Trello API: Get all Cards assigned to a user, on a specific board - api

I'm trying to get all cards in a board assigned to a specific user, but the below returns all the cards in a board.
I did not find this solution anywhere; this is what I tried, and it returns cards assigned to all users:${boardid}/cards?fields=name,shortLink&key=${applicationkey}&token=${userkey}
${boardid} = id of the board I want cards from
${applicationkey} = Trello Developer API Key
${userkey} = Trello User Token
Looks like a lot of people were able to do this, but there is no working documentation on this one.

I was able to accomplish this (get all cards assigned to me), by using the Trello search API.
Query URL (Cards assigned to a member):${memberid}%20board:${boardname}%20sort:edited&card_fields=name,shortLink&cards_limit=100&key=${applicationkey}&token=${userkey}
Query Pattern (regexp to read cards):
Parameters used:
${applicationkey} = Developer API Key
${userkey} = User Token
${boardname} = Actual name of the board in Trello
${memberid} = member id of the Trello user
Get Developer API key and User Token: Click here
Get member id from here:${boardname}%20sort:edited&card_fields=name,shortLink,member&cards_limit=100&key=APIKey&token=UserToken


Get Account ID in PUBG API

I'm trying to get a PUBG player's details using the Players developer API.
I'm aware that both the operations of this Players API require the account ID of the respective player, whose account details are required.
However, I tried my best to find the account ID (starting with account. and having 32 alphanumeric characters), but all in vain.
In this aspect, I've two specific questions:
How can I find my PUBG account ID?
If I want to fetch other players' details via API, how do I get their account ID programmatically? Or should I need to ask for their account ID explicitly?
Use filter[playerNames]=myPlayerName as shown in the player docs
On succes, it wil return a object containing the account_id;[playerNames]=myPlayerName
"data": [
"type": "player",
"id": "account.c0e511111111111893af",
Replace myPlayerName with the username you're looking for.
This Community Manager says that only - and _ are allowed in nicknames, url-escaping won't be necessary!

Can we extract all Visitor ID's from Adobe Analytics using API

I'm looking to determine whether it's possible via visitor API to be able to find out all visitor ID's.
In the code examples below, [your mcorgid here] is your company's marketing cloud organization id. If you do not know this then you need to contact Adobe Client Care to get it.
getMarketingCloudVisitorID - Get the Marketing Cloud Visitor ID (mid= param)
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("[your mcorgid here]#AdobeOrg")
var mcvid = visitor.getMarketingCloudVisitorID();
getAnalytcisVisitorID - get legacy visitor id (aid= if applicable)
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("[your mcorgid here]#AdobeOrg")
var aid = visitor.getAnalyticsVisitorID();
getCustomerIDs - get all customer IDs
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("[your mcorgid here]#AdobeOrg");
var customerIDs = visitor.getCustomerIDs();
s_fid - Fallback ID
There is no built-in method for retrieving this, but you can use AA's s.c_r() cookie reading utility function, or any other cookie reading method you have to look for the s_fid cookie. (sidenote: I do not recommend using DTM's _satellite.readCookie()method. It only looks for cookies on the current page's full (not root) domain, and there is no way to change that. Since AA and most other things usually set on root domain, it makes _satellite.readCookie() unreliable in practice).
var fid = s.c_r('s_fid');
Use Adobe datawarehouse and extract Experience Cloud ID. Assuming you know how to use the API already, here is an easy report to try
report_definition = ReportDefinition(

Twitter API Get Tweet ID

I'm using an auto poster to post news stories to the Twitter account using the Twitter API 1.1.
I have a slight problem though... If there is something wrong with the news story and it is deleted, I need to be able to delete the tweet automatically.
To do this, I thought that if I can get the ID of the tweet and store it in the database, I could delete it this way, but I can't seem to get the ID of the actual tweet as it tweets if that makes sense? The best way I could find was to use the API to search the Twitter account and get the latest tweet, but there's a risk that the latest tweet is not the actual tweet.
I had a look through the API documentation and there's nothing that I can see that enables you to return the tweet ID. I also looked on here, this was the closest I got: How to get id of the tweet But again, it searches rather than returns the specific ID.
You can POST your tweets to the post/statuses/update endpoint.
You can then read ID as id_str in the response dictionary.
If you are using node.js, you could use
var params = {status:"This is a dummy tweet to get the current tweet ID. Time:" + currTime};'statuses/update', params, function(error, tweets, response){
if (!error) {
tweetid =;

RESTful API - How do I return different results for the same resource?

How do I return different results for the same resource?
I have been searching for some time now about the proper way to build a RESTful API. Tons of great information out there. Now I am actually trying to apply this to my website and have run into a few snags. I found a few suggestions that said to base the resources on your database as a starting point, considering your database should be structured decently. Here is my scenario:
My Site:
Here is a little information about my website and the purpose of the API
We are creating a site that allows people to play games. The API is supposed to allow other developers to build their own games and use our backend to collect user information and store it.
Scenario 1:
We have a players database that stores all player data. A developer needs to select this data based on either a user_id (person who owns the player data) or a game_id (the game that collected the data).
If the developer calls my resource using GET they will receive a list of players. Since there are multiple developers using this system they must specify some ID by which to select all the players. This is where I find a problem. I want the developer to be able to specify two kinds of ID's. They can select all players by user_id or by game_id.
How do you handle this?
Do I need two separate resources?
Lets say you have a controller name 'Players', then you'll have 2 methods:
function user_get(){
//get id from request and do something
function game_get(){
//get id from request and do something
now the url will look like:,
player is the controller.
user/game are the action
If you use phil sturgeon's framework, you'll do that but the url will look like:,
and then you get the id using : $this->get('id');
You can limit the results by specifying querystring parameters, i.e:
use phil's REST Server library:
I use this library in a product environment using oauth, and api key generation. You would create a api controller, and define methods for each of the requests you want. In my case i created an entirely seperate codeigniter instance and just wrote my models as i needed them.
You can also use this REST library to insert data, its all in his documentation..
Here is a video Phil threw together on the basics back in 2011..
It should go noted, that RESTful URLs mean using plural/singular wording e.g; player = singular, players = all or more than one, games|game etc..
this will allow you to do things like this in your controller
//users method_get is the http req type.. you could use post, or put as well.
public function players_get(){
//query db for players, pass back data
Your API Request URL would be something like:[csv|json|xml|html|php]
this would return a json object of all the users based on your query in your model.
public function player_get($id = false, $game = false){
//if $game_id isset, search by game_id
//query db for a specific player, pass back data
Your API Request URL would be something like:[csv|json|xml|html|php]
public function playerGames_get($id){
//query db for a specific players games based on $userid
Your API Request URL would be something like:[csv|json|xml|html|php]

Siebel - How to get all accounts of an employee with eScript?

how can I get all accounts of am employee?
In the "Siebel Object Interaces Reference" I found an example, how to get all industries of an account:
var myAccountBO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Account");
var myAccountBC = myAccountBO.GetBusComp("Account");
var myAssocBC = myAccountBC.GetMVGBusComp("Industry");
So I would like to do something like:
var myEmployeeBO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Employee");
var myEmployeeBC = myAccountBO.GetBusComp("Employee");
var myAssocBC = myAccountBC.GetMVGBusComp("Account");
But I get an error
Semantic Warning around line 23:No such predefined property Account in class BusComp[Employee].MVGFields.
I can see in Tools that there is no Multi Value Link called "Account" in Business Component "Employee", so I can actually understand the error message.
So I wonder how I can get all accounts of an employee.
I found the Business Component "User" which has a Multi Value Link to "Organisation" and another link "User/Account".
Is this what I am looking for?
How can I know? Where is documentation which tells me about the semantics of links? (Is this described in "Siebel data model reference"? I cannot download this document, although I have signed in...) This link could also link a user to the organization it belongs to.
If one of these links IS what I am looking for, what would be the way to go to get the "User" Business Component of a corresponding "Employee" Business Component?
Many questions of a Siebel newb...Thanks for your patience.
Nang. An easy way to approach this (and to learn it) is to figure out how you'd do it in the UI. Then move onto figuring out how to do the same thing in script.
When you say, "get all account of an employee," do you really mean get all accounts where a particular employee is on the account team? In the UI, that would be done by going to: Accounts > All Accounts Across Organizations, and querying for that specific user in the "Account Team" multi-value field.
From that same view, go to Help > About View in the application menu. You'll see in the popup that the view uses the Account business object and the Account business component. A quick examination of the applet you queried on will show you that the "Account Team" field on the applet is really the "Sales Rep" field on the Account business component. Here's how to mimic what we did in the UI, in script:
var boAccount = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Account");
var bcAccount = boAccount.GetBusComp("Account");
bcAccount.SetViewMode(AllView); // like All .. Across Orgs
bcAccount.SetSearchSpec("Sales Rep", "NANG");
Then you can walk through the list of accounts and do something with each one like this:
// for each account
for (var bIsRowActive = bcAccount.FirstRecord();
bIsRowActive; b = bcAccount.NextRecord())
// do something here
I hope you're enjoying Siebel.