DotRAS.dll not working on Windows 10 Update 1803 -

I have a small VB.NET program, which creates a VPN connection.
This is working until (and including) Windows 10 Update 1709.
But since the Update 1803 I always get an exception:
DotRas.RasException: An incorrect structure size was detected.
at DotRas.Internal.ThrowHelper.ThrowRasException(Int32 errorCode)
at DotRas.Internal.RasHelper.GetEntryProperties(RasPhoneBook phoneBook, String entryName)
at DotRas.RasEntryCollection.Load()
at DotRas.RasPhoneBook.Open(String phoneBookPath)
Following my working Code Sub (until 1709)
Private Sub CreateVPN(VpnName As String, Destination As String, bAllUsers As Boolean)
Dim PresharedKey As String = "XXXXXXXXXXX"
Dim PhoneBook As New RasPhoneBook
Dim sUsedPhoneBook As String = sPhoneBook
If bAllUsers Then sUsedPhoneBook = sAllUserPhoneBook
'First remove existing VPN with same name, if exist!
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim VpnEntry As RasEntry = RasEntry.CreateVpnEntry(VpnName, Destination, DotRas.RasVpnStrategy.L2tpOnly, DotRas.RasDevice.Create(VpnName, DotRas.RasDeviceType.Vpn))
VpnEntry.Options.UsePreSharedKey = True
VpnEntry.Options.IPHeaderCompression = True
VpnEntry.Options.SoftwareCompression = True
VpnEntry.Options.NetworkLogOn = True
VpnEntry.NetworkProtocols.IPv6 = False
VpnEntry.Options.RequireEap = False
VpnEntry.Options.RequirePap = True
VpnEntry.Options.RequireChap = True
VpnEntry.Options.RequireMSChap2 = True
VpnEntry.Options.RequireEncryptedPassword = False
VpnEntry.Options.UseLogOnCredentials = False
VpnEntry.Options.CacheCredentials = False
VpnEntry.DnsSuffix = "YYYYYYY.local"
VpnEntry.Options.UseDnsSuffixForRegistration = True
' *********** THE FOLLOWING LINE WILL CRASH ON WINDOWS 10 1803 **********
VpnEntry.UpdateCredentials(RasPreSharedKey.Client, PresharedKey)
If txt_Username.Text <> "" AndAlso txt_Password.Text <> "" Then
VpnEntry.UpdateCredentials(New Net.NetworkCredential(txt_Username.Text, txt_Password.Text), False)
VpnEntry.Options.CacheCredentials = True
End If
txt_Status.Text = VpnName & " successful added."
txt_Status.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error while adding " & VpnName & "." & Environment.NewLine & ex.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Can somebody help me?
I didn't found an updated DotRAS.dll.
Best would be a working example without external DLL.
Thank you in advance.


Background Worker Not Clearing Resources

I'm currently working on an application that fetches some information from a database using a BW. It uses a stores number, referred to as IDP and searches the correct database. It works perfectly for my needs. However, each time it runs it's adding anywhere between 10-300 KBs to RAM, it is not releasing this memory once it completes. Since this code can be ran hundreds of times a day by numerous different people on a virtual machine with limited resources I really need it to release any memory it uses. Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
Note: I'm self-taught and I'm doing this as more of a hobby that helps me out at work and not actually employed to do this, as I'm sure some of you will be happy to know once seeing my newbie code.
Public Sub KickoffStoreBrief() 'Called when txtIDP (text box) text changes
Dim args As BW_GetStoreBriefVariables = New BW_GetStoreBriefVariables()
args.Current_IDP = txtIDP.Text.Trim
If BW_GetStoreBrief.IsBusy Then
MsgBox("Worker busy!")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BW_GetStoreBrief_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BW_GetStoreBrief.DoWork
Dim args As BW_GetStoreBriefVariables = DirectCast(e.Argument, BW_GetStoreBriefVariables) 'Convert the generic Object back into a MyParameters object
Using DatabaseConnection As New SqlConnection(args.ConnectionString)
Dim command As New SqlCommand(SQL CODE IS HERE, DatabaseConnection)
command.CommandTimeout = 20
'Attempt to open the connection
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
Dim dt As New DataTable()
reader = Nothing
'Check if returned anything
If dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0) = Nothing Or dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString = "False" Or dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString = "" Then
'Branch not found.
GoTo Ender
End If
'Prefix 0's infront of the IDP as required
Dim CompleteIDPNumber As String = ""
If dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString.Length < 4 Then
If dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString.Length = 2 Then
CompleteIDPNumber = "00" & dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString
ElseIf dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString.Length = 3 Then
CompleteIDPNumber = "0" & dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString
CompleteIDPNumber = dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString
End If
CompleteIDPNumber = dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(0).ToString
End If
'Populate strings
Dim StoreName As String = CompleteIDPNumber & " - " & dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(1).ToString.Trim
Dim UISupports As Integer = 20 'This is the amount of characters that will fit in label space
If StoreName.Length > UISupports Then
StoreName = StoreName.Substring(0, UISupports).ToString.Trim & "..." & " (" & dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(3).ToString.Trim & ")"
StoreName = StoreName & " (" & dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(3).ToString.Trim & ")"
End If
args.Brief_StoreName = StoreName
StoreName = Nothing 'We no longer need this, release it from memory
UISupports = Nothing 'We no longer need this, release it from memory
CompleteIDPNumber = Nothing 'We no longer need this, release it from memory
If dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(2) = 0 Or dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(2).ToString.Trim = "0" Then
args.Brief_POSNumber = "IS"
args.Brief_POSNumber = dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(2).ToString.Trim
End If
args.Brief_Category = dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(3).ToString 'CAT
args.Brief_STCamera = dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(4).ToString 'Counter
args.Brief_Franch = dt.Rows.Item(0).Item(5).ToString
e.Result = args
'Close connection
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub BW_GetStoreBrief_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As Object, e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BW_GetStoreBrief.RunWorkerCompleted
If e.Error IsNot Nothing Then
ListBox1.Items.Insert(0, Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") & " | Error | Unable to connect to store DB.")
lblNotFound.Text = "Unable to connect to database."
Panel_NotFound.Visible = True
ErrorLogger.LogError(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, e.Error.Message, 0)
ElseIf e.Cancelled Then
' Access variables through args
Dim args As BW_GetStoreBriefVariables = DirectCast(e.Result, BW_GetStoreBriefVariables) 'Convert the generic Object back into a MyParameters object
If args.Brief_StoreName = "" Then
ListBox1.Items.Insert(0, Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") & " | Notice | IDP " & args.Current_IDP & " not found in database.")
'show warning panel
lblNotFound.Text = "Store not found in database."
Panel_NotFound.Visible = True
GoTo Ender
'Store found update UI
lblBranchInfo_StoreName.Text = args.Brief_StoreName
lblBranchInfo_POSNumber.Text = args.Brief_POSNumber
lblBranchInfo_CameraType.Text = args.Brief_STCamera
Panel_NotFound.Visible = False
End If
args = Nothing
End If
btnStoreDetails.Enabled = True
End Sub
As you can see i've tried to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind, but the memory keeps jumping up and doesn't go down. Overall we're talking about 35MBs being used when this codes been ran only a few times and nothing else is happening with the program/form. Because this is on a remote virtual machine the program can be open for days without being closed, and with the memory usage increasing each time it will become a very big issue. Any help would be appreciated.

How to keep user score in visual basic even if user failed validation first time?

Hello I am currently making an hangman game where you guess a randomly selected word and you have three rounds. Each time you win a round you gain 10 points, however if you don't guess the word before you run out of the 10 generous attempts. You will lose the round not gain anything.
After you win you three games of hangman, you are shown a new input text box in a high score form to input your name to save your high score to be displayed on the high score form and it has validation in (Meaning the user is required have at least one character inside the text box). This is where my main problem is, my input box will save your name and your points if you pass validation first time. However if you didn't pass validation first time but pass it the second time, your name is saved however your high score will be saved but only with one point. Sorry for my bad English, but is there anyway to keep the amount of points the user scores even if they failed validation first time instead of changing it to 1 point? Here is my code (Sorry for the bad indention):
Hangman Game Code (This is where the user gets their points from)
Imports System.IO
Public Class Hangman
'Public Variables
Public AttemptsLeft As Integer = 0
Public Rounds As Integer = 1
Public LetterChosen As Char
Dim EndWord() As Char
Dim AppPath As String = Application.StartupPath()
Dim FileRead() As String
Public GameWinner As Boolean = True
Dim HangmanShapes As New List(Of PowerPacks.Shape)
Public ScoreForRound As Integer
Dim NewControls As New List(Of Button)
Dim GameWord As New List(Of Label)
'Form Load code
Private Sub Hangman_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Load Word Game Code
If File.Exists(AppPath & "/wordlist.txt") Then
FileRead = IO.File.ReadAllLines(AppPath & "/wordlist.txt")
Dim RandomWord As New List(Of String)
For i = 0 To FileRead.Length - 1
Dim random As New Random() 'Using this to randomise each word
EndWord = RandomWord(random.Next(0, RandomWord.Count - 1)).ToUpper.ToCharArray 'Will put each character of the randomly chosen word into the labels.
Score.Text = UScore
Round.Text = Rounds
Letter1.Text = EndWord(0)
Letter1.Visible = False
Letter2.Text = EndWord(1)
Letter2.Visible = False
Letter3.Text = EndWord(2)
Letter3.Visible = False
Letter4.Text = EndWord(3)
Letter4.Visible = False
Letter5.Text = EndWord(4)
Letter5.Visible = False
Letter6.Text = EndWord(5)
Letter6.Visible = False
'Attempts left code
End If
With HangmanShapes
End With
With NewControls
End With
With GameWord
End With
End Sub
Private Sub AllBtnClicks(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles LetterA.Click, LetterB.Click, LetterC.Click, LetterD.Click, LetterE.Click, LetterF.Click, LetterG.Click, LetterH.Click, LetterI.Click, LetterJ.Click, LetterK.Click, LetterL.Click, LetterM.Click, LetterN.Click, LetterO.Click, LetterP.Click, LetterQ.Click, LetterR.Click, LetterS.Click, LetterT.Click, LetterU.Click, LetterV.Click, LetterW.Click, LetterX.Click, LetterY.Click, LetterZ.Click
Dim LetterGuess As Button = sender
LetterGuess.Enabled = False
Dim LetterCorrect As Boolean = False
For Each Letter In EndWord
If GetChar(LetterGuess.Name, 7) = Letter Then
Select Case Array.IndexOf(EndWord, Letter)
Case Is = 0
Letter1.Visible = True
Case Is = 1
Letter2.Visible = True
Case Is = 2
Letter3.Visible = True
Case Is = 3
Letter4.Visible = True
Case Is = 4
Letter5.Visible = True
Case Is = 5
Letter6.Visible = True
End Select
LetterCorrect = True
End If
'Lives left code
If LetterCorrect = False Then
AttemptsLeft += 1
Select Case AttemptsLeft
Case 1
Attempt1.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 1
Case 2
Attempt2.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 2
Case 3
Attempt3.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 3
Case 4
Attempt4.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 4
Case 5
Attempt5.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 5
Case 6
Attempt6.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 6
Case 7
Attempt7.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 7
Case 8
Attempt8.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 8
Case 9
Attempt9.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 9
Case 10
Attempt10Part1.Visible = True
Attempt10Part2.Visible = True
Attempts.Text = 10
LetterA.Enabled = False
LetterB.Enabled = False
LetterC.Enabled = False
LetterD.Enabled = False
LetterE.Enabled = False
LetterF.Enabled = False
LetterG.Enabled = False
LetterH.Enabled = False
LetterI.Enabled = False
LetterJ.Enabled = False
LetterK.Enabled = False
LetterL.Enabled = False
LetterM.Enabled = False
LetterN.Enabled = False
LetterO.Enabled = False
LetterP.Enabled = False
LetterQ.Enabled = False
LetterR.Enabled = False
LetterS.Enabled = False
LetterT.Enabled = False
LetterU.Enabled = False
LetterV.Enabled = False
LetterW.Enabled = False
LetterX.Enabled = False
LetterY.Enabled = False
LetterZ.Enabled = False
MsgBox("You have lost the round!")
End Select
'Winning a round code
Else : Dim GameWinner As Boolean = True
Dim WordCheck As Label
For Each WordCheck In GameWord
If Not WordCheck.Visible Then
GameWinner = False
Exit For
End If
If GameWinner Then
MsgBox("You have won the round!")
'Losing a round code
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetForm(ScoreForRound As Integer)
UScore += ScoreForRound
If Rounds = 3 Then
Score.Text = +10
AttemptsLeft = 0
Attempts.Text = 0
Rounds += 1
Hangman_Load(Nothing, Nothing)
Dim HangmanReset As PowerPacks.Shape
For Each HangmanReset In HangmanShapes
HangmanReset.Visible = False
Dim ControlReset As Control
For Each ControlReset In NewControls
ControlReset.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
End Class
High score form (This is where the user saves their points and also be able to view their high scores afterwards)
Imports System.IO
Public Class HighScore
Dim AppPath As String = Application.StartupPath()
Public Username As String
Private Sub HighScore_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim FileData() As String
Dim SizeArray As Integer
FileData = File.ReadAllLines(AppPath & "/highscore.txt")
SizeArray = FileData.Length
Catch Break As Exception
MsgBox("The file is missing!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
For begin = 0 To SizeArray - 1 Step 1
Me.UserNameLabel.Text = UserNameLabel.Text & FileData(begin) & vbNewLine
End Sub
Private Sub Backtomainmenu_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Backtomainmenu.Click
MainMenu.Visible = True
Me.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub HelpButtonHighScore_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HelpButtonHighScore.Click
MsgBox("This is the high score, this shows the top 10 players who achieved well in this game, this is ranked by the amount of points score. If you want to have your name in this high score, play the game well in order to achieve this.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End Sub
'This is where the user saves their high scores
Private Sub SaveName_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SaveName.Click
Username = NameInput.Text
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("The file is missing!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
UScore = vbNull
If NameInput.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter a name please")
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
End If
End Sub
End Class
the user is required have at least one character inside the text box
Your code is currently saving to the file before any validation occurs:
Username = NameInput.Text
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("The file is missing!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
UScore = vbNull
After that block of code (which has already written to the file), then you're attempting to validate:
If NameInput.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter a name please")
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
End If
Consolidate the code, and only write to the file if your validation is successful:
Private Sub SaveName_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SaveName.Click
Username = NameInput.Text.Trim
If Username = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter a name please!")
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
UScore = vbNull
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error Saving High Score File!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.ToString(), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
End If
End Sub
With UScore = vbNull, you might be resetting the score even if NameInput.Text = "".
So, instead of
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("The file is missing!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
UScore = vbNull
If NameInput.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter a name please")
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
End If
Put UScore = vbNull inside the If statement so
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("The file is missing!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
If NameInput.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter a name please")
File.WriteAllText(AppPath & "/highscore.txt", Username & " " & UScore)
UScore = vbNull 'Put it here instead
End If

Download Direct links

My program has been using:
Dim DLLink1 As String
DLLink1 = Trim(TextBox2.Text)
Dim DownloadDirectory1 As String
DownloadDirectory1 = Trim(TextBox4.Text)
Button3.Enabled = False
' My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(DLLink1, (DownloadDirectory1 + "/"))
Dim HttpReq As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(DLLink1), HttpWebRequest)
Using HttpResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(HttpReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Using Reader As New BinaryReader(HttpResponse.GetResponseStream())
Dim RdByte As Byte() = Reader.ReadBytes(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 10)
Using FStream As New FileStream(DownloadDirectory1 + "/", FileMode.Create)
FStream.Write(RdByte, 0, RdByte.Length)
End Using
End Using
End Using
MsgBox("Finished Download.")
Button3.Enabled = True
Label4.Visible = True
I tried this previously, and it didn't work at all:
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(DLLink1, (DownloadDirectory1 + "/"))
The website requires you to be logged in, so I made a spare account for the program:
Button2.Enabled = False
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("vb_login_username").SetAttribute("value", "AutoUpdaterAccount")
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("vb_login_password").SetAttribute("value", "password")
Dim allelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.All
For Each webpageelement As HtmlElement In allelements
If webpageelement.GetAttribute("type") = "submit" Then
Label5.Text = "Authorized."
Button2.Enabled = True
So now you're logged into the account, on the website, but when the code above to download runs, it downloads a zip, but it's corrupted. So I opened it with notepad++ and this is what I get (Does this mean it didn't login for the download, and it only logged in with the webbrowser and they aren't linked? Or something? Like My firefox logins aren't linked with chrome?:
The code is huge, it's like a HTML coding. Here is the link to a online notepad I put it on:
Another thing, a webbrowser can't be showing on the program, it can be on the outside not showing, like I did with the login. They also can't click the save button like on a normal web browser when a window pops up, I want it to download automatically to where they set it using a button which sets the directory as DownloadDirectory1
It must be your lucky day because today I woke up and decided that I would like to help you with your cause. I first tried to get the download to work with the web browser control but unfortunately I am sure this is not possible without extending the web browser control and we don't want to do that today.
As I mentioned in the comments, the only way I really know that this is possible (without user interaction) is to log in via the HttpWebRequest method. It's pretty tricky stuff. Definitely not for beginners.
Now I must admit that this isn't the cleanest, most "proper" and user-friendly code around, so if anyone wants to suggest a better way to do things, I am all ears.
I suggest you test this first before you incorporate it into your existing app. Just create a new app and replace all of the code in Form1 with the code below. You will have to update the usernamehere and passwordhere strings with your real username and password. Also, the file is saving to C:\file.rar by default so you can change this path if you want. This code completely removes the need for the web browser control (unless you are using it for something else) so most likely you can remove that from your real application once you incorporate this properly:
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Const gsUserAgent As String = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0"
Const sUsername As String = "usernamehere"
Const sPassword As String = "passwordhere"
Const sMainURL As String = ""
Const sCheckLoginURL As String = ""
Const sDownloadURL As String = ""
Const sCookieLoggedInMessage As String = "mpgh_imloggedin=yes"
Dim oCookieCollection As CookieCollection = Nothing
Dim sSaveFile As String = "c:\file.rar"
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub StartScrape()
Dim bContinue As Boolean = True
Dim sPostData(15) As String
sPostData(0) = UrlEncode("vb_login_username")
sPostData(1) = UrlEncode(sUsername)
sPostData(2) = UrlEncode("vb_login_password")
sPostData(3) = UrlEncode(sPassword)
sPostData(4) = UrlEncode("vb_login_password_hint")
sPostData(5) = UrlEncode("Password")
sPostData(6) = UrlEncode("s")
sPostData(7) = UrlEncode("")
sPostData(8) = UrlEncode("securitytoken")
sPostData(9) = UrlEncode("guest")
sPostData(10) = UrlEncode("do")
sPostData(11) = UrlEncode("login")
sPostData(12) = UrlEncode("vb_login_md5password")
sPostData(13) = UrlEncode("")
sPostData(14) = UrlEncode("vb_login_md5password_utf")
sPostData(15) = UrlEncode("")
If GetMethod(sMainURL) = True Then
If SetMethod(sCheckLoginURL, sPostData, sMainURL) = True Then
' Login successful
If DownloadMethod(sDownloadURL, sMainURL) = True Then
MessageBox.Show("File downloaded successfully")
MessageBox.Show("Error downloading file")
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
End Sub
Private Function GetMethod(ByVal sPage As String) As Boolean
Dim req As HttpWebRequest
Dim resp As HttpWebResponse
Dim stw As StreamReader
Dim bReturn As Boolean = True
req = HttpWebRequest.Create(sPage)
req.Method = "GET"
req.AllowAutoRedirect = False
req.UserAgent = gsUserAgent
req.Accept = "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"
req.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-us,en;q=0.5")
req.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7")
req.Headers.Add("Keep-Alive", "300")
req.KeepAlive = True
resp = req.GetResponse ' Get the response from the server
If req.HaveResponse Then
' Save the cookie info if applicable
resp = req.GetResponse ' Get the response from the server
stw = New StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream)
stw.ReadToEnd() ' Read the response from the server, but we do not save it
MessageBox.Show("No response received from host " & sPage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
bReturn = False
End If
Catch exc As WebException
MessageBox.Show("Network Error: " & exc.Message.ToString & " Status Code: " & exc.Status.ToString & " from " & sPage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
bReturn = False
End Try
Return bReturn
End Function
Private Function SetMethod(ByVal sPage As String, ByVal sPostData() As String, sReferer As String) As Boolean
Dim bReturn As Boolean = False
Dim req As HttpWebRequest
Dim resp As HttpWebResponse
Dim str As StreamWriter
Dim sPostDataValue As String = ""
req = HttpWebRequest.Create(sPage)
req.Method = "POST"
req.UserAgent = gsUserAgent
req.Accept = "application/x-shockwave-flash,text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"
req.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-us,en;q=0.5")
req.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7")
req.Referer = sReferer
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.Headers.Add("Pragma", "no-cache")
req.Headers.Add("Keep-Alive", "300")
If oCookieCollection IsNot Nothing Then
' Pass cookie info from the login page
req.CookieContainer = SetCookieContainer(sPage)
End If
str = New StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream)
If sPostData.Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
' There is an even number of post names and values
For i As Int32 = 0 To sPostData.Count - 1 Step 2
' Put the post data together into one string
sPostDataValue &= sPostData(i) & "=" & sPostData(i + 1) & "&"
Next i
sPostDataValue = sPostDataValue.Substring(0, sPostDataValue.Length - 1) ' This will remove the extra "&" at the end that was added from the for loop above
' Post the data to the server
' Get the response
resp = req.GetResponse
If req.HaveResponse Then
If resp.Headers("Set-Cookie").IndexOf(sCookieLoggedInMessage) > -1 Then
' Save the cookie info
bReturn = True
MessageBox.Show("The email or password you entered are incorrect." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please try again.", "Unable to log in", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
bReturn = False
End If
' This should probably never happen.. but if it does, we give a message
MessageBox.Show("The email or password you entered are incorrect." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please try again.", "Unable to log in", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
bReturn = False
End If
' Did not specify the correct amount of parameters so we cannot continue
MessageBox.Show("POST error. Did not supply the correct amount of post data for " & sPage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
bReturn = False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("POST error. " & ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
bReturn = False
End Try
Return bReturn
End Function
Private Function DownloadMethod(ByVal sPage As String, sReferer As String) As Boolean
Dim req As HttpWebRequest
Dim bReturn As Boolean = False
req = HttpWebRequest.Create(sPage)
req.Method = "GET"
req.AllowAutoRedirect = False
req.UserAgent = gsUserAgent
req.Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
req.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5")
req.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate")
req.Headers.Add("Keep-Alive", "300")
req.KeepAlive = True
If oCookieCollection IsNot Nothing Then
' Set cookie info so that we continue to be logged in
req.CookieContainer = SetCookieContainer(sPage)
End If
' Save file to disk
Using oResponse As System.Net.WebResponse = CType(req.GetResponse, System.Net.WebResponse)
Using responseStream As IO.Stream = oResponse.GetResponseStream
Using fs As New IO.FileStream(sSaveFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim buffer(2047) As Byte
Dim read As Integer
read = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
fs.Write(buffer, 0, read)
Loop Until read = 0
End Using
End Using
End Using
bReturn = True
Catch exc As WebException
MessageBox.Show("Network Error: " & exc.Message.ToString & " Status Code: " & exc.Status.ToString & " from " & sPage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
bReturn = False
End Try
Return bReturn
End Function
Private Function SetCookieContainer(sPage As String) As System.Net.CookieContainer
Dim oCookieContainerObject As New System.Net.CookieContainer
Dim oCookie As System.Net.Cookie
For c As Int32 = 0 To oCookieCollection.Count - 1
If IsDate(oCookieCollection(c).Value) = True Then
' Fix dates as they seem to cause errors/problems
oCookieCollection(c).Value = Format(CDate(oCookieCollection(c).Value), "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
End If
oCookie = New System.Net.Cookie
oCookie.Name = oCookieCollection(c).Name
oCookie.Value = oCookieCollection(c).Value
oCookie.Domain = New Uri(sPage).Host
oCookie.Secure = False
Return oCookieContainerObject
End Function
Private Sub SaveCookies(sCookieString As String)
Dim sCookieStrings() As String = sCookieString.Trim.Replace(" HttpOnly,", "").Replace(" HttpOnly", "").Replace(",", "").Split(";".ToCharArray())
oCookieCollection = New CookieCollection
For Each sCookie As String In sCookieStrings
If sCookie.Trim <> "" Then
Dim sName As String = sCookie.Trim().Split("=".ToCharArray())(0)
Dim sValue As String = sCookie.Trim().Split("=".ToCharArray())(1)
oCookieCollection.Add(New Cookie(sName, sValue))
End If
End Sub
Private Function UrlEncode(ByRef URLText As String) As String
Dim AscCode As Integer
Dim EncText As String = ""
Dim bStr() As Byte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(URLText)
For i As Long = 0 To UBound(bStr)
AscCode = bStr(i)
Select Case AscCode
Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122, 46, 95
EncText = EncText & Chr(AscCode)
Case 32
EncText = EncText & "+"
Case Else
If AscCode < 16 Then
EncText = EncText & "%0" & Hex(AscCode)
EncText = EncText & "%" & Hex(AscCode)
End If
End Select
Next i
Erase bStr
Catch ex As WebException
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
Return EncText
End Function
End Class

How to start a visible process

I have the following code to start the program R (even though I think that the program is not relevent for the problem here) and run a script:
Public Shared Sub RunRScript(rCodeFilePath As String, rScriptExecutablePath As String, args As String)
Dim file As String = rCodeFilePath
Dim result As String = String.Empty
Dim info = New ProcessStartInfo()
info.FileName = rScriptExecutablePath
info.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(rScriptExecutablePath)
info.Arguments = rCodeFilePath & " " & args
info.RedirectStandardInput = False
info.RedirectStandardOutput = True
info.UseShellExecute = False
info.CreateNoWindow = True
Using proc = New Process()
proc.StartInfo = info
result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("R Script failed: " & result, ex)
End Try
End Sub
Problem is, if there is an error in the script I run within R I dont get an error message because the instance is invisible. I tried to make it visible with
.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
in all combinations of .UseShellExcecute and .CreateNoWindow but this is not working. Could anyone help me to can make my process visible?
Since you are redirecting StandardInput and StandardOutput, you should now redirect StandardError to trap the errors also.
More info available on MSDN

Parsing arp.exe - WaitForExit(60000) times out

I'm trying to parse arp.exe's output to get the MAC address for a computer. I'm able to parse ping.exe and obtain the IP address but for some reason arp.exe appears to never exit. If I remove the arguments I it exits almost instantly. If I run the command myself in command prompt it outputs the result in less than one second. I'm not sure why it's not working.
Public Function DNSLookup(ByVal dnsName As String)
#If Not Debug Then
#End If
Dim p As New Process
With p.StartInfo
.FileName = "ping.exe"
.Arguments = "-n 1 -4 " + dnsName 'Send 1 echo/packet (-n 1) and force IPv4 (-4)
.CreateNoWindow = True
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardError = True
.UseShellExecute = False
End With
If p.WaitForExit(5000) Then
'Find and parse "Reply from bytes=xx time=xms TTL=xxx"
Dim result As String = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd 'Read the result from the command line
Dim i As Integer = result.IndexOf("Reply from ") + 11 '11 is the length of "Reply from "
result = result.Substring(i, result.IndexOf(": bytes=") - i) 'Get the IP from the command line output
Return result
Throw New System.Exception("DNS lookup failed. Timeout exceeded")
End If
#If Not Debug Then
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
#End If
End Function
Public Function GetMACAddress(ByVal dnsName As String)
Dim ip As String = DNSLookup(dnsName)
#If Not Debug Then
#End If
Dim arp As New Process
With arp.StartInfo
.FileName = "arp.exe"
.Arguments = "-a" ' | find " + Chr(34) + ip + Chr(34) 'Example: arp -a | find ""
.CreateNoWindow = True
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardError = True
.RedirectStandardInput = False
.UseShellExecute = False
End With
If arp.WaitForExit(60000) Then
Throw New System.Exception("ARP lookup failed. Timeout exceeded")
End If
Return 1 '### TO DO: Return parsed MAC address
#If Not Debug Then
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
#End If
End Function
I'm not sure why this wasn't working with the arguments just set to "-a" last night as when I ran it this morning that worked. However I realised that the reason my full argument wasn't working is because "| find" isn't an argument recognised by arp.exe. To solve it I've used cmd.exe /c arp. Updated code below works:
Public Function GetMACAddress(ByVal dnsName As String)
Dim ip As String = DNSLookup(dnsName)
#If Not Debug Then
#End If
Dim arp As New Process
With arp.StartInfo
.FileName = "cmd.exe"
.Arguments = "/c arp -a | find " + Chr(34) + ip + Chr(34) 'Example: arp -a | find ""
.CreateNoWindow = False
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardError = True
.RedirectStandardInput = False
.UseShellExecute = False
End With
If arp.WaitForExit(5000) Then
Throw New System.Exception("ARP lookup failed. Timeout exceeded")
End If
Return 1 '### TO DO: Return parsed IP address
#If Not Debug Then
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
#End If
End Function