Which react-native version support all npms? - react-native

Whenever I update react -native , one or other npm show following messages (image):

It went after closing terminal
deleting node modules and installing everything successfully


react native expo run web is showing some permission issue

I am trying to run react native project using expo package on web browser.
but I am getting error message.
Commands executed
yarn install - installed all packages.
expo start - executed very well no issue
npm install react-native-web - no issue
npm install react-dom packages - no issue
expo start - no issue
pressed w - no issue
Browser opened up but in console it says something like.
The issue
Uncaught Error: react-native-permissions: NativeModule.RNPermissions is null. To fix this issue try these steps:
installed npm packages

Warning: Invalid version react-native#0.64.2 for expo sdkVersion 43.0.0. Use react-native#0.64.3

I am working on an expo project and everything is working fine, but I began to get a warning message when android is building as
Warning: Invalid version react-native#0.64.2 for expo sdkVersion 43.0.0. Use react-native#0.64.3
The app is still running fine but I don't how to fix this error yet and I want to know if it won't cause an issue later.
I have tried to run npx react-native upgrade 0.64.3 but it didn't work, I got this error
info Fetching diff between v0.64.2 and v0.64.3... error Fetch request
failed with status 404: 404: Not Found. error Failed to fetch diff for
react-native#0.64.3. Maybe it's not released yet?
changing the version of react-native manually in the package.json and run expo install worked for me
I use the expo doctor command it allows diagnose issues with the project.
I would recommend using the expo upgrade command. It upgrades the project packages and config for the given SDK version.
More to find here.
I just faced the same issue. Basically it's telling you should use a higher version of your react-native. I solved it just by updating it to the specified version.
npx react-native upgrade 0.64.3
More info here.
If as in my case one need a specific version of react-native, let's say older because some legacy dependencies in a particular project that for some reason can't be upgrade, then change the version in the package.json won't work.
What worked as the cli suggested is to use:
expo doctor --fix-dependencies
That installed the correct lower version of react-native
To find out actual problems run this command :
expo doctor
To solve all problems regarding package conflicts run this command:
expo doctor --fix-dependencies
Use sudo on Unix based OS if you have permission issue to run those commands.
To solve the error, I used the below command:
npm install react-native-clean-project --save-dev
It is a library that allows us to resolve conflicts.
This library is added to your dependencies.
This handles the problem and if it is not the case add this command:
react-native clean-project-auto

create react app on windows does not work

On windows, create-react-app command does not work after installing node (latest stable version).
also after trying to uninstall node and clear the npm cache.
below, a screen of the console when the process is blocked
screen console when create react app stops
I have no error message, nor any unlocking leads
Thanks for your help
Assuming you already have node installed,
run npm audit fix --force

Expo keeps crashing with error message - dyld: Symbol not found: _FSEventStreamCreate Abort Trap 6

Expo was working fine until I did an npm install native-base --save and it keeps crashing every time I try to start it. I'm on Mac and have am using my real mobile devices to view the changes in my project.
I've uninstalled the native-base but am not sure how to replace the missing files.
Refer to error message screenshot here
Managed to find a solution for now (thanks to #brentvatne).
I updated the packages, including node:
brew update
brew upgrade node
And when I started Expo, another error came up - EMFILE: too many open files, watch at FSEvent.FSWatcher._handle.onchange
The error is caused by Watchman, to which I resolved it with:
brew install watchman

the development server returned 500 react native

I started a new react-native project and I suddenly got this error for no reason and every time I add a package the app can't read and it shows an error for that package for example react-navigation. I tried reinstalling the app countless times but the problem never got fixed.
You have to install react-native-gesture-handler.
yarn add react-native-gesture-handler
npm install react-native-gesture-handler