Error occurred during DocuSign API and Integration and Envelope Creation #DocuSignAPI - api

I am getting an error while creating Envelope using following code. But authentication is successful and I am able to retrieve Account Id.
Authentication code:
string authHeader = "{\"Username\":\"" + Username + "\", \"Password\":\"" + Password + "\", \"IntegratorKey\":\"" + IntegratorKey + "\"}";
cfg.AddDefaultHeader("X-DocuSign-Authentication", authHeader);
AuthenticationApi authApi = new AuthenticationApi(cfg);
Envelope Creation code Code:
EnvelopeSummary envelopeSummary = envelopesApi.CreateEnvelope(AccountId, envDef);
Error details:
A first chance exception of type 'DocuSign.eSign.Client.ApiException' occurred in DocuSign.eSign.dll
Error: Error calling CreateEnvelope: {
"message": "The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled. An Integrator key was not specified."
Any help will be appreciated.

The error "PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED" is the first failure before even the body is read, it means the Integrator Key is NOT valid for the environment, method call "Reserved" or Missing as the "message" states.
Most of the time this happens in a functioning system with the Integrator Key is "Turned off" if the system is doing something not allowed aka stuck in a loop of making a "reserved" call. If you have been testing and now went live in prod, it means your Integrator Key is NOT allowed in Production.
To help you the best way is to capture exact JSON/SOAP request posted by your API calls via Java to DocuSign by following steps explained at this DocuSign support article
Please post these and what actual DocuSign API call you are trying to make and I am sure it will be we will be able to deduce the issue.


What means a static response from an API and Sandbox?

I am working for the first time with API-s. My first task at my job is to call an API, I am working with the Sandbox version of the API
I am trying to call the Sandbox this way and I should get a static response, but I am getting
"Error at message validation"
what means this and what exactly is a Sandbox and what is a static response?
procedure consentrequest(out transactionid1:transactionIdType);
Httprio2 : THTTPRio;
initiateConsentRequest1 : initiateConsentRequest;
initiateconsentrequestresponse1 : initiateconsentrequestresponse;
type2 :consenttype;
consent_init : consent2;
//AccountInfo_PT2 : AccountInfo_PT;
//transactionId1 : transactionIdType;
initiateConsentRequest1 :=initiateConsentRequest.Create;
initiateconsentrequestresponse1 :=initiateconsentrequestresponse.Create;
consent_init :=consent2.Create;
HTTPRio2 :=THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
HTTPRio2.Url := '';
consent_init.type_ :=type2; := 'HU12345678901234567890123456';
consent_init.validityPeriod :=30;
initiateConsentRequest1.consent :=consent_init;
ShowMessage('Before PT');
initiateconsentrequestresponse1 :=(HTTPRio2 as AccountInfo_PT).initiateConsentRequest(initiateConsentRequest1);
ShowMessage('After PT');
transactionid1 := initiateconsentrequestresponse1.transactionId;
A Sandbox is usually a non-production copy of the API, you might use different creds and get sample data responses. It's a safe practice space for developers.
The error about "message validation" makes me think that the API request you sent was somehow invalid, perhaps it is missing a parameter. Check the docs of the API you are calling and make sure you have the correct verb/endpoint and parameters. Also see if there is more information in the response itself.

intermittent error from rally 'Not authorized to perform action: Invalid key' for POST request in chrome extension

I developed a chrome extension using Rally's WSAPI v2.0, and it basically does the following things:
get user and project, and store them
get current iteration everytime
send a post request to create a workitem
For the THIRD step, I sometimes get error ["Not authorized to perform action: Invalid key"] since end of last month.
[updated]Error can be reproduced everytime if I log in Rally website via SSO before using the extension to send requests via apikey.
What's the best practice to send subsequent requests via apikey in my extension since I can't control end users' habits?
I did see some similar posts but none of them is helpful... and in case it helps:
I'm adding ZSESSIONID:apikey in my request header, instead of user /
password to authenticate, so I believe no security token is needed
url starts with
issue is fixed after clearing cookies for, but somehow it appears again some time
I checked the cookie when the issue was reproduced, and found one with name of ZSESSIONID and its value became something else rather than the apikey. Not sure if that matters though...
code for request:
function initXHR(method, url, apikey, cbFunc) {
let httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
..., url);
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', ' application\/json');
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Accept', ' application\/json');
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('ZSESSIONID', apikey);
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
return httpRequest;
usReq = initXHR ('POST', baseURL+'hierarchicalrequirement/create', apikey, function(){...});
Anyone has any idea / suggestion? Thanks a million!
I've seen this error when the API key had both read-only and full-access grants configured. I would start by making sure your key only has the full-access grant.

Fetch defect from rally using rally rest api v2.0

I am getting the following exception whenever i try to fetch defects from rally: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 12
at Test.main(
Caused by: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 12
... 5
What intrigues me most is the code works perfectly fine on few machines and throws the above exception on few.
code snippet :
RallyRestApi restApi =
new RallyRestApi(new URI(""),apiKey);
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest("defects");
queryRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Project","FormattedID","Release"));
QueryFilter filter1 = new QueryFilter("FormattedID", "=", defetctID);
QueryResponse queryResponse1 = restApi.query(queryRequest);
Try a curl command to read the same defect using the same apiKey (in zsessionid header) on the same machine from which your java code fails.
curl --header "ZSESSIONID: _abc123" ""
At least you will know if this is specific to java or not. Yes, it is strange that it fails on some machines and works on others, but the timing of those tests is not obvious from your post, and I wonder if this has anything to do with the underlying user credentials. (A user gets disabled for a period of time after a number of unsuccessful attempts). I am not positive that this is the issue you experience but I have seen when expired password caused the exact same error. API Keys are tied to a user, so when a user's password is expired, or when a user is inactivated (disabled) the same permissions(or the lack of them) is reflected in the key. For example, a user did not know that the password was expired because in the Rally UI they used SSO authentiation, but in the code they used either username/password or APIKey since the toolkit does not support SSO at this point. A 401 error would be more helpful, but instead a malformed JSON is generated.

FB error:Expected 1 '.' in the input between the postcard and the payload

I have finished my app and then tried it on 3 FB accounts and it was ok,
but the 4th have a permanent error (it cannot get an access token):
com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Expected 1 '.' In the input between the postcard and the payload.
I tried to remove the app and install it again on this account a few times and nothing changed.
I use Java and restFB client.
This is the code where i get the access token:
if (request.getParameter("code") != null) {
String code = request.getParameter("code");
String url = ""
+ "client_id=" + clientId + "&" + "client_secret="
+ clientSecret + "&" + "code=" + code + "&" + "redirect_uri="
+ redirectURL +"&type=web_server";
String accessToken=readUrl(url).split("&")[0].replaceFirst("access_token=", "");
I saw here someone with the same error, he said that the solution was:
replacing "|" with "%257C" which made my access token invalid"
I couldn't really understand what he means.
Embarrassing as it is -- I'll be honest in case it helps someone else:
When I got this error message, I had accidentally copy/pasted a Google access_token (e.g. ya29.A0A...) into a Facebook graph API route. :)
It's probably worth logging the response to the /oauth/access_token request and the value you extract for use as the access token.
For the account that doesn't work, check whether the /oauth/access_token response includes other parameters before access_token. IIRC I've seen responses like
Check to ensure you are verifying the "code" parameter returned by Facebook before signing the request, not the "access token". That was the mistake I made.
I experience the same issue, and after debugging my only conclusion was that when this message is thrown it might just be the token is expired or invalid. Checking with a freshly generated token should not throw this error.

Negative Testing for PayPal using Sandbox with VB.NET - how to simulate different scenarios?

I have a website written in VB.NET that implements PayPal for payments. This is all working fine for successful payments, but I need to be able to simulate scenarios of a failed transaction, pending transaction, etc.
I have read the documentation, which starts on page 47. I enabled Negative Testing in a business account that I created in a Sandbox, but I am not getting desired results.
To simulate an error, as specified in the documentation, I'm passing an error code to Token, which is then used in a request to DoExpressCheckoutPayment - code below - but instead of this raising the error 10417, the response says Invalid Token:
Dim oldToken As String
With RequestDetails
oldToken = .Token
.Token = "10417"
End With
Dim request As New DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestType
request.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetails = RequestDetails
Dim response As DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType
response = DirectCast(caller.Call("DoExpressCheckoutPayment", request),
What am I doing wrong in the code above so that I can't trigger a correct error?
How do I simulate a response where the status is Pending, Processed, Failed, etc.?
I was testing this about a week ago and was receiving the same problem, now, I no longer receive an error:
API Request:
API Response:
L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Unsupported Currency.
L_LONGMESSAGE0=Currency is not supported
I did find an article on that deals with this issue as well.