Loading My.Settings in other solution - vb.net

I need to load My.settings from the first Solution into the Second.
In the first project I have a helper class for getting the Settings.
Public Class format
Public NotInheritable Class Helper
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function getAppSetting() As String
Dim returnValue As Object = My.Settings.format
If returnValue Is Nothing Then
Return String.Empty
Return returnValue.ToString
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function getAppSettingTheme() As String
Dim returnValue_theme As Object = My.Settings.theme_selected
If returnValue_theme Is Nothing Then
Return String.Empty
Return returnValue_theme.ToString
End If
End Function
End Class
End Class
This class I have implemented in the other Solutions (Even addiction I have a set)
In other Solutions I have the code for getting the Settings.
Imports MyProject.format.Helper
But in the MsgBox I see Default Settings (Unchanged) While in the first solution displays the user-changed settings.
My.Settings I have saved [My.settings.save]

If you choose to do this in a complicated way,what you have to do is,make classes in the first project to read My.Settings,then reference the project in the other project and use it...
However,i'll rather describe an easier way(tho the above one is not that hard) to achieve your goal.
Firstly,i believe that you are using My.Settings to store some data,right ?If so,you can simply save the data to a text file and read it from anywhere you want.This will save plenty of your code and make it tidy :)
As you seem to be a beginner,i would try to keep it as simple as possible and explain in the simplest words...
Now,let's assume,you have 4 My.Settings entries as follows :
Instead of writing this data in My.Settings,write it to a text file.Let's assume a user inputs relevant data and it looks somewhat like this :
Zack Rayan
To write a text file, you can simply use File.WriteAllText but as we see that here,our data is in multiline,we can make use of the following :
Well,let's use File.AppendText method(you can use the below code with WriteAllText as well :)) :
File.AppendText("C:\test.mycustomExtension" , "Zack Rayan" + Environment.NewLine + "1212121" + Environment.NewLine + "+090990809809" + Environment.NewLine + "20")
This will write a text file for you containing the given data in separate lines as well as you will have your own custom extension for the file :)
Now,how to use it ?
Simple :
Dim ReadFile as New List(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines("C:\Test.mycustomextension"))
Now,let's assume,when you were using My.Settings, you used some codes like this :
If My.Settings.UserName = "Zack" Then
Scroll up and look closely.UserName was your first entry in My.Settings and when we wrote the text file,ZACK RAYAN-the assumed username was also written in the first line
A few lines above, i created a list which reads the text file.It needs no saying that it will read(and store) the first line first and then move on gradually. So,where you used :
If My.Settings.UserName = "Zack" Then
u should now use :
If ReadFile(0) = "Zack" Then
I hope this helps to enrich your knowledge :)


How to close parent form and open child?

Hey guys before I was just hiding the parent form, but now when I try to read from the parent file it says it can't because it's already running in a process. I followed some tutorial and it said to go to the project properties and have the application stop running when all the forms are closed.
But now since I did that it says the directory can't be found probably because I am reading the input from the parent form. Anyways here is my code
Dim writeFile1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite("C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\LoginFixed\Accounts\" + frmLogin.txtUser.Text))
How should I go about doing this?
Private Sub btnHunter_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHunter.Click
selection = "Hunter"
End Sub
This is what I have when the button is clicked.
Here is the classSelection sub:
Public Sub classSelection()
If frmClass.selection = "Hunter" Then
End If
If frmClass.selection = "Gatherer" Then
End If
If frmClass.selection = "Farmer" Then
End If
End Sub
The error points to this line:
If frmClass.selection = "Hunter" Then
Saying part of the file path cannot be found.
If you want to read input textbox in closed parent form, you have to declare public var
Make a new module in your project .. and add this
public sLogin as String
And before you hide or close frmLogin .. add this
sLogin = txtUser.Text
So, you could change your code with
Dim writeFile1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite("C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\LoginFixed\Accounts\" & sLogin))
matzone has given you a good hint. And to check exactly what your path is, just add a MessageBox using variables :
Dim writePath1 As String
Dim writeFile1 As StreamWriter
writePath1 = "C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\LoginFixed\Accounts\" & sLogin
If MessageBox.Show(writePath1, "Continue ?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then
writeFile1 = New StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(writePath1))
' ...
writeFile1.Close() ' Very important ! Adrian pointed it out.
End If
^^ and if it works, you can discard the Dialog test or replace it by some test code like If File.Exists(...)
However, I don't understand wether you want to close the parent Form or hide it. It's different !
Closing the parent Form will discard any access to parent Form members, including txtUser.Text.
If you want to close the parent Form, the ChildForm should not be a child of that parent you are trying to close, or you must just hide the parent Form :
frmLogin.Hide() ' Not frmLogin.Close()
If you close frmLogin, frmLogin.txtUser won't be accessible, or use sLogin provided by matzone instead. Alternatively, you should pass frmLogin.txtUser.Text value to a custom property of ChildForm.
Imports System.IO
Public Partial Class ChildForm1
' Inherits System.Windows.Form
' ...
Private _txtUserFile As String
Public WriteOnly Property TxtUserFile() As String
Set(ByVal NewFileName As String)
_txtUserFile = NewFileName
End Set
End Property
Public Sub LoadFile()
Dim writeFile1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite("C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\LoginFixed\Accounts\" & txtUserFile))
' ...
End sub
' ...
End Class
Then use this in parent Form :
MyChildForm.TxtUserFile = Me.txtUser.Text
' Me.Close() ' This will definately KILL Form1 (the parent one)
Me.Hide() ' Always use Hide() until you'll terminate your Application
^^ but this is not a good code either ! Your problem remains unclear (at least for me)
"Still saying it can't find part of the path", then check the path..
Does the file actually exists ?
Does the path contains glitch ? (use the provided MessageBox test)
Does your account can access that directory ? (Windows configuration and account levels)
Well !
In fact, the problem could be somewhere else.
For example, I was able to reproduce your exception by providing an empty string [""] as the value of, either :
frmLogin.txtUser.Text ' = ""
' or
sLogin ' = ""
' or
txtUserFile ' = ""
In fact, I get the "Could not find a part of the path..." exception because the StreamWriter couldn'd read/write to a File, as I didn't provided a valid FileName for that file. As the filename parameter was an empty string "", the provided path for StreamWriter was just representing a directory instead of a file and an exception was raised.
Now, you should check wether you have a valid path before building a new instance of StreamWriter to get sure you are actually pointing to a File ?
Dim writeFile1 As StreamWriter
Dim MyEntirePath As String = "C:\Users\...\Accounts\" + frmLogin.txtUser.Text
MessageBox.Show(MyEntirePath) ' would be enough to be sure your path is correct
' Some test code here...
If everythingOK then ' create the StreamWriter...
writeFile1 = New StreamWriter(MyEntirePath)
' ...
' ...
Also, it's not a good idea to create your streamwriter, and use it in another part/method of your code. You never known if one day, you'll change your code, and forget to make the link between
Dim writeFile1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite("C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\LoginFixed\Accounts\" + frmLogin.txtUser.Text))
' plus
Private Sub btnHunter_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
' plus
Public Sub classSelection()
End Sub
^^ too much "here and there"...
You'll obviously also get an exception if you try to click btnHunter twice.. I don't know what is the purpose of your code nor how it works, it looks like a game.. But I would use File.Exist(..) checks, create the file before, if none, and put that in a Try/Catch to check if I eventually don't have administrator rights to write to that directory. Otherwise, make a code that allow user to read/write files to a custom folder. Andalso, you have :
^^ Very usefull, like :
Dim MyFilePath As String = Application.StartupPath + "\Datas\MyText.txt"
After two weeks of coding, I usually forget where I put those "C:\blabla.." or "D:\gnagna\" or what classes actually uses those absolute reference paths. I've dropped this way of getting directories long ago since the day I moved to Win7 on another computer and all such applications I developped using that approach was doomed...

Serialization between two applications

I have developed a Visual Basic.net application that uses serialization to save an object. I am wanting to open and save this object in two different Visual Basic.net applications.
What is the best way to do this? Do I need to create a class library to do this?
Can I please have some help for this?
I am wanting to be able to open and save the object in both applications.
Depending on how complicated your data is, you should be able to simply mark your data's class with a <Serializable> attribute. You can then simply call the Serialize method in one application, save to disk, then read the file into your other application and call Deserialize.
You will need to define the class in both applications, which is easiest to do by sharing a common library.
See the MDSN example for basic serialization.
You can write/read to xml, then you would just have to check the folder where you save them from the other app to see if a new file has been created or updated.
Function to serialize object and write to xml
Public Function MyObjectFileGeneration()
Dim strPath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase)
strPath = Replace(strPath, "file:\", "")
Dim myObj = Form1.MyObject
Dim objStreamWriter As New StreamWriter(strPath & "\MyFolder\MyObj.xml", False)
Dim x As New XmlSerializer(s.GetType)
x.Serialize(objStreamWriter, MyObj)
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
'Do something here if failure...
Return False
End Try
End Function
Function to read xml and de-serialize to object
Public Function GetMyObjFromXMLFile() As MyObj
'check if file exists first...
If xmlFileExists() Then
Dim strPath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase)
Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(Replace(strPath & "\MyFolder\MyObj.xml", "file:\", ""))
Dim MyObj As New MyObject
Dim x As New XmlSerializer(MyObj.GetType)
MyObj = x.Deserialize(objStreamReader)
Return MyObj
Return New MyObj
End If
End Function
I wish there was an easy way to do this, but unfortunately, I hit this wall also..
Serializable data can only be reread by the SAME application. (it gives you a lovely error message about this.) I tried using a serialized connection for simplified packet transfers, unsuccessfully..
Depending on how good you are at programming, I have a recommendation on this one..
Serialize your variables to a memorystream, then cut the header section out and shove it to another file stream, then when you reload it, save a variable to a memorystream to get the new header, then attach the remaining data, then read serialization..
haven't tried it yet, but when I get back to it, this is my next method.
I did see an XML method, but recommend using a compression/encryption library to keep your data safe.. did see some simple ways to possibly do that..
Sorry, I don't have code on this round, but when I investigate it, I will append this response..

calling a function from a form into a module

I have a an array in my module, so I want to display the contents of my array in a form textbox, here is my array
Module Module1
Sub AddCourse()
Dim Subjects() = {"Ms Office 2007", "internet and commmunications", "Lifetime skills"}
For i = 0 To UBound(Subjects) ' FOR LOOP TO WRITE AN ARRAY
i = i +1
txtComputer.Text = subjects()
my problem is, when I try to use my texbox txtComputer in my module I get an error.
My question is, how do I make a form textbox to be used in a module
I get an error that reads "Error'txtComputer' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level."
My question is based on, how do I get this error fixed?
There are several suggestions I have for you.
First, don't use UBound. That's an old VB6 function that is only provided for backwards compatability. You should instead use Subjects.Length.
Next, when you're incrementing the i variable, you don't need to say i = i + 1. You can just use the += operator for that (e.g. i += 1).
However, you shouldn't be explicitly incrementing i inside your For loop, anyway. The loop automatically increments the variable for you each time it iterates through the loop. If you do it explicitly yourself inside the loop, like that, it will skip every other item.
Next, in this case, you really should just use a For Each loop, rather than an iterator:
For Each subject As String in Subjects
Next, you aren't actually concatenating the items together inside you loop. You should be doing something like this:
For Each subject As String in Subjects
txtComputer.Text += subject
However, in that case, for efficiency sake, you really ought to use a StringBuilder, like this:
Dim builder As New StringBuilder()
For Each subject As String in Subjects
txtComputer.Text = builder.ToString()
But, all of this is moot because all you really need to do is to call String.Join:
txtComputer.Text = String.Join(", ", Subject)
As far as why you can't access the text box from the module, that is because the module is a separate object, so the text box is entirely out of scope. For instance, what if you had two instances of your form displayed at the same time? How in the world would this module know which form's text box you were referring to? The simplest way to correct that would be to pass a reference to your form into the module's method, like this:
Module Module1
Sub AddCourse(f As MyFormName)
f.txtComputer.Text = "Hello world"
End Sub
End Module
And then you could call it from the form, like this:
However, that would be exceptionally bad practice. Ideally, nothing outside of the form's code should ever deal directly with any of the controls on the form. So, the far better way to do it would be to simply have the method return the data, and then have the form set it's own control to the data that is returned, for instance:
Module Module1
Function GetCourse() As String
Return "Hello world"
End Function
End Module
And then call it from the form like this:
txtComputer.Text = GetCourse()
You can use String.Join to create a string which separates each subject with Environment.NewLine:
txtComputer.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, Subjects)
The problem with your for loop is that it makes no sense at all since you have already declared and initialized the array in one line.
If you want to use a loop anyway, you can use a StringBuilder to concat all strings together:
Dim subjectBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each subject In Subjects
If subjectBuilder.Length <> 0 Then subjectBuilder.Length -= Environment.NewLine.Length
txtComputer.Text = subjectBuilder.ToString()

Passing two similar forms as the same type and still being able to access its objects

I am trying to implement another form into already complete routine. Basically all the code is there, all I need to do is manipulate the data in a different manner.
I have a routine that looks like this for instance.
This is a paraphrase example:
Private Sub getReportValues(ByRef fr As frmCustomReport, ByRef ReportInfo As ReportValues)
ReportInfo.eHeaderColor = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\FE Jupiter\MSSMonitor").GetValue("Report Equipment Header Color", "DCDCDC") 'Gainsboro
ReportInfo.mHeaderColor = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\FE Jupiter\MSSMonitor").GetValue("Report Monitor Header Color", "FFF8DC") 'Cornsilk
fr.btnEquipColor.PickedColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Hex("&HFF" & ReportInfo.eHeaderColor))
The problem lays with the (fr as frmCustomReport) I want to make it a system.windows.forms.form but then I would lose the ability to use its objects. I should also mention that fr is a modal dialog and that I don't want a really hacky controlcollection work around for this. Does anyone have a good direction on this?
Note Also!!! The controls I want to access on both forms are almost identical. The only diffrence is layout and some added functionality.
Without a little more information,it is a little hard to give a concrete example. This will work depending on the amount of interaction you need to do. Create a subroutine that accepts the Base Class as an argument, take a look at the Name value and base your conditional logic off of that using CType to cast the Form to the proper type.
Private Sub clickOtherFormsButton(Value As Form)
If Value.Name = "Form3" Then
Dim formObject As Form3 = CType(Value, Form3)
ElseIf Value.Name = "Form2" Then
Dim formObject As Form2 = CType(Value, Form2)
End If
End Sub

How to get all forms in a VB.net (VS08) project in an array?

Alright, so I need a method that traverses all the forms inside a VB.net project under Visual Studio 2008, and create an array of type form with references to all the forms inside it, so that the array looks like this (pseudocode)
FormsArray() = [Form1, Form2, Form3, Form4]
However, I don't have a clue as to how to begin.
You have to adjust the function to put the result of msgbox in a array
Public Sub getallforms(ByVal sender As Object)
Dim Forms As New List(Of Form)()
Dim formType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.Form")
For Each t As Type In sender.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
If UCase(t.BaseType.ToString) = "SYSTEM.WINDOWS.FORMS.FORM" Then
End If
End Sub
You must call the function from any form in the application like this (getallforms(me))
Here is how you would do this using Reflection, assuming that the class where you placed this code was in the same assembly that you wanted to iterate over. If not, then you'll need to change the Me.GetType().Assembly in the For Each loop into something else to account for loading the assembly in a different manner.
Dim Forms As New List(Of Form)()
Dim formType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.Form")
For Each t As Type In Me.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
If t.IsSubclassOf(formType) = True Then
Forms.Add(CType(Activator.CreateInstance(t), Form))
End If
Hey this is what I did to get the list of forms in my vb project, how ever this in not in code but you could write system.io code fragment to do just that.
open cmd prompt
go to project folder
run a dir /s/b *.designer.vb >> list.txt
use notepad or sublimetext and edit it to get the list ordered as you like it.
:) hope this helped!
I could not get this version to work:
Dim Forms As New List(Of Form)()
Dim formType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.Form")
For Each t As Type In Me.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
If t.IsSubclassOf(formType) = True Then
Forms.Add(CType(Activator.CreateInstance(t), Form))
End If
In VB2010 formType is always Nothing
So I dumped the formType line and simply modified your 'IF' statement to check the BaseType instead. Here is the New Version
Dim Forms As New List(Of Form)()
For Each t As Type In Me.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
If t.BaseType.Name = "Form" Then
Forms.Add(CType(Activator.CreateInstance(t), Form))
End If
You need to either write a VS macro or an Addin.
In it, from a DTE or DTE2 instance, you can write:
Public Sub GetForms(ByVal host As DTE2)
Dim project As Project = host.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.ContainingProject
For Each ce As CodeElement In project.CodeModel.CodeElements
If ce.Kind = vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass Then
Dim cl As CodeClass = CType(ce, CodeClass)
If cl.IsDerivedFrom("System.Windows.Forms) Then
'do something
End If
End If
End Sub
2 options
I would load the actual project file into a XML reader. Then iterate all the nodes looking for all Form SubTypes and store the linked files in an array. If the name of file matches the name of the form class, you can create your FormsArray from that list. Otherwise you have to load each file and look for the public class definition of the file to get the list.
Using Reflection, examine the project using Assembly.GetTypes. Find all the System.Windows.Forms.Form Types and store them in a list. Then write out the Type.Name.