Removing unnecessary header in Hive table export to csv - hive

How do I remove the text below from an export of a Hive table to local as a csv.
This is the unnecessary line of text that I am getting right at the top, the headers for the columns are displaced to the second row of the csv:
4/4/2018 19:19 284 WARN [main] conf.HiveConf ( - HiveConf of name hive.custom-extensions.root does not exist
This is the code I used to produce the csv.
hive -e 'set hive.cli.print.header=true;
select * from database1.my_table' | sed 's/[\t]/,/g' > /s/myusername/my_table.csv

You can deter the warning messages from being printed to console, and send them to DRFA (Daily Rolling File Appender):


Ignore Last row in CSV file as part of BigQuery External table command

I have about 40 odd csv files, comma delimited in GCS however the last line of all the files has quotes and dot
So these are not exactly conformed csv schema and has data quality issue which i have to get around
My aim is to create an external table referencing to the gcs files and then be able to select the data.
create or replace dataset.tableName
options (
uris = ['gs://bucket_path/allCSVFILES_*.csv'],
format = 'CSV',
skip_leading_rows = 1,
ignore_unknown_values = true
the external table gets created without any error. however, when I select the data, I ran to error
"error message: CSV table references column position 16, but line starting at position:18628631 contains only 1 columns"
This is due to quotes and dot ”. at the end of file.
My question is: is there any way in BigQuery to consume to data without the LAST LINE. as part of options we have skip_leading_rows to skip header but any way to skip to last row?
Currently my best placed option is to clean the files, using sed/tail command.
I have checked the create or replace external table options list below and have tried using ignore_unknown_values but other than this option i don't see any other option which will work.
You can try below work around:
I tried with pandas and removed the last record from the csv file.
from import bigquery
import pandas as pd
from import storage
client = bigquery.Client()
dataset_ref = client.dataset('dataset')
table_ref = dataset_ref.table('new_table')
client.load_table_from_dataframe(df, table_ref).result()
For more information you can refer to this link which mentions the limitation for loading csv files to Bigquery.

How to clean bad data from huge csv file

So I have huge csv file (assume 5 GB) and I want to insert the data to the table but it return error that the length of the data is not the same
I found that some data has more columns than I want
For example the correct data I have has 8 columns but some data has 9 (it can be human/system error)
I want to take only 8 columns data, but because the data is so huge, I can not do it manually or using parsing in python
Any recommendation of a way to do it?
I am using linux, so any linux command also welcome
In sql I am using COPY ... FROM ... CSV HEADER; command to import the csv into table
You can use awk for this purpose. Assuming you field delimiter is comma (,) this code can do the work:
awk -F\, 'NF==8 {print}' input_file >output_file
A fast and dirty php solution as single command line:
php -r '$f=fopen("a.csv","rb"); $g=fopen("b.csv","wb"); while ( $r=fgetcsv($f) ) { $r = array_slice($r,0,8); fputcsv($g,$r); }'
It reads file a.csv and writes b.csv.

Sqoop Export with Missing Data

I am trying to use Sqoop to export data from HDFS into Postgresql. However, I receive an error partially through the export that it can't parse the input. I manually went into the file I was exporting and saw that this row had two columns missing. I have tried a bunch of different arguments with the Sqoop command, but cannot get it to work. Here is what I was running thus far:
sqoop export --connect jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/XX -username
XX -password XX --table XX --input-fields-terminated-by
"\t" --input-lines-terminated-by "\n" --input-null-string '\n' --input-null
non-string '\n' -m 1 --export-dir /user/dan/output
I have also tried it without the "--input-null-string" and "--input-null-non-string" args and got the same result. My table has 6 columns and the file I am reading has tab separated values that are inserted into the table if all 6 are there. Any help would be appreciated.
I solved the problem by changing my reduce function so that if there were not the correct amount of fields to output a certain value and then I was able to use the --input-null-non-string with that value and it worked.

Hi , Google big query - bq fail load display file number how to get the file name

I'm running the following bq command
bq load --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 --max_bad_records=1000 --replace raw_data.order_20150131 gs://raw-data/order/order/2050131/* order.json
getting the following message when loading data into bq .
Waiting on bqjob_r4ca10491_0000014ce70963aa_1 ... (412s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'orders:bqjob_r4ca10491_0000014ce70963aa_1': Too few columns: expected
11 column(s) but got 1 column(s). For additional help:
Failure details:
- File: 844 / Line:1: Too few columns: expected 11 column(s) but got
1 column(s). For additional help:
The message display only the file number .
checked the files content most of them are good .
gsutil ls and the cloud console on the other hand display file names .
how can I know which file is it according to the file number?
There seems to be some weird spacing introduced in the question, but if the desired path to ingest is "/order.json" - that won't work: You can only use "" at the end of the path when ingesting data to BigQuery.

How can I delete a specific line (e.g. line 102,206,973) from a 30gb csv file?

What method can I use to delete a specific line from a csv/txt file that is too big too load into memory and edit manually?
My question is actually an indirect solution to a problem related with importing csv into sql databases.
I have a series of 10-30gb csv files I want to import and populate an sqlite table from within R (Since they are too large to import as data frames as a whole into R). I am using the 'RSQlite' package for this.
A couple fail because of an error related to one of the lines being badly formatted. The populating process is then cancelled. R returns the line number which caused the process to fail.
The error given is:
./csvfilename line 102206973 expected 9 columns of data but found 3)
So I know exactly the line which causes the error.
I see 2 potential 'indirect' solutions which I was hoping someone could help me with.
(i) Deleting the line causing the error in 20+gb files. e.g. line 102,206,973 in the example above.
I am not concerned with 'losing' the data in line 102,206,973 by just skipping or deleting it. However I have tried and failed to somehow access the csv file and to remove the line.
(ii) Using sqlite directly (or anything else?) to import an csv which does allow you to skip lines or an error.
Although not likely to be related directly to the solution, here is the R code used.
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=name_of_table)
dbWriteTable(conn = db, name ="currentdata", value = csvfilename, row.names = FALSE, header = TRUE)
To delete a specific line you can use sed:
sed -e '102206973d' your_file
If you want the replacement to be done in-place, do
sed -i.bak -e '102206973d' your_file
This will create a backup names your_file.bak and your_file will have the specified line removed.
$ cat a
$ sed -i.bak -e '3d' a
$ cat a
$ cat a.bak