React Native navigation actions - react-native

I have problem about navigation from other script (screen)... I implemented navigation in App.js (with createStackNavigator and with screens). Everything works fine when I want to navigate (with OnPress{() => navigate("someScreen")} to screen which is defined in this script (App.js).
But, when I want to use that navigation from other script (outside of App.js), let's say in "NewPage.js"
which has own "export default class NewPage..." and inside I have button element which task is to navigate "onPress" to screen which is defined in the App.js stackNavigator...
I know that I can't use anymore navigate("pageName") because navigation isn't implemented in this script and I tried with import { NavigationActions } from 'react-native' and inside of button element I tried with code: "this.props.navigation.navigate('somePage')" and it's not working.
So I don't know how to use navigation property from other script in which isn't implemented navigation, how to reference/export/import that property?
Here is code App.js script: and NewPage.js script:
This code is short so you can easily see what I want and what is the problem...
Thank you in advance!

Use this for better navigation among screen as compared to default navigation this is the better one for navigating among the screens. We mostly use this than other navigator

You should import your pages [using the names of the exported components, not the names of the js files] into your App.js.
For example, I stored my pages in a folder called 'screens' so when I imported my 'Home' screen, I used
import HomeScreen from './screens/HomeScreen.js';
which was further referenced as
Home: HomeScreen,
Good luck!


createBottomTabNavigator (navigation version 4) cannot use useEffect

I am using version 4 react navigation and particularly createBottomTabNavigator with createStackNavigator for each tab. For all implemented tabs, if I scroll away from my landing screen called home screen and return back to it, useEffect is not invoked. I do this with the use of navigation.navigate() to navigate to the home screen. I tried adding 'resetOnBlur' option and set it to true for the createBottomNavigator but it still does not blur and re focus such that useEffect can be invoked as per documentation when using navigation.navigate to reach a bottom navigator tab:
I want to do something on home screen load every time the user returns back to it by not tapping the bottom bar but when redirected through code with the use of navigator.navigate. How can I achieve this in. navigation version 4 ?
You can use useFocusEffect of react-navigation, like below,
import {useFocusEffect} from '#react-navigation/native';
useCallback(() => {
// Do your work
}, []),

Is there any way to track screens when using react navigation?

As a developing assistant, I need to to track screens in order to use 'react-native-firebase' package. Firstly, I used analytics().setCurrentScreen('ViewName') with using useEffect hook. However, I think it is ineffective because there may be a lot of ways to access the screen. Moreover, when I use goBack function of react-navigation, useEffect hook can't track because the 'formerly opened' screen is not closed.
In order to track screens precisely, I want to find the function to track screen variables. Here is a part of the code that my team is developing
import {createStackNavigator, createAppContainer, } from 'react-navigation';
const MainNavigator = createStackNavigator({
Main: {screen: Main,},
How can I track screens using react-navigation?
It seems to be well documented here:

Building React Navigation v5 stack with Stack Navigation and Tab Navigation

I'm currently attempting to get my head round how to build out my React Navigation stack with v5, and not using a switchNavigator.
My basic app structure is such (will post an image of a flow below):
check Auth
-> signed in yes
-> tab navigation (with stack navigators nested within)
-> signed in no
-> nested stack navigator
But I just can't figure out how I should build the root of my app. I don't know how to combine my tab navigator and stack navigator together to make my app function from start to finish.
(It's worth noting, the 'check Auth' is an actual screen, not a conditional)
Here's my illustration showing my project layout:
Can someone advise please how I can build this out? Any tips or general structure / advice on how best to do it would be really appreciated!
So what I've typically done in the past is the render either or, not both. So as an example, the root navigation could look as follows:
import { NavigationContainer as RootNavigationContainer } from "#react-navigation/native";
const Navigation = () => {
const { someToken } = useContext(SomeContext);
return (
{!someToken ? <AuthStack /> : <MainStack />}
The determining of the user's authenticated state should be done while the Splash Screen is being shown, using a separate component just confuses the flow IMO. If the user is authenticated, you can set some state (in the example a token is set on the context) which will then drive which navigation stack is shown.
In my example, AuthStack would contain all of the screens where you user is unauthenticated - so your login, registration etc. MainStack would contain the screens that should only be shown to authenticated users.
Things like FaceID should be included in your Login flow.

React-native componentWillMount not calling

I am new in react-native I have two screens in my stack. Login and Home.
I want to go back to login from a button on home.
I am writing this code
but in login screen componentWillMount method is not calling. I want to reset my form when user come on login screen from home.
Can anyone help me here?
Thanks in advance.
The this.props.navigation.navigate('loginScreen') don't work because you are now in loginScreen.
If you want to restart page this code isn't good. because have a loop!
correct code:
just when navigate to loginScreen from home use:
NOT IN "componentWillMount"
To go back from login from home , you should use this.props.navigation.goBack() if the screen is immidiately before home.
Secondly, you should not use componentWillMount since it is deprecated and will be removed from React 17 onwards. Instead use componentDidMount
Since the component is already mounted therefore it won't call the react lifecycle events componentDidMount again. Therefore you should use the react-navigation listeners didFocus event.
didFocus: the screen focused (if there was a transition, the transition completed)
componentDidMount () {
this._onFocusListener = this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', (payload) => {
// Perform the reset action here
Since your Home and Login Screens are both under the same StackNavigator, when you go from Home back to Login the state stays the same as the component doesn't unmount. The recommended way to solve this is using the SwitchNavigator of react-navigation. Read this very helpful part of the documentation below
You may not be familiar with SwitchNavigator yet. The purpose of
SwitchNavigator is to only ever show one screen at a time. By default,
it does not handle back actions and it resets routes to their default
state when you switch away.
The perfect solution is with this.props.navigation.push('Login'), I tried with SwitchNavigator but it doesn't provide navigationOptions for header.

how to get a splash screen first and then go the main home screen when using react-native-navigation?

I am using react-native 0.32.0 and "react-native-navigation": "^1.0.30", And I want to get a splash screen first and then go to the main home screen, where I begin to use react-native-navigation. I googled a lot and did a lot re research but still do not know how to make this. I try to get the simplest config passed to Navigation.startSingleScreenApp, but I still get the navbar in iOS. is it possible to get a raw splash screen first and then use react-native-navigation for navigation?
I implemented this through navigation experimental itself. you can refer this repository on github for navigation experimental
I used setTimeout() function in the constructor of the page which I am loading first through my navigation experimental. The page in which I used this function became the splash screen of my app. Here is the code.
class FirstScreen extends Component{
constructor(props) {
setTimeout(this.props.OnChange, 3000); //Constructor of Splash Screen page
//render() code
and here is my onChange() function inside mapDispatchToProps() which is calling navigatePush() action creater of my navigation experimental
OnChange: () => {