size of a field in an structure - structure

Is there a way to get the size of a field in a structure? For instance, $bits does not work. any other approach?
localparam L_DATA_BITS = $bits(pkt_char_t.length);
typedef struct packed {
logic [15:0] checksum;
logic [3:0] offload_flags;
logic length_err;
logic [13:0] length;
} pkt_char_t;

You cannot reference a field of a type. You also cannot reference a type before it is defined.
You can reference a field of a variable or parameter.
module top;
typedef struct packed {
logic [15:0] checksum;
logic [3:0] offload_flags;
logic length_err;
logic [13:0] length;
} pkt_char_t;
pkt_char_t pkt_char;
localparam int L_DATA_BITS = $bits(pkt_char.length);
initial $display(L_DATA_BITS);


Packed Unions in SystemVerilog

The code is not too long so I am posting the complete code.
// Code your design here
module temp;
typedef enum logic[15:0]
ADD = 16'h0000,
SUB = 16'h0001
} my_opcode_t;
typedef enum logic[15:0]
REG = 16'h0000,
MEM = 16'h0001
} my_dest_t;
typedef struct packed
my_opcode_t opcode; // 16-bit opcode, enumerated type
my_dest_t dest; // 16-bit destination, enumerated type
logic [15:0] opA;
logic [15:0] opB;
} my_opcode_struct_t;
my_opcode_struct_t cmd1;
typedef union packed
my_opcode_struct_t opcode_s; //"fields view" to the struct
logic[1:0][31:0] dword; // "dword view" to the struct
} my_opcode_union_t;
my_opcode_union_t cmd2;
initial begin
$display("cmd1 = %p",cmd1);
$display("cmd2 = %p", cmd2);
// Access opcode_s struct fields within the union
cmd2.opcode_s.opcode = ADD;
cmd2.opcode_s.dest = REG;
cmd2.opcode_s.opA = 16'h0001;
cmd2.opcode_s.opB = 16'h0002;
$display("cmd1 = %p",cmd1);
$display("cmd2 = %p", cmd2);
// Access dwords struct fields within the union
cmd2.dword[1] = 32'h0001_0001; // opcode=SUB, dest=MEM
cmd2.dword[0] = 32'h0007_0008; // opA=7, opB=8
$display("cmd2 = %p", cmd2);
I ran this code in EDA playground. I did not understand why is it showing"
cmd2='{opcode_s:'{opcode:SUB, dest:MEM, opA:'h7,opB:'h8}}
I was expecting, it would print dword values.
What is it missing in my understanding about unions?
Is it because we are not using cmd2.dword[0] or cmd2.dword[1] it is printing some garbage values?
The reason you do not print dword values is due to the behavior of the %p format specifier. Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, section Assignment pattern format:
The %p format specifier may be used to print aggregate expressions
such as unpacked structures, arrays, and unions. ... For unions, only
the first declared elements shall be printed.
If you change your union declaration as follows (with dword first):
typedef union packed
logic[1:0][31:0] dword; // "dword view" to the struct
my_opcode_struct_t opcode_s; //"fields view" to the struct
} my_opcode_union_t;
you will see this output:
cmd1 = '{opcode:'hxxxx, dest:'hxxxx, opA:'hxxxx, opB:'hxxxx}
cmd2 = '{dword:'hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
cmd1 = '{opcode:'hxxxx, dest:'hxxxx, opA:'hxxxx, opB:'hxxxx}
cmd2 = '{dword:'h10002}
cmd2 = '{dword:'h1000100070008}

C++ Builder Function error [bcc32 - Ambiguity error] inside dll file

I am creating a currency converter Win32 program in Embarcadero C++Builder. I wrote a function for transforming date from format specified on user PC to YYYY-MM-DD format. I need that part because of API settings.
When I have this function inside my project it works fine, but I need to have that function inside a DLL.
This is how my code looks like:
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE void __fastcall DecodeDate(const System::TDateTime DateTime, System::Word &Year, System::Word &Month, System::Word &Day);
extern "C" UnicodeString __declspec (dllexport) __stdcall datum(TDateTime dat) {
Word dan, mjesec, godina;
UnicodeString datum, datum_dan, datum_mjesec, datum_godina;
DecodeDate(dat, godina, mjesec, dan);
if (dan<=9 && mjesec<=9) {
if (dan<=9 && mjesec>9) {
if (dan>9 && mjesec<=9) {
if (dan>9 && mjesec>9) {
return datum_godina+"-"+datum_mjesec+"-"+datum_dan;
extern "C" int _libmain(unsigned long reason)
return 1;
I've included SysUtils.hpp and declared DecodeDate() function, without those lines I have a million errors. But with code looking like this, I am getting this error, which I can't get rid of:
[bcc32 Error] File1.cpp(30): E2015 Ambiguity between '_fastcall System::Sysutils::DecodeDate(const System::TDateTime,unsigned short &,unsigned short &,unsigned short &) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\19.0\include\windows\rtl\System.SysUtils.hpp:3466' and '_fastcall DecodeDate(const System::TDateTime,unsigned short &,unsigned short &,unsigned short &) at File1.cpp:25'
Full parser context
File1.cpp(27): parsing: System::UnicodeString __stdcall datum(System::TDateTime)
Can you help me to get rid of that error?
The error message is self-explanatory. You have two functions with the same name in scope, and the compiler doesn't know which one you want to use on line 30 because the parameters you are passing in satisfy both function declarations.
To fix the error, you can change this line:
DecodeDate(dat, godina, mjesec, dan);
To either this:
System::Sysutils::DecodeDate(dat, godina, mjesec, dan);
Or this:
dat.DecodeDate(&godina, &mjesec, &dan);
However, either way, you should get rid of your extern declaration for DecodeDate(), as it doesn't belong in this code at all. You are not implementing DecodeDate() yourself, you are just using the one provided by the RTL. There is already a declaration for DecodeDate() in SysUtils.hpp, which you are #include'ing in your code. That is all the compiler needs.
Just make sure you are linking to the RTL/VCL libraries to resolve the function during the linker stage after compiling. You should have enabled VCL support when you created the DLL project. If you didn't, recreate your project and enable it.
BTW, there is a MUCH easier way to implement your function logic - instead of manually pulling apart the TDateTime and reconstituting its components, just use the SysUtils::FormatDateTime() function or the TDateTime::FormatString() method instead, eg:
UnicodeString __stdcall datum(TDateTime dat)
return FormatDateTime(_D("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd"), dat);
UnicodeString __stdcall datum(TDateTime dat)
return dat.FormatString(_D("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd"));
That being said, this code is still wrong, because it is not safe to pass non-POD types, like UnicodeString, over the DLL boundary like you are doing. You need to re-think your DLL function design to use only interop-safe POD types. In this case, change your function to either:
take a wchar_t* as input from the caller, and just fill in the memory block with the desired characters. Let the caller allocate the actual buffer and pass it in to your DLL for populating:
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall datum(double dat, wchar_t *buffer, int buflen)
UnicodeString s = FormatDateTime(_D("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd"), dat);
if (!buffer) return s.Length() + 1;
StrLCopy(buffer, s.c_str(), buflen-1);
return StrLen(buffer);
extern "C" int _libmain(unsigned long reason)
return 1;
wchar_t buffer[12] = {};
datum(SomeDateValueHere, buffer, 12);
// use buffer as needed...
int len = datum(SomeDateValueHere, NULL, 0);
wchar_t *buffer = new wchar_t[len];
int len = datum(SomeDateValueHere, buffer, len);
// use buffer as needed...
delete[] buffer;
allocate a wchar_t[] buffer to hold the desired characters, and then return a wchar_t* pointer to that buffer to the caller. Then export a second function that the caller can pass the returned wchar_t* back to you so you can free it correctly.
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) wchar_t* __stdcall datum(double dat)
UnicodeString s = FormatDateTime("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd", dat);
wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[s.Length()+1];
StrLCopy(buffer, s.c_str(), s.Length());
return buffer;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall free_datum(wchar_t *dat)
delete[] dat;
extern "C" int _libmain(unsigned long reason)
return 1;
wchar_t *buffer = datum(SomeDateValueHere);
// use buffer as needed...

Setting the vector length in SystemC with a received parameter

Im making a xor gate in SystemC, from the binding of four NAND gates. I want the module to receive a vector of N bits, where N is passed as parameter. I should be able to perform & and not bitwise operations (for the NAND gate).
The best solution may be using sc_bv_base type, but I don't know how to initialize it in the constructor.
How can I create a bit vector using a custom length?
A way to parameterise the module is to create a new C++ template for the module.
In this example, the width of the input vector can be set at the level of the instantiation of this module
#ifndef MY_XOR_H_
#define MY_XOR_H_
#include <systemc.h>
template<int depth>
struct my_xor: sc_module {
sc_in<bool > clk;
sc_in<sc_uint<depth> > din;
sc_out<bool > dout;
void p1() {
SC_CTOR(my_xor) {
sensitive << clk.pos();
#endif /* MY_XOR_H_ */
Note that the struct my_xor: sc_module is used i.s.o. the SC_MODULE macro. (See page 40 , 5.2.5 SC_MODULE of the IEEE Std 1666-2011).
You can test this with the following testbench:
// Simple Testbench for xor file
#include <systemc.h>
#include "my_xor.h"
int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const int WIDTH = 8;
sc_signal<sc_uint<WIDTH> > din;
sc_signal<bool> dout;
sc_clock clk("clk", 10, SC_NS, 0.5); // Create a clock signal
my_xor<WIDTH> DUT("my_xor"); // Instantiate Device Under Test
DUT.din(din); // Connect ports
sc_trace_file *fp; // Create VCD file
fp = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("wave"); // open(fp), create wave.vcd file
fp->set_time_unit(100, SC_PS); // set tracing resolution to ns
sc_trace(fp, clk, "clk"); // Add signals to trace file
sc_trace(fp, din, "din");
sc_trace(fp, dout, "dout");
sc_start(31, SC_NS); // Run simulation
din = 0x00;
sc_start(31, SC_NS); // Run simulation
din = 0x01;
sc_start(31, SC_NS); // Run simulation
din = 0xFF;
sc_start(31, SC_NS); // Run simulation
sc_close_vcd_trace_file(fp); // close(fp)
return 0;
Note that I'm using a struct and not a class. A class is also possible.
class my_xor: public sc_module{
The XOR in this code is just the xor_reduce. You can find more about in the IEEE Std 1666-2011 at page 197 (7.2.8 Reduction operators). But I assume this is not the solution you wanted to have.

how to assign pointer in a managed array of pointers c++/cli?

I am new to managed code and i need to pass array of pointers to different structures to windows form using C++/CLI , but it didn`t work !
My problem is in the managed array, how can i correctly access its elements .
The code sequence :
array<void*> ^ ptr;//here ptr value is undefined , type array<void*> ^
ptr = gcnew array<void*> (2);// length 0x2 , 0x0 and 0x1 values are undefined of type void
class1::struct1 structObj1;
class2::struct2 structObj2;
ptr[0] = &structObj1;// value is empty of type void!!
ptr[1] = &structObj2;//value is empty of type void!!
When i watched ptr , i found the above comments.
Notice that repeating code but using unmanaged array works probably
void* ptr[2];//here ptr value is undefined , type void*[]
class1::struct1 structObj1;
class2::struct2 structObj2;
ptr[0] = &structObj1;// value is address1 of type void*
ptr[1] = &structObj2;//value is address2 of type void*
Can anyone see where is the problem??
Do I need to use unmanaged array then convert to managed? If yes, how can I do it ??
Passing unmanaged pointers in a managed array may be valid C++/CLI, but it's definitely not the ideal way to do things. Do consider creating a custom managed class (ref class in C++/CLI) to hold the structures, instead of passing around pointers.
For this, I'm assuming that struct1 and struct2 are unmanged structs. This answer only applies if that is the case.
Your existing code works for me. Here's my version, with some debugging added in.
public struct struct1 { int foo; };
public struct struct2 { float bar; };
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<void*> ^ ptr;
ptr = gcnew array<void*> (2);
for(int i = 0; i < ptr->Length; i++)
Debug::WriteLine("ptr[{0}] = {1:X8}", i, reinterpret_cast<int>(ptr[i]));
struct1 structObj1;
struct2 structObj2;
ptr[0] = &structObj1;
ptr[1] = &structObj2;
for(int i = 0; i < ptr->Length; i++)
Debug::WriteLine("ptr[{0}] = {1:X8}", i, reinterpret_cast<int>(ptr[i]));
struct1* pointerToStructObj1 = reinterpret_cast<struct1*>(ptr[0]); = 4;
Debug::WriteLine("pointerToStructObj1->foo = {0}", pointerToStructObj1->foo);
ptr[0] = 00000000
ptr[1] = 00000000
ptr[0] = 0013F390
ptr[1] = 0013F394
pointerToStructObj1->foo = 4
To use Debug::WriteLine, add using namespace System::Diagnostics.
The debugger doesn't know how to display the contents of a void*, so it just displays blank. It does display a null pointer differently, though: null shows up as <undefined value>, non-null shows up as just blank.
My philosophy on C++/CLI is: If you're going to write managed code, write managed code. Consider replacing your vector with a managed List. If you still need unmanaged objects, I strongly urge you to consider writing a managed class with properly typed pointers, rather than a void* array.
To implement such a class, create whatever fields you need, just be sure that they're pointers, not direct. (vector<foo>* instead of vector<foo>.) Create the objects with new in the constructor, and delete them in the destructor (which is called on Dispose) & finalizer.

Trying to parse OpenCV YAML ouput with yaml-cpp

I've got a series of OpenCv generated YAML files and would like to parse them with yaml-cpp
I'm doing okay on simple stuff, but the matrix representation is proving difficult.
# Center of table
tableCenter: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 1
cols: 2
dt: f
data: [ 240, 240]
This should map into the vector
with type float. My code looks like:
#include "yaml.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
struct Matrix {
int x;
void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, Matrix& matrix) {
unsigned rows;
node["rows"] >> rows;
int main()
std::ifstream fin("monsters.yaml");
YAML::Parser parser(fin);
YAML::Node doc;
Matrix m;
doc["tableCenter"] >> m;
return 0;
But I get
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'YAML::BadDereference'
what(): yaml-cpp: error at line 0, column 0: bad dereference
Abort trap
I searched around for some documentation for yaml-cpp, but there doesn't seem to be any, aside from a short introductory example on parsing and emitting. Unfortunately, neither of these two help in this particular circumstance.
As I understand, the !! indicate that this is a user-defined type, but I don't see with yaml-cpp how to parse that.
You have to tell yaml-cpp how to parse this type. Since C++ isn't dynamically typed, it can't detect what data type you want and create it from scratch - you have to tell it directly. Tagging a node is really only for yourself, not for the parser (it'll just faithfully store it for you).
I'm not really sure how an OpenCV matrix is stored, but if it's something like this:
class Matrix {
Matrix(unsigned r, unsigned c, const std::vector<float>& d): rows(r), cols(c), data(d) { /* init */ }
Matrix(const Matrix&) { /* copy */ }
~Matrix() { /* delete */ }
Matrix& operator = (const Matrix&) { /* assign */ }
unsigned rows, cols;
std::vector<float> data;
then you can write something like
void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, Matrix& matrix) {
unsigned rows, cols;
std::vector<float> data;
node["rows"] >> rows;
node["cols"] >> cols;
node["data"] >> data;
matrix = Matrix(rows, cols, data);
Edit It appears that you're ok up until here; but you're missing the step where the parser loads the information into the YAML::Node. Instead, se it like:
std::ifstream fin("monsters.yaml");
YAML::Parser parser(fin);
YAML::Node doc;
parser.GetNextDocument(doc); // <-- this line was missing!
Matrix m;
doc["tableCenter"] >> m;
Note: I'm guessing dt: f means "data type is float". If that's the case, it'll really depend on how the Matrix class handles this. If you have a different class for each data type (or a templated class), you'll have to read that field first, and then choose which type to instantiate. (If you know it'll always be float, that'll make your life easier, of course.)