Dojo: Uncaught ReferenceError: normal is not defined - dojo

Today we update our chrome version to Version 67.0.3396.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)
and we started getting this issue in our old dojo application. Anyone having the same issue?
dojo css.js VM434:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: normal is not defined

You are probably hitting this bug:
Fix: either update xstyle to newer version or apply the fix mentioned in the above link.


NativeUIManager.getConstantsForViewManager('Text') threw an exception.Calling synchronous methods on native modules is not supported in Chrome aaa

I used react-native Element and my device show an Error to me in Debugger
NativeUIManager.getConstantsForViewManager('Text') threw an exception.Calling synchronous methods on native modules is not supported in Chrome
I was on version 0.65.1 (look at package.json for your version)
I noticed a new version has been released on Oct 1 2021 so I upgraded:
npx react-native upgrade
I got all sorts of warnings and errors (what a surprise!! - that's sarcasm)
Anyhow I've restarted the app from scratch and the error has now disappeared.
(I'd make sure you have a backup (git/github) before upgrading perhaps)
Maybe this will help (and probably introduce a whole load of new issues :sigh )

How to use titanium inspector using titanium 5.2.2?

I am using Appcelerator titanium CLI to build ios app. I want to debug the app With Chrome DevTools but it seems like it's not compatible with the version which I have installed currently.
As per ti-inspector documentation, I have installed the node package by the below command.
npm install -g ti-inspector
So, When I tried this into my titanium project directory I am getting this response which is unexpected.
Unexpected error: undefined
NOTE: titanium version - 5.2.2
Useful GitHub link:
Need help to understand or mitigate this issue. Thanks in advance!!!.
That repo is 5 years old and might not be compatible with the current SDK. You can use this instruction: to use the internal dev tools connection.

ReferenceError: safari is not defined

Whenever I click on a textarea the following message pops up:
What could possibly trigger this?
Note: I'm using JQM 1.4.5 and the textarea is normal, nothing was configured.
I was having the same issue on one of my projects, with the same traceback as yours. It was strange, as there was no bundle.js in my project, or even being loaded. I found it was an issue with one of my extensions, so disabling extensions and clearing cache should fix your issue.
Are you using chrome browser?
If so, sign out of your chrome browser. That should fix it.
It might be that you have some installed chrome extensions whose javascript codes are conflicting with your project

Appcelerator sei 6.0.2 macOS error to compile

I have problem with macOS and last version of appcelelerator SDK 6.0.2. I use module (my library stay under directory app/lib), I used the instruction require for instance but when I call the method it show me this error
"undefined is not a function (evaluating
Anyone can help me about this error? It's a bug in new appcelerator version.. in version 5.5 I don't have this error.
Thanks for your support

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined in React Native Debugger

react native 0.17
Ubuntu 14.04
I Just updated my react native version 0.16 to 0.17 then I try to connect my chrome debugger but I getting this error: --
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
in chrome console
This can cause due to several reasons.
This can occur due to peer-dependencies which are not compatible with your current react-native version.
Solution for this could be upgrading react-native using react-native upgrade, or changing the module or the peer-dependency to a compatible one with your react-native version
This can occur, if you are not using redux dev tools for Google Chrome.
Solution is to add redux dev tools (Issue).
Some issue with your implementation. Somewhere in your code must have a bug that you would not note and that will give the undefined error.
Solution is to check where and when this exception is thrown out and find the bug
For more readings Issue