How to use IsText with VBA - vba

I am learning VBA and am trying to execute the code:
Sub example()
If IsText(ActiveCell) Then
MsgBox "Is Text"
Else: MsgBox "Not Text"
End If
End Sub
It does not work, and gives me the error, "Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined" with the "IsText" highlighted. The macro works fine if I exchange "IsText" for "IsNumeric". Thanks for the help.

IsText is a worksheet function. Use worksheetfunction to apply it within vba.
If worksheetfunction.IsText(ActiveCell) Then


Print Button In Excel 2016 Using Macros?

I'm currently trying to create a Print Button on one of my worksheets. I need it to print that worksheet as well as another one. Both of the names are "Budget Sheet" and "Listed Commitments Sheet" without the quotation marks.
I created the button without hassle, but I know very little about Macros so I still need the code. I've tried multiple solutions, but nothing seems to work. I've recently tried to use this Code, but it hasn't worked. What am I doing wrong? What code could I possibly use instead?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Function PrintMultipleSheets()
Sheets(Array("Budget Sheet", "Listed Commitments Sheet")).PrintOut
End Function
End Sub
It comes up with an error that says "Compile Error: Expected End Sub".
The code doesn't compile, because you can't have a Function inside a Sub.
Get ride of the line Function PrintMultipleSheets() and get rid of End Function. It should work I think. You'll end up with:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets(Array("Budget Sheet", "Listed Commitments Sheet")).PrintOut
End Sub
Just a simple loop with a print call:
Sub forEachWs()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Call printSheet(ws)
End Sub
Function pasteContents(ws as Worksheet)
End Function

Having Run-time-error 1004 Application defined or object defined error

I have a simple formula in vba, like this :
Sub button_fu()
Range("J3").Formula = "=IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,8,False))=1,""terhubung"",IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,9,False))=1,""unreach"",IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,10,False))=1,""reject"",IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,11,False))=1,""workload"","""")"
End Sub
anyone hepl me, how the problem solved it?
You are missing some closing brackets in your formula:
Sub button_fu()
Range("J3").Formula = "=IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,8,False))=1,""terhubung"",IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,9,False))=1,""unreach"",IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,10,False))=1,""reject"",IF((VLOOKUP(C3,'[FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx]jan'!$C$8:$M$100,11,False))=1,""workload"",""""))))"
End Sub
P.S. Should "FOLLOW UP H1.xlsx" be "H1.xlsm", or do you have another workbook?

Call a VBA sub using a string value [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Dynamic Function Calls in Excel VBA
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
This is my test code
Sub dotask()
Dim qusub As String
qusub = Worksheets("Task List").Range("C2").Value
MsgBox qusub
Application.Run qusub
End Sub
Sub msg1()
MsgBox "sub msg1"
End Sub
Sub msg2()
MsgBox "sub msg2"
End Sub
Sub msg3()
MsgBox "sub msg3"
End Sub
Sub msg4()
MsgBox "sub msg4"
End Sub
All of this is contained in a single standard module. I've read Trying to call a Sub with a String - VBA and wrote my code according to what I found there (i.e. using Application.Run). Cell C2 of Task List worksheet contains "msg3" at the moment. When I execute sub "dotask" I first get a message box saying "msg3" as I want but then I get the following error message:
Run-time error '1004':
Cannot run the macro 'msg3'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.
I'm working on Excel 2010 and the file is .xlsm - what should I do to get my code to execute as I want it?
just ran it over here. msg1 seems to be a reserved word... change it to something else and it works fine =)
Using GetRef, you give the reference to the sub.
See my question here for example
EDIT: following the suggestions in the comments, here part of the solution to this question.
sub one(para)
WScript.Echo para & " from one"
end sub
sub two(para)
WScript.Echo para & " from two"
end sub
sub main(subname, para)
Dim f : Set f = GetRef(subname)
f para
end sub
main "one", "test" '=>test from one

Running code from VBA to VBScript back to VBA

I'm trying to figure out a way to call a VBScript function using vba in Excel, and then pass a value back to excel-vba. See below
VBA within Excel
Sub RunTest()
Dim objString as String
'Begin Pseudocode
objString = Call VBScript Function Test()
'End Pseudocode
MsgBox objString `from VBS
End Sub
Function Test
Test = "Hello World"
End Function
I know this may seem strange because I could just write the function in VBA, but we had an office patch pushed out and it completely killed the functionality of one of my macros for some reason. Strange thing is, I can run the exact same code within any other office program, just not excel. As a work around, I moved the function that crashes excel to word and I pull it using, but I prefer to not have to do that, as opening a the word application to run my macro slows my process way down.
Any help is appreciated, thank You
Ok, I feel a litte dirty :)
This code has two key parts:
the vbs Uses GetObject and the full host workbook path to re-attach to the file containing the VBA that called the VBS
the VBS adds a value to a specific worksheet in the host VBA file to trigger the Worksheet_Change event to fire, running VBA with the string passed from the VBS.
Step 1: Regular Excel code module
Sub VBA_to_VBS_to_VBA()
Shell "wscript c:\temp\myvbs.vbs", vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Step 2: myvbs
Dim xlApp
Dim xlSht
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject("c:\temp\mybook.xlsx").Application
Set xlSht = xlApp.Sheets("vbs sheet")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not xlSht Is Nothing Then
xlSht.Range("A1").Value = "hello world"
wscript.echo "sheet not found"
End If
Step 3: Sheet code for vbs sheet in your Excel File
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
MsgBox [a1].Value, vbCritical, "VBS insertion"
End Sub
Try syntax like:
Sub Test()
Shell "cscript c:\TestFolder\sample.vbs", vbNormalFocus
End Sub

Word VBA Range.Find object works incorrectly

I found an interesting thing:
In word 2010, select some text, and run the following VBA code:
public Sub Test()
With Selection.Range.Find
MsgBox .Execute(Selection.Range.text)
MsgBox .Found
End With
End Sub
Both the two message box say "False", but both should be "True". Why?
Very interesting!
Word 2007 exhibits the same behaviour.
The curious thing is that this not only when you are searching from VBA: If you select some text in the doc and press "find", the find dialog displays as default the selected text as objective.
By pressing "Find Next >" Word displays an error message "Word has reached the end of the document ... etc".
This doesn't happen if you modify the text to search deleting the last character. VBA is consistent with that: the folowing code works!
Sub tt()
With Selection.Range.Find
MsgBox .Execute(Mid(Selection.Range.Text,1,Len(Selection.Range.Text)-1))
MsgBox .Found
End With
End Sub
Not solved ... but proved to be consistent with the GUI.