Using SharpArch Nhibernate with different types of SessionStorage - wcf

I have a server application where I have 3 scenarios in which I seem to need different kind of nhibernate sessions:
Calls to the repository directly from the server itself (while bootstrapping)
Calls to the repository coming from a Ria Service (default ASP.NET Memberschip Service)
Calls to the repository coming from a WCF Service
Currently I have set up my nhibernate config with sharparch like this
/// <summary>
/// Due to issues on IIS7, the NHibernate initialization cannot reside in Init() but
/// must only be called once. Consequently, we invoke a thread-safe singleton class to
/// ensure it's only initialized once.
/// </summary>
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
() => InitializeNHibernateSession());
private void InitializeNHibernateSession()
new string[] { Server.MapPath("~/bin/bla.Interfaces.dll") },
This works for the third scenario, but not for the first two.
It seems to need some wcf-session-specific context.
The SharpArch Init method seems to have protection from re-initializing it with another type of sessionstorage;
What is the best way to create a different session for three different kinds of contexts?
To me it looks like this post seems related to this one which has helped me looking in the right direction, but I have not found a solution so far.

I'm not sure you are going to be able to do what you are wanting with S#. The reason being is that you are really wanting to have 3 separate Nhibernate sessions, each with it's own storage mechanism. The current implementation only allows for one storage mechanism, regardless of the number of sessions.
I can easily get you #'s 1 and 3, but not two since I've never used RIA services. In the case of 1 and 3, you would need to take the WCF service out of the site and have it in it's own site. No way of really getting around that as their session lifecycles are different.
Your other option would be to come up with your own Session Management for NHibernate and not use the default S# one. You could look at the code for the S# version and create your own based on that.


WebApplicationFactory and TestServer in integration tests for ASP.NET Core

I have two integ test classes defined as below. When I run tests in ApiControllerIT, all runs successfully. The same for FoundationControllerIT. However, when I run both together (by running the enclosing folder), tests fail.
The error message is:
Scheduler with name 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' already exists.
I have this definition in my Startup.cs file:
services.AddSingleton (IHostedService, QuartzHostedService);
So obviously this line causes the issue (if I remove this line, all testing together runs OK). So my question is - I'm a newbie from Java.. so I don't have a very good insight into .NET Core Integ test framework, but my understanding is - TestServer is created for each of test classes, e.g. One TestServer for ApiControllerIT, and the other for FoundationControllerIT. Is this incorrect? I'm just frustrated how come I'm getting a message:
Scheduler with name 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' already exists.
when I run two separate test classes?? How come the TestServers interfere each other?
public class ApiControllerIT : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
private readonly WebApplicationFactory<Startup> _factory;
public ApiControllerIT(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
_factory = factory;
// tests ...
public class FoundationControllerIT : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
private readonly WebApplicationFactory<Startup> _factory;
public FoundationControllerIT(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
_factory = factory;
// tests ...
I might a bit late on this but I also had this problem and it might still be useful for others in the future.
The problem comes because the WebApplicationFactory will create two instances of your Startup class. This is drastically different from your normal service start, where you only have one instance of Startup.
(It might be a bit different in your case, but I am using a Singleton instance to create and manage my Schedulers throughout my application.)
The WebApplicationFactory also calls ConfigureServices and Configure on both of them. So even your singletons will be there twice, one for each Startup instance. This is not a problem because the Startup instances will have their own ServiceProvider. It only comes to problems if (multiple) singleton instances access the same static properties of something. In our case, this is the SchedulerBuilder using SchedulerFactory using SchedulerRepository within Quartz, which is a >real< singleton and uses this code:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the singleton instance.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The instance.</value>
public static SchedulerRepository Instance { get; } = new SchedulerRepository();
This means that your independent Singleton classes still use the same SchedulerRepository within Quartz, which explains why you get the exception.
Depending on what you are testing within your tests you have some options to tackle this issue.
The SchedulerRepository has a lookup method, which you could use to check if the Scheduler was already created by another instance: public virtual Task<IScheduler?> Lookup(string schedName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) - So you either just take the existing Scheduler or you generate another one with a different name
Catch the exception and do nothing. (this only really makes sense if your tests do not need Quartz, which is probably unlikely but I still wanted to list this option)
I cannot tell you what makes most sense in your case as this is completely dependent on what your application does and what you want to test, but I will probably stick with one variant of option 1.

Create new DbContext dynamically when using ASP.Net Core dependency injection

I've configured my DbContext with services.AddDbContext() in the Startup class and constructor injection in my controllers works very well.
By default it's a scoped service, but I have one place in the app where I want to update a single property of an entity in a separate scope of work. So I need to create a new DbContext in the controller, but I'm not sure how. I want it to be created by the DI so I don't have to manually call the constructor and provide all the options needed. Is there a way to do that? Maybe there's a way to get the db context options from the DI? Then I could construct the DbContext easily.
The normal method of injecting a DbContext into your Controller works fine, as long as you are doing a small amount of work during an HTTP request. However, you might want to create a DbContext for a long-running a operation that queries/modifies a lot of records (causing SaveChangesAsync() to get bogged down because DbContext.ChangeTracker is tracking a lot of objects). In that case, you can create a scoped DbContext for each operation ("unit of work"). Here is an example ASP.NET Core Controller method:
/// <summary>
/// An endpoint that processes a batch of records.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="provider">The service provider to create scoped DbContexts.
/// This is injected by DI per the FromServices attribute.</param>
/// <param name="records">The batch of records.</param>
public async Task<IActionResult> PostRecords(
[FromServices] IServiceProvider provider,
Record[] records)
// The service scope factory is used to create a scope per iteration
var serviceScopeFactory =
foreach (var record in records)
// At the end of the using block, scope.Dispose() will be called,
// releasing the DbContext so it can be disposed/reset.
using (var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MainDbContext>();
// Query and modify database records as needed
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return Ok();
Also, I would recommend switching from AddDbContext() to AddDbContextPool() in Startup.cs to avoid creating/destroying DbContext objects for each request. The DbContextPool will reset the DbContext objects to a clean state after they go out of scope. (In case you were interested, DbContextPool calls DbContext.ResetState() and DbContext.Resurrect(), but I wouldn't recommend calling those directly from your code, as they will probably change in future releases.)
Finally, be aware that there are a few pitfalls of creating multiple DbContexts:
Using a large number of DbContexts in parallel may cause the database server to run out of active connections, since many EF database providers open a database connection per DbContext. (Requesting and releasing pooled DbContext objects in a loop should be fine.)
There may be more efficient ways to do the same thing. On my project, I tested and found that running a single "upsert" on a single DbContext was significantly faster than running a SELECT and INSERT/UPDATE on a separate DbContext for each record. There are a number of implementations of upsert for EF Core. For example, here are two that I have used:
EF Extensions BulkMerge:
One option is to inject IDbContextFactory into your comtroller to create contexts within using blocks.

Autofac Multitenant Database Configuration

I have a base abstract context which has a couple hundred shared objects, and then 2 "implementation" contexts which both inherit from the base and are designed to be used by different tenants in a .net core application. A tenant object is injected into the constructor for OnConfiguring to pick up which connection string to use.
public abstract class BaseContext : DbContext
protected readonly AppTenant Tenant;
protected BaseContext (AppTenant tenant)
Tenant = tenant;
public TenantOneContext : BaseContext
public TenantOneContext(AppTenant tenant)
: base(tenant)
In startup.cs, I register the DbContexts like this:
Then using the autofac container and th Multitenant package, I register tenant specific contexts like this:
IContainer container = builder.Build();
MultitenantContainer mtc = new MultitenantContainer(container.Resolve<ITenantIdentificationStrategy>(), container);
mtc.ConfigureTenant("1", config =>
mtc.ConfigureTenant("2", config =>
Startup.ApplicationContainer = mtc;
return new AutofacServiceProvider(mtc);
My service layers are designed around the BaseContext being injected for reuse where possible, and then services which require specific functionality use the TenantContexts.
public BusinessService
private readonly BaseContext _baseContext;
public BusinessService(BaseContext context)
_baseContext = context;
In the above service at runtime, I get an exception "No constructors on type 'BaseContext' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'". I'm not sure why this is broken....the AppTenant is definitely created as I can inject it other places successfully. I can make it work if I add an extra registration:
I don't understand why the above registration is required for the tenant container registrations to work. This seems broken to me; in structuremap (Saaskit) I was able to do this without adding an extra registration, and I assumed using the built in AddDbContext registrations would take care of creating a default registration for the containers to overwrite. Am I missing something here or is this possibly a bug in the multitenat functionality of autofac?
Here is fully runable repo of the question:
Why is line 66 of Startup.cs needed if I have lines 53/54 and lines 82-90?
As I expected your problem has nothing to do with multitenancy as such. You've implemented it almost entirely correctly, and you're right, you do not need that additional registration, and, btw, these two (below) too because you register them in tenant's scopes a bit later:
So, you've made only one very small but very important mistake in TenantIdentitifcationStrategy implementation. Let's walk through how you create container - this is mainly for other people who may run into this problem as well. I'll mention only relevant parts.
First, TenantIdentitifcationStrategy gets registered in a container along with other stuff. Since there's no explicit specification of lifetime scope it is registered as InstancePerDependency() by default - but that does not really matter as you'll see. Next, "standard" IContainer gets created by autofac's buider.Build(). Next step in this process is to create MultitenantContainer, which takes an instance of ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy. This means that MultitenantContainer and its captive dependency - ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy - will be singletons regardless of how ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy is registered in container. In your case it gets resolved from that standard "root" container in order to manage its dependencies - well, this is what autofac is for anyways. Everything is fine with this approach in general, but this is where your problem actually begins. When autofac resolves this instance it does exactly what it is expected to do - injects all the dependencies into TenantIdentitifcationStrategy's constructor including IHttpContextAccessor. So, right there in the constructor you grab an instance of IHttpContext from that context accessor and store it for using in tenant resolution process - and this is a fatal mistake: there's no http request at this time, and since TenantIdentitifcationStrategy is a singleton it means that there will not ever be one for it! So, it gets null request context for the whole application lifespan. This effectively means that TenantIdentitifcationStrategy will not be able to resolve tenant identifier based on http requests - because it does not actually analyze them. Consequently, MultitenantContainer will not be able to resolve any tenant-specific services.
Now when the problem is clear, its solution is obvious and trivial - just move fetching of request context context = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext to TryIdentifyTenant() method. It gets called in the proper context and will be able to access request context and analyze it.
PS. This digging has been highly educational for me since I had absolutely no idea about autofac's multi-tenant concept, so thank you very much for such an interesting question! :)
PPS. And one more thing: this question is just a perfect example of how important well prepared example is. You provided very good example. Without it no one would be able to figure out what the problem is since the most important part of it was not presented in the question - and sometimes you just don't know where this part actually is...

Making Backward-Compatible WCF Services

TLDR: How do I create WCF services that are backward compatible -- that is, when I deploy a new version of the service on the server-side, all the clients on the older versions can still use the service.
I'm creating a web service that will allow the client applications to fetch a listing of plugins. I will at least have one operation like FindPlugins(string nameOrDescription) which will, on the server, do a search and return a list of objects.
Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that my clients will all be updated with each new release of my service; nay, I am sure that many of them will be trailing the latest version, and will have old versions -- how old, I cannot be sure, but I know they will be old :)
If I create a new service operation, change the schema, or make some sort of breaking operation on the server side, I'm done. I need to engineer backward compatibility at all times.
Here's one example. Say I return a list of Plugins, each which has a name and description, and I deploy v0.1 of my service. Then, I add a download link, and deploy that as v0.2 of my service.
Some options which I see are:
Force clients to update to the latest service (not feasible)
Break the service for old clients (not feasible)
Append a version number to each operation and only consume the version-specific operations (eg. FindPluginsV1, FindPluginsV2) -- doesn't seem practical with multiple operations
Provide a new service with each new version -- doesn't seem practical
WCF is backwards-compatible by default.
The following MSDN link contains a list of all the possible changes of a WCF contract and describes their effect on old clients:
WCF Essentials: Versioning Strategies
Most importantly, the following operations will not cause old clients to break:
Service contracts (methods)
Adding method parameters: The default value will be used when called from old clients.
Removing methods parameters: The values sent by old clients will be ignored silently.
Adding new methods: Obviously, old clients won't call them, since they don't know them.
Data contracts (custom classes for passing data)
Adding non-required properties.
Removing non-required properties.
Thus, unless you mark the new DownloadLink field as IsRequired (default is false), your change should be fine.
If you look at this article
The first example the guy gives will satisfy your requirements. It has the benefit that existing clients will not break, and you can add as many new service operations as you want this way.
public interface IMyServiceContract
public void MyMethod(MyDataContract input);
public interface IMyAugmentedServiceContract: IMyServiceContract
public void MyNewMethod(MyOtherDataContract input);
The change your service implementation:
public class MyOriginalServiceType: IAugmentedServiceContract { }

WCF Multiple Interface

i am really wanting to get my head around this WCF technology and it seems the last months of information cramming has somewhat distorted my overall concept of how i should build my client/server application.
If someone out there could shed some light on the best practises when developing my app and implementing a Duplex WCF service with multiple interfaces.
General outline: I am wanting to develop an app where users connect to a server and lets say'.. add contacts to an sql database. I have discovered many ways of doing this but would ultimatly like to know im heading down the right path when it comes time to developing the app further.
Some models i have discovered are...
Client has its own LINQ to SQL classes and handles all data to and from data.... BAD. really slow. overheads with LINQ and SQL connections amongst poor implementation of Linq Select command.
Another model was the develop the service to implement the linq to sql commands which are used for CRUD operations however this still doesnt provide live data updates to other clients connected to the service.
So i made a basic app that when a client logs in the to the service there Callback Channel gets added to the Callback List. When a client feeds in a new contact to the service, it invokes a callback to all channel clients with the new contact and the client side function takes care of adding the contact to the right spot.
So now i want to implement a User object and perhaps 2 more other business objects say Project and Item and lets say Item... my idea is to create my service like this
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single,
InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public class Project: IProject
public int projectID;
public int Insert(objSubItem _objSubItem)
// code here
etc and
Name = "Project",
Namespace = "",
SessionMode = SessionMode.Required,
CallbackContract = typeof(IProjectCallback))]
public interface IProject
/// <summary>
/// Inserting a Project record to the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_project">Project from Client</param>
/// <return>ProjectID back to the client if -1 then fail</return>
int Insert(Project _project);
public interface IProjectCallback
/// <summary>
/// Notifies the clients that a Project has been added
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_project">Inserted Project</param>
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void NotifyProjectInserted(Project _project);
obviously i have other crud functions and functions to ensure that both client and server data records are read only when being editited.
now if i have multi objects what is it the best way to lay it out.
Im thinking to create a servce.cs and an Iservice.cs and an IserviceCallback to negotiate the client channel population.. sould i also use partial classes of the service to implement the Iproject and IUser to properly ivoke the service callbacks aswell as invoking the objects insert.
would i do it like this
[ServiceContract(Name = "Service",
Namespace = "",
SessionMode = SessionMode.Required,
CallbackContract = typeof(IServiceCallBack))]
public interface IService
// code here
and also
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single,
InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public partial class Service : IUser
public int Insert(User _User)
public partial class Service : IProject
public int Insert(Project _project)
// code here
public partial class Service : IService
// functions here
if feels as though the approach feels right if it was for one interface but feel that i need some "Best Practice" assistance.
Many thanks in advance,,
Chris Leach
Hi Richard,
I appreciate your response. As you see this is my first post and third ever on any forum related to programming. I have lived my programming life very close to google as shown by my google autofill history but its time to start asking questions of my own so i thank-you for your assistance so far. I am really wanting to understand an overall approach to how best managing data consistency amongst a distributed client/service application. I am looking into Telerik ORM and also Entity Framework as a solution and exposing the entities through a WCF service but i lack the understanding to implement data consistency amongst the clients. i have managed to develop a netDualTcp chat application and have used a list of client callback context to send join/leave and chat functions. I lack the overall picture however it seems that if i have a in memory (static) version of all of the tables in my sql database and either have the clients bind directly to these lists if this is possible or it seems best for my custom user controls to handle the connections so the server is aware of who has that particular user control open and can direct changes to those clients who are registered to the callback contract. that way the clients arent having to load the entire project every time they wish to open the application. I am thinking of a multi purpose application such as a contact/grant application program where users will be using different parts of the application and do not always need to access all of the information at one time. When the user first logs in i am hoping that the service will attach a callback contract for the client and several bits of information are loaded back to the client on authentaction such as a basic state i.e if they are an admin they get notifications etc. once they are logged in they are presented with a blank canvas but then begin to load custom user controls into a docking panel type interface. i guess this is where i become a little stuck about how to best manage concurrency and consistency whilst minimizing load/data transfer times to the client and freeing up cpu proccess time on both client. I know in programming there are multiple ways of doing this but i would like to know from the people on this forum what they feel the best approach to this type of soultion is. I understand its a deep topic but i feel i have come this far and a guiding hand would be appreciated. Thanks again
Generally I find taking a non-abstract view of a service gets me to the right place. What is it that consumers of my service are going to need to do?
I obviously have internal domain objects that are used by my business layer to create and manipulate the data. However, the way the business layer does tings isn;t necessarily the best way to partition functionality for my service.
So for example, if any project should have at least one user in it then when you create the project you should send over at least one user at the same time. The service operations need to encapsulate all of the data required to carry out a self contained business transaction.
Similarly, the death knell of many distributed systems is latency - they require lots of round trips to complete something. So, for example, you want to be able to add a user to a project; in reality you probably want to add a number of users to as project. Therefore, you should model the operation to accept a list of users not a single one which must be invoked multiple times
So a project service should allow you to do all the things related to a project, or projects, through a service contract. If users can live independently of projects then also have a user service. If they cannot then don;t have a user service as everything needs to be project focussed.
Business transactions are often more than straight forward CRUD operations on domain entities and the service should model them rather than reflecting the data model