Get the list for Super and sub types - sql

Am Having the Tables in SQL server as Super and Sub types like below. Now if i have to get list of Furnitures then how can i get the list?
Furniture table:
Id FurnituretypeId NoofLegs
1 1 4
2 2 4
FurnitureType table:
Id Name
1 chair
2 cot
3 table
Chair Table:
Id Name CansSwing CanDetachable FurnitureId
1 Chair1 Y Y 1
Cot Table:
Id Name CotType Storage StorageType FurnitureId
1 Cot1 Auto Y Drawer 2
How can i get the entire furniture list as some of them are chair and some of them are cot. How can i join the these tables with furniture table and get the list?

Hmmm . . . union all and join?
select cc.*, f.*
from ((select Id, Name, CansSwing, CanDetachable,
NULL as CotType, NULL as Storage, NULL as StorageType, FurnitureId
from chairs
) union all
(select Id, Name, NULL as CansSwing, NULL as CanDetachable,
CotType, Storage, StorageType, FurnitureId
from cots
) cc join
furniture f
on cc.furnitureid =;

This is a classical learning problem, that's why I'm not giving you the code to solve this but all the insights you need to do so.
You have multiple approaches possible, but I'm describing two simple ones:
1) Use the UNION statement to join two separate queries one for Chair and the other for Cot, bare in mind that both SELECT have to return the same structure.
FROM table1 a1
JOIN table2 a2 ON a1.some = a2.some
FROM table1 a1
JOIN table3 a3 ON a1.some = a3.some
2) You can do it all in one SELECT statement using a LEFT JOIN to both tables and and in the select using COALESCE or ISNULL to get the values for one table or the other. In the WHERE condition you have to force one or the other join to be not null.
COALESCE(a2,a3) as col2
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 a2 ON a1.some = a2.some
LEFT JOIN table3 a3 ON a1.some = a3.some
a2.some IS NOT NULL
OR a3.some IS NOT NULL

Mapping objects into relational models takes a degree of understanding of what is possible vs. what is wise in an RDBMS. Object oriented database systems tried to go after problems like this (generally without much success) precisely because the problem statement is arguably not the right one.
Please consider just putting all of these in one table. Then use null for the fields that don't really matter for each sub-type. You will likely end up being a lot happier in the end since you can spend less time at runtime doing joins and instead just query the information you need and use indexing on the same table to find the fasted path for each query you want to run.
SELECT * FROM CombinedTable;


TypeORM & Postgres: Count only unique distinct values from multiple columns

I have various SQL queries, which return me unique / distinct value from DB, (or count them),
SELECT buyer as counterparty
FROM public.order
SELECT seller as counterparty
FROM public.order
FROM public.order
CROSS JOIN LATERAL (VALUES(seller),(buyer)) AS C(p)
) AS internalQuery
Example structure of my table:
id buyer seller
0 A B
1 B A
2 B D
3 D A
4 A D
Desired result:
3 or A,B,D
I'd like to rewrite them with TypORM query builder, but I can't figure out, how to replace CROSS JOIN LATERAL (VALUES(seller),(buyer)) AS C(p) or UNION in my case. TypeORM is pretty poor with examples and doc coverage in this case.
Does there any option with that?
I have seen various methods like .getCount and .distinct(true) which could help me and easily find the solution for one column.
So I understood, that if I want to find the exact number, instead of doc results, I should use .getCount instead of .getMany
But I can't understand, how to select (and unite) values from multiple columns via typeORM to receive distinct values from multiple columns.
I am working with PostgrSQL, so when I am trying:
const query = repository.createQueryBuilder('order')
.distinctOn(['buyer', 'seller'])
I receive docs with each distinct value in each field, so instead of 3 I get 6 values (3 distinct by column1, and 3 by column2)

Dynamic columns from a LEFT JOIN in SQL Server

I have a problem and I hope you can guide me, I have 3 tables in sql server with the following characteristics:
Table Invoice
ID Folio
1 101010
2 202020
Table Additional
ID Name
1 Order Number
2 Branch
Table AdditionalInvoice:
1 1 1234/1
2 1 5678/9
The table 3 depends on table 1 and 2 and the ratio is one to many, I look for the following result:
Query results
ID Folio Order Number Branch
1 101010 1234/1 NORTH
2 202020 5678/9 SOUTH
Investigating I can use PIVOT or CROSS APPLY, but I find myself a little lost :( or someone who has another solution to the problem of dynamic columns?
While this can be done with PIVOT and/or CROSS APPLY, I would just use conditional aggregation, which is an efficient and cross-database solution:
max(case when = 'Order Number' then ai.value end) OrderNumber,
max(case when = 'Branch' then ai.value end) Branch
from Invoice i
inner join AdditionalInvoice ai on ai.id_invoice =
inner join Additional a on = ai.id_additional
group by, i.folio
Note: rereading your question I notice a mention of dynamic columns at the end.
Please note that the above query (or any other pure-sql solution, PIVOT and CROSS APPLY included) only works for a fixed set of columns. This is because a pure SQL query can only returned a pre-defined, fixed set of columns. If you want a dynamic solution, then you need dynamic SQL (that is: prepare a query string, then execute it).
On the other hand, the above statement can easily be extended to handle more values from the additional table, by adding max(case when ... then ... end) expressions.

How to display data in SQL from multiple tables, but only if one column data matches another column?

I'm still learning SQL, so this may just be my ignorance or inability to express in a search what I'm looking for. I've spent roughly an hour searching for some variation of the title (both here and general searches on Google). I apologize, I apparently also don't know how to format here. I'll try to clean it up now that I've posted.
I have a database of customer data that I did not design. In the GUI, there are multiple tabs, and it seems like each tab earned it's own table. The tables are linked together with a field called RecordID. In one of the tables is the Customer Data tab. The way that it's organized is that a single customer record from table A can have multiple rows in table B. I only want data from column B in table B is "CompanyA" and if column A in table B = 1. Sample data is below.
Expected output:
CardNumber LastName FirstName CustomerID DataItem
32154 Clapton Eric 181212 CompanyA
Table A:
RecordID CardNumber LastName FirstName CustomerID
1 12345 Smith John 190201
2 12346 Jones Sandy 190202
3 23456 Petty Tom 190203
4 32154 Clapton Eric 181212
5 14728 Tyler Steven 180225
Table B:
RecordID DataID DataItem
1 0 CompanyA
1 1 Yes
1 2 No
1 3 Revoked
1 4 NULL
1 5 CompanyB
2 0 CompanyB
2 1 Yes
2 2 No
2 3 NULL
2 4 24-54A
2 5 CompanyC
3 0 CompanyA
3 1 No
3 2 No
3 3 NULL
3 4 68-69B
3 5 NULL
4 0 CompanyA
4 1 Yes
4 2 Yes
5 0 CompanyB
5 1 No
5 2 No
5 5 CompanyA
The concept you're looking for is a JOIN. In this case specifically you need an INNER JOIN. Joins connects two tables together based on criteria you specify (such as matching values in fields) and merges the result into one table in the output.
Here's an example to suit your scenario:
TableA A
INNER JOIN TableB B -- join tableB onto tableA
ON A.RecordID = B.RecordID -- in the ON clause you specify criteria by you match the fields
B.columnA = 'CompanyA'
AND B.columnB = 1
Here's the relevant SQL Server Documentation
Also I'd advise you to potentially take a comprehensive introductory SQL tutorial, and/or find a book. A good one will introduce all of the basic, key concepts such as this to you in a logical way, then you're not grasping in the dark trying to google things for which you don't know the correct terminology.
select a.CardNumber, a.LastName, a.FirstName, a.CustomerID, b.dataitem
from tableA A inner join TableB b
on a.recordid = b.recordid
where b.columnA= 'CompanyA' and b.columnB = 1
Here is your solution,
select a.CardNumber, a.LastName, a.FirstName, a.CustomerID, b.DataItem from
tableA a
inner join tableB b
on (a.RecordID = b.RecordID)
Le me know if the result is not as expected
Your question is quite hard to understand, but let me give you an example that resembles the what i think you are asking.
SELECT a.*, b.DataItem FROM A a INNER JOIN B b
ON a.RecordID = b.RecordID AND
b.DataItem = `CompanyA`
At the database engine level, if you are using Microsoft technology, the most efficient structure is to use an indexed foreign key constraint on Table B, and a Primary Surrogate Key (PSK) column on Table A. The Primary Surrogate Key in your case is on the Parent table, Table A, and is called RecordID. The foreign key column with the FKC is on Table B, on the column named RecordID. Once you verify that there is a FKC (foreign key constraint on Table B, which pins both columns named RecordID between both tables on matched values), then address the GUI. At the GUI, between the tabs, you generally indicate you have a parent table with a unique set of Record IDs (one column named Record ID with absolutely unique values in each row and no empty rows on that column). There will also be child tables on each Tab in your GUI, and those are bound to the parent table in a "1 to Many (1:M)" fashion, where 1 parent has many children. Your commentary or question indicates that you also want to filter, where Record ID on the child in one of the related tabs equates to the integer value 1 on the Record ID. So, there needs to be a query somewhere:
SELECT [columns]
FROM [Table B]
ON A.RecordID = B.RecordID
AND B.RecordID = 1;
Does that help?

Can I get duplicate results (from one table) in an INTERSECT operation between two tables?

I know the wording of the question is awkward, but I couldn't phrase it any better. Let me explain the situation.
There's table A which has a bunch of columns (a, b, c ... ) and I run a SELECT query on it like so:
SELECT a FROM A WHERE b IN ('....') (the ellipsis indicates a number of values to be matched to)
There's another table B which has a bunch of columns (d, e, f ... ) and I run a SELECT query on it like so:
SELECT d FROM B WHERE f = '...' (the ellipsis indicates a single value to be matched to)
Now I should say here that the two tables store different types of information about the same entity, but the columns a and d contain the exact same data (in this case, an ID). I want to find out the intersection of the two tables so I run this:
Now here's the problem:
The first SELECT contains a set of values in the WHERE clause, right? So let's say the set is (1234, 2345,3456). Now, the result of this query when b is matched ONLY to 1234 is, let's say, abc. When it's matched to 2345, it's def, suppose. And matching to 3456, it gives abc.
Let's suppose these two results (abc and def) are also in the set of results from the second SELECT.
So, now, putting back the entire set of values to matched into the WHERE clause, the INTERSECT operation will give me abc and def. But I want abc twice since two values in the WHERE clause set match to the second SELECT.
Is there any way I can get that?
I hope it's not too complicated to understand my problem. This is a real-life problem I'm facing in my job.
Data structure and my code
Table A contains general information about a company:
company_id | branch_id | no_of_employees | city
Table B contains the financials of the company:
company_id | branch_id | revenue | profits
SELECT branch_id FROM A WHERE CITY IN ('Dallas', 'Miami', 'New Orleans')
Now, running each city separately in the first SELECT, I get the branch_ids:
branch_id | city
23 | Dallas
45 | Miami
45 | New Orleans
Once again, this seems impractical as to how two cities can have the same branch ids, but please bear with me on this.
Second SELECT:
SELECT branch_id FROM B
I know this is a little impractical, but for the purpose of this example, it suffices.
Running this query I get the following set:
So the INTERSECT will give me just 23 and 45. But I want 45 twice, since both Miami and New Orleans have that branch_id and that branch_id has generated a revenue of 5 million.
Directly from Microsoft's documentation (
"INTERSECT returns distinct rows that are output by both the left and right input queries operator."
So NO, it is not possible to get the same value twice when using INTERSECT because the results will be DISTINCT. However if you build an INNER JOIN correctly you can do essentially the same thing as INTERSECT except keep the repetitive results by NOT using distinct or group by.
ON A.a = B.d
AND B.F = '....'
WHERE b IN ('....')
And for your specific Example that you edited:
ON A.branch_id = B.branch_id
AND B.REVENUE = 5000000
WHERE A.CITY IN ('Dallas', 'Miami', 'New Orleans')
You overcomplicated your task a lot:
AND B.branch_id = A.branch_id
INTERSECT and EXCEPT are both returning row sets with DISTINCT applied.
Regular joining/filtering operations are not performed by INTERSECT or EXCEPT.

How to build virtual columns?

Sorry if this is a basic question. I'm fairly new to SQL, so I guess I'm just missing the name of the concept to search for.
Quick overview.
First table (items):
ID | name
1 | abc
2 | def
3 | ghi
4 | jkl
Second table (pairs):
ID | FirstMember | SecondMember Virtual column (pair name)
1 | 2 | 3 defghi
2 | 1 | 4 abcjkl
I'm trying to build the virtual column shown in the second table
It could be built at the time any entry is made in the second table, but if done that way, the data in that column would get wrong any time one of the items in the first table is renamed.
I also understand that I can build that column any time I need it (in either plain requests or stored procedures), but that would lead to code duplication, since the second table can be involved in multiple different requests.
So is there a way to define a "virtual" column, that could be accessed as a normal column, but whose content is built dynamically?
Edit: this is on MsSql 2008, but an engine-agnostic solution would be preferred.
Edit: the example above was oversimplified in multiple ways - the major one being that the virtual column content isn't a straight concatenation of both names, but something more complex, depending on the content of columns I didn't described. Still, you've provided multiple paths that seems promising - I'll be back. Thanks.
You need to join the items table twice:
p.secondMember,|| as pair_name
from pairs as p
join items as i1 on p.FirstMember =
join items as i2 on p.SecondMember =;
Then put this into a view and you have your "virtual column". You would simply query the view instead of the actual pairs table wherever you need the pair_name column.
Note that the above uses inner joins, if your "FirstMember" and "SecondMember" columns might be null, you probably want to use an outer join instead.
You can use a view, which creates a table-like object from a query result, such as the one with a_horse_with_no_name provided.
CREATE VIEW pair_names AS
CONCAT(, AS pair_name
FROM pairs AS p
JOIN items AS i1 ON p.FirstMember =
JOIN items AS i2 ON p.SecondMember =;
Then to query the results just do:
SELECT id, pair_name FROM pair_names;
You could create a view for your 'virtual column', if you wanted to, like so:
p.SecondMember, + as 'PairName'
pairs p
items a
p.FirstMember = a.ID
items b
p.SecondMember = b.ID
Or, of course, you could just use a similar select statement every time.
When selecting from tables you can name the results of a column using AS.
SELECT st.ID, st.FirstMember, st.SecondMember, ft1.Name + ft2.Name AS PairName
FROM Second_Table st
JOIN First_Table ft1 ON st.FirstMember = ft1.ID
JOIN First_Table ft2 ON st.SecondMember = ft2.ID
Should give you something like what you are after.