Doe"},{"id":2,"name":"Don Joeh"}]},{"TypeId":2,"othertype":
[{"TypeId":1,"onetype":[{"id":1,"name":"John F"},{"id":2,"name":"Don E"}]},
Above is JSON arrary of object I want to group row data in table by grouping in PrimeNG also after every types want a blank row.
column names: mastertransid, type_internal_id_int
Query returns 3 rows. For type_internal_id_int the value can either be SalesOrd, ItemShip or CustInvc
mastertransid is the same for all 3 rows and groups the three together
However if there is a record for type_internal_id_int and it = CustInvc then I need to hide the other two rows.
I've tried grouping my data using <cfoutput group by="type_internal_id_int"> without any luck.
From the image I have included, I don't want customers to see SalesOrd or ItemShip, if a CustInvc value exists.
trying to figured out how to select an specific value from a list, so I have a label with a field like PSNO= Value but when I type a different value like 1575158 it always shows me the first value in the list (1136263) wont appear any other value but that one, this is my code
WHERE PSCO=100 fetch first 500 row only'
any idea of how I can select a specific value? Ty:)!
Screen and code
Have not yet had to do this in SSRS and I'm scratching my head.
Basically, I have a tablix based on DataSet 1. The tablix is sorted and grouped on a field called AssemblyName and it is also the first column value. The second column value is based on the sum of a field called Quantity. (in the database table, each row has an AssemblyName value and a Quantity value)
The tricky part is this: There is another table in the database that contains a 'snapshot' of the AssemblyName and Quantity based on older (original) data.
And in my Tablix I want to show a cell in the same row that Sums the old Quantities for the AssemblyName in the first cell of the row. The old Quantities would be pulled from the database table with the old data.
Basically, the goal is the show a Tablix grouped and sorted by AssemblyName, and have the following columns in the tablix: Assembly Name (from current DB table), the current Quantity sum (from current DB table), and the old Quantity sum (from another DB table with the old data).
I have everything working except for the cell that contains the old Quantity sum from the old DB table.
The old DB table is in the same database, so that is not an issue, what my problem is, creating a query that sums the Quantities in the old table based on the value of the AssemblyName in the same Tablix row.
I've tried creating Dataset 2 with a query based on parameters pulled from Dataset 1, and then writing this expression in the old quantity cell:
=Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "Dataset 2")
I'm getting blank values in every cell in the third column, which contains the expression above. I'm assuming it because the Dataset 2 is not actually reading the values of AssemblyName in the same tablix row. The essence of what I want to do, however, is pass the value from the first column in the tablix, which contains AssemblyName, to the WHERE clause in the query for Dataset 2 whose parameter is in turn shown in the third column's cell in the same tablix row.
In case it helps, the query from DataSet 2 is as follows:
SELECT AssemblyName
, Quantity
FROM OldData
WHERE AssemblyName = #compare_AssemblyName
I hope this makes sense, but please ask questions as needed so that I can clarify.
You should be able to pull the old data in along with your new data in the same query, then just sum the respective fields:
SELECT AssemblyName
, NewQuantity = n.Quantity
, OldQuantity = COALESCE(o.Quantity, 0)
FROM NewData n
ON n.AssemblyName = o.AssemblyName
WHERE n.AssemblyName = #compare_AssemblyName
I have one table with rows and each row has a column that contains a field name (say raw1 - 'Number001', raw2-'ShortChar003', etc). In order for me to get that value of these fields I have to use a second table; this table has 1 raw with many columns (number001, Number002, ShortChar003, etc).
How can I extract the value?
Good Question..You can use lookup function
=Lookup(Fields!CityColumn.Value, Fields!CityColumn.Value, Fields!CountColumn.Value, "Dataset1")
Or you might have to use string functions..ex LEFT, Substring, Right same like SQL.If possible pls post some data of both tables, I will explain in detail
May I ask how to count the row of tOracleInput and place it to the tOracleOutput. At the same time, can I add the values of that column SUM(tOracleOutput.OS_BALANCE)?
You could use the tAggregateRow component like this:
You should leave group by paramaters empty and create an output schema that will hold the sum and count. The row generated will then be fed to tOracleOutput.