TimeoutError: transforming ..\node_modules\aws-sdk\dist\aws-sdk-react-native.js - react-native

I've been having an error when trying to run/test my react-native application on my mobile device. The error seems to be originating from aws-sdk as below:
Is anyone familiar with this error and knows how to fix it?
react-native: 0.45.1
aws-sdk: 2.223.1

Check out https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/issues/1748#issuecomment-392040722
After much attempts with the latest release i was able to get v2.224.1 working. I use react native v0.44.1.


reanimated version problem (couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.)

I am trying to practive this video.
(The basics of PinchGestureHandler with React Native Reanimated 2)
but my app doesn't work touch.
I get this Error
[Reanimated] Couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.Did you forget to re-build the app after upgrading react-native-reanimated? If you use Expo Go, you must use the exact version which is bundled into Expo SDK.
How can I solve this problem?
first. I upgraded Expo SDK.
but I got still same error.
second. re-build the app.
but I got still same error.
third. I install reanimated again. but still be same error.
I was having the very same problem right now.
The following solved my issue:
npx expo start --clear
Hope it works for you too.

React native : Build api file fail with exception

I'm trying to build api file and get this error image
I don't know what it means. Have anyone faced this issue and fixed it?
Please help me.

Cant run setDebugModeEnabled on Expo for Firebase Analytics

So to give a little context im using expo-firebase-analytics (latest version) on Expo (27) and im trying to activate setDebugModeEnabled so that i can use the debugView on firebase analytics.
The problem is that when running it i get the following warning
The method or property expo-firebase-analytics.setDebugModeEnabled is not available on ios, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?]
I havent found any information about it on the web
Have you tried installing the latest version of expo-firebase-analytics since expo install brings an older one
Ok so i tried to reproduce the issue.It seems ("even though it seemed obvious") that its not available for a reason on ios. but it is in android. if you use an android device it shoudl work seamlesly
if you check on the exports is the function there?

React Native Maps Error - Native component for "AIRMap" does not exist

I’m struggling with the Google Maps API in React Native, for Android.
I’ve followed the installation instructions for Android but I keep receiving the same error (see title) when I try to use the Mapview Component. I'm using the Android Studio emulator.
versions: react native - 0.55.4 / react-native-maps - 0.18.0 and 0.22.0
Haven't found any online solution for Android. Does anyone has a way to get me out of this trouble?
Please, tell me if you want to see my code. Thanks!
I really struggled with this for a few days also. I think it's a bug with the installation process, and it's very frustrating their docs no longer provide manual installation instructions. Honestly, I eventually gave up and used react-native-mapbox-gl

How should I do, if I want to use cocoapods in a react native project

I want to use a API about the map, but the official website didn't provide API about react native. So I want to install it in Cocoapods. But I encountered a error when I installing it. The error:
I don't know how to handle it. I think that it is different from the original iOS in some directory.Vert thank you if you can give some ideas.
The profile: