Create a VBA macro that Find and Copy? - vba

I need a little bit help with a macro of Excel.
I need to create a macro that automatically find users and copy the values that i have in an other Sheet:
I have one sheet with values that contains the Users and their Kills and Deaths, I create 3 sheets more (3 different groups of users), and I need that the macro copy values automatically finding the users and copying values.
Images to describe it better:
----(Copy this values on)----->

You don't need a macro for this, using the worksheetfunction VLOOKUP is sufficient.
As an example, if you have your headers in row 1 and users in column A, what you'd put into cell B2 (the number of kills for the first user) would be =VLOOKUP($A2;Values!$A$2:$C$9;2;FALSE) and C2 would be =VLOOKUP($A2;Values!$A$2:$C$9;3;FALSE).
The arguments for the function (which you can also find in the linked document) is:
First, the value you're looking for, in your case whatever is in A2
Next the array of values which you want to return a result from - vlookup will only look through the first column, but since you want to return results from the other columns we include columns A:C in the formula.
What column in the range you search to return the result from for kills it is column 2, for deaths column 3.
Finally whether you want to have an exact match (false) or if an approximate one is ok (true).

If I understand what you're after, you should be able to do this with VLOOKUPs
(No VBA necessary)

The following source code solve your problem.
Option Explicit
Dim MyResultWorkbook As Workbook
Dim ValuesWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim SniperWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim ARsWorksheet As Worksheet
Sub CopyResult()
Set MyResultWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set ValuesWorksheet = MyResultWorkbook.Sheets("Values")
Set SniperWorksheet = MyResultWorkbook.Sheets("Sniper")
Set ARsWorksheet = MyResultWorkbook.Sheets("Ars")
Dim SniperLastRow As Long
Dim ARLastRow As Long
Dim RowPointer As Long
Dim ValuePointer As Long
ValuePointer = 2
'Update the Sniper worksheets
SniperLastRow = SniperWorksheet.Cells(SniperWorksheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For RowPointer = 2 To SniperLastRow
Do While (SniperWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Value <> ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Value)
ValuePointer = ValuePointer + 1
SniperWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 1).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 1).Value 'copy kill
SniperWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 2).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 2).Value 'copy death
ValuePointer = 2
'Update the Ars worksheets
ARLastRow = ARsWorksheet.Cells(ARsWorksheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For RowPointer = 2 To ARLastRow
Do While (ARsWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Value <> ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Value)
ValuePointer = ValuePointer + 1
ARsWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 1).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 1).Value 'copy kill
ARsWorksheet.Range("A" & RowPointer).Offset(0, 2).Value = ValuesWorksheet.Range("A" & ValuePointer).Offset(0, 2).Value 'copy death
ValuePointer = 2
End Sub


Excel loop condition based concatenation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
PowerQuery: How can I concatenate grouped values?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am very new to excel macros and i need your help to fix one of my condition based concatenation problem.
i will explain the problem with simple scenario in below:
In my sheet , Column A contains customer name and Column B contains country names. Attached excel screenprint for reference ( column C and Column D will be my expected results)
In the column A, single customer name can be repeated as he can have multiple country representations
In the column B, countries placed as shown in the screenprint.
My expected results will be look alike in the column C and D as shown in the image.
I can do the column C using INDEX and i am able to get the unique values from column A
For the column D ,i am expecting the results in such a way that all countries will be concatenated and separated by ' / ' based on the corresponding customer in column A. I tried some vlookups and indexes, but i am unable
to do it.
it would be really helpful if you could provide any suggestions(function/Macros) how it will be achieved.
I am a lower intermediate vba user, so I will admit that I am sure someone can do this better than , however, this works. Add a button and then click on it, or add this to the worksheet and it will occur whenever you choose for it to be fired:
Option Explicit
Sub listout()
'declare your variables
Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim cprange As Range
Dim rmrange As Range
Dim bottomRow As Long
Dim row As Range
Dim countname As Variant
Dim copyname As Variant
Dim nametoRow As Long
'speed up process
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'set what the variables are
Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
Set ws1 = wbk.Worksheets("Names List")
bottomRow = ws1.Range("A1").End(xlDown).row
'get ird of any excisting values
'Set the range of the names that you want to copy, and put them into column C
Set cprange = ws1.Range(Range("A1"), Range("A1" & bottomRow))
ws1.Range(Range("C1"), Range("C1" & bottomRow)) = cprange.Value
'then remove all the duplicates
Set rmrange = ws1.Range(Range("C1"), Range("C1" & bottomRow))
rmrange.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
'redclare the range as it will be shorter because you got rid of load sof duplicates
Set rmrange = ws1.Range(Range("C1"), Range("C1").End(xlDown))
'loop though each name in the 'unique' list and loop through their names in the original data then add the country to their new location in column D
For Each copyname In rmrange
For Each row In cprange
nametoRow = ws1.Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(copyname, rmrange, False)
countname = row.Offset(0, 1)
If row.Value = copyname Then
If Trim(ws1.Range("D" & nametoRow) & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then
ws1.Range("D" & nametoRow) = countname
ws1.Range("D" & nametoRow) = ws1.Range("D" & nametoRow) & "/ " & countname
End If
End If
Next row
Next copyname
'turn these back on otherwise it messes with your computer/excel
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here is a more efficient method.
Advanced Filter to remove duplicates from Col A, paste on Col C
Set necessary ranges
Loop through each unique name
Build String
Paste String
Loop 4 - 6 until complete
Assumptions/Actions: You have headers on Col A, B, C, & D. If you have duplicate countries for a person, the country will show up twice on the string.You will need to change "Sheet1" to your sheet name on the 3rd line.
Usually you would need to check if your value is found using the .Find method, but the below logic does not allow for a cell to not be found as it is looping through values determined by filter. It wouldn't make since for a filtered object to not be found in the range it came from.
Option Explicit
Sub CountryList()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim FoundCell As Range, SearchRange As Range, Names As Range, SearchCell As Range
Dim MyString As String, i As Long
Set SearchRange = ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
SearchRange.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=ws.Range("C2"), Unique:=True
ws.Range("C2").Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
Set Names = ws.Range("C2:C" & ws.Range("C" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each SearchCell In Names
Set FoundCell = SearchRange.Find(SearchCell)
For i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(SearchRange, SearchCell)
MyString = MyString & FoundCell.Offset(, 1) & "/"
Set FoundCell = SearchRange.FindNext(FoundCell)
Next i
SearchCell.Offset(, 1) = Left(MyString, Len(MyString) - 1)
MyString = ""
Next SearchCell
End Sub

Moving Exact Data

Good Morning,
I am looking to build a macro to move data between 2 Sheets
In the first sheet, I have data from my manufacture which I called that sheet "original"
In my second Sheet, I called "Finished".
I want to move Data from Original to Finished
In my Original sheet, those headers are not aligned nor are they named the same as in my finished sheet.
in My original sheet, I have a column D which has 3 types of products "Parent, Product Variant, and Standard" so depending on which type of product that data has to be moved into different cells.
So I may need to move original A1 to finished H1 because the match is standard
But if the Match is Parent I may need to move original A1 to C1
or if the match is Product Variation I might need to move A1 to I1
So I am trying to simplify this process
I also may have to merge cells depending on if it is Standard, Parent or Product Variant so I might have data in A1, F1 and AA 1 that have to merged together with a "," or "/" in between
Thanks for any help on pointing me in the right direction for the macro that can help me sort this
Sub Kroll()
Dim i As Long
lastrow lastrow = Sheets("Original").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
For i = 2 To lastrow
If Sheets("original").Cells(i, "D").Value = "Parent Product" Then
Sheets("original").Cells(i, "E").EntireRow.Copy _
Destination:=Sheets("Standard").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
End If
Next i
End Sub
I've provided some code which may help you moving some data assuming column D is something like in the picture provided. For the merging problem you have to provide some more detailed explanation and example on what you want being merged.
Picture assumed Column D
Option Explicit
Sub Moving_Exact_Data()
Dim originalSheet As Worksheet
Dim finishedSheet As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim productRange As Range
Dim i As Integer
'Assuming original sheet is Sheet1
Set originalSheet = Sheet1
'Assuming finished sheet is Sheet2
Set finishedSheet = Sheet2
lastRow = originalSheet.Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastRow
With originalSheet
If .Cells(i, 4) = "Parent" Then
finishedSheet.Cells(i, 3) = .Cells(i, 4)
ElseIf .Cells(i, 4) = "Product Variant" Then
finishedSheet.Cells(i, 9) = .Cells(i, 4)
ElseIf .Cells(i, 4) = "Standard" Then
finishedSheet.Cells(i, 8) = .Cells(i, 4)
MsgBox ("no match")
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub

Column and Row Indexing - VBA

I am trying to write something that does the following in excel macro (VBA):
For 'column X' of 'spreadsheet'
Copy range(row(1):row(5)
Paste to 'other spreadsheet' in range (row(1):row(5)) and column(Y)
And I want that to loop through the first spreadsheet for every column in the spreadsheet. This is what I have for 1 column:
Sheets("Info").Range("B3:B6").Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range("HK5:HK8").Value
Sheets("Info").Range("C3:C6").Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range("HK10:HK13").Value
This is what I want to do, however for every column within the first spreadsheet (there is 300 columns, manually would be tedious).
EDIT: This is another way i have found that may help explain the comments left below:
For i = 2 To 3
Worksheets("Info").Range(Cells(3, i), Cells(6, i)).Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range(Cells(5, i), Cells(8, i)).Value
Next i
I hoping this loops over the columns (2 - 290) currently its only from column 2 to 3 for testing purposes. I want the cells from TEMP worksheet from every column ('i') from row 5-8 and I want to put that into the INFO worksheet in column ('i') rows 3-6. Hope this helps!
Your description isn't consistent and I am not sure what is wrong with your final code. I have left a commented out debug statement so you can see what ranges are being worked with.
Use Option Explicit at the top of your code
Make sure to declare i as Long
Switch of ScreenUpdating to speed up performance
Use variables to hold the worksheets
Fully qualify Cells references with their worksheet
Public Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim wsInfo As Worksheet
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
Set wsInfo = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Info")
Set wsTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Temp")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 2 To 290
' Debug.Print wsInfo.Name & "!" & wsInfo.Range(wsInfo.Cells(3, i), wsInfo.Cells(6, i)).Address & " = " & wsTemp.Name & "!" & wsTemp.Range(wsTemp.Cells(5, i), wsTemp.Cells(8, i)).Address
wsInfo.Range(wsInfo.Cells(3, i), wsInfo.Cells(6, i)).Value = wsTemp.Range(wsTemp.Cells(5, i), wsTemp.Cells(8, i)).Value
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sum Values based on unique ID

Just started a new job. I'm automating a month-end report and I'm new at VBA. Been googling most of my issues with success, but I've finally run into a wall. In essence I'm downloading some data from SAP and from there I need to build a report.
My question is: How to do a sumif function using loops in VBA?
Data pull:
Sheet1 contains a product code and purchase amounts (columns A & B) respectively. One product code can have several purchases (several rows with the same product code).
Steps so far:
I arranged the data sheet1 to be in ascending order.
Copied unique values for the product codes onto another sheet (sheet2). So Sheet2 has a list of all the products (in ascending order).
I want to get the sum of all purchases in sheet2 column B (per product code). I know how to do this using formulas, but I need to automate this as much as possible. (+ I'm genuinely interested in figuring this out)
This is what I did in VBA so far:
Sub Macro_test()
Dim tb As Worksheet
Dim tb2 As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim lrow As Long
Set tb = Sheets("sheet1")
Set tb2 = Sheets("sheet2")
lrow = tb.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 2 To lrow
For y = 2 To lrow
If tb2.Cells(x, 1).Value = tb.Cells(y, 1).Value Then
tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value = tb.Cells(y, 2).Value
End If
Next y
Next x
End Sub
If i'm not mistaken, for each product_code in sheet2 col A, I'm looping through all the product codes in sheet1 and getting back the LAST value it finds, instead of the sum of all values... I understand why it doesn't work, I just don't know how to fix it.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
This statement overwrites the value of tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value at each iteration:
tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value = tb.Cells(y, 2).Value
Instead, I think you need to keep adding to it:
tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value = tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value + tb.Cells(y, 2).Value
But I don't like the looks of your double-loop which uses only one lrow variable to represent the "last row" on the two different worksheets, that could be causing some issues.
Or, in your loop do something like this which I think will avoid the duplicate sum. Still, assumes the second worksheet doesn't initially have any value in
' Base our lRow on Sheet2, we don't care how many rows in Sheet1.
lrow = tb2.Cells(tb2.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim cl as Range
Set cl = tb.Cells(2,1) 'Our initial cell value / ID
For x = 2 to lRow '## Look the rows on Sheet 2
'## Check if the cell on Sheet1 == cell on Sheet2
While cl.Value = tb2.Cells(x,1).Value
'## Add cl.Value t- the tb2 cell:
tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value = tb2.Cells(x, 2).Value + cl.Offset(0,1).Value
Set cl = cl.Offset(1) '## Reassign to the next Row
But it would be better to omit the double-loop and simply use VBA to do 1 of the following:
1. Insert The Formula:
(See Scott Holtzman's answer).
This approach is better for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that the WorksheetFunction is optimized already, so it should arguably perform better though on a small dataset the difference in runtime will be negligible. The other reason is that it's stupid to reinvent the wheel unless you have a very good justification for doing so, so in this case, why write your own version of code that accomplishes what the built-in SumIf already does and is specifically designed to do?
This approach is also ideal if the reference data may change, as the cell formulas will automatically recalculate based on the data in Sheet1.
2. Evaluate the formula & replace with values only:
If you prefer not to retain the formula, then a simple Value assignment can remove the formula but retain the results:
With .Range(.Range("B2"), .Range("A2").End(xlDown).Offset(, 1))
.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(Sheet1!C[-1]:C[-1],RC[-1],Sheet1!C:C)"
.Value = .Value 'This line gets rid of the formula but retains the values
End With
Use this approach if you will be removing Sheet1, as removing the referents will break the formula on Sheet2, or if you otherwise want the Sheet2 to be a "snapshot" instead of a dynamic summation.
If you really need this automated, take advantage of VBA to place the formula for you. It's very quick and easy using R1C1 notation.
Complete code (tested):
Dim tb As Worksheet
Dim tb2 As Worksheet
Set tb = Sheets("sheet1")
Set tb2 = Sheets("sheet2")
Dim lrow As Long
lrow = tb.Cells(tb.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
tb.Range("A2:A" & lrow).Copy tb2.Range("A2")
With tb2
.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.RemoveDuplicates 1
With .Range(.Range("B2"), .Range("A2").End(xlDown).Offset(, 1))
.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(Sheet1!C[-1]:C[-1],RC[-1],Sheet1!C:C)"
End With
End With
Note that with R1C1 notation the C and R are not referring to column or row letters . Rather they are the column and row offsets from the place where the formula is stored on the specific worksheet. In this case Sheet!C[-1] refers to the entire A column of sheet one, since the formula is entered into column B of sheet 2.
I wrote a neat little algorithm (if you can call it that) that does what you want them spits out grouped by totals into another sheet. Basically it loops through the first section to get unique names/labels and stores them into an array. Then it iterates through that array and adds up values if the current iteration matches what the current iteration of the nested loop position.
Private Sub that()
Dim this As Variant
Dim that(9, 1) As String
Dim rowC As Long
Dim colC As Long
this = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4").UsedRange
rowC = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4").UsedRange.Rows.Count
colC = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4").UsedRange.Columns.Count
Dim thisname As String
Dim i As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim x As Long
For i = LBound(this, 1) To UBound(this, 1)
thisname = this(i, 1)
For x = LBound(that, 1) To UBound(that, 1)
If thisname = that(x, 0) Then
Exit For
ElseIf thisname <> that(x, 0) And that(x, 0) = vbNullString Then
that(x, 0) = thisname
Exit For
End If
Next x
Next i
For i = LBound(that, 1) To UBound(that, 1)
thisname = that(i, 0)
For j = LBound(this, 1) To UBound(this, 1)
If this(j, 1) = thisname Then
thisvalue = thisvalue + this(j, 2)
End If
Next j
that(i, 1) = thisvalue
thisvalue = 0
Next i
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet5").Range(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet5").Cells(1, 1), ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet5").Cells(rowC, colC)).Value2 = that
End Sub
Yay arrays

Copying multiple cells in same row based on multiple criteria

Background: I have an Excel file used for tracking credit card payables. There are 18 columns of data (A through R). Out of these 18 columns, I want to use a macro to filter for specific statement date and then for a specific company code.
Each company code will be assigned a new worksheet. In each of these worksheets, I want to bring over specific cells from the master worksheet based on the criteria. For instance, the macro should first sort for statement date (7/31/2012) and then company code (ABC). Then, I need to run a loop to bring over details. For instance, in the master worksheet, the GL code in column P needs to be copied to the "ABC" worksheet in column H.
Here's a summary of what needs to happen:
1. Clear any filters in filter range (A2:R2)
2. Filter for date in cell A1 on "Master" worksheet beginning in cell A3 (date column)
3. Filter for company code (ABC) in column O
That should give a data set for particular company's statement activity. Here's what needs to happen next:
4. Copy Column P cell values in "master" worksheet to Column C in "ABC" worksheet
5. Copy Column N cell values in "master" worksheet to Column D in "ABC" worksheet
6. Copy Column R cell values in "master" worksheet to Column H in "ABC" worksheet
7. Copy Column F cell values in "master" worksheet to Column G in "ABC" worksheet, but max of 30 characters
8. If Column G value in "master" worksheet is >=0, then copy that value to Column E in "ABC" worksheet (otherwise needs to be zero)
9. If column G value in "master" worksheet is <0, then copy that value to Column F in "ABC" worksheet (otherwise needs to be zero)
Is this possible?
Here's a sub that should get you started. I did not implement all your steps, but I believe this is enough to take and finish on your own. If you find this answer is helpful to get you where you need to go, please accept this answer. If you have problems with anything here, please add a comment to this answer asking for clarification.
I have only tested on dummy data, but what I did work with was successful.
Option Explicit
Sub TransferData()
Dim Master As Worksheet
Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
Dim CompanyList As Object
Dim lRow As Long, lMaxRow As Long, lNewRow As Long
Dim vDictItem As Variant
Set CompanyList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Master = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master")
If Master.FilterMode Then
End If
Master.Range("A:R").Sort Master.Range("A2"), xlAscending, Master.Range("O2"), , xlAscending, , , xlYes
lMaxRow = Master.Range("A" & Master.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For lRow = 3 To lMaxRow
If Not CompanyList.Exists(Master.Range("A" & lRow).Value) Then
CompanyList.Add Master.Range("A" & lRow).Value, Master.Range("A" & lRow).Value
End If
Next lRow
For Each vDictItem In CompanyList.Keys
Master.Range("A3:R" & lMaxRow).AutoFilter 1, vDictItem
If Master.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count > 0 Then
Set NewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
NewSheet.Name = vDictItem
lNewRow = 1
For lRow = 3 To lMaxRow
If Master.Rows(lRow).Hidden = False Then
lNewRow = lNewRow + 1
NewSheet.Range("C1").Value = Master.Range("P1").Value
NewSheet.Range("C" & lNewRow).Value = Master.Range("P" & lRow).Value
NewSheet.Range("G1").Value = Master.Range("F1").Value
NewSheet.Range("G" & lNewRow).Value = Left(Master.Range("F" & lRow).Value, 30)
NewSheet.Range("E1").Value = Master.Range("G1").Value & " (POS)"
NewSheet.Range("F1").Value = Master.Range("G1").Value & " (NEG)"
If Master.Range("G" & lRow).Value >= 0 Then
NewSheet.Range("E" & lNewRow).Value = Left(Master.Range("G" & lRow).Value, 30)
NewSheet.Range("F" & lNewRow).Value = Left(Master.Range("G" & lRow).Value, 30)
End If
End If
Next lRow
End If
Next vDictItem
End Sub