Datatables combine data from different columns into single row - sql

Refer to the below image, how to merge all chapter into one single rows of different page number?
Page 1 has 3 rows as there are 3 data at columns of chp 8,9,10
Page 2 has 5 rows as there are 5 data at columns of chp 8,9,1,11,12
how to have a single row of each page number and the all data placed at their own chp?
Basic SQL as below:
SELECT `mc_ee_page_id` as Page,
IF ( mc_ee_chp_id = 1, ( CASE
WHEN (is_marked = 0 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "Y"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = -1) THEN "N"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "O" ELSE "X"
END ) , "" ) AS chp_1 ,
IF ( mc_ee_chp_id = 2, ( CASE
WHEN (is_marked = 0 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "Y"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = -1) THEN "N"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "O" ELSE "X"
END ) , "" ) AS chp_2 ,
IF ( mc_ee_chp_id = 3, ( CASE
WHEN (is_marked = 0 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "Y"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = -1) THEN "N"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "O" ELSE "X"
END ) , "" ) AS chp_3 ,
IF ( mc_ee_chp_id = 12, ( CASE
WHEN (is_marked = 0 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "Y"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = -1) THEN "N"
WHEN (is_marked = 1 and mk_no_mark = 1 ) THEN "O" ELSE "X"
END ) , "" ) AS chp_12
FROM `maxcare_mc_ee_hw`
WHERE `stud_id` = '3312' AND `mc_ee_level_id` = '1'
GROUP BY mc_ee_chp_id, mc_ee_page_id
ORDER BY mc_ee_page_id asc

One way would be to GROUP the results of your SQL by making it the subquery of an outer query...
SELECT Page, MAX(chp_1) AS chp_1, MAX(chp_2) AS chp_2, MAX(chp_3) AS chp_3, MAX(chp_4) AS chp_4, MAX(chp_5) AS chp_5, MAX(chp_6) AS chp_6, MAX(chp_7) AS chp_7, MAX(chp_8) AS chp_8, MAX(chp_9) AS chp_9, MAX(chp_10) AS chp_10, MAX(chp_11) AS chp_11, MAX(chp_12) AS chp_12
-- *** paste your SQL in here ***
) AS indivdual_rows
It assumes a page cannot have more than one non-blank value for the same chapter. If that is not the case, then it will only show the MAX alphabetical value.
Click here to go to SQL Fiddle to see it in action.


Filter only get one condition

I have a validation in WHERE clause like:
AND (#BDOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsBDChecked)
AND (#CDOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCDChecked)
AND (#PPOOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsPPOChecked)
AND (#FBOMOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsFBOMChecked)
AND (#APOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsAPChecked)
AND (#COOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCOChecked)
So each AND clause check if boolean is bit value is 0 or 1, if it's 0 just do any but if it's 1 it do a filter. My problem is
if I'm sending two with value 1, I mean
#BDOnly = 1 and #CDOnly = 1 it only filter one of them instead get two filters I mean:
[DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsBDChecked
[DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCDChecked
What am I doing wrong? Regards
I'm going to take a guess here because there's not enough data. If you want to return a row where Abbreviation matched #IsBDChecked only when #BDOnly is set, and also another row where Abbreviation matches #IsCDChecked when #CDOnly is set, try this:
(#BDOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsBDChecked)
OR (#CDOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCDChecked)
OR (#PPOOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsPPOChecked)
OR (#FBOMOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsFBOMChecked)
OR (#APOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsAPChecked)
OR (#COOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCOChecked)
Small representative case:
, #BDOnly BIT = 1
, #CDOnly BIT = 1
, #IsADChecked NVARCHAR(100) = 'A'
, #IsCDChecked NVARCHAR(100) = 'C'
, #IsBDChecked NVARCHAR(100) = 'B'
;WITH myTable AS
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C')) X(Abbreviation)
FROM myTable
WHERE (#ADOnly = 1 AND Abbreviation = #IsADChecked)
OR (#BDOnly = 1 AND Abbreviation = #IsBDChecked)
OR (#CDOnly = 1 AND Abbreviation = #IsCDChecked)

SQL Conditional statement with 2 variables showing unexpected results

I have a SP that i need to filter based on:
and cs.chargetype = #chargetype
AND (#chargetype = 'Q' and
(#biweeklypart = 1 and datepart(dd,cs.scheduledate) = 15)
(#biweeklypart = 1 and datepart(dd,cs.scheduledate) <> 15)
But is not working.
What I need is that only when #chargetype = 'Q' and #biweeklypart = 1 then I have to filter by datepart(dd,cs.scheduledate) = 15, and if #chargetype = 'Q' and #biweeklypart = 2 then I have to filter by datepart(dd,cs.scheduledate) <> 15.
Any clue? I thought I was doing right.
Based on your description, you want this:
where cs.chargetype = #chargetype and
( (#chargetype = 'Q' and #biweeklypart = 1 and day(cs.scheduledate) = 15) or
(#chargetype = 'Q' and #biweeklypart = 2 and day(cs.scheduledate) <> 15) or
(#chargetype <> 'Q')

sql how to add inner join and multiple conditions to filter

I have this query
FROM cmp.NPTable NP
AND (IP.IsCompliant = 1 AND IPC.CheckId = 1) OR (IP.IsCompliant = 0 AND IPC.CheckId = 1)
This is not working correcty
THe IPTable either has IsCompliant = null, 0 or 1 -- this is basically to indicate true or false
IPC.CheckId is either 1 or 2 -- this is the primary ID in this table
The only match integer match is the value 1 between the two tables.
I only want to bring back rows if IsCompliant = 1 and CheckId = 1
else if IsCompliant is null or 0, then CheckId = 2.
The clause I added to my where which is
AND (IP.IsCompliant = 1 AND IPC.CheckId = 1) OR (IP.IsCompliant = 0 AND IPC.CheckId = 1)
This does not work. Help. Will be very appreciated.
(IP.IsCompliant = 1 AND IPC.CheckId = 1) OR
((IP.IsCompliant is null or IP.IsCompliant = 0) AND IPC.CheckId = 2)

RunningSum inside another

I have a report with the following data
IdSource 20170629 20170628 20170626 20170625 20170624 20170623
I want to count the number of days my data (status of a workflow) is KO. N/A means the worflow is not expected, so it should not be counted.
Expected results :
IdSource 20170629 20170628 20170626 20170625 20170624 20170623
Id1. OK KO(2) N/A KO(1) OK KO(1)
The count must be reset at each OK.
In SQL, I would do
select t.*,
sum(case when status = 'KO' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by id, cume_ko order by date) as nbDayKO
from (select t.*,
sum(case when status = 'OK' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by id order by date) as cume_ko
from t
) t
I tried to use the RunningSum function without success:
I need to inverse the sort on the date
I cannot use the result of a runningSum inside another.
Thanks for your help
It's ugly and not very efficient, but I did not find any other solutions. Here is how I did it :
If ([status] = 0) Then 0
Else (
(If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);1) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);2) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);3) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);4) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);5) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);6) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);7) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);8) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);9) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);10) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);11) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);12) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);13) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);14) = 1) Then
If (RelativeValue([status];([dayOfWeek]);15) = 1) Then 15
Else 14
Else 13
Else 12
Else 11
Else 10
Else 9
Else 8
Else 7
Else 6
Else 5
Else 4
Else 3
Else 2
Else 1
Else 0)+[status])

Understanding case expression in the "Where" clause

I've got this code here and you can see from my Pseudocode what I'm trying to accomplish
select *
from dbo.BenefitsForms
inner join Dependents on BenefitsForms.UserId = Dependents.BenefitsForm_UserId
inner join CoverageLevels on BenefitsForms.MedicalId = CoverageLevels.Id
where (BenefitsForms.MedicalId > 0 AND BenefitsForms.MedicalId < 13)
AND Dependents.IsSpouse = CASE when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 2 then 1
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 3 then 0 end
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 4 then [any, it doesnt matter] <--- my desire but it doesn't work.
What can I do to get the effect I desire in the brackets? If Coverage Level = 4 then I don't care what Dependents.IsSpouse is, I don't even need to sort by it anymore.
Assuming that isSpouse can only be 0 or 1... if CoverageLevels.Level is 4, then compare isSpouse to itself, which will always result in true:
AND Dependents.IsSpouse = CASE
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 2 then 1
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 3 then 0
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 4 then Dependents.IsSpouse
Alternately, this can also be expressed without the CASE:
BenefitsForms.MedicalId > 0
AND BenefitsForms.MedicalId < 13
(Dependents.IsSpouse = 1 AND CoverageLevels.[Level] = 2)
OR (Dependents.IsSpouse = 0 AND CoverageLevels.[Level] = 3)
OR CoverageLevels.[Level] = 4