enable ssl for openstack - apache

I do not know if here where I have to put my question or not. I really need help. it's been three days i'm trying to configure SSL in openstack with httpd but i fail, i've followed redhat documentation Configuring Secured Deployment (HTTPS) with my own setup but when i restart httpd service i get some errors below :
httpd status


ssl for aws EC2 Flask application

I have registered a free domain name from freenom.com and added nameservers from AWS route53. Now my domain <blabla>.ga successfully redirects to EC2 python flask server. But I really can't figure out how to add ssl by using lets encrypt. I am following the link https://ivopetkov.com/b/let-s-encrypt-on-ec2/ for SLLifying my ec2.after running letsencrypt-auto I add domain names and press enter, then I get
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-40-218 letsencrypt]$ cd /opt/letsencrypt/
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-40-218 letsencrypt]$ ./letsencrypt-auto
Requesting to rerun ./letsencrypt-auto with root privileges...
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator apache, Installer apache
No names were found in your configuration files. Please enter in your domain
name(s) (comma and/or space separated) (Enter 'c' to cancel): iotserver.ga www.iotserver.ga
Obtaining a new certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for iotserver.ga
http-01 challenge for www.iotserver.ga
Cleaning up challenges
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
A similar question is asked here, but I've already done most part explained in both of the answers. Can anyone assist me on what I am missing here ?
try following tutorials:
Make sure that you able to access said web app without https, then try to install SSL. As I can see you are getting following error
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
There must be some configuration issue. Please debug it and let me know.

AWS SSL configuration with Ubuntu EC2 instance

I have been trying to search any relevant step by step guidance for implementing Amazon SSL with my Ubuntu Server on EC2 instance but haven't got any of desired help.
I would highly appreciate step by step configuration of ubuntu server with Apache2 to incorporate with Amazon SSL and make HTTPS work on my server.
I have done the steps with OpenSSL but everytime get Non-secure connection.
I have also opened the ports which are under inbound rules in Amazon console but still non-secure.

No response from running Tomcat: does not start, does nothing

I'm using Ansible to spin up a new Amazon EC2 install, and then I install Java and Tomcat (via the yum module). After placing the war for sample project from the Apache website in the webapps directory, I go and run the the command (below), nothing happens. It returns with response, no error. I've checked both the IP and port 8080 and Tomcat is not running.
[centos#sonar-test webapps]$ sudo systemctl start tomcat
[centos#sonar-test webapps]$ sudo systemctl start tomcat
[centos#sonar-test webapps]$
For reference, I was following this tutorial as well:
From your comment on my question running curl in your ec2 instance
When I curl I get a large html document with various apache-esque things on it
It means Tomcat is installed and running.
If you don't access it, its because of your security group rules
In your ec2 console, select the Security Groups option. Edit the rules that is associated with your ec2 instance (the one running Tomcat) and permits inbound connections to port 8080 (so you can make request to your Tomcat server) and port 80 if you're running Apache (or nginx/another web server). If you're not sure about security, you can restrict the inbound traffic to come only from your IP so you can test but no-one else can make request.

Apache restart failed after adding OpenID Connect module

I use Debian 8.0 running an Apache v.2.4.10 and I try to add the OpenID Connect module named libapach2-mod-auth-openidc version 1.6.0.
After installing the module, I enable it with the command: sudo a2enmod auth_openidc. This works fine and now I want to restart the Apache server with sudo service apache2 restart, which leads me to an error
"Job for apache2 failed. See 'systemctl status apache2.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details."
The result of
systemctl status apache2.service
shows an error while starting the server, but no detailed information of the error (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE).
And the result of
journalctl -xn
tells, that there are no journals.
So if I am disabling the auth_openidc module, the Apache server starts again without problems.
Details of the Configuration:
Apache runs with its default settings. I did not change anything!
auth_openidc module was not changed by me neither at this time!
Can someone explain why Apache with the enabled auth_openidc module would not start anymore?
After installing libapache2-mod-auth-openidc you will have to configure some settings before the module can be used successfully. Two of the mandatory settings are OIDCRedirectURI and OIDCCryptoPassphrase. Most probably you'll also have to configure client credentials for your OpenID Connect provider. You can take a look at the sample configurations at: https://github.com/pingidentity/mod_auth_openidc#openid-connect-sso-with-google-sign-in
Errors/warnings about the missing configuration directives should be displayed in: /var/log/apache2/error.log
While we're at it, I would also advise you to use the latest version 1.8.1 from https://github.com/pingidentity/mod_auth_openidc/releases

How to setup puppet master as a node

Currently I have a master and agent working on separate Centos 6.5 VMs. I would like to be able to configure my own master as I will be tearing down and making a new master every time.
How can I get puppet agent --test --noop to work on my master machine as well?
Currently I receive an error:
Error: Could not request certificate: 502 "Proxy Error ( The specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port is not allowed. ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL requests from this port. Most Web browsers use port 443 for SSL requests. )"
SSL requests seem to be setup for port 443. Any thoughts?
Thank you very much!
Credit to Felix Frank, mr_tron
Issue seemed to be solved by removing http_proxy declaration in .bashrc file and anywhere else
Puppet Master now able to act as an agent
Thank you,