"Cannot locate WordPress root directory," error while updating WordPress or installing any plugins - apache

I am running WordPress on a CentOS server with Apache and Mysql and it was running smoothly a couple of days ago but when I am trying to install any plugin or update WordPress, it gives the error with the exact statement "Unable to locate WordPress root directory".
Any suggestions are welcome because I need to install a few plugins.

This error can be caused by the wrong FTP username being given (not an incorrect password – that would be trapped nicely by wordpress – but the username).
I guess this isn’t something that is going to happen often – moving a server and so changing the FTP username – but I’m glad I thought to read around before spending hours diagnosing the server.

This could be because of the web host you are using. If you are hosting it on a free web host it could be somewhat unstable. If you really want to test wordpress out to see how it would word if it did word correctly, try using WAMP.


PHPBB 3.0.1 website migrating to new hosting service

I am trying to find some guidance on where to go next on the issue I am having migrating a phpbb3 site from one hosting service to another.
I have checked to make sure the config.php file has been changed to work on the new server, as well as the common.php file. I am getting a HTTP 500 error when I try to search for the forum. The main site is working normally, just the message board is having a problem.
Nothing about the structure of the sites pages has changed, only the hosting server. (I downloaded a copy of the website before moving it so I have everything in the exact way it was before, just on the new server.)
Do I need to install phpbb onto the server itself with Softaculous?
Anything would help, I need to get the site back up and running soon.
Thanks in advance.
This post would have been better addressed on phpBB.com support section...
In any cases most hosting companies out there will perform the migration for you for free.
Did you ask about handling a migration for you?
There are many things that need to be done when migrating to a new hosting.
here a couple of pointers for you:
-PHP version in use should be PHP 5.6.x as phpBB 3.0.x does not support higher PHP versions
-config.php might need updating, for example these two fields:
$dbhost = '';
$dbport = '';
-check your error logs in your cPanel as they will reveal the cause of the 500 error
Also, NO you do not need Softaculous
I'll be happy to help you with this if you PM me on:
The php version on the new hosting services server was above what phpBB 3.0.x needed. I upgraded phpBB to version 3.2.9 and the issue was resolved.

Apache server "Error" message

I'm using an Apache webserver to develop a project using joomla.
Some days ago I did a backup restoration in Joomla (using Akeeba Backups) and now, whenever I try accessing, both the site's backend and frontend, I get a blank page with nothing but the word "Error".
I don't know if the backup is in anyway related to this error as I'm not that much experienced, but I haven't touched the server since then. Any help? How can I find the error's origin?

Apache won't stop using old project files / refuse to remove old cache

I am using Apache httpd on localhost to connect to the project I'm working on, I have been deleting web cache when website is showing the old project instead of the new one. However recently the project is stuck on an outdated version and restarting/clearing cookies won't work with the user I'm assigned.
I tried using another user with my project and it works just fine. I recently did use svn revert which may have caused my user to get stuck with old project, but I'm not sure that's the problem.
Commands I use to start and stop:
sudo service httpd start
sudo service httpd stop
Any advice or tips are greatly appreciated.
Update: I managed to get the page to update the html, however my JavaScript won't load which I suspect is due to another user being stored and thus not accessing the database I use which leads to nothing being generated.
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I got everything to "work" again by accident, I made some edits to PHP and my PHP crashed because of a syntax error. When I fixed it back to original stage it was working again. It most likely is related to a user the previous owner created that caused the problem.
Just clear Temporary files
In windows CTRL+R and type %temp% and delete all the files it will help to you

Odoo v8 fails to load from remote server installation

I downloaded latest version of Odoo (Openerp v8) from GitHub. When installed on my localhost (my pc) it works fine. Now whenever I tried to install it on my remote server, database is created but not loaded and I have a blank page when it comes to my-remote-ip:8072/web (I launched it openerp-gevent along my config file but the same happens with the openerp-server command too).
When I check the log file, the process is stuck at:
.... INFO my-db-username openerp.addons.base.ir.ir_http: Generating
routing map
The last request processed by the system is:
'werkzeug.request': http://my-remote-ip:8072/web/js/web.assets_backend/77f77e2' [GET]>
This request is not served and leads to a blank page. I'm on ubuntu 14.04.
I wonder if there is protection in the coding that prevents odoo to be used from a remote server.
Please, can someone help me how to bypass this issue?
Use different DB for your remote server not same as localhost.
try to run remote server using this command
./openerp-server --xmlrpc-port=8072
you can change the port number.
Hope this will help... :)
I've been testing in virtual machines recently. IMHO check the postgress database and if all is working fine, then check python dependences, perhaps you missed some?
I've used this quick guide with success for my ubuntu 14.04 Vm with odoo 8
Thanks but your answer is not satisfying. I said that it works well on a local installation. And I know quite well about the installation process whatsoever.
Now, try to install Odoo on a remote server using your IP adress (which is my case as I haven't given a domain name to my VPS yet). You will notice that the installation process is not going to its end and points to a blank screen. I need to have feedbacks from persons who have tried the same operation. Again, thanks for all your valuable contributions to this issue.

Configure Apache on Windows 7

I want to test some code on localhost before uploading to a live site. So I decided to install Apache. I'm running 64bit windows 7 enterprise edition. I downloaded httpd-2.0.64-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi. I installed it under C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Group\Apache2
I have set domain name and server name to localhost in my installation, and used default value for all other steps. In my configuration file httpd.conf, I have ServerName localhost:80.
I followed everything I can find on online apache installation tutorials. But when I typed in localhost in my browser, I got a 404 error :(
I know it's very hard to diagnose this way, but I just wonder if someone can spot an important step I'm missing.
I'm feeling it could be something to do with my 64bit machine, and the long folder name Program Files (x86). But I have tried to install on C:\Apache directly and failed too (even got an error during installation). Can someone help?
Finally figured it out. Apache service didn't start because another system process was listening to port 80. Refer to these two posts for solutions:
Good luck to all!
Did you start the service?
Also, you should install XAMPP or WAMPP, which offers Apache, PHP and MySQL support without all the configuration hassle.
If you got a 404 error then either the webserver is running or you failed to start it and have something very wrong with the existing network config on your machine.
The latter is a lot more likely - and you can check this by looking at the logs which it has generated - there should be entries in both the access and error log.
If the problem is the spaces in the path (you'll see an error relating to the documentroot from the entries added to the error_log at startup) then (IIRC) you can either enclose the path in double quotes or use a path for the document root which doesn't have spaces - the content doesn't have to site below the directory you installed Apache into - indeed it's arguable that using a different path is good practice. Note that several versions of mod_fcgid don't like paths with spaces even if you quote them.