listening for changes in the table on Oracle PL/SQL - sql

Is there such a thing as listening in the Oracle database from SQL or PL / SQL level?
I would like to change the data in a table, but I only need it if I update in a different table.
Step by step:
1. Change in table A
2. I check if the correct status is in table B
3. If it is not there, I am waiting for a change in status(this is my problem - how to wait?). Until the status changes (controlled by JOB), I can do nothing
4. The status in table B is changing, it takes the next action
It is possible by using another application, eg in Java or C#. However, I would like to ask about such possibilities without an additional programming language.
I am asking for advice.

Write the trigger on B table on update of column status and whenever the update will happen in B table you can write the code in trigger to update data in A table.


PL/SQL Replicating a table with a trigger on Oracle DB

I have never used triggers in PLSQL before, but I am now supposed to make a trigger that replicates the table of one database, and creates a copy of this table in another database. I am using AQT(Advanced Query Tool) as DBMS, and i have 2 database connections, and I need to copy the table and or data from DB1 to DB2. It's only based on one table that I need replicated, following tutorialspoint I have concluded that it should look somewhat like this:
I don't think i need for each since i want a copy of the whole table, and the condition is supposed to trigger this replication of the DB table. Is this the right approach?
For anyone who uses AQT, they have a feature under Create -> Trigger -> and then click on the relevant tables etc to create it.

SQL: Get real time data from different database

I want to insert data from database1 into database2 when something changes. Like a trigger but the thing is I am not allowed to create a trigger in database1.
I basically need to insert certain data into a table from a database into another database as they happen.
Any suggestions would be great!
You can create a program to do that, there are many ways instead but I think this is the straightforward and easy one.
For example if you work with SQL server you can create C# code that connect to the two databases and check for data in the first one then send it to the second.
For example:
you can create a trigger for the first DB tables you want to check them, then you can create a web service that check if the trigger fire, it will get the data from first database and send it to the second, this will be better to enhance and you can change the code to do whatever you want without making any changes from the database side
MS SQL Server Replication
I think suitable for you is Transactional Replication
Transactional replication is asynchronous but close to real time
What about the merge operator ?
Merge operator will commit changes into the target table from the source table when something change.
As you cannot use trigger this cannot be a real time process but with a process scheduler like SQL Agent, you can run it each 10 seconds depending on your table size.
You can do it when your source come from multiple table by using CTE like that :
With TableSources As
Select id,Column1, Column2 from table1
Select id,Colum1,Column2 from table2
MERGE INTO TargetTable
USING TableSources ON
Insert(Column1,Column2) Values(Column1,Column2)
Update Set Column1=TableSources.Column1, Column2=TableSources.Column2

SQL - Record Every Statement That Updated Table

I am working on a database used by separate applications. One of these applications is updating two fields in a table but I can't work out what one and don't have the source code for all the applications.
I am wondering if it is possible to write a log (to another table or elsewhere) to what the last update statement made against the table in question was. E.g. to record all SQL that has attempted to update the table automatically...
create a trigger before update on this table. Also create a new table. In that trigger store values before and after update in to a newly created table

How to create a trigger to delete a record

Looking for ideas on how to write a trigger that will delete a record when a condition is met.
I have some records being written to a SQL Server 2008 database table. These records that are being written are not important and I would like to see them removed. There are two columns that will have unique information when these records are written and I would like a trigger to remove them as soon as they are written.
I could run a daily job to delete all records that equal X and Y but my thought why not delete the records as they are written.
What would this kind of trigger look like?
If you are not able to change that at any app layer you can use an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger and those rows will not even be inserted at all.
It will save the database from both inserting and deleting.

Debugging sub-queries in TSQL Stored Procedure

How do I debug a complex query with multiple nested sub-queries in SQL Server 2005?
I'm debugging a stored procedure and trigger in Visual Studio 2005. I'd like to be able to see what the results of these sub-queries are, as I feel that this is where the bug is coming from. An example query (slightly redacted) is below:
DateUpdated = ( SELECT TOP 1 inserted.DateUpdated FROM inserted )
tblEP ep
JOIN tblED ed ON ep.EnrollmentID = ed.EnrollmentID
ProgramPhaseID = ( SELECT ...)
Visual Studio doesn't seem to offer a way for me to Watch the result of the sub query. Also, if I use a temporary table to store the results (temporary tables are used elsewhere also) I can't view the values stored in that table.
Is there anyway that I can add a watch or in some other way view these sub-queries? I would love it if there was some way to "Step Into" the query itself, but I imagine that wouldn't be possible.
Ok first I would be leary of using subqueries in a trigger. Triggers should be as fast as possible, so get rid of any correlated subqueries which might run row by row instead of in a set-based fashion. Rewrite to joins. If you only want to update records based on what was in the inserted table, then join to it. Also join to the table you are updating. Exactly what are you trying to accomplish with this trigger? It might be easier to give advice if we understood the business rule you are trying to implement.
To debug a trigger this is what I do.
I write a script to:
Do the actual insert to the table
without the trigger on on it
Create a temp table named #inserted
(and/or one named #deleted)
Populate the table as I would expect
the inserted table in the trigger to
be populated from the insert you do.
Add the trigger code (minus the
create or alter trigger parts)
substituting #inserted every time I
reference inserted. (if you plan to
run multiple times until you are
ready to use it in a trigger throw
it in an explicit transaction and
rollback after checking your
Add a query to check the table(s)
you are changing with the trigger for
the values you wanted to change.
Now if you need to add debug
statements to see what is happening
between steps, you can do so.
Run making changes until you get the
results you want.
Once you have the query working as
you expect it to, it is easy to take
the # signs off inserted and use it
to create the body of the trigger.
This is what I usually do in this type of scenerio:
Print out the exact sqls getting generated by each subquery
Then run each of then in the Management Studio as suggested above.
You should check if different parts are giving you the right data you expect.