How to configure Traefik with remote docker api to use remote host ip with natted ports - traefik

I am using Traefik 1.5.4 on a host separate from a docker host where i have containers running. I can configure traefik to see the remote docker host and see the containers running, but all of the backend ips are of the container internal network ips. These are not reachable from outside of the docker host. I would like to configure traefik so that it knows to use the remote docker hosts routable ip with the containers natted port.


Cannot access the application via node ip and node port

I have to deploy an application via Helm by supplying a VM Ip address and node port. Its a BareMetal Kubernetes cluster. The kubernetes cluster has ingress controller installed (as node port, this value is supplied in helm command). The problem is: I am receiving a 404 not found error if I access the applciation as:
curl http://{NODE_IP}:{nodeport}/path
there is no firewall. I have "allow all ingresss traffic" policy. But not sure what is wrong. I have now tried anything possible but cannot find the root cause.

Client IP on Traefik with Docker Swarm

I try to get the client IP on a Traefik container which running on my Docker Swarm cluster.
On my Traefik service configuration, I use the long syntax for port publishing:
--publish published=80,target=80,mode=host \
--publish published=443,target=443,mode=host \
but on Traefik access log, I always obtain the IP address of docker_gwbridge interface.
Does any one know how to get the client IP in place of the IP of this interface?
Thanks in advance.

How to retrieve client IP within a Docker container running Apache on AWS Elastic Container Service?

I have a Docker server running Apache 2.4.25 (Debian) PHP 7.3.5.
This container is "hosted" within an Amazon Elastic Container Service.
The default AWS EC2s are sat behind an AWS application load balancer.
I want to be able to obtain, in PHP, the users/clients IP address.
My presumption based on my limited knowledge is that this IP address will need to be handed from the ALB, to the EC2, then to the Docker container, and finally for Apache to pick up.
I have tried to shorten the stack by attempting to obtain the IP within a Docker container running on my local machine, however still I wasn't able to find a way for Docker to fetch and pass through my IP to Apache.
I know typically you'd have the X-Forwarded header from the ALB, but I have not been able to work out how Docker can take this and pass it through to Apache.
I expected to have the client IP in $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] or $_SERVER['X_FORWARDED'].
Within the AWS hosted Docker containers
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] contains an IP within the VPC subnet
$_SERVER['X_FORWARDED'] does not exist

Logs reporting Traefik is unable to find Docker socket at wrong endpoint

Currently trying to setup a Docker socket proxy container. I've added the new tcp address as the Docker endpoint in traefik.toml but the logs report that Traefik is unable to connect to the daemon at the standard address "unix:///var/run/docker.sock".
Is this just a bug in how the logs reports the problem or is Traefik actually looking for the daemon at the old endpoint?
Immediately after Traefik reads traefik.toml:
time="2019-06-16T18:33:10Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *docker.Provider {\"Watch\":true,\"Filename\":\"\",\"Constraints\":null,\"Trace\":false,\"TemplateVersion\":2,\"DebugLogGeneratedTemplate\":false,\"Endpoint\":\"unix:///var/run/docker.sock\",\"Domain\":\"\",\"TLS\":null,\"ExposedByDefault\":true,\"UseBindPortIP\":false,\"SwarmMode\":false,\"Network\":\"\",\"SwarmModeRefreshSeconds\":15}"
Error that repeats:
time="2019-06-16T18:33:11Z" level=error msg="Failed to retrieve information of the docker client and server host: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?"
time="2019-06-16T18:33:11Z" level=error msg="Provider connection error Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?, retrying in 676.457252ms"
traefik.toml config:
endpoint = "tcp://localhost:2375"
domain = "my.domain"
I've tried changing the endpoint to the local IP of the host machine as well as the Docker network IP but all result in the same error.
Everything works fine as long as /var/run/docker.sock is mounted in the container (regardless of what the endpoint in traefik.toml is) but as soon as I remove it, I started getting the above errors.

AWS Beanstalk and Docker ports = what manner of tomfoolery is this?

So I have a docker application that runs on port 9000, and I'd like to have this accessed only via https rather than http, however I don't appear to be making any sense of how amazon handles ports. In short I'd like only expose port 443 and not 80 (on the load balancer layer and the instance layer), but haven't been able to do this.
So my Dockerfile has:
and my has:
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Ports": [{
"ContainerPort": "9000"
and I cannot seem to access things via port 9000, but by 80 only.
When I ssh into the instance that the docker container is running and look for the ports with netstat I get ports 80 and 22 and some other udp ports, but no port 9000. How on earth does Amazon manage this? More importantly how does a user get expected behaviour?
Attempting this with ssl and https also yields the same thing. Certificates are set and mapped to port 443, I have even created a case in the .ebextensions config file to open port 443 on the instance and still no ssl
Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
GroupName: {Ref : AWSEBSecurityGroup}
IpProtocol: tcp
ToPort: 443
FromPort: 443
The only way that I can get SSL to work is to have the Load Balancer use port 443 (ssl) forwarding to the instance port 80 (non https) but this is ridiculous. How on earth do I open the ssl port on the instance and set docker to use the given port? Has anyone ever done this successfully?
I'd appreciate any help on this - I've combed through the docs and got this far with it, but this just plain puzzles me. In short I'd like only expose port 443 and not 80 (on the load balancer layer and the instance layer), but haven't been able to do this.
Have a great day
It's known problem, from
You can specify multiple container ports, but Elastic Beanstalk uses only the first one to connect your container to the host's reverse proxy and route requests from the public Internet.
So, if you need multiple ports, AWS Elastic Beanstalk is probably not the best choice. At least Docker option.
Regarding SSL - we solved it by using dedicated nginx instance and proxy_pass'ing to Elastic Beanstalk environment URL.