Should the response body of GET all parent resource return a list of child resource? - sql

Please bear with me if the title is a bit confusing, I will try my best to explain my question below.
Say I have the following two endpoints
api/companies (returns a list of all companies like below)
[{name: "company1", id: 1}, {name: "company2", id: 2}]
api/companies/{companyeId}/employees (returns a list of all employees for a specific company like below)
[{name: "employee1", id: 1}, {name: "employee2", id: 2}]
What the client side needs is a list of companies, each one of which has a list of employees. The result should looks like this:
name: "company1",
id: 1,
employees: [ {name: "employee1", id: 1}, {name: "employee2", id: 2} ]
name: "company2",
id: 2,
employees: [ {name: "employee3", id: 3}, {name: "employee4", id: 4} ]
There are two ways I can think of to do this:
Get a list of company first and loop through the company list to
make a api call for each company to get its list of employees. (I'm wondering if this is a better way of design because of HATEOAS principle if I understand correctly? Because the smallest unit of resource of api/companies is company but not employees so client is expected to discover companies as the available resource but not employees.)
a REST client should then be able to use server-provided links dynamically to discover all the available actions and resources it needs
Return a list of employees inside each company object and then return a list of companies through api/companies. Maybe add a query parameter to this endpoint called responseHasEmployees which is a boolean default to be false, so when user make a GET through api/companies?responseHasEmployees=true, the response body will have a list of employees inside each company object.
So my question is, which way is a better way to achieve the client side's goal? (Not necessarily has to be the above two.)
Extra info that might be helpful: companies and employees are stored in different tables, and employees table has a company_fk column.

Start by asking yourself a couple of questions:
Is this a common scenario?
Is it logical to request data in this way?
If so, it might make sense to make data available in this way.
Next, do you already have api calls that pass variables implemented?
Based on your HATEOAS principle, you probably shouldn't. Clients shouldn't need to know, or understand, variable values in your url.
If not, stay away from it. Make it as clean to the client side as possible. You could make a third distinct api "api/companiesWithEmployees" This fits your HATEOAS principle, the client doesn't need to know anything about parameters or other workings of the api, only that they will get "Companies with Employees".
Also, the cost is minimal; an additional method in the code base. It's simpler for the client side at a low cost.
Next think about some of the developmental consequences:
Are you opening the door to more specific api requests?
Are you able to maintain a hard line on data you want accessible through the api?
Are you able to maintain your HATEOAS principle in that the clients know everything they need to know based on the api url?
Next incorporate scenarios like this into future api design:
Can you preemptively make similar api calls available? ie (Customers and Orders, would you simply make a single api call available that gets the two related to each other?)
Ultimately, my answer to your question would be to go ahead and make this a new api call. The overhead for setting up, testing, and maintaining this particular change seem extremely small, and the likelihood of data being requested in this way appears high.

I assume that the client you build is going to have an interface to view a list of companies where there will be an option to view employees of the company. So it is best to do it by pull on demand and not load the whole data at once.
If you can consider a property of your resource as a sub-resource, do not add the whole sub-resource data into the main resource API. You may include a referral link which can be used by the client to fetch the sub-resource data.
Here, in your case,
Main-Resource - Companies
Sub-Resource - Employees
Company name, contact number, address - These are properties of the company object and not the sub-resource of a company, whereas, employees can be very well considered as sub-resource.


Naming REST API - Get collections of non-member attributes

Let's say that I'm developing an application about shopping. I have defined the following endpoints, which are quite self-explanatory:
GET /items
GET /items/{item-id}
GET /stores
GET /stores/{store-id}
Now, I want to create another endpoint that displays the price of individual item at different stores. This price information is not included in /items/{item-id} since I don't think it's suitable to be an attribute of item, and getting the list of prices requires a bit more calculation as I cannot return the object directly. I will name the endpoint /items/{item-id}/prices and expect a response like this:
"store_id": "store_1",
"price": 13.00
"store_id": "store_2",
"price": 12.99
I want to extend this further and create another endpoint that returns the price information for all items, but I'm having trouble naming this endpoint. So far I've thought of /items/prices or /items?display=prices but the former might be confusing as it matches with /items/{item-id}, and the latter just.. does not seem to make sense for me.
What is the best name to pick for my endpoint so that it stays consistent with the convention?
For all items pricelist endpoint for a single store, I'd recommend GET /stores/{store-id}/prices or GET /stores/{store-id}/pricelist.
For all items/stores pricelist, I'd use GET /items/pricelist or GET /items/*/pricelist, (both special before /items/{item-id}), which could be store-specified on demand by ?store={store-id}.
Adding prices endpoint to items would make no sense as item itself has nothing to do. It is store's responsibility to dictate the price.
I would suggest renaming stores endpoint to /stores/description/{id} and adding prices subcategory /stores/prices/by-item/{id} and /stores/prices/by-store/{id}.
I would say that for sepecfic item /prices/{store-id}/{item-id}
and for all prices /prices/{store-id}

Zapier lazy load input fields choices

I'm building a Zapier app for a platform that have dynamic fields. I have an API that returns the list of fields for one of my resource (for example) :
{ name: "First Name", key: "first_name", type: "String" },
{ name: "Civility", key: "civility", type: "Multiple" }
I build my action's inputFields based on this API :
create: {
operation: {
inputFields: [
The API returns type that are list of values (i.e : Civility), but to get these values I have to make another API call.
For now, what I have done is in my fetchFields function, each time I encounter a type: "Multiple", I do another API call to get the possible values and set it as choices in my input field. However this is expensive and the page on Zapier takes too much time to display the fields.
I tried to use the z.dehydrate feature provided by Zapier but it doesn't work for input choices.
I can't use a dynamic dropdown here as I can't pass the key of the field possible value I'm looking for. For example, to get back the possible values for Civility, I'll need to pass the civility key to my API.
What are the options in this case?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Thanks for writing in! I think what you're doing is possible, but I'm also not 100% that I understand what you're asking.
You can have multiple API calls in the function (which it sounds like you are). In the end, the function should return an array of Field objects (as descried here).
The key thing you might not be aware of is that subsequent steps have access to a partially-filled bundle.inputData, so you can have a first function that gets field options and allows a user to select something, then a second function that runs and pulls in fields based on that choice.
Otherwise, I think a function that does 2 api calls (one to fetch the field types and one to turn them into Zapier field objects) is the best bet.
If this didn't answer your question, feel free to email or join the slack org (linked at the bottom of the readme) and we'll try to solve it there.

Rehydrate store references in Mobx

What is the best way to rehydrate your store during app initialization, specifically the references between stores?
For instance, lets say I have 2 api calls:
/todos -> return array of todos
[{id: 1, person_id: 2}]
/persons -> return array of Persons
[{id: 2, name: 'John'}, {id: 3, name: 'Sam'}]
and a Todo object looks like this
class Todo {
#observable person;
Some of the Todos will have a reference to a Person, but not all of them, and not all of the Persons will be referenced, so its not as simple as just scrapping the Persons api call and just returning the Person reference with the Todos api call.
However, we can't be sure that the Persons api call will be returned first, so we cannot just assume to link up the Todo / Person reference whenever the todos response arrives (would like to run calls in parallel)...
Is it just a matter of extra logic in the client side code to ensure we set up all references whenever the data comes in? Or is there some better practice anyone has found in there experience.
The more I think about it, I'm thinking the most predictable logic would be to always either get or create a reference object.
So in the above example, if the Todos response comes in first, we would look for the Person object with the id of 2, if it exists great, if it doesn't, create it and reference that object. Then when the persons response comes in it would do the same thing...look for Person with the id of 2, if it exists, update it with the new data, if not, create it.
Anyone have any better ideas?
The simplest way is indeed to load your objects in order, and find them. After that to load them in parallel, and find-or-create placeholders if you refer to them. It's quite a common pattern.

How to construct intersection in REST Hypermedia API?

This question is language independent. Let's not worry about frameworks or implementation, let's just say everything can be implemented and let's look at REST API in an abstract way. In other words: I'm building a framework right now and I didn't see any solution to this problem anywhere.
How one can construct REST URL endpoint for intersection of two independent REST paths which return collections? Short example: How to intersect /users/1/comments and /companies/6/comments?
All endpoints should return single data model entity or collection of entities.
Imho this is a very reasonable constraint and all examples of Hypermedia APIs look like this, even in draft-kelly-json-hal-07.
If you think this is an invalid constraint or you know a better way please let me know.
So let's say we have an application which has three data types: products, categories and companies. Each company can add some products to their profile page. While adding the product they must attach a category to the product. For example we can access this kind of data like this:
GET /categories will return collection of all categories
GET /categories/9 will return category of id 9
GET /categories/9/products will return all products inside category of id 9
GET /companies/7/products will return all products added to profile page of company of id 7
I've omitted _links hypermedia part on purpose because it is straightforward, for example / gives _links to /categories and /companies etc. We just need to remember that by using hypermedia we are traversing relations graph.
How to write URL that will return: all products that are from company(7) and are of category(9)? In otherwords how to intersect /categories/9/products and /companies/7/products?
Assuming that all endpoints should represent data model resource or collection of them I believe this is a fundamental problem of REST Hypermedia API, because in traversing hypermedia api we are traversing relational graph going down one path so it is impossible to describe such intersection because it is a cross-section of two independent graph paths.
In other words I think we cannot represent two independent paths with only one path. Normally we traverse one path like A->B->C, but if we have X->Y and Z->Y and we want all Ys that come from X and Z then we have a problem.
So far my proposition is to use query strings: /categories/9/products?intersect=/companies/9 but can we do better?
Why do I want this?
Because I'm building a framework which will auto-generate REST Hypermedia API based on SQL database relations. You could think of it as a trans compiler of URLs to SELECT ... JOIN ... WHERE queries, but the client of the API only sees Hypermedia and the client would like to have a nice way of doing intersections, like in the example.
I don't think you should always look at REST as database representation, this case looks more of a kind of specific functionality to me. I think I'd go with something like this:
I've been digging after I wrote it and this is what I've found (
Sometimes you really have no way to map the action to a sensible RESTful structure. For example, a multi-resource search doesn't really make sense to be applied to a specific resource's endpoint. In this case, /search would make the most sense even though it isn't a resource. This is OK - just do what's right from the perspective of the API consumer and make sure it's documented clearly to avoid confusion.
What You want to do is to filter products in one of the categories ... so following Your example if we have:
GET /categories/9/products
Above will return all products in category 9, so to filter out products for company 7 I would use something like this
GET /categories/9/products?company=7
You should treat URI as link to fetch all data (just like simple select query in SQL) and query parameters as where, limit, desc etc.
Using this approach You can build complex and readable queries fe.
GET /categories/9/products?company=7&order=name,asc&offset=10&limit=20
All endpoints should return single data model entity or collection of
This is NOT a REST constraint. If you want to read about REST constraints, then read the Fielding dissertation.
Because I'm building a framework which will auto-generate REST
Hypermedia API based on SQL database relations.
This is a wrong approach and has nothing to do with REST.
By REST you describe possible resource state transitions (or operation call templates) by sending hyperlinks in the response. These hyperlinks consist of a HTTP methods and URIs (and other data which is not relevant now) if you build the uniform interface using the HTTP and URI standards, and we usually do so. The URIs are not (necessarily) database entity and collection identifiers and if you apply such a constraint you will end up with a CRUD API, not with a REST API.
If you cannot describe an operation with the combination of HTTP methods and already existing resources, then you need a new resource.
In your case you want to aggregate the GET /users/1/comments and GET /companies/6/comments responses, so you need to define a link with GET and a third resource:
GET /comments/?users=1&companies=6
GET /intersection/users:1/companies:6/comments
GET /intersection/users/1/companies/6/comments
RESTful architecture is about returning resources that contain hypermedia controls that offer state transitions. What i see here is a multistep process of state transitions. Let's assume you have a root resource and somehow navigate over to /categories/9/products using the available hypermedia controls. I'd bet the results would look something like this in hal:
_links : {
self : { href : "/categories/9/products"}
_embedded : {
item : [
{json of prod 1},
{json of prod 2}
If you want your client to be able to intersect this with another collection you need to provide to them the mechanism to perform this. You have to give them a hypermedia control. HAL only has links, templated links, and embedded as control types. let's go with links..change the response to:
_links : {
self : { href : "/categories/9/products"},
x:intersect-with : [
href : "URL IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!!! but unique 1",
title : "Company 6 products"
href : "URL IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!!! but unique 2",
title : "Company 5 products"
href : "URL IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!!! but unique 3",
title : "Company 7 products"
_embedded : {
item : [
{json of prod 1},
{json of prod 2}
Now the client just picks the right hypermedia control (aka link) based on the title field of the link.
That's the simplest solution. But you'll probably say there's 1000's of companies i don't want 1000's of links...well ok if that;s REALLY the just offer a state transition in the middle of the two we have:
_links : {
self : { href : "/categories/9/products"},
x:intersect-options : { href : "URL to a Paged collection of all intersect options"},
x:intersect-with : [
href : "URL IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!!! but unique 1",
title : "Company 6 products"
href : "URL IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!!! but unique 2",
title : "Company 5 products"
href : "URL IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!!! but unique 3",
title : "Company 7 products"
_embedded : {
item : [
{json of prod 1},
{json of prod 2}
See what i did there? an extra control for an extra state transition. JUST LIKE YOU WOULD DO IF YOU HAD A WEBPAGE. You'd probably put it in a pop up, well that's what the client of your app can do too with the result of that control.
It's really that simple...just think how you'd do it in HTML and do the same.
The big benefit here is that the client NEVER EVER needed to know a company or category id or ever plug that in to some template. The id's are implementation details, the client never knows they exist, they just executed Hypermedia controls..and that is RESTful.

RESTful API for large "mash up" data pulls?

I have recently been tasked with a small project of setting up a periodic (somewhere between daily & weekly) data dump from an internal database to a 3rd party product. This project dovetails nicely with my company's desire (one which I share) to start standing up a formal service layer/API over the top of our data.
My personal preference is that those APIs should take on the form of RESTful endpoints - however, now I have what I think is a big design question - let me explain...
Looking at the data pull in question, it's hardly complicated. If I were just going to construct a one-off query, it would conceptually look a little something like:
select o.order_num, o.order_date, p.product_description, sr.sales_rep_name
from order o, line_item li, product p, sales_rep sr
where li.order_num = o.order_num
and li.product_id = p.product_id
and sr.sales_rep_id = o.sales_rep_id
and o.order_date >= [some arbitrary date]
Flipping my brain into "Resource Mode", I can think about how to convert this basic data model into URI's/payloads without too much trouble:
GET /orders/123
"order_num": 59324,
"order_date": "2014-07-07",
"sales_rep_uri": "/salesRep/34",
"line_items_uri": "/order/123/lineItems"
Getting more information about the sales rep:
GET /salesRep/34
"sales_rep_name": "Jane Doe",
"open_orders_uri": "/salesRep/34/orders"
Getting more information about line items:
GET /orders/123/lineItems
"line_items": [
{"order_uri": "/order/123", "product_uri": "/products/68"},
{"order_uri": "/order/123", "product_uri": "/products/99"}
And so on. I'm not saying it's a perfect API, I'm just trying to demonstrate it's not exactly rocket science to go about thinking how you might express the data model in a nicely normalized, resource-oriented type of way via RESTful URIs. But that is exactly where the design question comes into play...
On one hand, I can crank out a query to solve the problem very easily, but the very nature of queries requires the various domain concepts to be tightly coupled (in other words, utilizing joins to bring all of the normalized data together into one nice, custom-purpose de-normalized structure).
On the other hand, going through the mental process of thinking out a RESTful API leads me right back down that road of keeping things nicely compartmentalized - e.g. asking for "Order 123" shouldn't send me back this huge graph where I can see the full product description, the sales rep's phone number, etc, etc. The concept of a full blown HATEOAS-level RESTful API dictates consumers should be making subsequent GETs to drill down for that kind of detail only as-needed.
My question boils down to this: solving this use case seems really easy to do with a direct query and really difficult to do against a nice & tidy RESTful API (I'm picturing the literally 1000's of individual GETs it would take for me to assemble a weeks worth of data vs the few seconds it would take for the query to run). Is there some elegant subtlety of good RESTful design that I don't understand that would prevent me from seeing a good solution, or am I trying to fit a round peg into a square hole (i.e. REST is not good at pulling big data batches across multiple resources)?
I'm just going to throw this out there as a potential solution:
Conceptually, I treat the results of this query as a resource unto itself - like "orderReport".
Treating this as it's own resource, the API could behave something like:
GET /orderReport/[some arbitrary date]
You could then send back either a 201 Created (if the query is relatively quick running) with a location header like Location: /orderReport/[GUID]. Alternatively, if the query takes a while to run (I honestly don't know if it does or not off the top of my head), you could send back a 202 Accepted with a location header of Location: /orderReport/[GUID]/status.
You could then do follow up GETs against those URLs to get either the report status (200 OK if still processing without error, 201 Created with location header pointing to the report URL if its done) or the report itself.
There's nothing to say the report data couldn't also incorporate HATEOAS in addition to the data strictly needed to fulfill the use case requirements, like:
"order_num": 123,
"order_uri": "/orders/123",
"order_date": 2014-07-03,
"product_description": "widget",
"sales_rep_name": "Jane Doe",
"sales_rep_uri": "/salesRep/34"
"order_num": 456,
"order_uri": "/orders/456",
"order_date": 2014-07-04,
"product_description": "gadget",
"sales_rep_name": "Frank Smith",
"sales_rep_uri": "/salesRep/53"