Siebel - How to get all accounts of an employee with eScript? - scripting

how can I get all accounts of am employee?
In the "Siebel Object Interaces Reference" I found an example, how to get all industries of an account:
var myAccountBO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Account");
var myAccountBC = myAccountBO.GetBusComp("Account");
var myAssocBC = myAccountBC.GetMVGBusComp("Industry");
So I would like to do something like:
var myEmployeeBO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Employee");
var myEmployeeBC = myAccountBO.GetBusComp("Employee");
var myAssocBC = myAccountBC.GetMVGBusComp("Account");
But I get an error
Semantic Warning around line 23:No such predefined property Account in class BusComp[Employee].MVGFields.
I can see in Tools that there is no Multi Value Link called "Account" in Business Component "Employee", so I can actually understand the error message.
So I wonder how I can get all accounts of an employee.
I found the Business Component "User" which has a Multi Value Link to "Organisation" and another link "User/Account".
Is this what I am looking for?
How can I know? Where is documentation which tells me about the semantics of links? (Is this described in "Siebel data model reference"? I cannot download this document, although I have signed in...) This link could also link a user to the organization it belongs to.
If one of these links IS what I am looking for, what would be the way to go to get the "User" Business Component of a corresponding "Employee" Business Component?
Many questions of a Siebel newb...Thanks for your patience.

Nang. An easy way to approach this (and to learn it) is to figure out how you'd do it in the UI. Then move onto figuring out how to do the same thing in script.
When you say, "get all account of an employee," do you really mean get all accounts where a particular employee is on the account team? In the UI, that would be done by going to: Accounts > All Accounts Across Organizations, and querying for that specific user in the "Account Team" multi-value field.
From that same view, go to Help > About View in the application menu. You'll see in the popup that the view uses the Account business object and the Account business component. A quick examination of the applet you queried on will show you that the "Account Team" field on the applet is really the "Sales Rep" field on the Account business component. Here's how to mimic what we did in the UI, in script:
var boAccount = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Account");
var bcAccount = boAccount.GetBusComp("Account");
bcAccount.SetViewMode(AllView); // like All .. Across Orgs
bcAccount.SetSearchSpec("Sales Rep", "NANG");
Then you can walk through the list of accounts and do something with each one like this:
// for each account
for (var bIsRowActive = bcAccount.FirstRecord();
bIsRowActive; b = bcAccount.NextRecord())
// do something here
I hope you're enjoying Siebel.


How to get user from User field LookupId

I have a list in sharepoint online.
And in this list, i have a person field.
When i call the API endpoint to get all the items in the list, i get an LookupId value for the person field.
I tried to get the user by using the value of the lookupid, but it don't work because the id is not recognized.
The lookupid is a int (eg: 21) instead of a guid.
Is there something missing in the configuration of the person field or in my calls to Microsoft Graph API ?
When a user signs into a SharePoint site collection for the first time, a ListItem is created in a hidden User Information List. The LookupId in a PersonOrGroup field refers to the ListItem in this list. The URL for the User Information List for SharePoint Online should be:
Since the User Information List is a generic SharePoint list, you can query the list via Graph. First, get the list id for the User Information List. An easy way to get the list id is to view the source for the User Information Site via Chrome and search for 'listId'. You should find a result like this:
Copy the id. By using the copied id, the id of your root site and the LookupId, you can get the ListItem in the User Information List:{siteId}/lists/{pasteCopiedListId}/items/{lookUpId}?$expand=Fields
The ListItem contains information about the user, such as the email, which can be used to identify the Azure user:{eMail}
Question: How could i get the hidden User Information List from Microsoft Graph?
If you do not want to use the 'trick' with Google Chrome to get the id, there is another way to get the site. Typically, if you want to get the id for any site, you would call:{siteId}/lists
However, you will not find the id of the User Information List, even if you include hidden sites. I do not know why. An additional problem seems to be, that you cannot filter lists by their name:{siteId}/lists?$filter=name eq 'users'
The query returns an error, that the provided filter statement is not supported. The only way to get the list without knowing the id seems to by using the property displayName of the list. However, the displayName is based on your localization. So, since I am from Germany, I can get the site by using the query:{siteId}/lists?$filter=displayName eq 'Benutzerinformationsliste'
You will need to replace Benutzerinformationsliste with your localized name. For EN replace it with 'User Information List'.
This returns the expected result:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#sites('xxx')/lists(id,name,displayName)",
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "\"xxx\"",
"id": "xxx",
"name": "users",
"displayName": "Benutzerinformationsliste"
As you can see, the name of the list is 'users', so why the first filter statement does not work is a little mystery to me. Maybe someone here knows and can help out.
Some of the queries above don't work at the moment.
What I finally found as a good solution - after trying many many queries - is that you can do this by following the few steps below:
1- Get the GUID of the user information list.
Using the title of the list "User Information List" or the name "users" in the parameter "$filter" does not work.
Don't forget 'system' among the properties you select if you want to retrieve the hidden system-lists.
2- Filter the previous result in order to pick up the ID of the targeted list named 'users'.
By the way, applying this restriction "$filter=name eq 'users'" does not work.
You will get an exception. So you must do the filtering part by writing a few lines of code.
3- Once you've got the list identifier, then select all the items you want. And voilĂ ! The word 'Fields' must be in pascal case (uppercase the first letter ).
As #QuestionsPS1991 mentioned, the people field in fact refers to the hidden user list. With the lookupid, we can get the user via below methods:
Get user by id
Get user property by expanding lookup field
//////////// updated
By default, MS Graph does not return this user list. You may hard code the list id or follow ##QuestionsPS1991 suggestion. Below is my test:

Can we extract all Visitor ID's from Adobe Analytics using API

I'm looking to determine whether it's possible via visitor API to be able to find out all visitor ID's.
In the code examples below, [your mcorgid here] is your company's marketing cloud organization id. If you do not know this then you need to contact Adobe Client Care to get it.
getMarketingCloudVisitorID - Get the Marketing Cloud Visitor ID (mid= param)
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("[your mcorgid here]#AdobeOrg")
var mcvid = visitor.getMarketingCloudVisitorID();
getAnalytcisVisitorID - get legacy visitor id (aid= if applicable)
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("[your mcorgid here]#AdobeOrg")
var aid = visitor.getAnalyticsVisitorID();
getCustomerIDs - get all customer IDs
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("[your mcorgid here]#AdobeOrg");
var customerIDs = visitor.getCustomerIDs();
s_fid - Fallback ID
There is no built-in method for retrieving this, but you can use AA's s.c_r() cookie reading utility function, or any other cookie reading method you have to look for the s_fid cookie. (sidenote: I do not recommend using DTM's _satellite.readCookie()method. It only looks for cookies on the current page's full (not root) domain, and there is no way to change that. Since AA and most other things usually set on root domain, it makes _satellite.readCookie() unreliable in practice).
var fid = s.c_r('s_fid');
Use Adobe datawarehouse and extract Experience Cloud ID. Assuming you know how to use the API already, here is an easy report to try
report_definition = ReportDefinition(

Setting fields to readonly in dynamics crm 2013 business process flows

I have a business process flow that a customer wants to use cosmetically. All the stages are only on one entity. The customer wants certain look up fields to be read-only. What I've discovered is that while I can disable fields in the active stage of the business process flow using Xrm.Page, users can access other stages and enter data however they like. I haven't been able to find a supported method of making lookup fields readonly in non-active stages. Does anyone know how to do this?
Please try put the following code in the OnLoad event of the Form:
// Get the field in BPF
var c = Xrm.Page.getControl("header_process_<your field name>");
if (c != null) {
Hope it helps!

Show specific data to a user after log in

I am using simple membership provider and mvc. After a user registers he/she will be redirected to a view called registerDepartments. Incase time is an issue the user can login at a later stage. How do I retrieve the data registered by the user previously. In my previous workings it shows all the data from the table for all users who registered a branch.
I didn't get your question clearly, because you didn't show any code of your work and any example.
However I think you want to retrieve branches created by a user for him/her right? If So, you can use something like the following:
var currentUserId = (int)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
var branches = dbCtx.Branches
.Where(b => b.CreatorUserId == currentUserId).ToList();

Tricky class design issue

I'm working on implementing a class for managing user permissions on my website.
For example: employees can view customer records but nothing else, employers can view customers as well as manage employees, and admins can do both those things as well as manage employers.
So far, what I've got is this:
I've stored a list of permissions, e.g addCustomer, delCustomer, etc. Each permission is linked to a list of the user roles which are allowed to do that action.
I've got a simple permissions class built. I'm using it something like this:
if ($permissions->can('addCustomer'))
echo " Add Customer ";
echo 'Not allowed to add customers';
However the tricky part is that in some places, I need to be more specific. For example: a customer has got the permission: readMsgs which allows him to read the messages between himself and an employee. However, if he has that permission, then he can simply change the url from:
And read message # 101 as well, which might be between another customer and employee. A customer shouldn't be able to read anyone's messages except himself.
Similarly, a customer has got the editCustomer permission, which allows him to edit his own profile by going to:
(where 99 is his customer id)
But if he goes to
He should not be allowed to access that page.
How can I solve this problem? Ideally I'd like to be able to pass on an id to the permissions class. E.g:
if (! $permissions->can('readMsg', $msgId))
echo 'not allowed';
if (! $permissions->can('editCustomer', $requestedCustomerId))
echo 'not allowed';
Any ideas how I'd have to restructure my class structure to allow the above kind of thing?
I would be more granular in my taxonomy of permissions (e.g., "readOwnMsgs" vs. "readAnyMsg"). This would elaborate your permission-checking code (e.g., goes something along the lines of "proceed if canReadAnyMsg or if canReadOwnMsg and message author is current user"), suggesting that this logic should be encapsulated in separate classes broken down by resource type or whatever other circumstances might have an effect on contextual information required to make such decisions.
I would have a message class with a canRead(User) function. This would check the user's permissions and say "Oh, I'm a message from a manager to an employee. Unless the user is the reciepient of the message, they can't read it." or just as easily "I'm a message from a manager to an employee. The user is a manager, so he can read it."
I'm typing it out in English because I suck a php (which appears to be the language of choice.)