GM.xmlHttpRequest: Received no URL Error - xmlhttprequest

This script is run on a Amazon deals page:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Unnamed Script 138015
// #version 1
// #grant GM_setValue
// #grant GM_getValue
// #grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// #grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// #grant GM.addStyle
// #grant GM.getResourceText
// #grant GM.getValue
// #grant GM.setValue
// #grant
// #require
// ==/UserScript==
var x=document.getElementById("dealTitle"); //fetches the URL
GM.xmlHttpRequest ( {
method: "GET",
url: x,
onload: function (response) {
var parser = new DOMParser ();
var doc = parser.parseFromString (response.responseText, "text/html");
var price = document.getElementsByClassName("a-size-medium a-color-price")[0];
$("body").prepend ('<h1>' + price + '</h1>');
onerror: function (e) {
console.error ('**** error ', e);
onabort: function (e) {
console.error ('**** abort ', e);
ontimeout: function (e) {
console.error ('**** timeout ', e);
} );
It shows the following error in the console log.
Error: GM.xmlHttpRequest: Received no URL.
Stack trace:
Is there any way to use the link fetched from the page to be sent in the HttpRequest?

getElementById does not return a URL; it returns a node.
The dealTitle element is added via AJAX; it does not exist when your script first runs. So, you need to use AJAX-aware techniques in your script.
Something like this should work:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Unnamed Script 138015
// #version 2
// #match *://*
// #grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// #grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// #require
// #require
// ==/UserScript==
waitForKeyElements ("#dealTitle", fetchDealPage);
function fetchDealPage (jNode) {
var dURL = jNode.attr ("href");
console.log ("dURL: ", dURL);
GM.xmlHttpRequest ( {
method: "GET",
url: dURL,
Although you may have to install Tampermonkey, and change the line to GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {.
Not sure GM4 supports using GM.xmlHttpRequest that way.


Error when merging multiple pdf files into one file in Google Drive

I used the following code (taken from PDF.CO) to merge multiple pdf files in Google Drive:
* Initial Declaration and References
// Get the active spreadsheet and the active sheet
ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
ssid = ss.getId();
// Look in the same folder the sheet exists in. For example, if this template is in
// My Drive, it will return all of the files in My Drive.
var ssparents = DriveApp.getFileById(ssid).getParents();
// Loop through all the files and add the values to the spreadsheet.
var folder =;
* Add Menus in Google Spreadsheet
function onOpen() {
var menuItems = [
{name: 'Get All PDF From Current Folder', functionName: 'getPDFFilesFromCurFolder'},
{name: 'Merge PDF URLs Listed In Cell', functionName: 'mergePDFDocuments'}
ss.addMenu('', menuItems);
* Get all PDF files from current folder
function getPDFFilesFromCurFolder() {
var files = folder.getFiles();
var pdfUrlCell = ss.getRange("A4");
var allFileUrls = [];
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
var fileName = file.getName();
// Make File Pulblic accessible with URL so that it can be accessible with external API
var resource = {role: "reader", type: "anyone"};
Drive.Permissions.insert(resource, file.getId());
// Add Url
function getPDFcoApiKey(){
// Get API Key Cell
let pdfCoAPIKeyCell = ss.getRange("B1");
return pdfCoAPIKeyCell.getValue();
* Function which merges documents using
function mergePDFDocuments() {
// Get Cells for Input/Output
let pdfUrlCell = ss.getRange("A4");
let resultUrlCell = ss.getRange("B4");
let pdfUrl = pdfUrlCell.getValue();
// Prepare Payload
const data = {
"async": true, // As we have large volumn of PDF files, Enabling async mode
"name": "result",
"url": pdfUrl
// Prepare Request Options
const options = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'headers': {
"x-api-key": getPDFcoApiKey()
// Convert the JavaScript object to a JSON string.
'payload' : JSON.stringify(data)
// Get Response
const resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);
// Response Json
const respJson = JSON.parse(resp.getContentText());
// Job Success Callback
const successCallbackFn = function(){
// Upload file to Google Drive
// Update Cell with result URL
// Check Job Status
checkPDFcoJobStatus(respJson.jobId, successCallbackFn);
* Checks Job Status
function checkPDFcoJobStatus(jobId, successCallbackFn){
// Prepare Payload
const data = {
"jobid": jobId
// Prepare Request Options
const options = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'headers': {
"x-api-key": getPDFcoApiKey()
// Convert the JavaScript object to a JSON string.
'payload' : JSON.stringify(data)
// Get Response
const resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);
// Response Json
const respJson = JSON.parse(resp.getContentText());
if(respJson.status === "working"){
// Pause for 3 seconds
Utilities.sleep(3 * 1000);
// And check Job again
checkPDFcoJobStatus(jobId, successCallbackFn);
else if(respJson.status == "success"){
// Invoke Success Callback Function
else {
console.error(`Job Failed with status ${respJson.status}`);
* Save file URL to specific location
function uploadFile(fileUrl) {
var fileContent = UrlFetchApp.fetch(fileUrl).getBlob();
It runs perfectly the first time, but then gives an error:
Exception: Request failed for returned code 402. Truncated server response: {"status":"error","errorCode":402,"error":true,"message":"Not enough credits, subscription expired or metered use is not allowed. Please review cre... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response).

Is it possible call a javascript function inside karate-config.js file using karate.callSingle method?

Feature: Reqres api test cases
Background: base url
Given url base_url
* def validateResponse = read('classpath:helpers/common_assertions.js')
Scenario: list single user get request
Given path single_user_path
When method get
Then status 200
* validateResponse()
function common_assertions() {
var contentType = karate.get("responseHeaders['Content-Type'][0]");
if (contentType !== 'application/json; charset=utf-8') {'content type is not json');
var responseType = karate.get('responseType');
if (responseType !== 'json') {'response type is not json');
var responseTime = karate.get('responseTime');
if (responseTime > 5000) {'response is too slow');
function fn() {
var env = karate.env; // get system property 'karate.env'
karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);
if (!env) {
env = 'dev';
var config = {
base_url: '',
single_user_path: '/users/2'
if (env == 'dev') {
// customize
// e.g. = 'bar';
} else if (env == 'e2e') {
// customize
return config;
I would like to use common_assertions.js file in karate-config.js file rather than using in the background section so that i can reuse * validateResponse() method across all feature files. Is there a way?Please help

Discord.JS Announce Command Issue

I'm trying to build an announce command for my bot using a rich embed.
Here is my announce.js file:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name: 'announce',
description: 'Send an announcement.',
guildOnly: true,
execute(message, args) {
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription("A Staff member has sent an announcement")
.setFooter("Guardian", "")
.addField("Announcement", "message contents here", false)){ embed });
I rebuilt it since the post it and took me a while to get back to this post. I'm trying to rebuild all of my messages from my bot into rich embeds. Thus the different code. I've also simplified my fs command and events handler.
const fs = require('fs');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { token } = require('./token.json');
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(, command);
fs.readdir('./events/', (err, files) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
files.forEach(file => {
if(!file.endsWith('.js')) return;
const eventFunction = require(`./events/${file}`);
const { prefix } = require('./prefix.json');
module.exports = {
name: 'message',
description: 'client message event.',
execute:function(client) {
client.on('message',message => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (!client.commands.has(command)) return;
try {
client.commands.get(command).execute(message, args);
} catch (error) {
message.reply('there was an error trying to execute that command!');
Basically I need to know what to put for "message contents here" to make it post the message typed into the #announcements channel.
My question is how to I make it place the announcement message into the .addField section of the richEmbed?
Would it be something along the lines of this?
const Discord = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name: 'announce',
description: 'Send an announcement to the specified channel.',
guildOnly: true,
execute(message, args) {
enter code here
if(args.length < 2) return /* error message */;
let channel = message.mentions.channels.first();
if(!channel) return ;
let announcement = args.slice(1).join(" ");
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription("Announcememnt from PhantomDEV Staff!")
.setFooter("Guardian", "")
.addField("Message", "", false);{ embed });
At the end of your message event, use this line to call the execution of the command...
command.execute(message, args);
Define your execute function to use the args parameter that you need. Also, Collection.first() is the method you're looking for when declaring channel. Your function should look like so...
execute: function(message, args) {
if (args.length < 2) return /* error message */;
// Careful using this; if just an announcement is provided
// and it mentions a channel, that channel will be used.
let channel = message.mentions.channels.first();
if (!channel) return /* error message */;
let announcement = args.slice(1).join(" ");
There's no need to check that the command is "announce" in the execution function, because it'll only be called if it is.

Adal.js not setting props in localStorage

I'm having a problem using the adal.js library without Angular. (I'm using Vue.js.)
I have an authentication context instance, which is constructed with the following options (exact values have been changed to protect the innocent):
let config = {
tenant: '<tenant id>',
clientId: '<client id>',
redirectUri: '',
// popUp: true,
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
On my login page, I call authContext.login(), which redirects me first to, where I log into AAD. Upon successful login, another redirect takes me back to my application, at the URI I've configured above, along with an id_token parameter in the URL. However, no token or other properties are stored by the library in local storage, just a few properties that are the result of the configuration.
On successful login, All I've got in localStorage is
adal.access.token.key: "",
adal.error: ""
adal.error.description: ""
adal.expiration.key: "0"
adal.idtoken: ""
adal.login.error: ""
adal.login.request: ""
adal.nonce.idtoken: "<a non-empty string>"
adal.session.state: ""
adal.state.login: "<a non-empty string>"
adal.token.keys: ""
adal.username: ""
So, as far as AAD is concerned, I've successfully authenticated, but the library itself seems to have no notion of what user is logged in, what tokens are associated with them, when the token expires, etc. Any advice on how to proceed would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance for reading.
Active Directory Authentication Library for JavaScript (ADAL JS) helps you to use Azure AD for handling authentication in your single page applications. This library is optimized for working together with AngularJS.
It will not save the tokens into the cache unless we code it. You can check the relative code from adal-angular.js. Here is a piece of code for your reference:
The saveTokenFromHash method will also save the tokens into cache and this function will execute after the page redirect back to the Angular app.
AuthenticationContext.prototype.saveTokenFromHash = function (requestInfo) {
this._logstatus('State status:' + requestInfo.stateMatch);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, '');
// Record error
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.ERROR_DESCRIPTION)) {
this._logstatus('Error :' + requestInfo.parameters.error);
this._logstatus('Error description:' + requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ERROR_DESCRIPTION]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.FAILED_RENEW, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ERROR_DESCRIPTION]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, requestInfo.parameters.error);
if (requestInfo.requestType === this.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
this._loginInProgress = false;
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, requestInfo.parameters.errorDescription);
} else {
this._renewActive = false;
} else {
// It must verify the state from redirect
if (requestInfo.stateMatch) {
// record tokens to storage if exists
this._logstatus('State is right');
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.SESSION_STATE)) {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.SESSION_STATE, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.SESSION_STATE]);
var keys, resource;
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.ACCESS_TOKEN)) {
this._logstatus('Fragment has access token');
// default resource
this._renewActive = false;
resource = this.config.loginResource;
if (!this._hasResource(resource)) {
keys = this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.TOKEN_KEYS) || '';
if (requestInfo.requestType === this.REQUEST_TYPE.RENEW_TOKEN) {
resource = this._getResourceFromState(requestInfo.stateResponse);
// save token with related resource
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY + resource, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ACCESS_TOKEN]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.EXPIRATION_KEY + resource, this._expiresIn(requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.EXPIRES_IN]));
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN)) {
this._loginInProgress = false;
this._user = this._createUser(requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN]);
if (this._user && this._user.profile) {
if (this._user.profile.nonce !== this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.NONCE_IDTOKEN)) {
this._user = null;
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, 'Nonce is not same as ' + this._idTokenNonce);
} else {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.IDTOKEN, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN]);
// Save idtoken as access token for app itself
resource = this.config.clientId;
if (!this._hasResource(resource)) {
keys = this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.TOKEN_KEYS) || '';
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY + resource, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.EXPIRATION_KEY + resource, this._user.profile.exp);
} else {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, 'Invalid_state');
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION, 'Invalid_state');
if (requestInfo.requestType === this.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, 'State is not same as ' + requestInfo.stateResponse);
And this function will be called in this.$get like below:
// special function that exposes methods in Angular controller
// $rootScope, $window, $q, $location, $timeout are injected by Angular
this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$window', '$q', '$location', '$timeout', function ($rootScope, $window, $q, $location, $timeout) {
var locationChangeHandler = function () {
var hash = $window.location.hash;
if (_adal.isCallback(hash)) {
// callback can come from login or iframe request
var requestInfo = _adal.getRequestInfo(hash);
$window.location.hash = '';
if (requestInfo.requestType !== _adal.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
_adal.callback = $window.parent.AuthenticationContext().callback;
// Return to callback if it is send from iframe
if (requestInfo.stateMatch) {
if (typeof _adal.callback === 'function') {
// Call within the same context without full page redirect keeps the callback
if (requestInfo.requestType === _adal.REQUEST_TYPE.RENEW_TOKEN) {
// Idtoken or Accestoken can be renewed
if (requestInfo.parameters['access_token']) {
_adal.callback(_adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION), requestInfo.parameters['access_token']);
} else if (requestInfo.parameters['id_token']) {
_adal.callback(_adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION), requestInfo.parameters['id_token']);
} else {
// normal full login redirect happened on the page
if (_oauthData.userName) {
//IDtoken is added as token for the app
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.userInfo = _oauthData;
// redirect to login requested page
var loginStartPage = _adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.START_PAGE);
if (loginStartPage) {
}, 1);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('adal:loginFailure', _adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION));
} else {
// No callback. App resumes after closing or moving to new page.
// Check token and username
if (!_adal._renewActive && !_oauthData.isAuthenticated && _oauthData.userName) {
if (!_adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.FAILED_RENEW)) {
// Idtoken is expired or not present
_adal.acquireToken(_adal.config.loginResource, function (error, tokenOut) {
if (error) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('adal:loginFailure', 'auto renew failure');
} else {
if (tokenOut) {
_oauthData.isAuthenticated = true;
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.userInfo = _oauthData;
}, 1);
And here is a sample code which could save the tokens into cache for your reference:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="node_modules\adal-angular\lib\adal.js"> </script>
<script src="config.js"> </script>
<button onclick="login()" >Login</button>
var authContext=new AuthenticationContext(config);
function login(){
function init(configOptions){
if (configOptions) {
// redirect and logout_redirect are set to current location by default
var existingHash = window.location.hash;
var pathDefault = window.location.href;
if (existingHash) {
pathDefault = pathDefault.replace(existingHash, '');
configOptions.redirectUri = configOptions.redirectUri || pathDefault;
configOptions.postLogoutRedirectUri = configOptions.postLogoutRedirectUri || pathDefault;
// create instance with given config
} else {
throw new Error('You must set configOptions, when calling init');
// loginresource is used to set authenticated status
var _oauthData = { isAuthenticated: false, userName: '', loginError: '', profile: '' };
var updateDataFromCache = function (resource) {
// only cache lookup here to not interrupt with events
var token = authContext.getCachedToken(resource);
_oauthData.isAuthenticated = token !== null && token.length > 0;
var user = authContext.getCachedUser() || { userName: '' };
_oauthData.userName = user.userName;
_oauthData.profile = user.profile;
_oauthData.loginError = authContext.getLoginError();
function saveTokenFromHash(){
var hash = window.location.hash;
var requestInfo = authContext.getRequestInfo(hash);
if (authContext.isCallback(hash)) {
// callback can come from login or iframe request
var requestInfo = authContext.getRequestInfo(hash);
window.location.hash = '';
if (requestInfo.requestType !== authContext.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
authContext.callback = window.parent.AuthenticationContext().callback;

Childbrowser terminates

Calling multiple function in a javascript to get Username/Emailaddress/Password. When everything is fine go to goForLogin() and open a chrildbrowser. I get en error (See below):
First my code:
function goForLogin(emailaddress, value){
var xmlhttp;
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","",true);
xmlhttp.send("email=" + emailaddress + "&password=" + value);
if (xmlhttp.status==200)
value = null;
} else {
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Application tried to present
modally an active controller .'
* First throw call stack: (0x154012 0x25fce7e 0x478721 0x479777 0x4797b7 0x6a68 0x67471 0x66c5e 0x67039 0x26106b0 0x1198035 0xd7f3f
0xd796f 0xfa734 0xf9f44 0xf9e1b 0x33be7e3 0x33be668 0x38f65c 0x2366
0x2295) libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception (lldb)
Newest Cordova and Childbrowser, Xcode 4.4 versions.
I got it! Because of the xmlhttp.onreadystatechange statement the childBrowser is going to be open three times in this script. It is not allowed by apple - sorry, I forgot why - so I did a call back. It looks like this:
My JavaScript:
function some_function2(url, callback) {
var httpRequest; // create our XMLHttpRequest object
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
// Internet Explorer is stupid
httpRequest = new
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
// inline function to check the status
// of our request
// this is called on every state change
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4 &&
httpRequest.status === 200) {;
// call the callback function
};'POST', url, true);
function call() {
// call the function
some_function2("", function() {
console.log("this will run before the above callback");
function callChildBrowser(){
Finally in my html:
<button id="butten" onclick="call()">WORKS</button>