Create new DbContext dynamically when using ASP.Net Core dependency injection -

I've configured my DbContext with services.AddDbContext() in the Startup class and constructor injection in my controllers works very well.
By default it's a scoped service, but I have one place in the app where I want to update a single property of an entity in a separate scope of work. So I need to create a new DbContext in the controller, but I'm not sure how. I want it to be created by the DI so I don't have to manually call the constructor and provide all the options needed. Is there a way to do that? Maybe there's a way to get the db context options from the DI? Then I could construct the DbContext easily.

The normal method of injecting a DbContext into your Controller works fine, as long as you are doing a small amount of work during an HTTP request. However, you might want to create a DbContext for a long-running a operation that queries/modifies a lot of records (causing SaveChangesAsync() to get bogged down because DbContext.ChangeTracker is tracking a lot of objects). In that case, you can create a scoped DbContext for each operation ("unit of work"). Here is an example ASP.NET Core Controller method:
/// <summary>
/// An endpoint that processes a batch of records.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="provider">The service provider to create scoped DbContexts.
/// This is injected by DI per the FromServices attribute.</param>
/// <param name="records">The batch of records.</param>
public async Task<IActionResult> PostRecords(
[FromServices] IServiceProvider provider,
Record[] records)
// The service scope factory is used to create a scope per iteration
var serviceScopeFactory =
foreach (var record in records)
// At the end of the using block, scope.Dispose() will be called,
// releasing the DbContext so it can be disposed/reset.
using (var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MainDbContext>();
// Query and modify database records as needed
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return Ok();
Also, I would recommend switching from AddDbContext() to AddDbContextPool() in Startup.cs to avoid creating/destroying DbContext objects for each request. The DbContextPool will reset the DbContext objects to a clean state after they go out of scope. (In case you were interested, DbContextPool calls DbContext.ResetState() and DbContext.Resurrect(), but I wouldn't recommend calling those directly from your code, as they will probably change in future releases.)
Finally, be aware that there are a few pitfalls of creating multiple DbContexts:
Using a large number of DbContexts in parallel may cause the database server to run out of active connections, since many EF database providers open a database connection per DbContext. (Requesting and releasing pooled DbContext objects in a loop should be fine.)
There may be more efficient ways to do the same thing. On my project, I tested and found that running a single "upsert" on a single DbContext was significantly faster than running a SELECT and INSERT/UPDATE on a separate DbContext for each record. There are a number of implementations of upsert for EF Core. For example, here are two that I have used:
EF Extensions BulkMerge:

One option is to inject IDbContextFactory into your comtroller to create contexts within using blocks.


why life time of DBContext object is very short

as per microsoft documentation " A DbContext instance is designed to be used for a single unit-of-work. This means that the lifetime of a DbContext instance is usually very short." what life time i choose scoped,singleton or transient? what problem occured if i use DBcontext object as singleton
When you call
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => { });
The DbContext will be registered as a scoped service. So a new instance will be created for each and every request.
This is the most flexible approach, as it allows you to configure a different ConnectionString, based on the tenant that's associated with eg the HttpContext (for example: a different ConnectionString depending on the HttpContext.Request.Host)
Reusing same instance of DbContext will cause bugs: calling SaveChanges will save ALL tracked objects modified by a different consumers of DbContext.
If you worry about performance you may take a look at DbContext pooling

DryIoc ASP.Net Core 3.1 DbContext store in Scope Container

I am using DryIoc (last release version) for Dependency Injection.
In my application ( Core 3.1), I am using Entity Framework.
My AppDbContext hinerits DbContext and implements IDisposable
I also use UnitOfWork pattern and the class is disposable.
These two objects are declared as Transient.
I follow the documentation of DryIoc that explains the context with Transient Disposable objects:
For my AppDbContext, I resolve this service manually. Same thing for my UnitOfWork. At the end I call Dispose method.
But these two instances are not destroyed and are stored in the Singleton Scope of the DryIoc Container.
I did some tests and use JetBrain dotMemory.
My test is to call 100 times a method
Call controler
open UnitOfWork
create AppDbContext
call database to get my data
close / dispose objects.
At the end, I have 100 times my AppDbContext and my UnitOfWork in the scope of the container:
I tried a lot of combinations of creation of container but each time, it is the same thing:
var container = new Container(rules =>
rules.With(propertiesAndFields: request => request.ServiceType.Name.EndsWith("Controller") ? PropertiesAndFields.Auto(request) : null)
// .WithoutThrowOnRegisteringDisposableTransient()
// .WithTrackingDisposableTransients()
Result: memory is growing up fast because of these two kind of objects stored in the scope.
If I comment .WithoutThrowOnRegisteringDisposableTransient(), my code is still working (I thought an exception would be thrown)
I tried also to declare these services as Scoped (for each http request) but it does not work because I don't create scope for each query. (Exception thrown and a scope is automatically opened per each web request by Asp .Net Core framework).
Maybe I need to dispose scope at the end of each request?
How could I force destruction of objects?
Thanks to the author of the lib, I found solution:

Having more than one entity context

Let's say I've extended identity framework dbContext to build my own, and I've our authenticated controller who get injected with the dbContext and fetch an entity related with the current ApplicationUser, entity framework will relate the two entities leading to a server error because of circular references.
We don't want to serialize circular references.
So we create a new dbContext in the method who istantiate a new dbcontext and query the unrelated entities, this will work. But this is not testable, we don't want our controller to strictly depends on the dbContext, we want it to be injected.
So we add a second parameter, in the constructor, unfortunately this will make the system inject the same dbContext twice, not so useful.
We tried to create a class fakeDbContext who inherit from dbContext and add it services and use it, but now we got two dbcontext, who can potentially generate migrations and configurations and errors...
Which is the right way of doing this in the new MVC6 ?
I found out that if my controller require an IEnumerable<dbContext> i get all the object registered as service of that type, so just doubling the part in startup.cs where we add the dbContext in the service registration area i get two of them...
The drawback here is that i don't know wich one is the virgin one, it looks like it goes in order of registration, but i have no clue, if this will change.
Edit 2 ...
I've created a TransientDbService class who have just a factory method taking the IserviceProvider, it use it to get the options to construct the dbContext, and then expose it. I've registered it as transient, then in the controller i require this service type.
the drawback here is if i'll ever need a third dbContext i should write more code, more code means errors and maintaning it.
Edit 3 ...
Not having two dbContext at all. The following setting allow me to have no relationships valorized.
Database.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = Microsoft.Data.Entity.QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;
The drawback here is that i can't use my model graph, making everything more complex...
Edit 4 ...
You are right to think that no tracking queries will help in some cases, but other times you'll need to have more than one instance of the DbContext created.
You normally use the AddDbContext<TContext>() method in startup to make sure an instance of your context type is created per request and the right DbContextOptions and service provider get set on it. When you need to deviate from this pattern you have a few options, e.g.:
Include a constructor in your derived DbContext class that takes an IServiceProvider and passes it to the base constructor. Make sure your controller takes IServiceProvider. Once you do this you should be able to create DbContext manually with something like this:
using(var context1 = new MyDbContext(serviceProvider),
var context2 = new MyDbContext(serviceProvider))
{ ...
To avoid having to change the constructor signatures on your derived DbContext type you can take advantage of the DbContextActivator class (it is our Internal namespace), e.g.:
using(var context1 = DbContextActivator.CreateInstance<MyDbContext>(serviceProvider),
var context2 = DbContextActivator.CreateInstance<MyDbContext>(serviceProvider)
Note: If you are still using AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options => ...) in startup it should pull those options automatically from the service provider. But you can also choose to either include the DbContextOptions as a parameter in the constructor or override the OnConfiguring() method for that.
I am giving you examples that create two separate DbContexts in a using block, but you should also be able to mix those with the regular "per-request" DbContext you would get injected in the controller's constructor.
Besides these options currently available I have created a new issue to track other possible improvements on how to create multiple instance of the same DbContext type in the same request:

Using SharpArch Nhibernate with different types of SessionStorage

I have a server application where I have 3 scenarios in which I seem to need different kind of nhibernate sessions:
Calls to the repository directly from the server itself (while bootstrapping)
Calls to the repository coming from a Ria Service (default ASP.NET Memberschip Service)
Calls to the repository coming from a WCF Service
Currently I have set up my nhibernate config with sharparch like this
/// <summary>
/// Due to issues on IIS7, the NHibernate initialization cannot reside in Init() but
/// must only be called once. Consequently, we invoke a thread-safe singleton class to
/// ensure it's only initialized once.
/// </summary>
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
() => InitializeNHibernateSession());
private void InitializeNHibernateSession()
new string[] { Server.MapPath("~/bin/bla.Interfaces.dll") },
This works for the third scenario, but not for the first two.
It seems to need some wcf-session-specific context.
The SharpArch Init method seems to have protection from re-initializing it with another type of sessionstorage;
What is the best way to create a different session for three different kinds of contexts?
To me it looks like this post seems related to this one which has helped me looking in the right direction, but I have not found a solution so far.
I'm not sure you are going to be able to do what you are wanting with S#. The reason being is that you are really wanting to have 3 separate Nhibernate sessions, each with it's own storage mechanism. The current implementation only allows for one storage mechanism, regardless of the number of sessions.
I can easily get you #'s 1 and 3, but not two since I've never used RIA services. In the case of 1 and 3, you would need to take the WCF service out of the site and have it in it's own site. No way of really getting around that as their session lifecycles are different.
Your other option would be to come up with your own Session Management for NHibernate and not use the default S# one. You could look at the code for the S# version and create your own based on that.

IQueryable Repository with StructureMap (IoC) - How do i Implement IDisposable?

If i have the following Repository:
public IQueryable<User> Users()
var db = new SqlDataContext();
return db.Users;
I understand that the connection is opened only when the query is fired:
public class ServiceLayer
public IRepository repo;
public ServiceLayer(IRepository injectedRepo)
this.repo = injectedRepo;
public List<User> GetUsers()
return repo.Users().ToList(); // connection opened, query fired, connection closed. (or is it??)
If this is the case, do i still need to make my Repository implement IDisposable?
The Visual Studio Code Metrics certainly think i should.
I'm using IQueryable because i give control of the queries to my service layer (filters, paging, etc), so please no architectural discussions over the fact that im using it.
BTW - SqlDataContext is my custom class which extends Entity Framework's ObjectContext class (so i can have POCO parties).
So the question - do i really HAVE to implement IDisposable?
If so, i have no idea how this is possible, as each method shares the same repository instance.
I'm using Depedency Injection (StructureMap) to inject the concrete repository into the service layer. This pattern is followed down the app stack - i'm using ASP.NET MVC and the concrete service is injected into the Controllers.
In other words:
User requests URL
Controller instance is created, which receives a new ServiceLayer instance, which is created with a new Repository instance.
Controller calls methods on service (all calls use same Repository instance)
Once request is served, controller is gone.
I am using Hybrid mode to inject dependencies into my controllers, which according to the StructureMap documentation cause the instances to be stored in the HttpContext.Current.Items.
So, i can't do this:
using (var repo = new Repository())
return repo.Users().ToList();
As this defeats the whole point of DI.
A common approach used with nhibernate is to create your session (ObjectContext) in begin_request (or some other similar lifecycle event) and then dispose it in end_request. You can put that code in an HttpModule.
You would need to change your Repository so that it has the ObjectContext injected. Your Repository should get out of the business of managing the ObjectContext lifecycle.
I would say you definitely should. Unless Entity Framework handles connections very differently than LinqToSql (which is what I've been using), you should implement IDisposable whenever you are working with connections. It might be true that the connection automatically closes after your transaction successfully completes. But what happens if it doesn't complete successfully? Implementing IDisposable is a good safeguard for making sure you don't have any connections left open after your done with them. A simpler reason is that it's a best practice to implement IDisposable.
Implementation could be as simple as putting this in your repository class:
public void Dispose()
Then, whenever you do anything with your repository (e.g., with your service layer), you just need to wrap everything in a using clause. You could do several "CRUD" operations within a single using clause, too, so you only dispose when you're all done.
In my service layer (which I designed to work with LinqToSql, but hopefully this would apply to your situation), I do new up a new repository each time. To allow for testability, I have the dependency injector pass in a repository provider (instead of a repository instance). Each time I need a new repository, I wrap the call in a using statement, like this.
using (var repository = GetNewRepository())
public Repository<TDataContext, TEntity> GetNewRepository()
return _repositoryProvider.GetNew<TDataContext, TEntity>();
If you do it this way, you can mock everything (so you can test your service layer in isolation), yet still make sure you are disposing of your connections properly.
If you really need to do multiple operations with a single repository, you can put something like this in your base service class:
public void ExecuteAndSave(Action<Repository<TDataContext, TEntity>> action)
using (var repository = GetNewRepository())
action can be a series of CRUD actions or a complex query, but you know if you call ExecuteAndSave(), when it's all done, you're repository will be disposed properly.
EDIT - Advice Received From Ayende Rahien
Got an email reply from Ayende Rahien (of Rhino Mocks, Raven, Hibernating Rhinos fame).
This is what he said:
You problem is that you initialize
your context like this:
_genericSqlServerContext = new GenericSqlServerContext(new
That means that the context doesn't
own the entity connection, which means
that it doesn't dispose it. In
general, it is vastly preferable to
have the context create the
connection. You can do that by using:
_genericSqlServerContext = new GenericSqlServerContext("name=EFProfDemoEntities");
Which definetely makes sense - however i would have thought that Disposing of a SqlServerContext would also dispose of the underlying connection, guess i was wrong.
Anyway, that is the solution - now everything is getting disposed of properly.
So i no longer need to do using on the repository:
public ICollection<T> FindAll<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, int maxRows) where T : Foo
// dont need this anymore
//using (var cr = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IContentRepository>())
return _fooRepository.Find().OfType<T>().Where(predicate).Take(maxRows).ToList();
And in my base repository, i implement IDisposable and simply do this:
Context.Dispose(); // Context is an instance of my custom sql context.
Hope that helps others out.