FluentAssertions throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException when assertion fails (possibly NCrunch related) - fluent-assertions

I'm using FluentAssertions 5.3.0 run under NCrunch When a test fails, I often seen this error as FluentAssertions tries to generate a report message...
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex cannot be larger than
length of string. Parameter name: startIndex at
System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) at
frame) at
FluentAssertions.CallerIdentifier.DetermineCallerIdentity() at
FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.GetIdentifier() at
FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.FailWith(String message,
Object[] args) at FluentAssertions.Numeric.NumericAssertions`1.Be(T
expected, String because, Object[] becauseArgs) at
in ...test.cs
The error is sporadic - often it will disappear if the test is rerun (in which case, a proper error report is shown). I've seen this in the last couple of versions of both FluentAssertions and NCrunch and it appears on multiple machines (all running some flavour of Visual Studio 2017 Professional).
Here's an example of the latest call to bite me...
results.Count(c => c.IsStationary).Should().Be(5);
where results is an ImmutableArray of POCOs
In this case, right-clicking on the failing test and selecting "rerun in new test runner" in the ncrunch window, caused the test to re-run and FA to emit the correct report.
Can anyone suggest a workaround for this?


Using Optaplanner for VRPPD

I am trying to run the example "optaplanner-mixedvrp-experiment" developed by Geoffrey De Smet and when I run it it throws me the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The entity (MY) has a
variable (previousStandstill) with value (MUNO) which has a
sourceVariableName variable (nextVisit) with a value (WERBOMONT) which
is not null. Verify the consistency of your input problem for that
sourceVariableName variable.
I have not made any change, I have only cloned and executed it, I import and solve it and it throws me this error.
Do you know what could be happening?
I am applying it in the development of a variant of VRP with multiple deliveries and collections, but it throws me the same error. I have activated the FULL_ASSERT mode and nextVisit, previousStandstill, visitIndex are always null
It's been a long time since I looked at that code, so it's using an old version of optaplanner. Our goal is still to clean it up and offer an out of the box example for VRPPD (and probably remove some boilerplate along the way, using the upcoming #CollectionPlanningVariabe etc). That being said, we have multiple users&customers who used that optaplanner-mixedvrp-experiment to successfully build VRPPD implementations.
Which dataset did you try?
FWIW, that IllegalStateException says that when A.previous = B, the B.next is not A. So either the dataset importer didn't import it correctly - before calling solve() - especially if it fails before the first CH step in FULL_ASSERT. Or one of the custom moves corrupted the model.

Why Automated Data Driven test cases using Tosca throwing -- No suitable value found for command 'XL'

I am trying to automate Salesforce instance using Tosca ,and i used "Automated Data Driven test cases" which is simply Recording of Test cases option using the Tosca tool ,after successful recording when i tried to execute the test case by "Run in scrapbook " option ,i see error as
No suitable value found for command 'XL'
Strange because i see values got populated in Tosca Test engine of excel generated as a result of recording
Here is detailed error log from Tosca
Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.InvalidActionException: No suitable value found for command 'XL' ---> System.InvalidOperationException: No suitable value found for command 'XL'
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.Values.ValueFactory.CreateValues(IParsed parsed, DataType dataType)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__17`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.Values.ValueFactory.CreateValue(IEnumerable`1 parsedItems, DataType dataType)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression(String expression, IEnumerable`1 tokenDefinitions, DataType dataType)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.ExpressionParser.GetAsValues[T](String expression, TokenDefinitionSet tokenDefinitionSet, DataType dataType)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectTestAction.get_Values()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectTextBoxTestAction.get_Values()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectTestAction.CreateSubTestActions()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_InnerActions()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_InnerActions()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_Actions()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.<>c.<get_ExecutableChildren>b__32_1(ITestAction testAction)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_ExecutableChildren()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_ConstrainingChildren()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectSearchQuery.get_TestActionConstraints()
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.get_ConstrainingChildTestActions()
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.ConstrainBySubItems(IEnumerable`1 representations)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.ConstrainInternal(IEnumerable`1 representations, IModuleAttributeXParameters parameters)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.Constrain(IEnumerable`1 representations)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.SearchRepresentations(IAdapterController adapterController)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RootRepresentationController.SearchRepresentation()
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.Search()
at ᜁ.ᜀ(IRepresentationController A_0)
at ᜁ.ᜁ(IRepresentationController A_0, IRepresentation& A_1)
at ᜂ.ᜀ(IRepresentationController A_0, IRepresentation& A_1)
at ᜁ.ᜀ()
Even I got the same error message. but now solved. I tried as below:
Converted test case to template and added the Test Sheet attributes to Template by drag n drop in respective locations. If you try to run the test steps at this point then you will get this error message "No Suitable Value found for command 'XL'",
This can be avoided by "Create Template Instance" from the menu or Instantiate icon from the icon from the tool bar and then run the instantiated item in Scratch Book. It should work without any error message. I used multiple user cased and all of them worked.
Note: other observation: make sure you do not delete the Values in the cells using right click and cross mark. just get in to cell and then remove.
You get this "No Suitable Value found for command 'XL'" when you try to run testcase from a template and not the template instance!!

How to fail Velocity template processing with tracable message

Velocity template or macro
some object
How to validate the object (#if) and fail (stop further processing) in a way that is easily tracable to the place of failure (like throwing exception in Java).
I am looking for something like this:
#if ( ! $context.treasureMap.containsKey('gold'))
#fail('no golden treasure here')
I am writing a maven site page. The velocity context is injected by maven and contains POM information. I want to test existence of some information from effective pom. When the information is not available, I want to fail.
fail Velocity processing > fail site generation > fail maven build.
error message should lead to the place of failure so the site should be fixed
preferably no configuration (no extensions, just constructs/tools contained in plain Velocity)
Strict Reference Mode
Unwanted configuration, do not want to fail on every occasion.
#evaluate('#end') aka syntax error
(Chose #end as most descriptive to my intent) Basically what I want. Fails the processing and maven build but the error message does not lead back to failure location:
ParseException: Encountered "#end" at line 1, column 1..
You need to make a method call which produce exception.See explanation:
The only place where one could run into trouble within Velocity is if there is a call to a method which throws an exception during runtime. For example, this VTL defines a String $foo and then attempts to call its substring() method on it would throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException:
#set ($foo = "bar")
#set ($bar = $foo.substring(0,10))
When the exception is thrown, the parser will stop processing and throw that exception up the stack tree where it can be caught in the method that caused the parser to execute. At that point, the exception can be handled gracefully.

Unhandled Exception using DotNetZip

I've been using DotNetZip for a month or so now and i like how it has worked but today my program started having a new issue that I'm clueless on.
During the zipping process it throws this error up and windows displays their "program name has stopped working" box.
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: s:\(file path)\filename.pdf
at Ionic.Zip.SharedUtilities.GetFileLength(string fileName)
at ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.MaybeUnsetCompressionMethodForWriting(int32 cycle)
at Ionic.zip.Zipentry.WriteHeader(Stream s, Int32 cycle)
at Ionic.zip.ZipEntry.Write(Stream s)
at Ionic.zip.zipfile.save()
at ZipAJob_Instant.ConsoleMain.Main() in C:\users\(my name)\Documents\visual studio 2012\projects\zipAjob_Instant\zipAJob_Win32.vb:line 71
Line 71 refers to where i call zip.save()
From your comments, I take that what happened is exactly what happened to me a while ago.
I was getting a list of files to zip and stored into memory. The I would go zipping them one by one until this exception was thrown. The cause was someone removed the file after I got the list, but before I got the opportunity to zip it. This occured on a shared folder, btw.

Active Directory related AppDomainUnloadedException in MVC4

I have an ASP.NET MVC application. It's run on a domain and we determine the user by calling UserPrincipal.Current. This works beautifully, most of the time. Every once in a while (maybe 1 out of 5 times), and only right after I publish my app to IIS, it will throw an AppDomainUnloadedException.
The specific line of my code causing the exception is:
if (UserPrincipal.Current.SamAccountName != null &&
_currentUserId != UserPrincipal.Current.SamAccountName) ...
The remainder of the call stack is:
mscorlib.dll!System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.GetCOMHRExceptionObject(int hr, System.IntPtr pCPCMD, object pThis) + 0xe bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ADStoreCtx.LoadDomainInfo() + 0x358 bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ADStoreCtx.DnsDomainName.get() + 0x5e bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ADStoreCtx.GetAsPrincipal(object storeObject, object discriminant = {Name = "UserPrincipal" FullName = "System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal"}) + 0x17a bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ADStoreCtx.FindPrincipalByIdentRefHelper(System.Type principalType, string urnScheme, string urnValue, System.DateTime referenceDate, bool useSidHistory) + 0x576 bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ADStoreCtx.FindPrincipalByIdentRef(System.Type principalType, string urnScheme, string urnValue, System.DateTime referenceDate) + 0x35 bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.Principal.FindByIdentityWithTypeHelper(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext context, System.Type principalType, System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType? identityType, string identityValue, System.DateTime refDate) + 0x9e bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.Principal.FindByIdentityWithType(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext context, System.Type principalType, System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType identityType, string identityValue) + 0x5b bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext context, System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType identityType, string identityValue) + 0x1e bytes
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll!System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal.Current.get() + 0xc1 bytes
After a great deal of digging around, and due to the random nature of the exception, I concluded the problem was probably related to this:
So I installed the hotfix and as expected, the problem went away. That was Tuesday. This morning, the exception started up again. I verified that the hotifx is in fact installed. I turned on module load messages and got:
'w3wp.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\activeds.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
So I verified that that .dll is in fact the one from the hotfix and it is (size and version #s match).
At the same time I get this exception, I get this event in the event log:
A process serving application pool 'WebSitePool' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The process id was '7404'. The data field contains the error number.
The only data in the error is: 0x8007006D which I believe simply means there was a fatal communication error which the error already said...
Humorously, when the exception dialog pops up it states, "If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued." Which is true if your app has no need for UserPrincipal.Current, but calling it again after this exception causes the exception to rethrow, so I'd question their "safely continued" assertion there.
Now, if I rerun the app, I won't get a problem. I have yet to have this happen any time, other than right after publishing. Because of our setup and relations to other projects, this app must be debugged under IIS, which means I have to publish it every time I make a code change which means I normally see this throughout the day (Tuesday afternoon and yesterday being the exceptions).
It seems curious to me that, from digging around, it appears this bug is frequently associated with ASP.NET MVC, but I don't believe I've seen it associated with WinForms or ASP.NET... I can't see how that would matter, but maybe there's a relationship there.
I suspect this is an MS bug. I can't imagine that there's any legitimate condition under which UserPrincipal.Current should cause an AppDomainUnloadedException, but I thought I'd take a shot here on Stackoverflow...