How to Use Both Google Drive Android API and REST API - google-drive-android-api

This is a similar issue as this, but I have confirmed a slightly different phenomenon from that.
There are two types of APIs to access GoogleDrive, the Android API, and the Google Drive REST API, but ApiException 17 occurs only when using the Android API.
I tried creating a new Google Account and running it, it worked fine and I was able to create a holder on GoogleDrive.
But curiously, after that, if you use Method using Google Drive REST API with the same account, This Exception 17 occurred again in the method using the Android API, and it became impossible to solve anything afterward.
Further. Trying to access the holder created with the Android API with the REST API will cause a UserRecoverableAuthIOException to be recovered from here.
The problem is that there is no way to recover Exception 17 that occurs when accessing with Android API after accessing with REST API. (It may be because I have not found it.)
Anyone, who knows how to recover in this case?


Google Photos REST API with Angular/Java/dotNet

I am trying to connect to google photo in angular and been searching since last two days about google photos REST api but couldn't find any useful example.
Could somebody help me with this on how to use google photos api in angular. an example would be great if I get it working I will creating sample and put it on github or others to look at.
Another thing I am trying is to connect api without any user interaction. I have tried playgrounds but its prompting to authorize access as well. Idea is to build ionic app that can connect to my google photos without needing me to authenticate access to it with my id and secret.
my app would be in angular(ionic) or java(android) so would prefer example (if any) in those platform but ok with dotnet or php as well. Won't be able to use library in dotnet or php.

Quickblox sdk - Authentication token is required error (xamarin.forms)

I am trying to run quickblox sample chat application which I got from following link
Issue here is, when I run the app, it fails to load base session and gives error such as "{"errors":["Token is required"]}". I tried to debug it but could not find the root cause of it.
(Example code is using Quickblox sdk 1.2.2, which I tried to upgrade to 1.2.7 as well but in that case also still that issue remains)
The method inside sdk uses service call to api ( for getting session, which I tried to call by using Postman (google chrome extension), in which case I was able to get the session in response. Strange it is.
Does anybody know what is wrong with the example?
Update: I tried to manually write http call for getting session. Now in this case, I am no more able to access dialogs and other api calls are also failing(getting forbidden error in almost all sdk api calls after authenticating).
Could anybody tell me what is going wrong here?
After spending complete day found the fix. It was really small issue. Currently sample in github is using http://api.quickblox.comas a api end point, change it to https://api.quickblox.comand it will start working. Note the 's' in url.
The best way to do this is by using the account settings API.

LinkedIN Encounter error: Your application has not been authorized for the scope "r_basicprofile"

I was able to connect to the LinkedIn API for about two months and everything was correct. Was wondering if there has been any change to the API lately to block my app like so?
The app was in development stage and mostly 5 hits a day against their API.
It's not you, it's LinkedIn. See others complaining about the same issue:

Google PHP API - (403) Access Not Configured

Im using the Google PHP API Client to retrieve data from the google API.
Logging in thru OAuth2 and fetch user information works like a charm, but when I'm attempting to access the goole analytics api i get this 403 code error every time. Hundreds of users with the same problem forgot to activate the Google Analytics API in the service settings, or simply provided incorrect credentials (client_id & client_secret). I've tried to enable/disable the Google Analytics multiple times, and logging in/out from my google accounts, but no result.
Anyone that has any pointers for me?
(Remember, the OAuth procedure works, since I'm getting both an access_token and refresh_token)
I'm using the simple.php example in the class examples folder...
I'm working on Drive myself and understand the issue. I've been having some troubles understanding Google and their PHP api somewhat. I've finally got it to work with some clarification of examples found around the internet.
Your problem sounds like you didn't set your scope to Google analytics but, please be clear in the steps you've taken as well as the code you've tried using.
The error could be as simple as forgetting this line in your oAuth callback file:
To something complex as understanding if you need a full paid account to access information from Google about your Analytics (not included as free like Google+ and Google drive).

Does Facebook API video-upload work only with OAuth v1?

I cannot get video upload to work with OAuth 2 access-token. The request always fails to even connect (timeout).
With almost identical code, I have successfully uploaded photos.
The only video-upload example code I can find uses OAuth 1.x. Does video not yet support OAuth 2?
Thanks to all who read this.
AFAIK this is the case. New graph api still missing some of the functionality from old REST api. And that includes uploading video. You should be able to use REST api with access token to do things not yet supported by graph api.