Get Salesforce Product List and Data - api

Can I get salesforce product list using REST API? Or can you provide better and easier way to get product list. Please help. Thank You

Yes, Product2 records can be queried through the REST API. Here's a sample query:
curl -H 'X-PrettyPrint: 1' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ##Session_Id##' \


Gitlab API curl request

When I'm trying to use GitLab API GET request to get all commits from specific date range and specific branch, I receive only commits from NEXT day after I put since date.
I mean, if I define since date for example - from 2022-12-01T12:17:30.000+02:00 until 2022-12-15T15:01:36.000+01:00. But, my commits from curl request starting from 2 Dec 2022.
How does to include initial date to response?
curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <token>""?ref_name=${branch}&since=${since_date}&until=${until_date}" | jq -r '.[] | .committed_date + "\t" + .title'
Response which I receive:
By the way, I tried to use, but it didn't help me.
It could be a pagination problem. Try adding &per_page=100 to see if there are more commits. I think you can't get more than 100 items in one api call.
See for more info

twitter api v2 to capture random sample of a specific language

I can't believe this is not a common/often considered query to the twitter v2 API
We are looking for a sample of tweets in a specific language (we're testing language translation tech) e.g. english or spanish.
There exists a sample end point, there exists a search query end point, however
sample endpoint doesn't seem to allow to attach a query. The search query doesn't seem to allow an 'empty search string', on which can add the language specifier
we've tried things like (as no real clues in the docs, so these do fail as expected)
curl --request GET ''
curl --request GET ''
curl -X POST '' \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -d \
"add": [
{"value": " lang:en"}
and also things like
"add": [
{"value": "from: * lang:en"}
we could query the sample, include the language field and then dismiss all we are not interested in, but given we need large volumes, this will waste quotas.
Anyone accomplished this?

Jira API not filtering on fields

I can't seem to get my request results to filter on the field pass. No matter what I input I get this massive data dump from Jira. Nor does it seem to limit by the maxResults count. Here's the API call:
curl -u app_jira_docs:"xxxxxxxxxx" --url '"name"="epic"&"fields"="summary"&startAt=0&maxResults=2' -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq '.' --sort-keys
Any help would be great.
I was able to get a similar query to filter correctly by swapping a few of your parameters around and adjusting some of the formatting:
curl --location --request GET 'https://jira-url/rest/api/latest/search?jql=project%3D10506%20AND%20name%3Depic&fields=summary&startAt=0&maxResults=2' --header 'Accept: application/json'
I grouped all of the JQL terms together, separated them with spaces and AND clauses, dropped the double-quoting around some of the parameters, and then URL encoded the whole thing.

REST query to get all roles for particular user from parse server

How to create a REST query to get all roles assigned to a user?
As this is many to many relation in the opposite direction the regular $relatedTo operator seems to be not enough...
finally I found the solution which seems to be much easier than I was afraid of :) As I found similar questions on SO and github I hope it will help others.
the curl query to get all the roles directly assigned to a user is:
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: ${APPLICATION_ID}" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ${REST_API_KEY}" \ \
--data-urlencode \

How to Display "title" and "displayvalue" from smart sheets using the cURL code shown below?

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 21txb6n2ajlf6dhsil8g3jxtdu"
^^^^That is the curl command i put into the terminal and when i do, i get this information poster below. The access token: 21txb6n2ajlf6dhsil8g3jxtdu & Sheet ID:5848567060424580. I want to get a curl command that only displays certain values instead of every single ID and formatting option in the columns from the Smartsheet. Any help would be useful thanks!
{"id":4140686686611332,"index":2,"title":"Column3","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","width":150}MAC-C02Q3C5MG8WP:~ jxs18$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 21txb6n2ajlf6dhsil8g3jxtdu"
{"id":5848567060424580,"name":"JagTestSheet","version":1,"totalRowCount":3,"accessLevel":"EDITOR_SHARE","effectiveAttachmentOptions":["FILE","ONEDRIVE","GOOGLE_DRIVE","EVERNOTE","BOX_COM","EGNYTE","DROPBOX"],"ganttEnabled":false,"dependenciesEnabled":false,"resourceManagementEnabled":false,"cellImageUploadEnabled":true,"userSettings":{"criticalPathEnabled":false,"displaySummaryTasks":true},"permalink":"","createdAt":"2016-07-07T14:44:38Z","modifiedAt":"2016-07-07T15:22:53Z","columns":[{"id":1888886872926084,"index":0,"title":"Primary Column","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","primary":true,"width":150},{"id":6392486500296580,"index":1,"title":"Column2","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","width":150},{"id":4140686686611332,"index":2,"title":"Column3","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","width":150},{"id":8644286313981828,"index":3,"title":"Column4","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","width":150},{"id":481511989372804,"index":4,"title":"Column5","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","width":150},{"id":4985111616743300,"index":5,"title":"Column6","type":"TEXT_NUMBER","width":150}],"rows":[{"id":6858731183990660,"rowNumber":1,"expanded":true,"createdAt":"2016-07-07T15:22:53Z","modifiedAt":"2016-07-07T15:22:53Z","cells":[{"columnId":1888886872926084,"value":234.0,"displayValue":"234"},{"columnId":6392486500296580,"value":657.0,"displayValue":"657"},{"columnId":4140686686611332,"value":875.0,"displayValue":"875"},{"columnId":8644286313981828},{"columnId":481511989372804},{"columnId":4985111616743300}]},{"id":1229231649777540,"rowNumber":2,"siblingId":6858731183990660,"expanded":true,"createdAt":"2016-07-07T15:22:53Z","modifiedAt":"2016-07-07T15:22:53Z","cells":[{"columnId":1888886872926084,"value":564.0,"displayValue":"564"},{"columnId":6392486500296580,"value":546.0,"displayValue":"546"},{"columnId":4140686686611332,"value":453.0,"displayValue":"453"},{"columnId":8644286313981828},{"columnId":48151198937280MAC-C02Q3C5MG8WP:
You could consider piping the output into something like jsawk
to query the JSON response for what you are looking for from your cURL request.