Custom annotation for serialization - jmsserializerbundle

How can I add custom annotations to the JMS Serializer?
The JMS\Serializer\Metadata\Driver\AnnotationDriver is not extendable for custom annotations.
Make it sense to overwrite it completely?
Thanks for ideas.


fail to redefine "" with ByteBuddy?

Fail to redefine with ByteBuddy.
I have tried many ways to solve this problem. But I can not find methods to hook "$resolveClass".May you help me?
new AgentBuilder.Default()
// .ignore(none())
.transform((builder, typeDescription, classLoader,module) ->
Your MethodDelegation would invoke a suitable method in TimerAdvice. For this to be possible that class would need to be loaded on the bootstrap class loader. Is this the case in your scenario?
Alternatively, look into using Advice for decorating a method.

Intellij idea: how to extend the Java editor

I have managed to develop and run an intellij plugin. Would it be possible to create a plugin extending the java editor for instance by providing a custom code completion feature ?
Yes, this is possible. Please refer to the JavaDoc of the CompletionContributor class for details of implementing custom code completion.

URLClassLoader in eclipse plugin

I am implementing a plugin for content assist in xml. In the implementation I am loading the classes of a project as,
URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls,Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
But when i make changes in the classes, and try for content assist, it still loading the previous class.
Does there any way to load new modified classes?

How to refactor rails methods/classes using Eclipse?

I am in a situation where I need to clean code. I have to do followings
Rename class methods in cotrollers
Rename classes which are extending from other modules and helpers in the controller
Move classes into modules and break classes into sub classes
Rename some models
Apply formating to the code, e.g. alignment, spacing etc
Is there a way to achieve above using Eclipse ?
If not then is there any open source editors/plugins for rafactoring rails application ?
I think this would help you to refactor your code:

WinRT XAML apps + missing [XmlnsDefinition] attribute

There is not [XmlnsDefinition] attribute in XAML metro style applications, based on WinRT.
How my custom namespace mappings from WPF/SL apps should be migrated to WinRT XAML apps?
Looks like XmlnsDefinitionAttribute is missing. There is XmlnsDefinition struct but that is of not much use since there is no way to use it to set custom namespace mappings.
A discussion at says:
there is no analogous attribute.
You might be able to provide similar data in a custom
IXamlMetadataProvider implementation, but since that is automatically
generated for you I'm not sure it can be overridden.