Are the quotas for reads and writes separate, or shared? - google-sheets-api

There are conflicting information about this.
This SO entry indicates the reads/writes share a quota, but in the Google Cloud Console > IAM & admin > Quotas page they are presented separately, with no indication of sharing the quota.
Which one is it?

Sheets API Limits states that they are tracked separately:
This version of the Google Sheets API has a limit of 500 requests per
100 seconds per project, and 100 requests per 100 seconds per user.
Limits for reads and writes are tracked separately. There is no daily usage limit.


Youtube Data API quota exceeded

I am developing an app locally and I just integrated the Youtube data api v3 to query videos.
Last night I received the 403 error that said my daily quota has been exceeded. If I look at the chart under quotas in the developer console, it says there was 10,000 requests yesterday. This is totally impossible as I am only using this locally.
Here is the quota chart
If I click on credentials in the left hand menu and select the API key page, it says only 309 requests for that API key in the last 30 days. That is the only API key I have activated. It can't be API theft, as it only says 309 requests for that key.
I am totally confused. What is happening here? Is there a way to see the IP address where these requests are originating from?
Those 2 stats are different from each other. 1 request could have a quota cost of one to over a hundred. That quota cost reflects to the queries per day stat. So it's not surprising for you to hit 10,000 with 300 requests.
To get around this issue, you may need to optimize your API request to retrieve only the resource that you need. If the default quota (10,000) isn't really enough, then you probably need to request for quota increase through the console or through this direct apply for higher quota link.
Complete info can be found in the youtube documentation
You can check how to calculate on link

Is it possible to increase the Google Sheets API quota limit beyond 2500 per account and 500 per user?

The problem: Running into Google Sheets API read/write quota limits. Specifically, the read/write requests per 100 seconds and read/write requests per 100 seconds per user quotas.
Some background:
For the past few months I've been developing a web app for students and staff in our school district which uses a Google spreadsheet as the database. Each school in our district was assigned a different Google spreadsheet, and a service account was created to make read and write calls to these spreadsheets on behalf of the web app.
We started with one school of approximately 1000 students, but it has now expanded to two other schools with a total user load of around 4000. Due to the nature of a school day schedule, we started hitting our quota limit (per 100 sec & per 100 sec per user) since almost everyone uses the app at the same time.
I found the usage limits guide for the Google sheets API, and as per the instructions I created a billing account, and linked the associated service account project to it. I then went to the quotas section in the developers console and applied for a higher quota. This involved filling out a Google form which asked "How much quota do you need? Express in number of API queries per day." Again, queries per day is not the problem, rather it's the number of queries per 100 seconds and per user (service account). After a couple of weeks our limit was increased to 2500 read/write requests per 100 seconds and 500 read/write requests per 100 seconds per user. The billing account was not charged, and after a little searching, I realized this was a free increase. This bump in our quota limit helped, but it's still going to be an issue because our district wants to add more schools in the future.
Here's what I need to know:
1) [ESSENTIAL QUESTION] Does Google have an upper limit or maximum to the number of read/write requests a single service account/user/IP can make within the 100 second time frame, and if so what is it?
2) If it is possible to go beyond our current quota limit (2500/500), is there another way of requesting/applying for the increase. Once again we have a billing account established for the project and are willing to pay for the service.
I've been pulling (what's left of) my hair out trying to find definitive answers to my questions. This post came close to what I was looking for, and I even did some of the things the OP suggested, but I just need a direct answer to my "essential" question.
Couple more things.
I understand that Google Charts Visualization doesn't have a quota limitation, and I'd consider using it however, for privacy reasons I can't have the spreadsheet keys exposed in plain javascript. Are there other options here?
Also, one might suggest creating multiple service accounts, but I'd rather avoid this if possible.
Thank you for your help. I'm very much a novice and I greatly appreciate your time and expertise.
To answer your questions:
1) [ESSENTIAL QUESTION] Does Google have an upper limit or maximum to the number of read/write requests a single service account/user/IP can make within the 100 second time frame, and if so what is it?
*The provided documentation only stated that Google Sheets API has a limit of 500 requests per 100 seconds per project, and 100 requests per 100 seconds per user. Check this post for additional information.*
2) If it is possible to go beyond our current quota limit (2500/500), is there another way of requesting/applying for the increase. Once again we have a billing account established for the project and are willing to pay for the service.
AFAIK, you can request for a higher quota limit and the Google Engineers may grant the request as long as you are making a reasonable request.
Also, you may check this thread for additional tips:
You can use spreadsheets.get to read the entire spreadsheet in a single call, rather than 1 call per request. Alternately, you
can use spreadsheets.values.batchGet to read multiple different
ranges in a single call, if all you need are the values.
The Drive API offers "push notifications", so you can get notified when changes occur and react to those, instead of polling for
them. The latency of the notifications is a little on the slow side,
but it gets the job done.

How many JSON requests can be made on Google Spreadsheet simultaneously?

I want to make a website that will fetch data from Google spreadsheet. So, my question is, how many simultaneous requests for JSON data can Google sheets handle? I will write a script in Google sheets to automatically update data every hour in the sheet.
Thanks :)
If you are pertaining to requests limit, you may check this documentation about Usage Limits.
This version of the Google Sheets API (v4) has a limit of 500 requests per 100 seconds per project, and 100 requests per 100 seconds per user. Limits for reads and writes are tracked separately. There is no daily usage limit.
To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your quota, do the following:
If you don't already have a billing account for your project, then create one.
Visit the Enabled APIs page of the API library in the API Console, and select an API from the list.
To view and change quota-related settings, select Quotas. To view usage statistics, select Usage.
Hope this helps!

Geocoding API usage limits at project level or account level?

Would someone be kind enough to tell me whether the Google API usage limits specified here: are calculated set at the project level, or account level please?
I'm using one API key for several maps on our website. Total calls per day limit is no problem at all. We're occasionally clocking more than 50 requests per second in peak times though.
If I create a new project, and get a new API key in the same account, will that mean we can hit 50 requests per second on one API key, and 50 requests per second separately on another API key...or are they calculated at the account level?
Many thanks everyone!
The documentation states the following:
Most of the Google Maps APIs have a complimentary per-day quota that can be set in the Google API Console. The daily default and maximum query limits vary by API. You can increase the complimentary daily limits by enabling billing, or purchasing a Google Maps APIs Premium Plan license. Quota limits are enforced on a unique project basis, and you may not take any action to circumvent quota limits. For example, you may not create multiple projects to compound and exceed quota limits.
So, as you can see the usage quota is calculated on the per project basis. If you use two API keys from different projects each one will have its own usage limits. Also you cannot create unlimited number of project for one account. As far as I know you can create approximately 16 projects within one account.
I hope this clarifies your doubt.
The usage limits are calculated at the account level, not the project or key level. They do this to prevent people from just creating unlimited projects to get around the acceptable usage limits that they are providing.

Google Sheets API QPS quota

I am trying to find out the quota limits for google sheet api and google drive api.
I can find most of them here
Then I came across the following documentation
Which states the following for the google analytics apis
10 queries per second (QPS) per IP.
In the API Console there is a similar quota which is referred to as "request per 100 seconds per user". By default, it is set to 100 requests per 100 seconds and can be adjusted to a maximum value of 1,000. Despite being listed as "per 100 seconds" the API is restricted to a maximum of 10 requests per second per user.
Is there any QPS limits for google sheets api?
and if it there, if I apply to increase the request per 100 seconds per user , my thought is that the QPS should also increase, is that correct?
Here is the default Quota limit for the Sheets API that you will find in your Developer Console.
If you want to increase this quota based on the demands on your project, then you need to apply for higher quota. Just click the pencil icon and it will direct you to the link for applying higher quota.
For more information, check this Usage Limits of Sheets API.