Column and Row Indexing - VBA - vba

I am trying to write something that does the following in excel macro (VBA):
For 'column X' of 'spreadsheet'
Copy range(row(1):row(5)
Paste to 'other spreadsheet' in range (row(1):row(5)) and column(Y)
And I want that to loop through the first spreadsheet for every column in the spreadsheet. This is what I have for 1 column:
Sheets("Info").Range("B3:B6").Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range("HK5:HK8").Value
Sheets("Info").Range("C3:C6").Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range("HK10:HK13").Value
This is what I want to do, however for every column within the first spreadsheet (there is 300 columns, manually would be tedious).
EDIT: This is another way i have found that may help explain the comments left below:
For i = 2 To 3
Worksheets("Info").Range(Cells(3, i), Cells(6, i)).Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range(Cells(5, i), Cells(8, i)).Value
Next i
I hoping this loops over the columns (2 - 290) currently its only from column 2 to 3 for testing purposes. I want the cells from TEMP worksheet from every column ('i') from row 5-8 and I want to put that into the INFO worksheet in column ('i') rows 3-6. Hope this helps!

Your description isn't consistent and I am not sure what is wrong with your final code. I have left a commented out debug statement so you can see what ranges are being worked with.
Use Option Explicit at the top of your code
Make sure to declare i as Long
Switch of ScreenUpdating to speed up performance
Use variables to hold the worksheets
Fully qualify Cells references with their worksheet
Public Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim wsInfo As Worksheet
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
Set wsInfo = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Info")
Set wsTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Temp")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 2 To 290
' Debug.Print wsInfo.Name & "!" & wsInfo.Range(wsInfo.Cells(3, i), wsInfo.Cells(6, i)).Address & " = " & wsTemp.Name & "!" & wsTemp.Range(wsTemp.Cells(5, i), wsTemp.Cells(8, i)).Address
wsInfo.Range(wsInfo.Cells(3, i), wsInfo.Cells(6, i)).Value = wsTemp.Range(wsTemp.Cells(5, i), wsTemp.Cells(8, i)).Value
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


How can I insert a dynamic last row into a formula?

I'm working with a clean sheet where I paste one column of dates with a varying number of rows. My goal is to show how many times each date shows up. However, every time I get to the last line I keep getting Run-time error '1004' Application-defined or object-defined error.
Here is my code:
Dim lastrow As Long
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set startcell = Range("A1")
lastrow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("B2").Formula = "=countif(A1:" & lastrow & ")"
Thanks in advance!!
COUNTIF function takes 2 arguments (, not one as in your code. Also missed column letter in range. If you want to process N dates, you have to make N formulas COUNTIF.
Try this code (dates in column A from A1, formulas in column B):
Sub times()
With ActiveSheet
Intersect(.Columns(1), .UsedRange).Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(C[-1],RC[-1])"
End With
End Sub
Countif formula is incorrect (missing: col label A + condition)
Outlook: quick to fix, but requires loop for all dates
Current method may be CPU/time-intensive for large lists
Solutions A-D:
See Below (Links section), for google sheets (with full macro code, descriptions) for 4 solutions (3 macro based + 1 macro-free albeit dynamic soln). Briefly:
A: output with correction to your code
B: as for A, with for loop deployed
C: VB code for much quicker implementation of for loop/.Function code
D: macro-free variant (proposed/preferred)
Comparison table
Google Sheet
VBA count and sumifs - Automate Excel
VB code (A-C)
For completeness (same can be found in linked Google Sheet, typed - so macro-free / safe workbook):
Sub Macro_A():
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
cell = Range("a4").Address
Range("B4").Value = "=countif(A1:" & "A" & lastrow & "," & cell & ")"
' For i = 1 To lastrow - Range(cell).Row + 1
' Range("B4").Offset(i - 1).Formula = "=countif(A1:" & "A" & lastrow & "," & Range(cell).Offset(i - 1).Address & ")"
' Next
End Sub
Sub Macro_B():
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
start_time = Timer
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
cell = Range("a4").Address
' Range("B4").Value = "=countif(A1:" & "A" & lastrow & "," & cell & ")"
For i = 1 To lastrow - Range(cell).Row + 1
Range("c4").Offset(i - 1).Formula = "=countif(A1:" & "A" & lastrow & "," & Range(cell).Offset(i - 1).Address & ")"
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Range("c3").End(xlDown).Offset(2).Value = Round(Timer - start_time, 2)
End Sub
Sub Macro_C():
start_time = Timer
Set Rng = Range("A4", Range("A4").End(xlDown))
For Each cell In Rng
cell.Offset(0, 3) = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, cell.Value)
Range("d3").End(xlDown).Offset(2).Value = Round(Timer - start_time, 2)
End Sub
Macro-free soln (D)
Go to Formulas (ribbon), Name Manager:
In Name Manager window that apperas, click 'New...'
Populate dialogue box as req. (modifying Sheet name and $A$4 starting cell as req.)
Test your new dynamic range by clicking on upward arrow in bottom right hand corner (which should select dates in column A as depicted below)
Enter single formula in first cell of output range (here, cell D4)*:
Formulae (for convenience):
Entry in cell D4
*Notes: requires Office 360 for 'spill effect' (input as array formula with 'ctrl' + 'shift' + 'enter' otherwise).
Let me know if you have any further Qs. Best of luck with your excel Spreadsheet!
So many ways to achieve. I use this formula to get the number of rows
Then I build a string from it
I love named ranges so I named the cell with the string built DynamicRangeL2s
Here is how I used the dynamic range in my formula (denormalize() is a custom function I wrote but could be any function) using the INDIRECT() function
Here is a great article on Dynamic Ranges

Excel/VBA - Extracting a range of rows from a selected sheet to a new book

I'm trying to build a new VBA function for Excel. I've got a book of sheets with a front page that always loads first, on this page I've got a combo box that lists all the other sheets in the book and a nice extract button that will pull out the chosen sheet to a new book. (Thanks to those here who helped with that). Now I need a new function that will use the same combo box, but instead only extract a small subset of the chosen sheet.
Unfortunately, that subset isn't on the same rows for every sheet, nor is the number of rows the same (so one sheet, the subset might be 10 rows, on another it might be 12, on another it might be 20, etc etc etc).
On the plus side, there are merged rows (from column A to G) at the start and end of each subset - with specific text, which could be used to search for.
After some back and forth, I've got a better bit of code that I think is almost working:
Sub ZCPS_Extract()
Dim StartRow
Dim EndRow
Dim Zws As Worksheet
Dim wbkOriginal As Workbook
Set wbkOriginal = ActiveWorkbook
StartRow = 1
EndRow = 1
'sets site details into the header of the ZCPS checksheet
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range("B3").Value = Worksheets("front page").Range("E6")
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range("D3").Value = Worksheets("front page").Range("N6")
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range("F3").Value = Worksheets("front page").Range("K6")
Set Zws = Sheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value)
'selects ZCPS block from select estate sheet
StartRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** ZCPS Installation").Row) + 1
EndRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** Aztec Hotfixes").Row) - 1
'copy above block and paste into Z-MISC starting at row 5
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range(Cells(StartRow, 1), Cells(EndRow, 7)).Copy Worksheets("Z-MISC").Range("A5")
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Z-MISC")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
"C:\temp\" _
& ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Z-MISC").Cells(3, 2).Text _
& " ZCPS CheckSheet " _
& Format(Now(), "DD-MM-YY") _
& ".xlsm", _
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, , , , False
End With
'code to close the original workbook to prevent accidental changes etc
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
It's error on the line for copying, I'm getting a runtime error of "Application-defined or object-defined error" which to my limited knowledge isn't helping me. Any assistance/pointers/suggestions are welcomed.
Sub ismerged()
Dim start As Integer, finish As Integer
For i = 1 To Range("A655").End(3).Row + 1
If Cells(i, "A").MergeCells = True Then
start = i
Exit For
End If
For i = start To Range("A655").End(3).Row + 1
If Cells(i, "A").MergeCells = True Then
finish = i
End If
MsgBox start
MsgBox finish
End Sub
Then I guess you can select your data as you wish.
I'm not sure about the way you reference your sheet. I will assume 'comboboxvalue' contains the name or the number of the sheet you are selecting. Your code should be something like the following.
Sub Z_Extract()
Dim StartRow
Dim EndRow
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets(comboboxvalue)
StartRow = ws.Cells.Find("**** ZC").Row
EndRow = ws.Cells.Find("****").Row
'Im assuming you have values up to column G
ws.Range(ws.Cells(StartRow, 1), Cells(EndRow, 7)).Copy
'Now that you have the correct Range selected you can copy it to your new workbook
'SelectedRange.Copy Etc.....
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
Got it working.
Set Zws = Sheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value)
'selects ZCPS block from selected estate sheet
StartRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** ZCPS Installation").Row)
EndRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** Aztec Hotfixes").Row) - 1
'copy above block and paste into Z-MISC starting at row 10
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(StartRow, 1), Cells(EndRow, 7)).Select

Create a VBA macro that Find and Copy?

I need a little bit help with a macro of Excel.
I need to create a macro that automatically find users and copy the values that i have in an other Sheet:
I have one sheet with values that contains the Users and their Kills and Deaths, I create 3 sheets more (3 different groups of users), and I need that the macro copy values automatically finding the users and copying values.
Images to describe it better:
----(Copy this values on)----->
You don't need a macro for this, using the worksheetfunction VLOOKUP is sufficient.
As an example, if you have your headers in row 1 and users in column A, what you'd put into cell B2 (the number of kills for the first user) would be =VLOOKUP($A2;Values!$A$2:$C$9;2;FALSE) and C2 would be =VLOOKUP($A2;Values!$A$2:$C$9;3;FALSE).
The arguments for the function (which you can also find in the linked document) is:
First, the value you're looking for, in your case whatever is in A2
Next the array of values which you want to return a result from - vlookup will only look through the first column, but since you want to return results from the other columns we include columns A:C in the formula.
What column in the range you search to return the result from for kills it is column 2, for deaths column 3.
Finally whether you want to have an exact match (false) or if an approximate one is ok (true).
If I understand what you're after, you should be able to do this with VLOOKUPs
(No VBA necessary)
The following source code solve your problem.
Option Explicit
Dim MyResultWorkbook As Workbook
Dim ValuesWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim SniperWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim ARsWorksheet As Worksheet
Sub CopyResult()
Set MyResultWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set ValuesWorksheet = MyResultWorkbook.Sheets("Values")
Set SniperWorksheet = MyResultWorkbook.Sheets("Sniper")
Set ARsWorksheet = MyResultWorkbook.Sheets("Ars")
Dim SniperLastRow As Long
Dim ARLastRow As Long
Dim RowPointer As Long
Dim ValuePointer As Long
ValuePointer = 2
'Update the Sniper worksheets
SniperLastRow = SniperWorksheet.Cells(SniperWorksheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For RowPointer = 2 To SniperLastRow
Do While (SniperWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Value <> ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Value)
ValuePointer = ValuePointer + 1
SniperWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 1).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 1).Value 'copy kill
SniperWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 2).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 2).Value 'copy death
ValuePointer = 2
'Update the Ars worksheets
ARLastRow = ARsWorksheet.Cells(ARsWorksheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For RowPointer = 2 To ARLastRow
Do While (ARsWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Value <> ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Value)
ValuePointer = ValuePointer + 1
ARsWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 1).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 1).Value 'copy kill
ARsWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 2).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 2).Value 'copy death
ValuePointer = 2
End Sub

Change a cell's format to boldface if the value is over 500

I am using Excel 2010 and trying to add a bunch of rows placing the sum of columns A and B in column C. If the sum is over 500 I would then like to boldface the number in column C. My code below works works mathematically but will not do the bold formatting. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you.
Public Sub addMyRows()
Dim row As Integer 'creates a variable called 'row'
row = 2 'sets row to 2 b/c first row is a title
Cells(row, 3).Formula = "=A" & row & "+B" & row 'the 3 stands for column C.
If ActiveCell.Value > 500 Then Selection.Font.Bold = True
row = row + 1
'loops until it encounters an empty row
Loop Until Len(Cells(row, 1)) = 0
End Sub
Pure VBA approach:
Public Sub AddMyRows()
Dim LRow As Long
Dim Rng As Range, Cell As Range
LRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range("C2:C" & LRow)
Rng.Formula = "=A2+B2"
For Each Cell In Rng
Cell.Font.Bold = (Cell.Value > 500)
Next Cell
End Sub
An alternative is conditional formatting.
Hope this helps.
Note: The formula in the block has been edited to reflect #simoco's comment regarding a re-run of the code. This makes the code safer for the times when you need to re-run it. :)

Resizing Cell in excel macro

I'm trying to link data from an Excel sheet, copy them to another sheet, and then copy onto another workbook. The data is non-contiguous, and the amount of iterations I need is unknown.
A portion of the code that I have now is below:
Sub GetCells()
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, c As Integer
Dim test As Boolean
x = 0
i = 0
test = False
Do Until test = True
Windows("Room Checksums.xls").Activate
'This block gets the room name
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Select
ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True
'This block gets the area
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Select
ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True
i = i + 108
x = x + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Select
test = ActiveCell.Value = ""
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(x, 12)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True
End Sub
The problem is that it is copying and pasting each cell one by one, flipping between sheets in the process. What I'd like to do is select a number of scattered cells, offset by 108 cells, and select the next number of scattered cells (re-sizing).
What would be the best way to do so?
I have been studying the end result of your macro. My objective is to identify a better approach to achieving that result rather than tidying your existing approach.
You name your two workbooks: "Room Checksums.xls" and "GetReference.xlsm". "xls" is the extension of an Excel 2003 workbook. "xlsm" is the extension of a post-2003 workbook that contains macros. Perhaps you are using these extensions correctly but you should check.
I use Excel 2003 so all my workbooks have an extension of "xls". I suspect you will need to change this.
I have created three workbooks: "Room Checksums.xls", "GetReference.xls" and "Macros.xls". "Room Checksums.xls" and "GetReference.xls" contain nothing but data. The macros are in "Macros.xls". I use this division when only privileged users can run the macros and I do not wish ordinary users to be bothered by or have access to those macros. My macro below can be placed without changes within "GetReference.xls" if you prefer.
The image below shows worksheet “Sheet1” of "Room Checksums.xls". I have hidden most of the rows and columns because they contain nothing relevant to your macro. I have set the cell values to their addresses for my convenience but there is no other significance to these values.
I ran your macro. “Sheet2” of "Room Checksums.xls" became:
Note: the formula bar shows cell A1 as =Sheet1!$B$6. That is, this is a link not a value.
The active worksheet of "GetReference.xls” became:
Note 1: the zeros in columns C to L are because you move 12 columns. I assume there is other data in these columns of “Sheet2” of your "Room Checksums.xls" that you want.
Note 2: the formula bar shows cell A8 as ='[Room Checksums.xls]Sheet2'!A1.
My macro achieves the same result as yours but in a somewhat different manner. However, there are a number of features to my macro which I need to explain. They are not strictly necessary but I believe they represent good practice.
Your macro contains a lot of what I call magic numbers. For example: B6, AN99, 108 and A8. It is possible that these values are meaningful to your company but I suspect they are accidents of the current workbooks. You use the value 108 several times. If this value were to change to 109, you would have to search your code for 108 and replace it by 109. The number 108 is sufficiently unusual for it to be unlikely that it occurs in your code for other reasons but other numbers may not be so unusual making replacement a painstaking task. At the moment you may know what this number means. Will you remember when you return to amend this macro in 12 months?
I have defined 108 as a constant:
Const Offset1 As Long = 108
I would prefer a better name but I do not know what this number is. You could replace all occurrences of “Offset1” with a more meaningful name. Alternatively, you could add comments explaining what it is. If the value becomes 109, one change to this statement fixes the problem. I think most of my names should be replaced with something more meaningful.
You assume "Room Checksums.xls" and "GetReference.xlsm" are open. If one of both of them were not open, the macro would stop on the relevant activate statement. Perhaps an earlier macro has opened these workbooks but I have added code to check that they are open.
My macro does not paste anything. It has three phases:
Work down worksheet “Sheet1” of "Room Checksums.xls" to identify last non-empty cell in the sequence: B6, B114, B222, B330, B438, ... .
Create links to these entries (and the AN99 series) in worksheet “Sheet2” of "Room Checksums.xls". Formulae are just strings which start with the symbol “=” and they can be created like any other string.
Create links in worksheet “Xxxxxx” of "GetReference.xls” to the table in “Sheet2” of "Room Checksums.xls". I do not like relying on the correct worksheet being active. You will have to replace “Xxxxxx” with the correct value.
In my macro I have attempted to explain what I am doing but I have not said much about the syntax of the statements I am using. You should have little difficulty finding explanations of the syntax but do ask if necessary.
I think you will find some of my statements confusing. For example:
.Cells(RowSrc2Crnt, Col1Src2).Value = "=" & WshtSrc1Name & "!$" & Col1Src1 & _
"$" & Row1Src1Start + OffsetCrnt
None of the names are as meaningful as I would like because I do not understand the purpose of the worksheets, columns and offset. Instead of copying and pasting, I am building a formula such as “=Sheet1!$B$6”. If you work through the expression you should be able to relate each term with an element of the formula:
"=" =
WshtSrc1Name Sheet1
"!$" !$
Col1Src1 B
"$" $
Row1Src1Start + OffsetCrnt 6
This macro is not quite as I would have coded it for myself since I prefer to use arrays rather than access worksheets directly. I decided that I was introducing more than enough concepts without the addition of arrays.
Even without arrays this macro is more difficult for a newbie to understand than I had expected when I started coding it. It is divided into three separate phases each with a separate purpose which should help a little. If you study it, I hope you can see why it would be easier to maintain if the format of the workbooks changed. If you have large volumes of data, this macro would be substantially faster than yours.
Option Explicit
Const ColDestStart As Long = 1
Const Col1Src1 As String = "B"
Const Col2Src1 As String = "AN"
Const Col1Src2 As String = "A"
Const Col2Src2 As String = "B"
Const ColSrc2Start As Long = 1
Const ColSrc2End As Long = 12
Const Offset1 As Long = 108
Const RowDestStart As Long = 8
Const Row1Src1Start As Long = 6
Const Row2Src1Start As Long = 99
Const RowSrc2Start As Long = 1
Const WbookDestName As String = "GetReference.xls"
Const WbookSrcName As String = "Room Checksums.xls"
Const WshtDestName As String = "Xxxxxx"
Const WshtSrc1Name As String = "Sheet1"
Const WshtSrc2Name As String = "Sheet2"
Sub GetCellsRevised()
Dim ColDestCrnt As Long
Dim ColSrc2Crnt As Long
Dim InxEntryCrnt As Long
Dim InxEntryMax As Long
Dim InxWbookCrnt As Long
Dim OffsetCrnt As Long
Dim OffsetMax As Long
Dim RowDestCrnt As Long
Dim RowSrc2Crnt As Long
Dim WbookDest As Workbook
Dim WbookSrc As Workbook
' Check the source and destination workbooks are open and create references to them.
Set WbookDest = Nothing
Set WbookSrc = Nothing
For InxWbookCrnt = 1 To Workbooks.Count
If Workbooks(InxWbookCrnt).Name = WbookDestName Then
Set WbookDest = Workbooks(InxWbookCrnt)
ElseIf Workbooks(InxWbookCrnt).Name = WbookSrcName Then
Set WbookSrc = Workbooks(InxWbookCrnt)
End If
If WbookDest Is Nothing Then
Call MsgBox("I need workbook """ & WbookDestName & """ to be open", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
If WbookSrc Is Nothing Then
Call MsgBox("I need workbook """ & WbookSrcName & """ to be open", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
' Phase 1. Locate the last non-empty cell in the sequence: B6, B114, B222, ...
' within source worksheet 1
OffsetCrnt = 0
With WbookSrc.Worksheets(WshtSrc1Name)
Do While True
If .Cells(Row1Src1Start + OffsetCrnt, Col1Src1).Value = "" Then
Exit Do
End If
OffsetCrnt = OffsetCrnt + Offset1
End With
If OffsetCrnt = 0 Then
Call MsgBox("There is no data to reference", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
OffsetMax = OffsetCrnt - Offset1
' Phase 2. Build table in source worksheet 2
RowSrc2Crnt = RowSrc2Start
With WbookSrc.Worksheets(WshtSrc2Name)
For OffsetCrnt = 0 To OffsetMax Step Offset1
.Cells(RowSrc2Crnt, Col1Src2).Value = "=" & WshtSrc1Name & "!$" & Col1Src1 & _
"$" & Row1Src1Start + OffsetCrnt
.Cells(RowSrc2Crnt, Col2Src2).Value = "=" & WshtSrc1Name & "!$" & Col2Src1 & _
"$" & Row2Src1Start + OffsetCrnt
RowSrc2Crnt = RowSrc2Crnt + 1
End With
' Phase 3. Build table in destination worksheet
RowSrc2Crnt = RowSrc2Start
RowDestCrnt = RowDestStart
With WbookDest.Worksheets(WshtDestName)
For OffsetCrnt = 0 To OffsetMax Step Offset1
ColDestCrnt = ColDestStart
For ColSrc2Crnt = ColSrc2Start To ColSrc2End
.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestCrnt).Value = _
"='[" & WbookSrcName & "]" & WshtSrc2Name & "'!" & _
ColNumToCode(ColSrc2Crnt) & RowSrc2Crnt
ColDestCrnt = ColDestCrnt + 1
RowSrc2Crnt = RowSrc2Crnt + 1
RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
End With
End Sub
Function ColNumToCode(ByVal ColNum As Long) As String
Dim Code As String
Dim PartNum As Long
' Last updated 3 Feb 12. Adapted to handle three character codes.
If ColNum = 0 Then
ColNumToCode = "0"
Code = ""
Do While ColNum > 0
PartNum = (ColNum - 1) Mod 26
Code = Chr(65 + PartNum) & Code
ColNum = (ColNum - PartNum - 1) \ 26
End If
ColNumToCode = Code
End Function