In vscode theming is it possible to apply a style to all childs of a group?
For example in php exists a selector for support.function.array.php and support.function.file.php.
I thought that the styles of support.function.php would be applied to both childs, but unfortunately not.
Found the answer
source.php support.function
With source.php the selector is restricted to php only.
With support.function I can select all support functions.
My previous approach support.function.php isn't supported in this way.
No way to customize option in bootstrap-vue select component.
I would like to add padding on top.
i try to modify class "custom-select" and tag option but i hanven't reached the solution.
Unfortunately bootstrap-vue doesn't offer a select form input solution that has a custom dropdown area, if the select is not multiple. More on this: Non custom select
This means that you need some workaround tools that do the job for you, like using a utility library. More information can be found on other Stackoverflow issues, like, this one or this. All of them say that the native select option can be styled only to a very limited degree - unfortunately, setting the padding is not included.
react-native Picker component doesn't seem like providing multiselect option
But, I have com across some libraries which provides multiselect option like,
But is there any way to select multiple values without going for package?
As #Adam Kipnis pointed out, you could always write your own.
You can store the values in an array and render from there.
Since the question was asked the developer team has deprecated the default Picker component. They provide a link for community packages.
I'm looking for a documentation about Mozilla's Add-ons-Manager layout or XUL-templates - does anybody know the name of this tabbed-layout on the left-row ?
It is a <richlistbox> element with custom styling. Element ID is categories and some styles from apply to it - look at the styles specified below /*** category selector ***/ comment. Note that I linked to the Windows theme, the styles are different on other platforms.
You can use DOM Inspector to look at the structure of that page yourself.
I'd like to style a select-box with some gradients.
My problem is that somehow there is a shadow added.
You'll see what I mean by opening this fiddle.
The gradient of both classes is the same ...
I do not know why a shadow is added to the select-box and I just can't find a solution.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
The select element is handled by the underlying platform/OS, rather than the browser; as such it's not possible to style them (using Chrome 8/Win XP). If you feel the need to use styled select elements then you'll need to use a regular html element (such as an ol or ul) in combination with JavaScript.
I put together a demo of the ideas involved for another question, which shows how this might be achieved: JS Fiddle demo.
I'm not sure what you mean by the 'shadow', although typically input elements are styled with a :focus pseudo-element rule, to indicate that the element has focus. This can be amended with:
select:focus {
outline: 0 none transparent;
Although this does reduce the accessibility of the form for those navigating with keyboards/non-mouse input-devices. Ideally, it's better to define an outline that fits with your site's design.
I'm used to the jQuery style of selecting, which would be fairly easy in this case
$("tbody td:has(input)").click(...);
But dojo seems to be using only regular CSS selectors, which means I can't get a parent element.
I've tried to do this:
dojo.query("tbody td input").parentNode.onclick(...);
But that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
How about:
dojo.query("tbody td:contains(input)").onclick()
The latest versions of Dojo have a module to extend dojo.query: traverse. It contains also parent function.