Deleting vue component from list always delete the last element in list - vue.js

I have read the documentation for rendering the custom components in list using v-for here.
But for some reason, I am not able to get this working.It always delete the last component instead of the one I send in the index. Any idea why it is not working ?
My VUE JS version is : 2.5.16.
Using PHPStorm IDE and running on docker (linux container)
And Laravel mix (I have "laravel-mix": "0.*" entry in package.json) to use webpack and compile the JS modules.
Here is the piece of some of my code
// Parent Component JS
v-for="(child, index) in componentList"
import childComponent from './ChildComponent';
export default {
name: 'CustomList',
components: {'child-component' :childComponent},
data() {
return {
componentList: []
methods: {
addField() {
console.log('Handling add-custom-field field...');
dropField(index) {
console.log(`I am deleting the component with index = ${index} from listview in parent...`);
this.componentList.splice(index, 1);
// Child Component JS
<input type="text" v-model="currentValue" /><button #click.prevent="$emit('remove')" > Remove </button>
export default {
props: { myVal : '' },
data() { return { currentValue: ''} },
created() {this.currentValue = this.myVal;}

The issue is caused by in-place patch” strategy for v-for. That means Vue will not rebuild all childs when removed one element from componentList.
Check Vue Guide on an “in-place patch” strategy for v-for:
When Vue is updating a list of elements rendered with v-for, by
default it uses an “in-place patch” strategy. If the order of the data
items has changed, instead of moving the DOM elements to match the
order of the items, Vue will patch each element in-place and make sure
it reflects what should be rendered at that particular index.
Actually you already deleted the last item, but the problem is the data property=currentValue of first&second child have been 'a', 'b', when first mounted. Later when Vue re-render (delete the last child), data property=currentValue keeps same value though prop=myVal already changed.
Look at below demo, I added one input and bind myVal, you will see the differences.
Vue.config.productionTip = false
let childComponent = Vue.component('child', {
template: `<div class="item">
<p>Index:{{parentIndex}} => <button #click.prevent="removed()" > Remove </button>
Data:<input type="text" v-model="currentValue" />Props:<input type="text" v-bind:value="myVal" />
props: { 'myVal':{
type: String,
default: ''
} ,
'parentIndex': {
type: Number,
default: 0
data() {
return {
currentValue: ''
mounted() {
this.currentValue = this.myVal
methods: {
removed: function () {
app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
componentList: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
methods: {
addField() {
console.log('Handling add-custom-field field...');
dropField(index) {
console.log(`I am deleting the component with index = ${index} from listview in parent...`);
this.componentList.splice(index, 1);
li:nth-child(odd) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="(child, index) in componentList"><div

I discover that if you have another updated :key property (not index) it will work as you want
here's my example
<div id="app">
v-for="(teacher, index) in teachers_list"
<p>Teacher id {{}}</p>
<button #click="deleteTeacher(index)"></button>
export default {
data() {
return {
teachers_list: [
{name: 'teacher a', id: 100},
{name: 'teacher b', id: 200},
{name: 'teacher c', id: 300},
methods: {
deleteTeacher(index) {
this.teachers_list.splice(index, 1)


How do have unique variables for each dynamically created buttons/text fields?

I'm trying to create buttons and vue element inputs for each item on the page. I'm iterating through the items and rendering them with v-for and so I decided to expand on that and do it for both the rest as well. The problem i'm having is that I need to to bind textInput as well as displayTextbox to each one and i'm not sure how to achieve that.
currently all the input text in the el-inputs are bound to the same variable, and clicking to display the inputs will display them all at once.
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<icon #click="showTextbox"/>
<el-input v-if="displayTextbox" v-model="textInput" />
<el-button v-if="displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
displayTextbox = false,
textInput = '',
methods: {
confirm() {
// todo send request here
this.displayTextbox = false;
showTextbox() {
this.displayTextbox = true;
EDIT: with the help of #kissu here's the updated and working version
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in itemDataList" :key="">
<icon #click="showTextbox("/>
<El-Input v-if="item.displayTextbox" v-model="item.textInput" />
<El-Button v-if="item.displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm(" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="item.item.uuid" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
itemDataList = [],
methods: {
confirm(id) {
const selected = this.itemDataList.find(
(item) => === id,
selected.displayTextbox = false;
// todo send request here
showTextbox(id) {
(item) => === id,
).displayTextbox = true;
populateItemData() {
this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
id: item.uuid + index,
displayTextbox: false,
textInput: '',
item: item,
created() {
// items prop is obtained from parent component vuex
// generate itemDataList before DOM is rendered so we can render it correctly
[assuming you're using Vue2]
If you want to interact with multiple displayTextbox + textInput state, you will need to have an array of objects with a specific key tied to each one of them like in this example.
As of right now, you do have only 1 state for them all, meaning that as you can see: you can toggle it for all or none only.
You'll need to refactor it with an object as in my above example to allow a case-per-case iteration on each state individually.
PS: :key="index" is not a valid solution, you should never use the index of a v-for as explained here.
PS2: please follow the conventions in terms of component naming in your template.
Also, I'm not sure how deep you were planning to go with your components since we don't know the internals of <ItemDisplay :data-id="" />.
But if you also want to manage the labels for each of your inputs, you can do that with nanoid, that way you will be able to have unique UUIDs for each one of your inputs, quite useful.
Use an array to store the values, like this:
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<el-input v-model="textInputs[index]" />
export default {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
textInputs: []

Vue.js how can i add dynamic component to the dom

in my app i need to add components to the dom after fetching data from an api
i have a component called Carousel and a component called Home
so i don't know how many carousels i need in my Home component
the question is : how can i add components using for loop from inside methods:{}
My Code :
v-for="widget in widgets"
{{ widget }}
import Carousel from './widgets/Carousel.vue'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
page_content: [],
widgets: [],
created() {
addWidget() {
getHomeContent() {
window.axios.get(window.main_urls["home-content"]).then(response => {
this.page_content = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
<div :class="this.type == 'full' ? '' : 'container'">
export default
How to create as much carousels is i need using loop
the above code just give me a string 'carousel'
i want the component to be rendered
Here is a working example of dynamic components with properties
<template v-for="item in widgets">
<component :is="" :name="" v-if="'carousel'"></component>
The data in widgets
widgets: [
{name: 'carousel'},
{name: 'carousel'},
{name: 'test'},
{name: 'carousel'},
then it will create three components.
I created a test component like this to check this
components: {
'carousel': {
template: "<div>Dynamic component {{name}}</div>",
props: ["name"]

Pass data to vue component

i'm learning Vue.js right now, but i have a little problem on understanding a quite easy task ( maybe my idea of programming is too old ).
i've created a little component with this code.
<div class="tabSelectorRoot">
<li v-for="(element,index) in elements" v-on:click="changeSelected(index)">
<a :class="{ 'selected': activeIndex === index }" :data-value="element.value"> {{ element.text }}</a>
<div class="indicator"></div>
export default {
name: "TabSelectorComponent",
data () {
return {
activeIndex : 0,
elements: [
{ 'text':'Images', 'value': 'immagini','selected':true},
{ 'text':'WallArts', 'value': 'wallart'}
created: function () {
methods: {
'changeSelected' : function( index,evt) {
if ( index == this.activeIndex) { return; }
this.activeIndex = index;
document.querySelector('.indicator').style.left= 90 * index +'px';
and this is the root
<div id="app">
import TabSelectorComponent from "./TabSelectorComponent";
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {TabSelectorComponent},
data () {
return {
msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App'
'mounted' : function() {
All of this renders in something like this
I'd like to reuse the component by varying the number of objects inside the list but i cannot understand how to accomplish this simple task
The basic way to communicate between components in Vue is using properties and events. In your case, what you would want to do is add an elements property to your TabSelectorComponent that is set by the parent.
export default {
name: "TabSelectorComponent",
props: ["elements"],
data () {
return {
activeIndex : 0
In your parent:
<tab-selector-component :elements="elementArray"></tab-selector-component>
This is covered in the documentation here.

How do i get the ViewModel from Vue's :is

i have these components:
<template id="test-button-component">
<div class="test-button__container">
This is test button
<button #click="clickButton">{{buttonTitle}}</button>
<template id="test-button-component2">
<div class="test-button__container">
I try to use the Vue's :is binding to do a component binding by name as follow:
<div :is='myComponentName' ></div>
every time the myComponentName changed to other component, the new component will replace the old component. The thing i need is, is there any way i can get the instance of the component so i can get the view model instance of the currently bound component?
You can add a ref attribute (for example ref="custom") to the <div> tag for the dynamic component. And then reference the component instance via this.$refs.custom.
Here's a simple example where the data of the component gets logged whenever the value being bound to the is prop is changed:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
value: 'foo',
children: {
foo: {
name: 'foo',
template: '<div>foo</div>',
data() {
return { value: 1 };
bar: {
name: 'bar',
template: '<div>bar</div>',
data() {
return { value: 2 };
computed: {
custom() {
return this.children[this.value];
watch: {
custom() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<select v-model="value">
<div :is="custom" ref="custom"></div>
Note that the $data for the component reference by $refs.custom is getting logged inside of a $nextTick handler. This is because the bound component won't update until the parent view has re-rendered.

Vue: data from grandparent to grandchild (search component)

In my Vue app I have a view ('projects.vue') that gets some .json and which has a child component ('subheader.vue') which imports a search/filter mixin. I had this working but I wanted to split out the search elements from the subheader component to its own component, so subheader would hold only the headings and then import the search component. Despite adapting the props and bindings from the working version, my new three-component setup is throwing an error. Here's the setup:
the searchMixin.js:
export default {
computed: {
filteredProjects: function() {
const searchTerm =;
if (!searchTerm) {
return false;
return this.projects.filter((project) => {
return (project.client.toLowerCase().match(searchTerm)) ||
(project.contacts.filter((el) => {
}).length > 0) ||
<div class="container" id="projects">
<!-- app-subheader is global component, imported & registered in main.js -->
<app-subheader v-bind:title="title" v-bind:subtitle="subtitle" />
[ snip irrelevant stuff ]
export default {
data () {
return {
title: "Projects",
subtitle: "",
projects: []
created: function() {
return data.json();
var projectsArray = [];
for (let key in data) {
data[key].id = key;
this.projectID = key;
this.projects = projectsArray;
} // export default
<div class="subheader">
<div class="headings">
<h1 v-html="title"></h1>
<h2 v-html="subtitle"></h2>
<!-- I want to conditionally include <app-search /> according to an ID on an element in the grandparent (e.g., projects.vue) -->
<app-search v-bind:projects="projects" />
import Search from './search.vue';
export default {
components: {
'app-search': Search
props: [ "title", "subtitle", "projects" ],
data() {
return {
search: "",
projects: []
created: function() {
console.log("created; log projects", this.projects);
methods: {},
computed: {}
<div class="search-wrapper">
<div class="search">
<input type="text" v-model="search" placeholder="search by client, contact name, description, project, source" />
<div class="search-results-wrapper">
<span class="results-count" v-if="filteredProjects.length == 0">
no results matching search "{{ search }}":
<span class="results-count" v-if="filteredProjects.length > 0">
{{ filteredProjects.length }} result<span v-if="filteredProjects.length > 1">s</span> matching search "{{ search }}":
<ul class="search-results" v-bind:class="{ open: filteredProjects.length > 0 }">
<li v-for="(project, ix) in filteredProjects" :key="ix">
{{ ix + 1 }}:
<router-link v-bind:to="'/project-detail/' +">
{{ project.client }} ({{ project.projectReference }})
</div><!-- END .search-wrapper -->
import searchMixin from '../mixins/searchMixin.js';
export default {
props: [ "projects" ],
data() {
return {
search: "",
created: function() {
mixins: [ searchMixin ],
When the search function is invoked, this error is thrown:
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined"
found in --->
<AppSearch> at src/components/search.vue
<AppSubheader> at src/components/subheader.vue
<Projects> at src/components/projects.vue
<App> at src/App.vue
... which seems to suggest the search mixin is not getting 'projects'.
Also, in subheader.vue, I get various errors whether I have 'projects' as a prop or 'projects: []' as a data key, and in once case or another I either get no results from the search function or an error, "Property or method "projects" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render".
Obviously I'm lacking clarity on the docs re; grandparent-parent-child data flow. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Whiskey T.