Apache server "Error" message - apache

I'm using an Apache webserver to develop a project using joomla.
Some days ago I did a backup restoration in Joomla (using Akeeba Backups) and now, whenever I try accessing, both the site's backend and frontend, I get a blank page with nothing but the word "Error".
I don't know if the backup is in anyway related to this error as I'm not that much experienced, but I haven't touched the server since then. Any help? How can I find the error's origin?


Apache is Adding Javascript in HTML File

I got a strange situation where my Apache Server is adding a piece of Javascript code just before closing tag of the served HTML content.
I tried to find out but could not success what is going here on the server. I restarted the server and then it went away, but after sometime I'm facing same issue.
I'm sure my server is compromized and someone is doing this act. Kindly help me where to look to check how Apache can add such code on the fly on CentOS 7.
If you do not have set up anything like this, it's likely that your server got compromised.
As a first step, I suggest you check, if anything like this has been configured.
Beware though, if your server has been compromised, it's very likely that the attacker still maintains access to your server. If you can, nuke it, rotate credentials and look into hardening your servers.

Fileupload with CMIS + Apache fails due to "Proxy Error"

We developed a web application which uses opencmis and a windows client which uses dotcmis. The web application runs behind an apache httpd.
We are facing the following problem:
Small files can be uploaded by the client without problems (< 1,5 gigabytes).
However, if we try to upload larger files, we get a "Proxy Error". The stacktrace does not give any more information.
We also tried to upload via cmis workbench with the same result...
Are there any configuration parameters for apache we maybe overlooked? Or do you think the problem should be searched elsewhere?
EDIT: I should mention, that the file is uploaded completely nevertheless. And also: We tried disable apache, connect via http instead of https and upload a file and it works perfectly.
EDIT2: We found a solution, although it does not seem to be a very good one... We set the following configuration entries in httpd.conf:
Timeout=500 and ProxyTimeout=500. Default value is 60 for these entries.
This solved the problem. However, it would be nice to know, why this problem occures in the first place.

Orange HRM is not getting Logged

I have installed OrangeHRM 3.1.2 in live server and accessing through a domain name.
Issue I am facing is - When I am trying to loggin to the following link "http://example.com/hrm/symfony/web/index.php/auth/login" - With valid credentials. I was not logged in or neither I am not displayed with any exceptional Message, but I was able to see the URL as follows - "http://example.com/hrm/symfony/web/index.php/pim/viewMyDetails" which means I have logged in but the screen have not changed and I am still seeing the Login screen.
The Orange HRM is hosted in Godaddy Linux hosting.
I am using Windows 7.
I have checked this scenario in cross browser as well.
When I tried after few or many mins, I was able to login without any issues. As I am facing this issues frequently. I am unable to track My Staffs login and logout time exactly.
As I am not a developer, I am not sure what was the issue. Can someone please help me solving the same and just let me know if you need any more information.
Appreciate your valuable response.
Please check your php session save path. Make sure it is writable by the webserver you are running , either apache or nginx or php-fpm. I had the same issue and i was able to solve giving proper permissions to the session save path directory.

"Cannot locate WordPress root directory," error while updating WordPress or installing any plugins

I am running WordPress on a CentOS server with Apache and Mysql and it was running smoothly a couple of days ago but when I am trying to install any plugin or update WordPress, it gives the error with the exact statement "Unable to locate WordPress root directory".
Any suggestions are welcome because I need to install a few plugins.
This error can be caused by the wrong FTP username being given (not an incorrect password – that would be trapped nicely by wordpress – but the username).
I guess this isn’t something that is going to happen often – moving a server and so changing the FTP username – but I’m glad I thought to read around before spending hours diagnosing the server.
This could be because of the web host you are using. If you are hosting it on a free web host it could be somewhat unstable. If you really want to test wordpress out to see how it would word if it did word correctly, try using WAMP.

MediaWiki: 500 Internal Server Error after authenticating

I've been trying to research this for hours now, and I can't find any related articles.
I have an installation of MediaWiki that is under SSL and uses an extension of the AuthPlugin to authenticate users to an external database upon their login.
If I access the wiki without being logged in, I can see the content that anonymous users would see just fine. If, however, I log into the site, the wiki is no longer available, and only brings up a 500 Internal Server Error.
I've checked the error logs, and nothing shows up there corresponding to the bad request.
On a staging server, I have the same codebase running under non-SSL, and I do not encounter any issues when logged in, so I'm thinking there might be something to do with tthe combination of SSL and the AuthPlugin.
Anyone out there encounter similar using extensions of AuthPlugin under SSL?
Start by turning on PHP debugging and logging, so you can actually see the error instead of having to guess what the 500 means:
I ran into this same issue for one wiki user after an upgrade. All other wiki users could still log in. My issue was due to the user using a skin that did not work. After changing the user's skin to Vector(default) he could log in again. I couldn't figure out how to change another user's preferences as an Admin, so I ended up running an update statement to the mysql database. Hope this helps someone else.