how to get a splash screen first and then go the main home screen when using react-native-navigation? - react-native

I am using react-native 0.32.0 and "react-native-navigation": "^1.0.30", And I want to get a splash screen first and then go to the main home screen, where I begin to use react-native-navigation. I googled a lot and did a lot re research but still do not know how to make this. I try to get the simplest config passed to Navigation.startSingleScreenApp, but I still get the navbar in iOS. is it possible to get a raw splash screen first and then use react-native-navigation for navigation?

I implemented this through navigation experimental itself. you can refer this repository on github for navigation experimental
I used setTimeout() function in the constructor of the page which I am loading first through my navigation experimental. The page in which I used this function became the splash screen of my app. Here is the code.
class FirstScreen extends Component{
constructor(props) {
setTimeout(this.props.OnChange, 3000); //Constructor of Splash Screen page
//render() code
and here is my onChange() function inside mapDispatchToProps() which is calling navigatePush() action creater of my navigation experimental
OnChange: () => {


How to change native splash screen with Javascript splash screen?

I need that when the native splash screen finishes loading, another splash screen (now on the javascript side) continues loading... with the same image and the same size shown on the native splash screen.
I already tried to define some sizes and positions on screen. But they never look alike. Can anyone point me to some documentation for me to study or guide me on how I can do this?
Technically splash screen is a part of the native application. You can't modify it from React Native side.
However, using libraries like you can control when to hide the splash screen. For example:
const App = () => {
componentDidMount() {
// do your logic even async
RNBootSplash.hide(); // call it to hide native splash screen

How to remove previous page in react native using #react-navigation/native

I want to finish my splash screen in react native how can I do this I have search a lot but did not find anything I'm using this #react-navigation/native.
Try to use react-native-splash-screen
import SplashScreen from 'react-native-splash-screen'
export default class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
// do stuff while splash screen is shown
// After having done stuff (such as async tasks) hide the splash screen

React Native - Global BackHandler behavior depends on registration timing

I'm migrating an old React Native app from 0.57 to 0.62, and just setup navigation with the current React Navigation package. That app contains a global navigation store that registers to Android back button presses and allows me to intercept back operations, no matter where they originate (hardware button or programmatically).
I have a rather weird behavior here, and it seems to be timing-related. In the snippet below, I register a listener with BackHandler, which supresses back button taps and logs a warning. I'll register it in the componentDidMount method.
export class RootComponent extends React.Component {
private initBackButton() {
const onBackPress = () => {
return true;
BackHandler.addEventListener("hardwareBackPress", onBackPress);
public componentDidMount() {
// TODO register back listener
public render() {
return (
<NavigationContainer >
<StackNavigatorSetup />
If I register the listener synchronously, the back button listener fires if I press it at the initial screen of my StackNavigator.
If I navigate to a second screen, the listener does not fire if I press the back button, and I can return back to the start screen. If I press back there again, the listener fires.
Note that I'm declaring the listener in the root component, so that component isn't going anywhere.
public componentDidMount() {
// only works on the start screen
Now, the behavior is different if I use a delay:
If I register the same handler with a delay of 1 second, the handler works on any screen
This is not thread-related. If I use a delay that is too short, it again only works on the start screen
public componentDidMount() {
// works on every screen i'll navigate to
PromiseUtil.delay(1000).then(() => this.initBackButton());
To be honest, I don't really have a clue what's happening here. BackHandler seems to be ready, but I don't understand why the listener works either global or not depending on the delay. Also, my root component doesn't really change, so I wonder whether React Navigation is messing with me here...

React-native componentWillMount not calling

I am new in react-native I have two screens in my stack. Login and Home.
I want to go back to login from a button on home.
I am writing this code
but in login screen componentWillMount method is not calling. I want to reset my form when user come on login screen from home.
Can anyone help me here?
Thanks in advance.
The this.props.navigation.navigate('loginScreen') don't work because you are now in loginScreen.
If you want to restart page this code isn't good. because have a loop!
correct code:
just when navigate to loginScreen from home use:
NOT IN "componentWillMount"
To go back from login from home , you should use this.props.navigation.goBack() if the screen is immidiately before home.
Secondly, you should not use componentWillMount since it is deprecated and will be removed from React 17 onwards. Instead use componentDidMount
Since the component is already mounted therefore it won't call the react lifecycle events componentDidMount again. Therefore you should use the react-navigation listeners didFocus event.
didFocus: the screen focused (if there was a transition, the transition completed)
componentDidMount () {
this._onFocusListener = this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', (payload) => {
// Perform the reset action here
Since your Home and Login Screens are both under the same StackNavigator, when you go from Home back to Login the state stays the same as the component doesn't unmount. The recommended way to solve this is using the SwitchNavigator of react-navigation. Read this very helpful part of the documentation below
You may not be familiar with SwitchNavigator yet. The purpose of
SwitchNavigator is to only ever show one screen at a time. By default,
it does not handle back actions and it resets routes to their default
state when you switch away.
The perfect solution is with this.props.navigation.push('Login'), I tried with SwitchNavigator but it doesn't provide navigationOptions for header.

React Native get navigation object outside screen component

I need to be able to navigate and reset navigation stack from modules that are not necessarily screen components. It means, I can't use:
const {navigate} = this.props.navigation;
In my case, I need to properly redirect user to the right screen when he taps on push notification. I only have a callback:
onNotification: function(notification) {
// show correct screen and reset navigation stack
I just need more flexibility with navigation. So how can I do it for my case?
Here is my solution. I implemented base class for all screens. With this I always know what screen I am at and can always get navigation object to redirect user whenever needed:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
export default class Base extends Component {
static screen;
constructor(props) {
Base.screen = this;
nav() {
return this.props.navigation;
In some other component/module I can just call this to navigate to a different screen:
I have created a navigation aware screen component to take care of it on screens.
For outside the screen you can directly access store.navigation. I have used it with redux in my example. See if this helps you.