How to set a specific package path for CMakeLists.txt - cmake

My colleague wrote a CMakeLists.txt, which contains things as below:
find_package(OpenCV 3 REQUIRED
As the project needs these components of Opencv3, my colleague downloaded the whole Opencv3, of course, it works.
But the whole Opencv3 is too big, so I get only the necessary lib files:, and and try to replace the whole Opencv3. The three so files are put here: /opt/opencv3/.
I don't know how to tell the CMakeLists.txt to look for the components of Opencv3 at the specific path instead of the path by default.
I'm totally a newbie on writing CMakeLists.txt...

CMake find_package() finds and configure project dependencies in CMake using two modes of operation, Module and Config, as described in its documentation.
In Module mode (not your case), it looks for a Find<package>.cmake file inside CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. This file searches for header files and libraries and set the necessary CMake variables in case of success.
In your case it is using Config, as requested by the CONFIG keyword. In Config mode CMake looks for for a <name>Config.cmake file or <lowercase-name>-config.cmake.
These config files describe the version of the dependency and the location of header files and library modules.
So you should look for OpenCVConfig.cmake or opencv-config.cmake in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or in OpenCV_DIR.
Please note that you have to set(OpenCV_DIR ...) before calling find_package().


Best practices with CMake with non-standard include and library directories

I have been trying to build Mozilla RR on a Linux box at work using CMake. We have a slightly eccentric arrangement where shared libraries are stored on network drives in locations like /sw/external/product-name/linux64_g63.dll/. Further, I have built some dependencies for the project in $HOME/sw/. (I am not a sudoer on this box.)
I am rather baffled as how I am supposed to communicate to CMake to look in non-standard directories. So far I have fudged:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/sw/capnproto-0.6.1/lib/pkconfig \
CC=gcc-6.3 CXX=g++-6.3 \
cmake \
-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=$HOME/sw/libseccomp-2.2.3/ \
Which is obviously not a scalable solution, but it does at least complete the configuration successfully and emit some Makefiles.
If I omit -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=$HOME/sw/libseccomp-2.2.3/, CMake fails, complaining about a missing libseccomp-2.2.3 dependency. But it works if I do have that definition, telling me that CMake understands where the libseccomp-2.2.3 files are and so will properly add the paths to the necessary compiler invocations.
However, make does not succeed, because gcc fails to find a required header file from the libseccomp probject. Examining make VERBOSE=1, I find that CMake hasn't added -I$HOME/sw/libseccomp-2.2.3/include to the gcc invocation.
I feel like this is not the right approach. The other answers I have looked at tell me to modify the CMakeLists.txt file, but surely
that is not going to be scalable across multiple CMake projects, and
for each project, that will need me to maintain a separate CMakeLists.txt file for every platform (Solaris/Linux/Darwin/Cygwin) I build the software on.
Is there a canonical solution to solving this problem? Perhaps a per-site configuration file that will tell CMake how to find libraries and headers, for all projects I build on that site?
Your approach is correct, but cmake is never told to include SECCOMP - see end of this post.
The way cmake can be informed about custom dependency directory depends on how the dependency is searched (i.e. on what is written in CMakeLists.txt).
If dependency is found with one of above-mentioned commands, custom search directories can be easily added with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. There is no need to add full path to include, lib or bin - when package root is added find_-command will check appropriate sub-directories. CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can be also set with environment variable.
Second option is CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH. Every path added to CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH list treated as separate root directory and is searched before system root directory.
Note that CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be ignored by find_-commands with NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH argument.
Following four variables may be used to tune the usage of CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH:
When use of host system default libraries is undesired setting CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE and CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY to ONLY is a good practice. If dependency library or header is not found in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH the configuration will fail. If cmake is allowed search system paths too, it is most likely that errors will occur during linking step or even runtime.
See find_package docs for more details.
find_package only
All above applies to find_package command too.
find_package can operate in two modes MODULE and CONFIG.
In MODULE mode cmake uses Find[PackageName].cmake script (module) to find dependent package. CMake comes with large number of modules and custom modules can be added with CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable. Often find-modules can be informed about custom search paths via environment or cmake variables.
E.g. FindGTest.cmake searches path stored in GTEST_ROOT variable.
If no find module is available, find_package enters CONFIG mode. If a dependency package provides [PackageName]Config.cmake or [LowercasePackageName]-config.cmake cmake can be easily informed about that package with [PackageName]_DIR variable.
CMakeLists.txt contains:
FindQt5.cmake is not available, but ~/Qt5/Qt5.8/lib/cmake/Qt5Config.cmake file exists, so add
to cmake call.
CMake can use information provided by external pkg-config tool. It is usually done with pkg_check_modules command. Directory used by pkg-config can be customized with PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. According to cmake documentation instead of setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH, custom .pc-files directories can be added via CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. If CMake version is pre-3.1, PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH have to be set to TRUE(ON) to enable this feature.
Methods of customizing dependencies search path is defined by CMakeLists.txt content. There is no universal solution here.
And now back to missing SECCOMP headers...
In CMakeLists.txt SECCOMP header is found with
find_path(SECCOMP NAMES "linux/seccomp.h")
but I cannot find any command telling CMake to use the found header. For example:
target_include_directories(<target_name> ${SECCOMP})
or globally:
I belive that CMakeLists.txt should be fixed. It is not a platform dependent solution.

CMake have a target depend on a generated file in a subdirectory

I have a scenario that I think is very similar to this one: CMake add_custom_command/_target in different directories for cross-compilation, however the solution for that issue isn't working for me.
In subdir/CMakeLists.txt I have:
add_custom_command(OUTPUT foo.h foo.cpp COMMAND ... DEPENDS foo.xml)
add_custom_target(generate_foo DEPENDS foo.h foo.cpp)
and then CMakeLists.txt:
add_dependencies(MyTarget generate_foo)
This fails with "Cannot find source file: subdir/foo.h". The documentation for add_dependencies suggests that it will ensure that generate_foo builds before MyTarget, but if that's the case it looks like it's at least trying to access all source files before either target builds. Am I doing something wrong here? How can I compile source files that are generated by a custom target/command in a subdirectory?
The problem is that the GENERATED file property (that CMake uses to determine if it needs to check that a file exists at configure time) is not visible outside the directory in which the file is generated. The problem goes away in CMake 3.20. This is explained here.
I usually solve this problem by compiling generated source files into a static or object library in the subdirectory, then linking to that, since targets are globally visible. You can also explicitly set the GENERATED property on the generated files in the scope you wish to use them, but this hack breaks the encapsulation gained by using a subdirectory.
It's also worth noting that you can do away with the custom target and the call to add_dependencies because the generated files are already dependencies of the executable (this has always has been the case AFAIK).

default search paths for CMake include() vs. find_package()

I have VTK6 installed on my Debian machine and it places all its CMake files under
$ ls /usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3/
When I do
in another project, it all works out fine. However,
yields the error
include could not find load file:
I had always been under the impression that find_package() and include share the same search paths, specifically CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. Apparently that's not correct.
Note that
SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "/usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3")
does work.
Also note that I'm using CMake 3.5, so there no longer is a FindVTK.cmake as it used to be.
What are the default search paths for find_package() and include()? Why is vtkModuleAPI.cmake not found?
There are two modes of find_package, which have many differences:
Module mode tries to locate FindXXX.cmake file. The file is searched under directories listed in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH plus under directory where CMake is installed.
Config mode tries to locate XXXConfig.cmake file. The file is searched under directories listed in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and some other, system-specific variables. (Full algorithm see in the documentation, linked at the beginning of the post).
Command include searches modules only under directories in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and special CMake module directory.
As you can see, command include and command find_package in module mode uses similar search paths. But in your case, VTKConfig.cmake can be searched only in config mode of find_package, which uses completely different search algorithm.
In case of VTK, CMake has shipped FindVTK.cmake file, which is used when you call find_package(VTK). But inside, this script uses find_package(VTK QUIET NO_MODULE).
If this call locates file /usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3/VTKConfig.cmake, it executes this script, and the script includes vtkModuleAPI.cmake one.
If your VTKConfig.cmake is not located by CMake, you may help it by setting VTK_DIR variable to /usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3/.
[Starting with CMake-3.1, FindVTK.cmake is no longer shipped with CMake, so find_package(VTK) immediately tries to locate VTKConfig.cmake].
In any case, modules in directory /usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3/ shouldn't be included directly: this directory is private for VTK.
find_package(VTK) uses FindVTK.cmake (in it's module mode, c.f. docu on find_package()), which is shipped by CMake and (in your case) should be located in /usr/share/cmake/Modules.
After adding /usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3 to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, find_package(VTK) will still use the same FindVTK.cmake module.
In case you want to use another FindVTK.cmake module, prepend the path to that FindVTK.cmake module to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
include() will not use a find module and only sees files located in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.

cmake: install header order and dependencies on target

I've a set of libraries and executables all with their own CMakeLists.txt. All libraries are building their targets to the same path (for example ../build/bin and ../build/lib)... as well as exporting their header files (../build/inc).
Now I wish to build one build system and let CMake figure out the dependencies (using add_subdirectory and global build settings).
The problem is: all libraries do export their headers to build/inc after they are build (when make install in invoked). When I do a whole system build make install is not invoked until after the end (and everything has build). So for example executable progfoo with target_link_libraries( progfoo onelib ) will fail, because CMake figures out the dependency to onelib (which builds fine), but progfoo fails because it looks for headers in build/inc... which were not exported yet. The same thing in general applies to many libraries.
What is the correct CMake-Way to handle these cases? Thank you!
Install is the final step, the one that should be visible to the user. So when you export binaries and headers you should already have binaries built against headers in their original locations.
From CMake point of view you have only 1 target at a time. For example you can build a Web Server and using as dependencies libcurl and boost::asio. It is very possible (and good) to add dependencies to current target using add_subdirectory, but when you have to add include directories you have to do that on a per dependency basis, it would be convenient in example if each of the dependencies provides already a variable with current absolute path to includes.
In example see this dummy libcurl's CMakeLists.txt that set path to absolute include directory
get_filename_component(_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
// export into parent scope libcurl header location
Then you can use it from Web Server's CMakeLists.txt for building and later use the same path again to extract files for installing them where required
# add include directories for building web server
include_directories( ${LIBCURL_INCLUDES})
#I assume you are installing headers because final user will need them,
#in case you needed them just for building you are already done here
#without even installing them
#gather headers list
file(GLOB libCurlHeadersList
#install header list
install( FILES
DESTINATION ../build/inc/libcurl

CMake find package files, how are the config files used?

I have a project that uses a 3rd party library (let's call it somelib) for which I wrote a cmake file to search for it.
This is the somelibConfig.cmake file I wrote and placed in /usr/local/lib/cmake/somelib/:
FIND_LIBRARY(somelib_LIBRARY somelib
PATHS /usr/local/lib
SET(somelib_LIBRARIES ${somelib_LIBRARY})
FIND_PATH(somelib_INCLUDE_DIR somelib.hpp
PATHS /usr/local/include/somelib
SET(somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS ${somelib_INCLUDE_DIR})
Then, if I do find_package(somelib REQUIRED) it works ok.
However, if I move and rename somelibConfig.cmake to myproject/CMakeModules/Findsomelib.cmake (this directory is added to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH), after find_package I see that variables somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS and somelib_LIBRARY are correctly filled, but somelib_FOUND is not set (and even so, find_package does not abort the compilation).
Is that *Config.cmake valid for a Find*.cmake?
How is it possible that all the variables but the *_FOUND one are set?
Why does not find_package with REQUIRED abort the compilation if *_FOUND is not set?
Config files and find-modules are fundamentally different.
Only the developers of somelib ship a config file (if they do). If they don't, then you need to write a find-module to find somelib. Such a find-module should not be copied to /usr/local as you did. Just keep it with your project and ask the somelib developers to ship a config file instead. config files shipped by upstream is superior to find modules written by you. It doesn't matter if somelib upstream does not use cmake. Both Qt and LLVM ship config files when using non-cmake buildsystems.
One example of inferiority is that when writing a find-module you need to set the _FOUND variable. More information about writing find-modules is here:
If you are searching in default library folder your parameters should not contain NO_DEFAULT_PATH.
Try this,
SET(libraryName "") #in linux .a or .so
PATHS "/usr/local/lib/cmake/somelib/"
MESSAGE("library path ${LIBRARY})
If this was successful, LIBRARY_FOUND will be set.
P.S: Note the quotes