iminuit import cost, Minuit
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
def fit_exp(x, a, b, c):
return a * (1 - np.exp(- 1000 * b * x) ) + c
nn = 170
xl = np.linspace( 0, 0.001, nn )
yl = fit_exp( xl, 15, 5.3, -8.1 ) + np.random.normal( size=nn, scale=0.05 )
### Minuit
least_squares = cost.LeastSquares(xl, yl, np.sqrt( np.abs( yl ) ), fit_exp )
m = Minuit(least_squares, a=1, b=5, c=-7)
print( "grad: ")
print( m.migrad() ) ### needs to be called to get fit values
print( m.values )### gives slightly different output
print( m.hesse() )
### curve_fit
opt, cov = curve_fit(
fit_exp, xl, yl, sigma=np.sqrt( np.abs( yl ) ),
print( " curve_fit: ")
print( opt )
print( " covariance ")
print( cov )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot(xl, yl, marker ='+', ls='' )
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp(xl, *m.values), ls="--")
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp(xl, *opt), ls=":")

Numpy dot product with 3d array

I've got two arrays:
data of shape (2466, 2498, 9), where the dimensions are (asset, date, returns).
correlation_matrix of shape (2466, 2466) (with 0's on the diagonal)
I want to get the dot product that equates to the expected returns, which is the returns of each asset multiplied by the correlation_matrix. It should give a shape the same as data.
I've tried:
data.transpose([1, 2, 0]) # correlation_matrix
but this just hangs my PC (been going 10 minutes and counting).
I also tried:
np.einsum('ijk,lm->ijk', data, correlation_matrix)
but I'm less familiar with einsum, and this also hangs.
What am I doing wrong?
With your .transpose((1, 2, 0)) data, the correct form is:
"ijs,sk" # -> ijk
Since for a tensor A and B, we can write:
C_{ijk} = Σ_s A_{ijs} * B_{sk}
If you want to avoid transposing your data beforehand, you can just permute the indices:
"sij,sk" # -> ijk
To verify:
p, q, r = 2466, 2498, 9
a = np.random.randint(255, size=(p, q, r))
b = np.random.randint(255, size=(p, p))
c1 = a.transpose((1, 2, 0)) # b
c2 = np.einsum("sij,sk", a, b)
>>> np.all(c1 == c2)
The amount of multiplications needed to compute this for (p, q, r) shaped data is p * == p * (q * r * p) == p**2 * q * r. In your case, that is 136_716_549_192 multiplications. You also need approximately the same number of additions, so that gives us somewhere close to 270 billion operations. If you want more speed, you could consider using a GPU for your computations via cupy.
def with_np():
p, q, r = 2466, 2498, 9
a = np.random.randint(255, size=(p, q, r))
b = np.random.randint(255, size=(p, p))
c1 = a.transpose((1, 2, 0)) # b
c2 = np.einsum("sij,sk", a, b)
def with_cp():
p, q, r = 2466, 2498, 9
a = cp.random.randint(255, size=(p, q, r))
b = cp.random.randint(255, size=(p, p))
c1 = a.transpose((1, 2, 0)) # b
c2 = cp.einsum("sij,sk", a, b)
>>> timeit(with_np, number=1)
>>> timeit(with_cp, number=1)
That's a speedup of 2600, including memory allocation, initialization, and CPU/GPU copy times! (A more realistic benchmark would give an even larger speedup.)
There are different ways to do this product:
# as you already suggested:
data.transpose([1, 2, 0]) # correlation_matrix
# using einsum
np.einsum('ijk,il', data, correlation_matrix)
# using tensordot to explicitly specify the axes to sum over
np.tensordot(data, correlation_matrix, axes=(0,0))
All of them should give the same result. The timing for some small matrices was more or less the same for me. So your problem is the large amount of data, not an inefficient implementation.
A=np.arange(100*120*9).reshape((100, 120, 9))
timeit('A.transpose([1,2,0])#B', globals=globals(), number=100)
# 0.747475513999234
timeit("np.einsum('ijk,il', A, B)", globals=globals(), number=100)
# 0.4993825999990804
timeit('np.tensordot(A, B, axes=(0,0))', globals=globals(), number=100)
# 0.5872082839996438

Octave fminunc "trust region become excessively small"

I am trying to run a linear regression using fminunc to optimize my parameters. However, while the code never fails, the fminunc function seems to only be running once and not converging. The exit flag that the fminunc funtion returns is -3, which - according to documentation- means "The trust region radius became excessively small". What does this mean and how can I fix it?
This is my main:
% returns matrix X, a matrix of data
% Initliaze parameters
[m, n] = size(X);
X = [ones(m, 1), X];
initialTheta = zeros(n + 1, 1);
alpha = 1;
lambda = 0;
costfun = #(t) costFunction(t, X, surv, lambda, alpha);
options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 1000);
[theta, cost, info] = fminunc(costfun, initialTheta, options);
And the cost function:
function [J, grad] = costFunction(theta, X, y, lambda, alpha)
%COSTFUNCTION Implements a logistic regression cost function.
% [J grad] = COSTFUNCTION(initialParameters, X, y, lambda) computes the cost
% and the gradient for the logistic regression.
m = size(X, 1);
J = 0;
grad = zeros(size(theta));
% un-regularized
z = X * theta;
J = (-1 / m) * y' * log(sigmoid(z)) + (1 - y)' * log(1 - sigmoid(z));
grad = (alpha / m) * X' * (sigmoid(z) - y);
% regularization
theta(1) = 0;
J = J + (lambda / (2 * m)) * (theta' * theta);
grad = grad + alpha * ((lambda / m) * theta);
Any help is much appreciated.
There are a few issues with the code above:
Using the fminunc means you don't have to provide an alpha. Remove all instances of it from the code and your gradient functions should look like the following
grad = (1 / m) * X' * (sigmoid(z) - y);
grad = grad + ((lambda / m) * theta); % This isn't quite correct, see below
In the regularization of the grad, you can't use theta as you don't add in the theta for j = 0. There are a number ways to do this, but here is one
temp = theta;
temp(1) = 0;
grad = grad + ((lambda / m) * temp);
You missing a set of bracket in your cost function. The (-1 / m) is being applied only to a portion of the rest of the equation. It should look like.
J = (-1 / m) * ( y' * log(sigmoid(z)) + (1 - y)' * log(1 - sigmoid(z)) );
And finally, as a nit, a lambda value of 0 means that your regularization does nothing.

Fastest way to create a sparse matrix of the form A.T * diag(b) * A + C?

I'm trying to optimize a piece of code that solves a large sparse nonlinear system using an interior point method. During the update step, this involves computing the Hessian matrix H, the gradient g, then solving for d in H * d = -g to get the new search direction.
The Hessian matrix has a symmetric tridiagonal structure of the form:
A.T * diag(b) * A + C
I've run line_profiler on the particular function in question:
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
386 def _direction(n, res, M, Hsig, scale_var, grad_lnprior, z, fac):
388 # gradient
389 44 1241715 28220.8 3.7 g = 2 * scale_var * res - grad_lnprior + z *, 1. / n)
391 # hessian
392 44 3103117 70525.4 9.3 N = sparse.diags(1. / n ** 2, 0, format=FMT, dtype=DTYPE)
393 44 18814307 427597.9 56.2 H = - Hsig - z *,, M)) # slow!
395 # update direction
396 44 10329556 234762.6 30.8 d, fac = my_solver(H, -g, fac)
398 44 111 2.5 0.0 return d, fac
Looking at the output it's clear that constructing H is by far the most costly step - it takes considerably longer than actually solving for the new direction.
Hsig and M are both CSC sparse matrices, n is a dense vector and z is a scalar. The solver I'm using requires H to be either a CSC or CSR sparse matrix.
Here's a function that produces some toy data with the same formats, dimensions and sparseness as my real matrices:
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
def make_toy_data(nt=200000, nc=10):
d0 = np.random.randn(nc * (nt - 1))
d1 = np.random.randn(nc * (nt - 1))
M = sparse.diags((d0, d1), (0, nc), shape=(nc * (nt - 1), nc * nt),
format='csc', dtype=np.float64)
d0 = np.random.randn(nc * nt)
Hsig = sparse.diags(d0, 0, shape=(nc * nt, nc * nt), format='csc',
n = np.random.randn(nc * (nt - 1))
z = np.random.randn()
return Hsig, M, n, z
And here's my original approach for constructing H:
def original(Hsig, M, n, z):
N = sparse.diags(1. / n ** 2, 0, format='csc')
H = - Hsig - z *,, M)) # slow!
return H
%timeit original(Hsig, M, n, z)
# 1 loops, best of 3: 483 ms per loop
Is there a faster way to construct this matrix?
I get close to a 4x speed-up in computing the product M.T * D * M out of the three diagonal arrays. If d0 and d1 are the main and upper diagonal of M, and d is the main diagonal of D, then the following code creates M.T * D * M directly:
def make_tridi_bis(d0, d1, d, nc=10):
d00 = d0*d0*d
d11 = d1*d1*d
d01 = d0*d1*d
len_ = d0.size
data = np.empty((3*len_ + nc,))
indices = np.empty((3*len_ + nc,),
# Fill main diagonal
data[:2*nc:2] = d00[:nc]
indices[:2*nc:2] = np.arange(nc)
data[2*nc+1:-2*nc:3] = d00[nc:] + d11[:-nc]
indices[2*nc+1:-2*nc:3] = np.arange(nc, len_)
data[-2*nc+1::2] = d11[-nc:]
indices[-2*nc+1::2] = np.arange(len_, len_ + nc)
# Fill top diagonal
data[1:2*nc:2] = d01[:nc]
indices[1:2*nc:2] = np.arange(nc, 2*nc)
data[2*nc+2:-2*nc:3] = d01[nc:]
indices[2*nc+2:-2*nc:3] = np.arange(2*nc, len_+nc)
# Fill bottom diagonal
data[2*nc:-2*nc:3] = d01[:-nc]
indices[2*nc:-2*nc:3] = np.arange(len_ - nc)
data[-2*nc::2] = d01[-nc:]
indices[-2*nc::2] = np.arange(len_ - nc ,len_)
indptr = np.empty((len_ + nc + 1,),
indptr[0] = 0
indptr[1:nc+1] = 2
indptr[nc+1:len_+1] = 3
indptr[-nc:] = 2
np.cumsum(indptr, out=indptr)
return sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(len_+nc, len_+nc))
If your matrix M were in CSR format, you can extract d0 and d1 as d0 =[::2] and d1 =[1::2], I modified you toy data making routine to return those arrays as well, and here's what I get:
In [90]: np.allclose((M.T * sparse.diags(d, 0) * M).A, make_tridi_bis(d0, d1, d).A)
Out[90]: True
In [92]: %timeit make_tridi_bis(d0, d1, d)
10 loops, best of 3: 124 ms per loop
In [93]: %timeit M.T * sparse.diags(d, 0) * M
1 loops, best of 3: 501 ms per loop
The whole purpose of the above code is to take advantage of the structure of the non-zero entries. If you draw a diagram of the matrices you are multiplying together, it is relatively easy to convince yourself that the main (d_0) and top and bottom (d_1) diagonals of the resulting tridiagonal matrix are simply:
d_0 = np.zeros((len_ + nc,))
d_0[:len_] = d00
d_0[-len_:] += d11
d_1 = d01
The rest of the code in that function is simply building the tridiagonal matrix directly, as calling sparse.diags with the above data is several times slower.
I tried running your test case and had problems with the, M). I didn't dig into it, but I think my numpy/sparse combo (both pretty new) had problems using on sparse arrays.
But H = -Hsig - z* runs just fine. This uses the sparse dot.
I haven't run a profile, but here are Ipython timings for several parts. It takes longer to generate the data than to do that double dot.
In [37]: timeit Hsig,M,n,z=make_toy_data()
1 loops, best of 3: 2 s per loop
In [38]: timeit N = sparse.diags(1. / n ** 2, 0, format='csc')
1 loops, best of 3: 377 ms per loop
In [39]: timeit H = -Hsig - z*
1 loops, best of 3: 1.55 s per loop
H is a
<2000000x2000000 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
with 5999980 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>