Unable to scroll on following screens due to overlay of elements? - selenium

Unable to scroll on following screens due to overlay of elements?
Jatin ยท 2 days ago
Scenario- After filling all the details , user need to scroll from "for how many people" to bottom...
Line of code -
driver.findElementByXPath("//android.widget.TextView[#text='Send enquiry']").click();
// driver.findElementById("com.letsdogether.dogether:id/date_picker_year").click();
// driver.findElementByXPath("//android.widget.TextView[#content-desc=\"2020\"]").sendKeys("2020");
driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().textContains(\"Message (Optional)\").instance(0))");
-------- scrolling is not happening by this command or neither from below command
// driver.findElementsByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector()).scrollIntoView(text(\"Message (Optional)\"));");
WebElement buttonElement = driver.findElement(By.id("com.letsdogether.dogether:id/send_enquiry_increase_seats_button"));
int i;
for(i=0;i<=10;i++) {
// driver.findElementById("com.letsdogether.dogether:id/send_enquiry_increase_seats_button").click();

This blog post does a good job of covering some of the ways you can scroll in Appium, specifically on Android. A few ways you can scroll to the bottom of your screen are:
With UiScrollable, using scrollIntoView() and passing the identifier for the scrollable container. For example:
driver.findElement(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().resourceId(\"" + *scrollable container ID* + "\")).scrollIntoView("+ "new UiSelector().resourceId(\"" + *ID of the element you want to scroll to* + "\"))"));
With UiScrollable, just execute a scrollForward(). For example,
driver.findElement(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().resourceId(\"" + *scrollable container ID* + "\")).scrollForward()"));
Last resort, you can always use TouchActions. For example,
TouchAction actions = new TouchAction(driver);
actions.press(startX,startY).waitAction(Duration.ofSeconds(1)).moveTo(endX, endY).release().perform();
You can determine the coordinates to begin and end your TouchAction either as a proportion of your screen size, or as specific coordinates from one element to another.
Google is your friend. Let me know if this helps!


How to get Position of button in selenium c#

One Video is there below that one button is there i need to automate that button wheather that button is present below that video or not any one please help me to resolve this
If the button is a part of the page DOM and it can be searched by Selenium you should be able to access it's Location property like:
System.Drawing.Point location = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//your_element_locator")).Location;
Console.WriteLine("My element location: " + location);
If you want to conditionally execute this or that code block depending on presence/absence of the element you can go for FindElements() function like
if (driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//your_element_locator")).Count > 0)
// element is present
//element is absent
If the button is not present in the DOM and it's a part of video - you will have to go for image recognition frameworks like AForge.NET, Emgu CV or SeeTest

How to scroll into view when dealing with an "internal" scroll bar

I apologize if this question is somewhat ambiguous. I have noticed that with Geb elements won't be scrolled into view if said element is off the page and needs to be scrolled to using an "internal" scroll bar
by "internal" scroll bar I am referring to scroll bars that are nested within a given webpage, detached from the global webpage's scroll bar.
When I attempt to grab an element that is off the page due to this internal scroll bar, geb returns a null object (geb couldn't find the element on the page)
I have done a few different hacks that manually scroll these internal scroll bars, but I was wondering if Geb provided any funcionalty to handling these nested scrollbars.
Here is a code snippet to show how I handle finding a given row:
class TabledModule extends Module {
static content = {
headers {$(By.xpath("//lane-group-header"))}
table {$(By.xpath("//div[#class=',y-class']"))}
Navigator getAllRows(){
return table.children()
Navigator getRow(String text){
return table.children().find{it.text().contains(text)}
Navigator getRow(int index){
return table.children()[index]
from my script:
getAllRows() //returns 50 which it should (only 20 are displayed)
def row = getRow(45) //returns a navigator as it should
row.click() //successfully clicks the correct row
def row2 = getRow("someString") //returns null when the row is off the page this is the problem and I'm wondering now if it is a bug, since getting the row by index seems to work fine.
For this module only about 20 of the 50 rows are shown to show the other rows you have to scroll through a nested scroll bar to get to them. the row I want to access is found lower on the list so it requires scrolling to access it.
what's interesting is that getAllRows().size() returns the correct number of rows: 50, but when I call getRow for a row that's off the page, it returns null. If the same row is found at the top of the list then it works. it only returns null if it needs to be scrolled to.
So I found out what my issue was. If I grab an element off screen with index instead of string. Geb is able to grab the navigator and is able to click on said navigator, but if the element is off the screen, then GEB is unable to get text on the element. to fix this I implemented this method.
Navigator getRow(String text){
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)browser.driver
for(int x = 0; x<getAllRows().size();x++){
def row = getRow(x)
WebElement element = row.firstElement()
jse.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", element);
return row
return null

How to validate the user has been scroll to top when he click on "back to top" button in selenium

I came across one of the scenario where I need to validate the user is scroll to top of the page when clicked on the "back to top" button on the bottom of the screen.
I tried with the following way but that didn't work.
I tried to validate the element present on the top of the page using
isDisplayed method
I have attached the image for clear description.
Solved it using the javascript concept used pageYOffset method.
Complete code
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Long value = (Long) executor.executeScript("return window.pageYOffset;");
pageYOffset method will return the vertical pixels, so as soon I logged in got the vertical pixels and then scrolled to the back to top button and after performing the action on back to top button, again got the vertical pixels and validated it.
isDisplayed() checks if the element is actually present in the viewport so it should work. May be put some wait in between clicking and checking isDisplayed for debugging puropose .
if (element.isDisplayed()) {
else {

how to verify view is scrollable in mobile application (Automation)

Anyone knows automation script to verify a view (homePage/Browse) is scrollable or not. i can use ScrollTo(id) which is at the bottom of the page. But it is not a correct method to do, as test case passes if that element present in 1st page
Basically You cannot. You could try to cast the view to ScrollView class however any custom view can implement scroll.
Get the coordinates of any particular element like button etc unique element.
Swipe using driver.swipe() to 100 or more pixels.
And get the coordinates of that element again and check whether x or y coordinates changed or not.
This will let you know whether it is a single page application or more to scroll.
Basically there is no API to check the view is scrollable or not but if you still require this then you can do work around
public void testVerticalScroll()
//Try to Scroll till the 15th row
driver.scrollTo("List item:15");
//Assert that the 1st row is not visible.
Assert.assertFalse( driver.findElement(By.name("List item:01")).isDiaplyes())
//Assert that the 15th row is not visible.
Assert.assertTrue( driver.findElement(By.name("List item:15")).isDiaplyes())
You can consider the last visible element as "YourText" But this is
just a workaround that needs to be customized for each page.
Here we are using swipe until we find the element. In this case, the last visible element indicates the margin of the page.
Dimension dimensions = driver.manage().window().getSize();
Double screenHeightStart = dimensions.getHeight() * 0.5;
int scrollStart = screenHeightStart.intValue();
Double screenHeightEnd = dimensions.getHeight() * 0.2;
int scrollEnd = screenHeightEnd.intValue();
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.getHeight(); i++) {
if (driver.findElement(By.name("YourText")).size()>0)
There is a way to check it. You have to find a layer that you will target for example:
MobileElement scrollableLayer= driver.findElementById("elementID");
Then you will extract attribute value "scrollable" of that element like this:
String scrollableState = scrollableLayer.getAttribute("scrollable");
And then you can check if the String value is true or false.
if (scrollableState.equals("true")){System.out.println("it's scrolable"); }else{System.out.println("it's not scrolable");}
Or you can do whatever you want with it :)

How to properly anchor popovers in Bootstrap 3x

If you look at the bootstrap demo that is hosted here And scroll down to the demo that has all 4 buttons. Now click on the left popover, it shows properly. However, When I shrink or extend the screen the popover is no longer anchored to the proper point. Is there a way around this?
This has to do with the container property for the popover.
See the attached example. Show both popovers then resize the window from xs breakpoint to sm breakpoint. You will see the top item will seperate from the button as the container defaults to body. (I'm also setting it to body though options). The second item is attached to the parent div so that one remains attached to the element even though the breakpoint changed.
Documentation on popover options
Appends the popover to a specific element. Example: container: 'body'.
This option is particularly useful in that it allows you to position
the popover in the flow of the document near the triggering element -
which will prevent the popover from floating away from the triggering
element during a window resize.
'container': 'body'
'container': '.col-sm-12'
Potential Fix: you could add the following code. Currently only handles bottom aligned popovers but you can add options for other alignments.
$(window).resize(function () {
$('.popover.in').each(function () {
var el = $('[aria-describedby="' + this.id + '"]');
if ($(this).hasClass('bottom')){
$(this).css('top',el.offset().top + el.outerHeight(true));