Use sAMAcountName from ldap as username - ldap

I connected our active directory to keycloak (4.0.0.Beta1) and imported the users - this works fine.
But the username should be filled from sAMAccountName. So i changed the Username LDAP attribute to that.
But after clicking Synchronize all users i am getting this error in the console window:
8:20:13,372 ERROR [] (default task-119) Failed during import user from LDAP: org.keycloak.models.ModelException: User returned from LDAP has null username! Check configuration of your LDA
mappings. Mapped username LDAP attribute: cn, user DN: CN=Mustermann Max,OU=Normung,OU=Mech,OU=Konstruktion,OU=Abteilungen,DC=company,DC=org, attributes from LDAP: {whenChanged=[2017037125253.0Z], whenCreated=[20140520092805.0
], mail=[], givenName=[Max], sn=[Mustermann], userAccountControl=[66048], pwdLastSet=[130750516258418527]}
at org.keycloak.models.utils.KeycloakModelUtils.runJobInTransaction(
I tried some mappers (especially username) but with no luck. It seems that there are only a few attributes read from the ldap server (see attributes from LDAP:... in the output).
Namely: whenChanged, whenCreated, mail, givenName, sn, userAccountControl, pwdLastSet.
How can i get the sAMAcountName attribute as username?

I have just tested it in 4.1.0.Final and there it works when you change the Username LDAP attribute to sAMAccountName and additionally the
LDAP Attribute in the username mapper also to sAMAccountName.
I tried some mappers (especially username) but with no luck.
Your question suggest, that you already tried doing something in the username mappers. So you were definetly on the right track. Either there was a bug in your version, or the two fields didn't match correctly.

For me, it worked. Please find the below process:
1) In User Federation -> LDAP Provider -> There is a setting called "UserName LDAP Attribute". (as shown here ldap provider settings)
2) Select Mappers tab and edit "username" mapper and change to following settings: username mapper settings


Keycloak cannot propagate user-group mappings from LDAP into user-group mappings

I am trying to setup User Federation from a LDAP server to Keycloak. I managed to import all the users and groups respectively from LDAP server, however, the user-group (group tab in Users section) doesn’t show the actual mapped groups, although I can see those users presenting in the groups listed in Members tab in Groups section…
I went through all article in Keycloak forum/Jira ticket/Mail list and I did find a ticket describing the exact issue that I am experiencing now ( and Marek has also replied to that as well, however, I still couldn't figure out what configuration I set incorrectly just by the information provided in the post.
Could anyone please help me out? Thanks ahead!
User Configuration
Group Mapper Configuration
Looks like the issue was in LDAP server. The problem only exists when I import the users from FreeIPA DB. However, when I try to federate to an AD server, the user-group information just comes along with the users without any additional modification!
Below is the configuration I have used in the successful case. Hopefully it will help others who encounter with a similar issue. Thanks everyone for the attention.
[User Federation Provider Settings]
Enabled: ON (Default)
Console Display Name :
Priority: 0 (Default)
Import Users : ON (Default)
Edit Mode : READ_ONLY
Sync Registrations : OFF (Default)
Vendor : Active Directory (This is important. Once I switch to AD, instead of FreeIPA, the issue is gone)
Username LDAP attribute: sAMAccountName
RDN LDAP attribute : cn
UUID LDAP attribute : objectGUID
User Object Classes : person, organizationalPerson, user (You should check what Object Class the server is currently configured and adjust accordingly)
Connection URL : ldap://:389 (If you are using ldaps, the port is 636)
Users DN : <the scope includes all your users you would like to import, e.g. OU=User,DC=example,DC=com)
Bind Type: simple
Enable StartTLS: OFF (Default)
Bind DN:
Bind Credential:
Custom User LDAP Filter: <You can leave it blank if you don't want to filter. However, if you would like to filter something, for example, users from a specific group, you can run a filter such as (&(objectClass=user)(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=,OU=,DC=example,DC=com)) >
Search Scope: Subtree (It the users after under one level of Users DN, you can choose "One level" option)
Validate Password Policy: OFF (Default)
Trust Email: OFF (Default)
Use Truststore SPI: Only for ldaps
Connection Pooling: On
The rest of setting leave it blank.
You need to configure a group-ldap-mapper as well
[Group Mapper]
Mapper Type: group-ldap-mapper
LDAP Groups DN : <Where are the groups of this tree saved. For example, OU=Group,DC=example,DC=com>
Group Name LDAP Attribute : cn
Group Object Classes : group
Preserve Group Inheritance: ON
Ignore Missing Groups: OFF (Default)
Membership LDAP Attribute : member
Membership Attribute Type: DN
Membership User LDAP Attribute: sAMAccountName
LDAP Filter : <You can leave it blank if you don't want to filter any group>
User Groups Retrieve Strategy: LOAD_GROUPS_BY_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE
Member-Of LDAP Attribute: memberOf
Mapped Group Attributes:
Drop non-existing groups during sync: ON

How to enable Streamset Mutitenancy using LDAP Authentication

I am using Streamset Data Collector version 3.19.1, currently am trying to integrate Streamset with LDAP server for authentication, I am successful with the integration however we are facing difficulties in configuring the roles and groups like the way it is in File based.
i.e in file based you have three things to configure a)user b)role c) group
<user name>: MD5:<md5-text>, user, <role> [, <additional role>, <additional role>...] [, group:<group>, group:<additional group>...]
if you look at above syntax, there is user name which can be user defined, then there is user which is fixed value, then we have role it can be one of (Admin,Manager,Creator and guest) and last we have group which us again user defined this can be used for Multitenancy.
however now comparing to LDAP configuration provided by streamset we have only following attributes to configure.
<ldap group>:<SDC role>,<additional SDC role>,<additional SDC role>);<ldap group>:<SDC role>,<additional SDC role>...
from above syntax we can see can be configured which is user defined and SDC role which can be one of the following(Admin,Manager,Creator and guest) with this the configuration will look like
how can I configure LDAP rule mapping for group and role, currently i can only map for role in LDAP, requesting anyone to help here, i tried all my best to resolve unfortunately couldnt find any solution.
You can use the same configuration for groups as well. Following from my environment.
To get the groups ldap-login-conf needs to be configured like following:-

LDAP simple bind parameters

I am trying to use ldap for a flask application .
The app.config['LDAP_PROVIDER_URL'] = 'ldaps://'
(I have replaced the domain for the original name here)
In another script in need the following ldap details
'cn=%s,ou=Users,dc=corp,dc=domain,dc=com' % username,
How do I find the OU,or can i ignore OU and drop it from above. Please let me know if other parameters are correct. I don't know LDAP
The general idea is that you bind as an application account with search privileges to locate the user account, e.g. by his email address, displayName, etc., and then use that DN to rebind using the password he supplied.

OpenAM / OpenDJ custom username field works with less than 4000 users

I am currently working on a project that uses OpenAM 12.0.2 with OpenDJ 2.6
We had a requirement to make the username editable. So, we ended up creating a custom ldap attribute called loginId and updating OpenAM config to use this attribute instead of uid.
When I import less than 4000 users, login works fine. When I import 4000+ users login doesn't work for any user, even 1 of the first 4000 users in the directory.
I can manually ldapsearch for the users and they exist in the directory, but I can't login with any of them.
We get an "Authorization failed!!" error, which is different to the usual username/password doesn't match error.
If anyone could shed any light on this, I would appreciate it.
Here is the attribute definition I am now using.
attributeTypes: ( NAME 'loginId' DESC 'username (that can be updated)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'project schema')
I have rebuilt the indices and still having the same problem :(
That is probably because your instance of OpenDJ is configured to reject unindexed search request and you haven't defined and built an index for the loginID attribute.

How to unlock user on ApacheDS

I setup an ApacheDS with default password-policy enabled. For testing proposes I locked a simple User (objectClass=Person extended with some custom User-objectClass) by entering the wrong credentials a number of times. As I expected the user was locked (error msg: user was permanently locked).
The question now is: How to unlock the user again? Is there a better way then just deleting and adding again?
I tried the same with an extended user (objectClass=pwdPolicy) but no pwd* attributes were added when the user was locked.
More recently, I encountered the same problem at work. But, it seems that there is no answer on Internet. Finally,I found the answer by viewing this document:
Password Policy for LDAP Directories draft-behera-ldap-password-policy
At section 5.3.3: pwdAccountLockedTime
This attribute holds the time that the user's account was locked. A
locked account means that the password may no longer be used to
authenticate. A 000001010000Z value means that the account has been
locked permanently, and that only a password administrator can unlock
the account.
At section 5.2.12: pwdLockoutDuration
This attribute holds the number of seconds that the password cannot
be used to authenticate due to too many failed bind attempts. If
this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 the password
cannot be used to authenticate until reset by a password
Through above two section, we can assume that we should connect to ApacheDS server with administrator(by default: uid=admin,ou=system, password=secret ), and delete the user's userPassword attribute. By this way,the permanently locked user can be unlock.
I practiced this sulotion and it works well.
I suggest you should set value for pwdLockoutDuration attribute, in this case the user can not been permanently locked.
For more infomation:
ApacheDS password Policy
Use ApacheDS Studio and log in as admin, find the user, right-click and choose "Fetch->Fetch operational attributes". Now pwdAccountLockedTime is visible and you can delete it to unlocks the user
The answer by Mister's is perfect to unlock an account and if you want to set the pwdLockoutDuration for a single user (assuming the user has implemnted the objectClass pwdPolicy.
There is also a global config file found in:
* ads-directoryServiceId=<default>
* ou=interceptors
* ads-interceptorId=authenticationInterceptor
* ou=passwordPolicies
Here we can set the default password policy:
As mine is just a test-server, I have completely disabled lockout via setting the ads-pwdlockout to FALSE. For more on configuring password policy read the official docs.
For reference, this is how you enable this on the server via java:
AuthenticationInterceptor authenticationInterceptor = new AuthenticationInterceptor();
PasswordPolicyConfiguration config = new PasswordPolicyConfiguration();
Client methods can then be written, to enable/disable specific accounts, similar to:
public void disableUser(String dn) throws LdapException, UnsupportedEncodingException
Modification disablePassword = new DefaultModification(
ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, "pwdAccountLockedTime","000001010000Z" );
public void enableUser(String dn) throws LdapException, UnsupportedEncodingException
Modification disablePassword = new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, "pwdAccountLockedTime");