How can I create a custom metric that on a categorical problem accepts as correct predictions not only when the predicted category and the true one are the same, but also when the predicted category is a neighbour category of the true one?
This answer is valid if you consider that "only one class" should be output.
def neighbourMetric(yTrue,yPred):
#these make this function not differntiable, but since you asked for "metric" it's ok
trueIndices = K.argmax(yTrue)
predIndices = K.argmax(yPred)
minAccepted = trueIndices - 1
maxAccepted = trueIndices + 1
satisfiesMin = K.cast(K.greater_equal(predIndices,minAccepted),K.floatx())
satisfiesMax = K.cast(K.less_equal(predIndices,maxAccepted),K.floatx())
satisfiesBoth = satisfiesMin * satisfiesMax
return K.mean(satisfiesBoth)
Here is how I solved it:
def one_off(y_true, y_pred):
return K.cast(K.abs(K.argmax(y_true, axis=-1) - K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)) < 2, K.floatx())
I am using a classification model, but would like to write my custom loss function which considers the value as 1 for two of the three categories only if the softmax value is greater than 0.75. The value of the third category is set to 1 if both of the other categories are zero.
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
y_pred[:,0][y_pred[:,0] > 0.75] = 1
y_pred[:,0][y_pred[:,0] < 0.75] = 0
y_pred[:,2][y_pred[:,2] > 0.75] = 1
y_pred[:,2][y_pred[:,2] < 0.75] = 0
y_pred[:,1] = 1 - y_pred[:,0] - y_pred[:,2]
squared_difference = tf.square(y_true - y_pred)
return tf.reduce_mean(squared_difference, axis=-1)
However I get the error
y_pred[:,0][y_pred[:,0] > 0.75] = 1
TypeError: 'Tensor' object does not support item assignment
is there a way to achieve the same using TensorFlow functions.
y_pred = y_pred.numpy()
does the trick.
I'm supposed to change part of a python script on the GitHub website. This code is an attention-based similarity measure, but I want to turn it to cosine similarity.
The respective code is in the file (inside the call method).
def __call__(self, inputs):
x = inputs
# dropout
if self.sparse_inputs:
x = sparse_dropout(x, 1-self.dropout, self.num_features_nonzero)
x = tf.nn.dropout(x, 1-self.dropout)
# graph learning
h = dot(x, self.vars['weights'], sparse=self.sparse_inputs)
N = self.num_nodes
edge_v = tf.abs(tf.gather(h,self.edge[0]) - tf.gather(h,self.edge[1]))
edge_v = tf.squeeze(self.act(dot(edge_v, self.vars['a'])))
sgraph = tf.SparseTensor(indices=tf.transpose(self.edge), values=edge_v, dense_shape=[N, N])
sgraph = tf.sparse_softmax(sgraph)
return h, sgraph
I edited the above code to what I believe are my requirements (cosine similarity). However, when I run the following code, like so:
def __call__(self, inputs):
x = inputs
# dropout
if self.sparse_inputs:
x = sparse_dropout(x, 1-self.dropout, self.num_features_nonzero)
x = tf.nn.dropout(x, 1-self.dropout)
# graph learning
h = dot(x, self.vars['weights'], sparse=self.sparse_inputs)
N = self.num_nodes
h_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(h)
edge_v = tf.matmul(h_norm, tf.transpose(h_norm))
h_norm_1 = tf.norm(h_norm)
edge_v /= h_norm_1 * h_norm_1
edge_v = dot(edge_v, self.vars['a']) # It causes an error when I add this line
zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
where = tf.not_equal(edge_v, zero)
indices = tf.where(where)
values = tf.gather_nd(edge_v, indices)
sgraph = tf.SparseTensor(indices, values, dense_shape= [N,N])
return h, sgraph
The script shows some runtime errors:
Screenshot of error message
I suspect the error here is related to line 226:
edge_v = dot(edge_v, self.vars['a']) # It causes an error when I add this line
Any admonition on how to accomplish this successfully?
Link of the script on GitHub:
Note: I don't want to use built-in functions, because I think they are not precise to do this job.
ETA: It appears that there are some answers around but they seem to tackle different problems, as far, as I understood them.
Thanks a bunch in advance
What's the dot? Have you imported the method?
It should either be:
edge_v =, self.vars['a'])
edge_v = tf.tensordot(edge_v, self.vars['a'])
I would like to implement the following custom loss function, with argument x as the output of the last layer. Until now I implemented function this as Lambda layer, coupled with the keras mae loss, but I do not want that anymore
def GMM_UNC2(self, x):
tmp = self.create_mr(x) # get mr series
mr = k.sum(tmp, axis=1) # sum over time
tmp = k.square((1/self.T_i) * mr)
tmp =, k.transpose(self.T_i))
tmp = (1/(self.T * self.N)) * tmp
f = self.create_factor(x) # get factor
std = k.std(f)
mu = k.mean(f)
tmp = tmp + std/mu
def loss(y_true, y_pred=tmp):
return k.abs(y_true-y_pred)
return loss
self.y_true = np.zeros((1,1))
self.sdf_net = Model(inputs=[self.in_ma, self.in_mi, self.in_re, self.in_si], outputs=w)
self.sdf_net.compile(optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=self.GMM_UNC2(w))[self.macro, self.micro, self.R, self.R_sign], self.y_true, epochs=epochs, verbose=1)
The code actually runs but it doesn't actually use tmp as input to loss (I multiplied it with some number, but the loss stays the same)
What am I doing wrong?
It is not completely clear from your question if you want to apply GMM_UNC2 function to the predictions, or it is applied only once to build the loss. If it is the first option, then all that code should be inside the loss and apply it over y_pred, like
def GMM_UNC2(self):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
tmp = self.create_mr(y_pred) # get mr series
mr = k.sum(tmp, axis=1) # sum over time
tmp = k.square((1/self.T_i) * mr)
tmp =, k.transpose(self.T_i))
tmp = (1/(self.T * self.N)) * tmp
f = self.create_factor(x) # get factor
std = k.std(f)
mu = k.mean(f)
tmp = tmp + std/mu
return k.abs(y_true-y_pred)
return loss
If it is the second option, in general, passing objects as default values in a Python function definition is not a good idea, because it can be changed in the function definition. Also, you are assuming that the second argument to the loss has a name y_pred, but when called, it is done without a name, as a positional argument. In summary, you could try using a explicit comparison inside the loss, like
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
if y_pred is None:
y_pred = tmp
return k.abs(y_true - y_pred)
If what you like is ignoring the predictions, and forcibly using tmp, then you can ignore the y_pred argument of the loss and only use tmp, like
def loss(y_true, _):
return k.abs(y_true - tmp)
I train an image classifier using Keras up to around 98% test accuracy. Now I know that the overall accuracy is 98%, but i want to know the accuracy/error per distinct class/label.
Has Keras a builtin function for that or would I have to test this myself per class/label?
Update: Thanks #gionni. I didn't know the actual term was "Confusion Matrix". But that's what I am actually looking for. That being said, is there a function to generate one? I have to use Keras 1.2.2 by the way.
I had similar issue so I could share my code with you. The following function computes a single class accuracy:
def single_class_accuracy(interesting_class_id):
def fn(y_true, y_pred):
class_id_preds = K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)
# Replace class_id_preds with class_id_true for recall here
positive_mask = K.cast(K.equal(class_id_preds, interesting_class_id), 'int32')
true_mask = K.cast(K.equal(y_true, interesting_class_id), 'int32')
acc_mask = K.cast(K.equal(positive_mask, true_mask), 'float32')
class_acc = K.mean(acc_mask)
return class_acc
return fn
Now - if you want to get an accuracy for 0 class you could add it to metrics while compiling a model:
model.compile(..., metrics=[..., single_class_accuracy(0)])
If you want to have all classes accuracy you could type:
metrics=[...] + [single_class_accuracy(i) for i in range(nb_of_classes)])
There may be better options, but you can use this:
import numpy as np
#gather each true label
distinct, counts = np.unique(trueLabels,axis=0,return_counts=True)
for dist,count in zip(distinct, counts):
selector = (trueLabels == dist).all(axis=-1)
selectedX = testData[selector]
selectedY = trueLabels[selector]
print('\n\nEvaluating for ' + str(count) + ' occurrences of class ' + str(dist))
I want to use maxout activation function in tensorflow, but I don't know which function should use.
I sent a pull request for maxout, here is the link:
Code is as follows:
def maxout(inputs, num_units, axis=None):
shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
if axis is None:
# Assume that channel is the last dimension
axis = -1
num_channels = shape[axis]
if num_channels % num_units:
raise ValueError('number of features({}) is not a multiple of num_units({})'
.format(num_channels, num_units))
shape[axis] = -1
shape += [num_channels // num_units]
outputs = tf.reduce_max(tf.reshape(inputs, shape), -1, keep_dims=False)
return outputs
Here is how it works:
I don't think there is a maxout activation but there is nothing stopping yourself from making it yourself. You could do something like the following.
with tf.variable_scope('maxout'):
layer_input = ...
layer_output = None
for i in range(n_maxouts):
W = tf.get_variable('W_%d' % d, (n_input, n_output))
b = tf.get_variable('b_%d' % i, (n_output,))
y = tf.matmul(layer_input, W) + b
if layer_output is None:
layer_output = y
layer_output = tf.maximum(layer_output, y)
Note that this is code I just wrote in my browser so there may be syntax errors but you should get the general idea. You simply perform a number of linear transforms and take the maximum across all the transforms.
How about this code?
This seems to work in my test.
def max_out(input_tensor,output_size):
shape = input_tensor.get_shape().as_list()
if shape[1] % output_size == 0:
return tf.transpose(tf.reduce_max(tf.split(input_tensor,output_size,1),axis=2))
raise ValueError("Output size or input tensor size is not fine. Please check it. Reminder need be zero.")
I refer the diagram in the following page.
From version 1.4 on you can use tf.contrib.layers.maxout.
Maxout is a layer such that it calculates N*M output for a N*1 input, and then it returns the maximum value across the column, i.e., the final output has shape N*1 as well. Basically it uses multiple linear fittings to mimic a complex function.