sql server count from different table if not all rows exists - sql

Im trying to get results from 2 tables. The first table there is the Ids with info, from the 2nd table I want to count existing for each id from the 1st table based on some condition. here is my code:
SELECT p.stId, count(att.adate)
FROM payments p
LEFT JOIN Attendence att ON att.stId = p.stId
where p.cyear = 2018 and p.cmonth = 3 and p.cId = 10
and att.adate between '2018/03/01' and '2018/03/30 23:59:59.999' and att.cid
= 10
from the first table(p) I have 3 ids. but when I run this it returns only 1 id. the ids that not exists in the 2nd table (t) it does NOT give any results. what I want to do is that if there is no id in the 2nd table, I want to return a 0 for the count (count(att.adate))

Move the right side table conditions from WHERE to ON to get true left join result:
SELECT p.stId, count(att.adate)
FROM payments p
LEFT JOIN Attendence att ON att.stId = p.stId
and att.adate between '2018/03/01' and '2018/03/30 23:59:59.999' and att.cid
= 10
where p.cyear = 2018 and p.cmonth = 3 and p.cId = 10
(When in WHERE, you get regular inner join result.)

You are probably missing the results because in your where clause you have conditions for columns in the Attendance table. For cases where there is no match with the payments table these values will be NULL. So I would have your query like this:
SELECT p.stId, count(att.adate)
FROM payments p
LEFT JOIN Attendence att ON att.stId = p.stId
where p.cyear = 2018 and p.cmonth = 3 and p.cId = 10
and (att.adate between '2018/03/01' and '2018/03/30 23:59:59.999' OR att.adate IS NULL) and (att.cid
= 10 or att.cid IS NULL)

Your problem is that the where turns the left join into an inner join. I also want to simplify the date arithmetic:
SELECT p.stId, count(a.adate)
FROM payments p LEFT JOIN
Attendence a
ON a.stId = p.stId AND a.cid = p.cid AND
a.adate >= '2018-03-01' AND
a.adate < '2018-04-01
WHERE p.cyear = 2018 and p.cmonth = 3 and p.cId = 10
GROUP BY p.stId;
What the the changes that I've made:
Moved the filtering conditions on the second table to the ON clause. That is how LEFT JOINs work.
I added a JOIN condition on cid, so the comparison to 10 only occurs once (in the WHERE clause).
Changed the date format to YYYY-MM-DD. That is consistent with ISO 8601 standard date formats.
Changed the BETWEEN to >= and < -- I just don't want to think about milliseconds when I'm constructing date ranges at the month level.
A great place to understand why not to use BETWEEN with date/times is Aaron Bertrand's blog What do BETWEEN and the Devil Have In Common.


How to use RIGHT OUTER JOIN with GROUP BY in SQl Server 2017?

i want use ROJ in sql server with filter date but not work, i mean must return data table round null but not return how to fix problem ?
SQL Code
SELECT Lines.Target, COUNT(Round.ID) AS cnt
on Round.Line = Lines.ID
WHERE Lines.Company = 20 AND
CAST('2019-03-01' AS DATE) AND CAST('2019-03-01' AS DATE)
GROUP BY Lines.Target
with out filter date code work
Must return =>
Target cnt
------ -----
7 0
9 0
15 0
Switch to LEFT JOIN. Move outer table condition from WHERE to ON to get true outer join result:
SELECT Lines.Target, COUNT(Round.ID) AS cnt
FROM Line as Lines
on Round.Line = Lines.ID
CAST('2019-03-01' AS DATE) AND CAST('2019-03-01' AS DATE)
WHERE Lines.Company = 20
GROUP BY Lines.Target
Theres no BETWEEN required as its the same date you are searching for and make sure record exists for that specific date
If you want the rounds table data being the master table then why you are using right outer join use Left Outer Join

Display Y/N column if record found in detail table

I'm trying to create a query so that I can have a column show Y/N if a particular item was ordered for a group of orders. The item I'm looking for would be OLI.id = '538'.
So my results would be:
Order#, Customer#, FreightPaid
12345, 00112233, Y
12346, 00112233, N
I cannot figure out if I need to use a subquery or the where exists function ?
Here's my current query:
SELECT distinct
Accountuid as Customerno
FROM [SMILEWEB_live].[dbo].[OrderLog] OL
inner join Orderlog_item OLI on OLI.orderlogkey = OL.[key]
inner join Account A on A.uid = OL.Accountuid
where A.GroupId = 'X9955'
and OL.CreateDate >= GETDATE() - 60
I would suggest an exists clause instead of a join:
select ol.OrderID, ol.Accountuid as Customerno,
(case when exists (select 1
from Orderlog_item OLI join
Account A
on A.uid = OL.Accountuid
where OLI.orderlogkey = OL.[key] and A.GroupId = 'X9955'
then 1 else 0
end) as flag
from [SMILEWEB_live].[dbo].[OrderLog] OL
where OL.CreateDate >= GETDATE() - 60;
This prevents a couple of problems. First, duplicate rows which are caused when there are multiple matching rows (and select distinct add unnecessary overhead). Second, missing rows, which happen when you use inner join instead of an outer join.

How can I join on multiple columns within the same table that contain the same type of info?

I am currently joining two tables based on Claim_Number and Customer_Number.
FROM Company.dbo.Company_Master AS A
LEFT JOIN Company.dbp.Compound_Info AS B ON A.Claim_Number = B.Claim_Number AND A.Customer_Number = B.Customer_Number
WHERE A.Filled_YearMonth = '201312' AND A.Compound_Ind = 'Y'
This returns exactly the data I'm looking for. The problem is that I now need to join to another table to get information based on a Product_ID. This would be easy if there was only one Product_ID in the Compound_Info table for each record. However, there are 10. So basically I need to SELECT 10 additional columns for Product_Name based on each of those Product_ID's that are being selected already. How can do that? This is what I was thinking in my head, but is not working right.
....etc {Up to 10 Product Names}
FROM Company.dbo.Company_Master AS A
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Compound_Info AS B ON A.Claim_Number = B.Claim_Number AND A.Customer_Number = B.Customer_Number
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Product_Info AS PD_Info_1 ON B.Product_ID_1 = PD_Info_1.Product_ID
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Product_Info AS PD_Info_2 ON B.Product_ID_2 = PD_Info_2.Product_ID
.... {Up to 10 LEFT JOIN's}
WHERE A.Filled_YearMonth = '201312' AND A.Compound_Ind = 'Y'
This query not only doesn't return the correct results, it also takes forever to run. My actual SQL is a lot longer and I've changed table names, etc but I hope that you can get the idea. If it matters, I will be creating a view based on this query.
Please advise on how to select multiple columns from the same table correctly and efficiently. Thanks!
I found put my extra stuff into CTE and add ROW_NUMBER to insure that I get only 1 row that I care about. it would look something like this. I only did for first 2 product info.
AS ( SELECT Product_ID
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Product_ID, Product_Name ORDER BY Effective_Date DESC ) AS RowNum
FROM Company.dbo.Product_Info)
FROM Company.dbo.Company_Master AS A
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Compound_Info AS B
ON A.Claim_Number = B.Claim_Number
AND A.Customer_Number = B.Customer_Number
ON B.Product_ID_1 = PD_Info_1.Product_ID
AND B.Fill_Date >= PD_Info_1.Effective_Date
AND PD_Info_2.RowNum = 1
ON B.Product_ID_2 = PD_Info_2.Product_ID
AND B.Fill_Date >= PD_Info_2.Effective_Date
AND PD_Info_2.RowNum = 1

Combining Multiple SQL Views ON Year & Month

I have a SQL Server database (2012 express) with many tables.
I have produced three different VIEWS based on different combinations of the underlying tables.
Each of these views consists of three columns, Year, Month & Total
The Total column in each of the 3 Views is of a different measure.
What I want to be able to do is to combine the three Totals into a single View
I have attempted this with the following script -
SELECT b.[Year], b.[Month], b.Fees AS [Billing],
f.Estimate AS [Estimate],
w.Fees AS [WIP]
FROM MonthlyBillingTotals AS b
FULL JOIN MonthlyFeeEstimates AS f
ON (b.[Year] = f.[Year] AND b.[Month] = f.[Month])
FULL JOIN MonthlyInstructionsWIP AS w
ON (b.[Year] = w.[Year] AND b.[Month] = w.[Month])
ORDER BY b.[Year], b.[Month]
Originally I tried INNER JOINS but of course unless the Year / Month combo existed in the first view (MonthlyBillingTotals) then it did not appear in the combined query. I therefore tried FULL JOINS, but the problem here is that I get some NULLS in the Year and Month columns, when they do not exist in the first view (MonthlyBillingTotals).
If the data in the three Views is as follows -
Then what I want is -
And even better (if it is possible) -
with the missing months filled in
You could try building the full list of Months/Years from your tables using a UNION subquery, and then use that to drive your joins.. Something like this:
SELECT a.[Year], a.[Month], b.Fees AS [Billing],
f.Estimate AS [Estimate],
w.Fees AS [WIP]
FROM (SELECT a.[Year], a.[Month] FROM MonthlyBillingTotals AS a
SELECT b.[Year], b.[Month] FROM MonthlyFeeEstimates AS b
SELECT c.[Year], c.[Month] FROM MonthlyInstructionsWIP AS c) AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN MonthlyBillingTotals AS b
ON (a.[Year] = b.[Year] AND a.[Month] = b.[Month])
LEFT OUTER JOIN MonthlyFeeEstimates AS f
ON (a.[Year] = f.[Year] AND a.[Month] = f.[Month])
LEFT OUTER JOIN MonthlyInstructionsWIP AS w
ON (a.[Year] = w.[Year] AND a.[Month] = w.[Month])
ORDER BY a.[Year], a.[Month]
This is completely untested, but see if this solves your problems:
SELECT b.[Year], b.[Month], Coalesce(b.Fees, '0') AS [Billing],
Coalesce(f.Estimate,'0') AS [Estimate],
Coalesce(w.Fees,'0') AS [WIP]
FROM MonthlyBillingTotals AS b
LEFT JOIN MonthlyFeeEstimates AS f
ON (b.[Year] = f.[Year] AND b.[Month] = f.[Month])
LEFT JOIN MonthlyInstructionsWIP AS w
ON (b.[Year] = w.[Year] AND b.[Month] = w.[Month])
ORDER BY b.[Year], b.[Month]
The Coalesce function puts in a '0' value if nothing is found, and left joins should only join parts of MonthlyFeeEstimates and MonthlyInstructionsWIP when the year and month match.
You could set up a small date table with year and month and left join the views with that, and use the ISNULL(variable,0) function to replace NULL with 0. Another option instead of a date table would be to use a common table expression to generate a date range to join with. In any case I suggest you look up the date table (or numbers table), it can be a really useful tool.
Edit: added an example on how a date table can be created (for reference):
declare #year_month table (y int, m int)
;with cte as (
select cast('2000-01-01' as datetime) date_value
union all
select date_value + 1
from cte
where date_value + 1 < '2010-12-31'
insert #year_month (y, m)
select distinct year(date_value), month(date_value)
from cte
order by 1, 2
option (maxrecursion 0)
select * from #year_month

Join Table on one record but calculate field based on other rows in the join

I am trying to write a query to Identify my subscribers who have abandoned a shopping cart in the last day but also I need a calculated field that represents weather or not they have received and incentive in the last 7 days.
I have the following tables
The first part of the query is easy, get abandoners in the last day
select a.* from AbandonCart_Subscribers
where DATEDIFF(day,a.DateAbandoned,GETDATE()) <= 1
Here is my attempt to calculate the incentive but I am fairly certain it is not correct as IncentiveRecieved is always 0 even when I know it should not be...
select a.*,
END As IncentiveRecieved
from AbandonCart_Subscribers a
left join SendLog s on a.EmailAddress = s.EmailAddress and s.CampaignID IS NULL
DATEDIFF(day,a.DateAbandoned,GETDATE()) <= 1
Here is a SQL fiddle with the objects and some data. I would really appreciate some help.
Kishore is right in saying the main problem is that it should be <=7, not >=7. However, there is another problem.
As it stands, you could get multiple results. You don't want to do a left join on SendLog in case the same email address is in there more than once. Instead you should be getting a unique result from that table. There's a couple of ways of doing that; here is one such way which uses a derived table. The table I have called s will give you a unique list of emails that have been sent an incentive in the last week.
select a.*,
WHEN s.EmailAddress is not null
END As IncentiveRecieved
from AbandonCart_Subscribers a
left join (select distinct EmailAddress
from SendLog s
where s.CampaignID IS NULL
) s on a.EmailAddress = s.EmailAddress
where DATEDIFF(day,a.DateAbandoned,GETDATE()) <= 1
You can set a variable using a condition:
select a.*,(DATEDIFF(D,s.SENDDATE,GETDATE()) >= 7) as `IncentiveRecieved `
from AbandonCart_Subscribers a
left join SendLog s on a.EmailAddress = s.EmailAddress and s.CampaignID IS NULL
DATEDIFF(day,a.DateAbandoned,GETDATE()) <= 1
Is this what you're looking for?
should it not be less than 7 instead of greater than 7?
select a.*,
WHEN DATEDIFF(D,s.SENDDATE,GETDATE()) <= 7 AND CampaignID is not null
END As IncentiveRecieved
from AbandonCart_Subscribers a
left join SendLog s on a.EmailAddress = s.EmailAddress --and s.CampaignID IS NULL
DATEDIFF(day,a.DateAbandoned,GETDATE()) <= 1
Hope this satisfies your need.