Should RNN attention weights over variable length sequences be re-normalized to "mask" the effects of zero-padding? - tensorflow

To be clear, I am referring to "self-attention" of the type described in Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification and implemented many places, for example: here. I am not referring to the seq2seq type of attention used in encoder-decoder models (i.e. Bahdanau), although my question might apply to that as well... I am just not as familiar with it.
Self-attention basically just computes a weighted average of RNN hidden states (a generalization of mean-pooling, i.e. un-weighted average). When there are variable length sequences in the same batch, they will typically be zero-padded to the length of the longest sequence in the batch (if using dynamic RNN). When the attention weights are computed for each sequence, the final step is a softmax, so the attention weights sum to 1.
However, in every attention implementation I have seen, there is no care taken to mask out, or otherwise cancel, the effects of the zero-padding on the attention weights. This seems wrong to me, but I fear maybe I am missing something since nobody else seems bothered by this.
For example, consider a sequence of length 2, zero-padded to length 5. Ultimately this leads to the attention weights being computed as the softmax of a similarly 0-padded vector, e.g.:
weights = softmax([0.1, 0.2, 0, 0, 0]) = [0.20, 0.23, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19]
and because exp(0)=1, the zero-padding in effect "waters down" the attention weights. This can be easily fixed, after the softmax operation, by multiplying the weights with a binary mask, i.e.
mask = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
and then re-normalizing the weights to sum to 1. Which would result in:
weights = [0.48, 0.52, 0, 0, 0]
When I do this, I almost always see a performance boost (in the accuracy of my models - I am doing document classification/regression). So why does nobody do this?
For a while I considered that maybe all that matters is the relative values of the attention weights (i.e., ratios), since the gradient doesn't pass through the zero-padding anyway. But then why would we use softmax at all, as opposed to just exp(.), if normalization doesn't matter? (plus, that wouldn't explain the performance boost...)

Great question! I believe your concern is valid and zero attention scores for the padded encoder outputs do affect the attention. However, there are few aspects that you have to keep in mind:
There are different score functions, the one in tf-rnn-attention uses simple linear + tanh + linear transformation. But even this score function can learn to output negative scores. If you look at the code and imagine inputs consists of zeros, vector v is not necessarily zero due to bias and the dot product with u_omega can boost it further to low negative numbers (in other words, plain simple NN with a non-linearity can make both positive and negative predictions). Low negative scores don't water down the high scores in softmax.
Due to bucketing technique, the sequences within a bucket usually have roughly the same length, so it's unlikely to have half of the input sequence padded with zeros. Of course, it doesn't fix anything, it just means that in real applications negative effect from the padding is naturally limited.
You mentioned it in the end, but I'd like to stress it too: the final attended output is the weighted sum of encoder outputs, i.e. relative values actually matter. Take your own example and compute the weighted sum in this case:
the first one is 0.2 * o1 + 0.23 * o2 (the rest is zero)
the second one is 0.48 * o1 + 0.52 * o2 (the rest is zero too)
Yes, the magnitude of the second vector is two times bigger and it isn't a critical issue, because it goes then to the linear layer. But relative attention on o2 is just 7% higher, than it would have been with masking.
What this means is that even if the attention weights won't do a good job in learning to ignore zero outputs, the end effect on the output vector is still good enough for the decoder to take the right outputs into account, in this case to concentrate on o2.
Hope this convinces you that re-normalization isn't that critical, though probably will speed-up learning if actually applied.

BERT implementation applies a padding mask for calculating attention score.
Adds 0 to the non-padding attention score and adds -10000 to padding attention scores. the e^-10000 is very small w.r.t to other attention score values.
attention_score = [0.1, 0.2, 0, 0, 0]
mask = [0, 0, -10000, -10000] # -10000 is a large negative value
attention_score += mask
weights = softmax(attention_score)


Why tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm layer contain StopGradient operation?

Why tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm layer contain StopGradient operation? i.e. why it's needed?
Seems there is StopGradient even in simpler layer tf.nn.moments (that can be building block of tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm).
x_m, x_v = tf.nn.moments(x, [1, 2], keep_dims=True)
Also I find a note on StopGradient in tf.nn.moments source code:
# The dynamic range of fp16 is too limited to support the collection of
# sufficient statistics. As a workaround we simply perform the operations
# on 32-bit floats before converting the mean and variance back to fp16
y = math_ops.cast(x, dtypes.float32) if x.dtype == dtypes.float16 else x
# Compute true mean while keeping the dims for proper broadcasting.
mean = math_ops.reduce_mean(y, axes, keepdims=True, name="mean")
# sample variance, not unbiased variance
# Note: stop_gradient does not change the gradient that gets
# backpropagated to the mean from the variance calculation,
# because that gradient is zero
variance = math_ops.reduce_mean(
math_ops.squared_difference(y, array_ops.stop_gradient(mean)),
So it's sort of optimisation because gradient is always zero?
Attempt of an answer.
This design tells us that minimizing second moment we would not want to propagate gradients through the first moment. Does it make sense? If we try to minimize E[x^2]-E[x]^2 we would minimize E[x^2] while simultaneously maximizing E[x]^2. First term would decrease absolute values of each element (drag them to the center). Second term would increase all values by gradient which would do nothing to minimize variance but might negatively affect other gradient paths.
So, we don't propagate gradient of second moment through the first moment because this gradient would not effect second moment whatsoever, at least when using plain SGD.

tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars is a differentiable function?

Quantization schemes are generally non-differentiable because they pass through the threshold, such as round or sign function. It means that we can not get the gradient of trainable variables due to the nature of chain rule.
Instead, we can use a trick called 'straight-through-estimator', which enable us to back-propagating the gradient of individual trainable variables.
One such method is tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars, The advantages of this format are that it can represent arbitrary magnitudes of ranges, they don’t have to be symmetrical, it can represent signed and unsigned values, and the linear spread makes doing multiplications straightforward.Blog, Paper.
So, my question is, can we differentiate the fake_quant function? And if so, does this function apply 'straight-through-estimator'?
I did a little bit of this with some snippet code
x = tf.cast(np.random.normal(0,1,(10,10), tf.float32)
x_q = tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars(x, min=tf.reduce_min(x), max=tf.reduce_max(x), num_bits=3)
grad = tf.gradients(x_q, x)
In that case, almost every grad have value 1(i.e, gradient 1), which means it pass through the gradient itself.
However, sometimes a few samples have gradient 0, or other constant, such as 2, 3, 4...
Am I missing what's going on?

Clarification of TensorFlow AttentionWrapper's Layer Size

In tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq's AttentionWrapper, what does "depth" refer to as stated in the attention_layer_size documentation? When the documentation says to "use the context as attention" if the value is None, what is meant by "the context"?
In Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate they give a description of the (Bahdanau) attention mechanism; essentially what happens is that you compute scalar "alignment scores" a_1, a_2, ..., a_n that indicate how important each element of your encoded input sequence is at a given moment in time (i.e. which part of the input sentence you should pay attention to right now in the current timestep).
Assuming your (encoded) input sequence that you want to "pay attention"/"attend over" is a sequence of vectors denoted as e_1, e_2, ..., e_n, the context vector at a given timestep is the weighted sum over all of these as determined by your alignment scores:
context = c := (a_1*e_1) + (a_2*e_2) + ... + (a_n*e_n)
(Remember that the a_k's are scalars; you can think of this as an "averaged-out" letter/word in your sentence --- so ideally if your model is trained well, the context looks most similar to the e_i you want to pay attention to the most, but bears a little bit of resemblance to e_{i-1}, e_{i+1}, etc. Intuitively, think of a "smeared-out" input element, if that makes any sense...)
Anyway, if attention_layer_size is not None, then it specifies the number of hidden units in a feedforward layer within your decoder that is used to mix this context vector with the output of the decoder's internal RNN cell to get the attention value. If attention_layer_size == None, it just uses the context vector above as the attention value, and no mixing of the internal RNN cell's output is done. (When I say "mixing", I mean that the context vector and the RNN cell's output are concatenated and then projected to the dimensionality that you specify by setting attention_layer_size.)
The relevant part of the implementation is at this line and has a description of how it's computed.
Hope that helps!

Reason why setting tensorflow's variable with small stddev

I have a question about a reason why setting TensorFlow's variable with small stddev.
I guess many people do test MNIST test code from TensorFlow beginner's guide.
As following it, the first layer's weights are initiated by using truncated_normal with stddev 0.1.
And I guessed if setting it with more bigger value, then it would be the same result, which is exactly accurate.
But although increasing epoch count, it doesn't work.
Is there anybody know this reason?
original :
W_layer = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([inp.get_shape()[1].value, size],stddev=0.1), name='w_'+name)
#result : (990, 0.93000001, 0.89719999)
modified :
W_layer = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([inp.get_shape()[1].value, size],stddev=200), name='w_'+name)
#result : (99990, 0.1, 0.098000005)
The reason is because you want to keep all the layer's variances (or standard deviations) approximately the same, and sane. It has to do with the error backpropagation step of the learning process and the activation functions used.
In order to learn the network's weights, the backpropagation step requires knowledge of the network's gradient, a measure of how strong each weight influences the input to reach the final output; layer's weight variance directly influences the propagation of gradients.
Say, for example, that the activation function is sigmoidal (e.g. tf.nn.sigmoid or tf.nn.tanh); this implies that all input values are squashed into a fixed output value range. For the sigmoid, it is the range 0..1, where essentially all values z greater or smaller than +/- 4 are very close to one (for z > 4) or zero (for z < -4) and only values within that range tend to have some meaningful "change".
Now the difference between the values sigmoid(5) and sigmoid(1000) is barely noticeable. Because of that, all very large or very small values will optimize very slowly, since their influence on the result y = sigmoid(W*x+b) is extremely small. Now the pre-activation value z = W*x+b (where x is the input) depends on the actual input x and the current weights W. If either of them is large, e.g. by initializing the weights with a high variance (i.e. standard deviation), the result will necessarily be (relatively) large, leading to said problem. This is also the reason why truncated_normal is used rather than a correct normal distribution: The latter only guarantees that most of the values are very close to the mean, with some less than 5% chance that this is not the case, while truncated_normal simply clips away every value that is too big or too small, guaranteeing that all weights are in the same range, while still being normally distributed.
To make matters worse, in a typical neural network - especially in deep learning - each network layer is followed by one or many others. If in each layer the output value range is big, the gradients will get bigger and bigger as well; this is known as the exploding gradients problem (a variation of the vanishing gradients, where gradients are getting smaller).
The reason that this is a problem is because learning starts at the very last layer and each weight is adjusted depending on how much it contributed to the error. If the gradients are indeed getting very big towards the end, the very last layer is the first one to pay a high toll for this: Its weights get adjusted very strongly - likely overcorrecting the actual problem - and then only the "remaining" error gets propagated further back, or up, the network. Here, since the last layer was already "fixed a lot" regarding the measured error, only smaller adjustments will be made. This may lead to the problem that the first layers are corrected only by a tiny bit or not at all, effectively preventing all learning there. The same basically happens if the learning rate is too big.
Finding the best weight initialization is a topic by itself and there are somewhat more sophisticated methods such as Xavier initialization or Layer-sequential unit variance, however small normally distributed values are usually simply a good guess.

How does one implement action masking?

The Actor Mimic paper talks about implementing an action-masking procedure. I quote
While playing a certain game, we
mask out AMN action outputs that are not valid for that game and take the softmax over only the subset of valid actions
Does anyone have an idea about how this action masking can be implemented in say Tensorflow? In specifc, how would one take a softmax only over specified subset of actions?
Say you have a valid state tensor which contains ones and zeros.
is_valid = [1, 0, 1, ...]
and then you have an actions tensor on which you want to take the softmax over those values which are valid. You could do the following.
(tf.exp(actions) * is_valid) / (tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(actions) * is_valid) + epsilon)
In this case the is_valid is masking out the invalid values in the sum. I would also add a small epsilon to the division for the sake of numerical stability so you can never divide by zero.
You should rely on the built in softmax function. i.e. you should first mask the invalid action in your tensor by using a boolean_mask and then apply the softmax function.
(The solution provided by chasep255 has numerical issues.)