"Searching for devices..." when I try to run a new nativescript-vue project? - vuejs2

I create a nativescript-vue project which following the official start guide here
But when I try to start and preview it on the browser...Nothing I can get from the terminal except "Searching for devices..."
I'm new to it, can someone give me some help on it?

nativescript-vue is searching for a mobile devices connected to your environment (or emulators). Nothing will happen in the browser as this is a mobile development framework. To test it attach a real mobile device (Android or iOS but for iOS, you will need MAC and provision profiles & certificates) or create an emulator/simulator and give it a go.


ios appium automation queries

Can we perform automation on preinstalled app like Facebook on ios real device using appium without having ipa/app file?
Can we perform automation on real ios device without having developer team id for a ios app for which we have ipa/app file?
Yes, you can specify the app bundleId in the desired capabilities and attach Appium to the pre-installed application.
No. You need to build and sign the appium-webdriveragent app with your developer certificate to be able to install it on the real iOS device.
Yes you can automate pre installed apps in your phone. But make sure following configurations are already done:
"noReset" capability should be set to true. It won't install your app on every run.
You will need apple developer account if you want to automate it on Real Device. If you are running on simulator, developer account is not needed.

How to start with mobile testing with Appium

Can anyone suggest to startup way with Appium mobile testing. Already have knowledge of Automation testing using Selenium.
start with android automation as you automate basically any app. Use your phone if you have android and if not install genny motion as virtual machine
try this
You can get started with Android automation which is easy to understand and resources & tutorials are easily available.
Refer : http://appium.io/slate/en/tutorial/android.html?java#
Also , if you are starting with Android first , get familiar with few basic Android commands - like ADB , AAPT .
Learn how to obtain package name of any application. UDID of Android device etc.
try this to get package name /udid of android phone - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUDm1ZxsX6teks8wM71bmQ/videos
Hope these are helpful to get start with basic things.

How to test Phonegap application on Phonegap emulator

I am using Phonegap build to generate executable files for each platform. Each time I make changes in my code, I have to upload the code on phonegap build and generate new Apk file (for android). I don't want to test on real device, How can I test my code on phonegap emulator??
Getting started guides are very confusing for beginners like me. Please help me out.
You can download the AVD from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Click on DOWNLOAD FOR OTHER PLATFORMS and choose installer_r22.2.1-windows.exe if you are a windows user. Once you have installed it go to the install dir and execute SDK Manager.exe and download the virtual device images you need. Then execute AVD Manager.exe, create a virtual device and you are ready to go.
I Know I'm late but you can use this to test, then generate your apk when you're done.
Only for chrome

Using Worklight JSONStore

I am not that new to Worklight, but the JSONStore is a new feature and I'm trying to learn how to use it. I downloaded the sample app (module_07_10_Using_JSONStore.zip) and installed it in my development environment, ran build and deployed it.
When I preview the app (as Android) in the Mobile Browser Simulator, and run through the sequence of Initialize the Collection, Add a Document, and then try to Find by Name, Find All, or get Number of Documents in Collection - I do not see the table at the bottom of the screen that displays the input data. I don't see any errors in the WL console. In the Android console, I get the error messages:
Unable to resolve target 'android-8'
WARNING: unable to write jarlist cache file - and then it points to location of jarlist.cache in the module.
I did not make any changes to the code. I looked it over, compared it to the education module content, and I don't see the problem. Any thoughts? Clues? Your help is appreciated. Thanks.
JSONStore is not supported in the Mobile Browser Simulator, it must run on an Android or iOS device or simulator, if you run it on the Android simulator it should work just fine.

android sdk not showing my mobile connected on usb port

I'm new to Android.
I'm using Micromax A87 (india) with Gingerbread, this company is not listed in Android Manufacturers on Google website. My mobile's USB debugging mode is on. I tried to run hello world program with Eclipse but it started in AVD.
My problem is that my mobile is not showing in list by adb devices command. But device manager (win7) shows android composite ADB interface and I can also use my phone as disk.
Tell me where is issue? If I try to install supplied driver with phone then PC say that I already have better drivers and same case is for online search. I tried restarting adb.
Please help me to set up android work-space.
I have solved this issue for the same handset, do the following...
Go to C:\Users\system name.android
Make a copy of adb_usb.ini as a backup
Open adb_usb.ini
Replace the content of this file with following content: