react native with moment.js - react-native

I use native react to develop a mobile application.
I retrieve some information of an API on which I loop of which a date in this format:
"2018-06-02T10: 00: 00 2018-06-02T11: 00: 00; 2018-06-03T10: 00: 00 2018-06-03T11: 00: 00"
I know it's the ISO 8601 format, I'd like to make it look better, so I try to use Moment.js but I can not.
Here is the part of my code (of course I did not forget to import Moment.js):
Here is my code (of course I did not forget to import Moment.js):
<View style={styles.contentItem}>
<Text style={styles.text}>{Moment(item.fields.timetable).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}</Text>
<Foundation name="clock" style={styles.icons} />
I find myself with an error "invalid date", do I do wrong? Can you help me or give me some leads, please ?

You have to pass a single date to moment not an array of dates. You can pass input date formatting to moment like this:
let date = "2018-06-02T10: 00: 00"
let correctDate = moment(date, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH: mm: ss').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'),

As your getting date as String, so you need to convert it into Date then you can update formate as you want. Below is the answer:
const stillUtc = moment.utc(YOUR_DATE).toDate();
const local = moment(stillUtc).local().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm');

Hmmm your format is not exactly ISO 8601. You have some extra space.
Can you replace for example 2018-06-02T10: 00: 00 by 2018-06-02T10:00:00. ? (If date is with timezone you can add a Z at the end 2018-06-02T10:00:00Z
Be sure also to give just one Date to Moment and not an array.
Hope this helps !


How to format date for BigCommerce blog post

I keep getting errors while trying to create blog posts via API calls to BigCommerce, due to the published_date_iso8601 field.
This field expects the date string in this kind of format "5/18/2018 1:26:42 PM", as per the docs here:
My data has the dates in this format: "2022-05-12T13:09:23-07:00"
I am using Javascript, and I have tried multiple ways to transform the format, but no success so far.
I have tried built-in JS Date methods
const originalDate = "2022-05-12T13:09:23-07:00"
const newDate = new Date(originalDate).toISOString()
I have tried using Moment
const originalDate = "2022-05-12T13:09:23-07:00"
const newDate = moment(
).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss A')
And multiple variations of formatting besides those 2 examples, but I still can't get the post to go through. The error is only a 400 code with no message.
Anyone know how to format this?
Try using the published_date field and new Date('2022-05-12T13:09:23-07:00').toUTCString()?
Hopefully, this should work for you.

Change date to String format

I need to send a date(ISO) to server from my file(React-native). But backend(node.js) accepts a date in string format.
Date in UI => 2021-02-10T13:01:00.000Z.
Expected Date format in backend is => "2021-02-10T13:01:00.000Z"
I tried date.toString() method. It changes the format of date like Wed Feb 03 2021 16:46:56 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) this.
Is there any other JS method to change the typeOf date.
Thanks in Advance.
You can use moment : moment documentation
You can use "moment" package to format date.
import moment from "moment";

How to use moment.js to format the v-model data from a vuetify v-text-field (type:time)?

I have this element:
label="Choose a time"
:rules="[v => !!v || 'Time is required']"
I want to trigger the getTime method to convert the v-model value into a h:mm format. As I've been testing I have entered 12:00 pm each time as the value for expiryTime and have done the following:
alert(moment().format('h:mm')) //returns current time in x:xx format
alert(this.expiryTime); // Returns '1200'
alert(moment(this.expiryTime).format('h:mm')); // returns '4:26, expect 12:00
alert(moment(this.expiryTime, 'h:mm')); // returns 'Sat Aug 17 2019 12:00:00 GMT-0600', expect 12:00
Basically I'm getting some unexpected values and I don't know why. If I can get the current time in the top alert I am rather confused about how formatting the expiryTime data the same ways ends up being 4:26. And the final alert returns the entire time with the date and etc.
Can someone please explain how I can convert the expiryTime data to be in h:mm format properly?
The moment(String) constructor takes either a ISO 8601 string, or an RFC2822 date time string. If neither of those standards are used, the format must be specified as the second argument of the constructor.
expiryTime (1200) is in the form of hmm, but you had specified h:mm, which would've required a colon between the hour and minutes for moment to parse the date correctly. The fix is to remove the colon.
console.log(moment(1200, 'hmm').format('h:mm'))
console.log(moment(135, 'hmm').format('h:mm'))
console.log(moment(2001, 'hmm').format('h:mm'))
<script src=""></script>

Swift 3 playground logs dates in local format. How?

If you run a line like this in a Playground in the US:
let today = Date()
You'll see output like this to the right of the source code:
"Sep 26, 2016, 8:17 PM"
That appears to be the date, displayed in the local time zone, using medium date and time style.
How does that work?
If you try to print the date:
print("today = \(today)"
You'll see "Today = 2016-09-27 00:18:55 +0000\n", which is UTC, and appears to be unix date format.
What function is the Playground using to display the date when you first create a date? Is there a way to get to that output format from code or from the debug console?
Up until now I've created a date formatter that I use to log dates, display them in the console, etc.
It's lurking in CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable protocol, which Date conforms to:
if case .text(let str) = today.customPlaygroundQuickLook {

Jqgrid Datetime format sorting issue

I have a datetime format returned from the backend(dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss).
JQgrid has column values as {name:'createddate',index'createddate',sorttype:'date',formatter:'date'}
but the sorting is not working properly
the result is displayed as follows:for example
06/11/2013 01:23:33
11/09/2013 02:22:34
20/09/2013 01 22:33
but the result required is:
11/09/2013 02:22:34
20/09/2013 01:22:33
06/11/2013 01:23:33
Thanks in advance.
If you use formatter:'date' then you should specify formatoptions with srcformat and newformat options. Default format of input data (srcformat) which expect formatter:'date' is ISO8601Short: "Y-m-d". You use another format so you have to specify srcformat. Format of date which uses jqGrid is PHP format (described here). So I think that the problem will be solved by adding
formatoptions: {srcformat: "d/m/Y H:i:s", newformat: "d/m/Y H:i:s"}
More better would be to use ISO-8601 format if you returns data from the server. It's locale independent format. You can use on the server side DateTime.ToString("o") or DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o"). In the case you can change formatoptions to
formatoptions: {srcformat: "ISO8601Long", newformat: "d/m/Y H:i:s"}